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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

Chapter · January 2015

DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002068.pub2


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Gregor Barclay
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine


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Anatomy and Morphology Introductory article

of Seed Plants . Introduction

Article Contents

Gregor Fraser Barclay, Department of Life Sciences, The University of the West Indies, . General Structure of Seed Plants

. The Organ System

St Augustine, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
. Acknowledgement

Online posting date: 27th January 2015

Seed plants, the most successful and diverse group of the anatomy (internal structures) and morphology (exter-
higher plants, are distinguished from other plants by the nal features) of seed plants. See also: Angiosperms;
presence of a testa (seed coat) that protects the embryo. Gymnosperms
Plant anatomy describes the structure and organisation The anatomy of plants was first described in the works of
Nehemiah Grew (1672, 1682) and Marcelli Malpighii
of the cells, tissues and organs of plants, whereas plant
(1675). Among the terms that Grew introduced in 1672 are
morphology describes the external form and structure of
parenchyma, radicle and plume (now termed plumule), and
plants. The origin of these fundamental botanical sci- he distinguished between cortical, lignous (lignified)
ences is outlined, and illustrations and descriptions are and pith regions of stems and roots. In 1682, Grew
given of the main anatomical and morphological features described vessels which contained sap that was ‘sensibly
of plants, largely from a functional perspective. Meriste- more sweet’ than that of the parenchyma, likely having
matic, dermal, support and vascular tissues are described. chanced upon sieve tubes of the phloem. He was the first to
Also, the fundamental organs, root, stem and leaf, as well describe the pollen grain in detail and to recognize its role in
as some of their notable modifications are described. reproduction of plants. See also: Malpighi, Marcello
Special attention is given to the flower and its modifica- The ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus (c. 371–
tions. Seed structure and dispersal mechanisms are 287 BCE), regarded as the first to describe the morphology
described, and a key to identifying the common types of
of plants, was perplexed by the variations he observed
(Hort, 1896, p. 49):
fruits is provided.
In fact your plant is a thing various and manifold, and so
it is difficult to describe in general terms: in proof
Introduction whereof we have the fact that we cannot here seize on
any universal character which is common to all, as a
The spermatophytes, or seed plants, form the most familiar mouth and a stomach are common to all animals;
group of plants, which is comprised of the gymnosperms whereas in some plants some characters are the same in
(conifers and their relatives) and the angiosperms (flow- all, merely in the sense that all have analogous char-
ering plants). Seed plants range enormously in size, ranging acters, while others correspond otherwise.
from species of the aquatic duckweed Wolffia in the family Despite his apparent confusion, Theophrastus did
Lemnaceae, with individual plants typically weighing just recognize the notion of analogous structures in dissimilar
150 mg, to the General Sherman Tree, a specimen of giant plants. For example, it is now known that succulent stems
sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), which is the most can occur not only in plants of the Cactaceae but also in
massive living thing on Earth. Its trunk alone is estimated plants of families as taxonomically distinct from each other
to weigh 1300 metric tons, 7 trillion times more than a as the Eurphorbiaceae, Asteraceae and Asclepiadaceae
duckweed plant. making these structures functionally analogous. Further-
The angiosperm division is represented by at least more, cacti can bear spines that are modified leaves while
300 000 species, possibly 450 000 (Evert and Eichhorn, some species of the Eurphorbiaceae bear thorns that are
2013), making it the largest group of photosynthetic modified branches, which are analogous structures as well.
organisms. Yet, in spite of their diversity all seed plants are In contrast, petals and leaves have different functions but
constructed from just a few different types of cells, tissues the same origin, demonstrating homology.
and organs. This article presents a general introduction to The gifted literary figure Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
established plant morphology as a science in 1790 with the
eLS subject area: Plant Science publication of The Metamorphosis of Plants (Miller, 2009).
His concept of homology or shared ancestry of plant
How to cite: structures became the central theme of plant morphology
Barclay, Gregor Fraser (January 2015) Anatomy and Morphology of in its classical sense. Goethe’s conjectures about homo-
Seed Plants. In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
logous relationships were rooted in phylogeny, the evolu-
DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0002068.pub2
tionary history of a species or other taxonomic group,

eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

especially with reference to ancestral lineage and relation- cellular as Schleiden maintained: ‘‘The formation of new
ships among broader groups of organisms. The anatomy of cells in the vegetative point [apex] is accordingly a function
plants can be described in developmental, functional and of the general growth, not its cause’’ (Hofmeister, 1867,
phylogenetic contexts, but plant morphology can embrace translated by Sharp, 1934). His interpretation was for-
all of these, even embodying anatomy itself. The philoso- malized in the organismal theory of plant multicellularity,
phical interpretation of plant morphology espoused by which considered plants to be living entities subdivided
Theophrastus persisted, notably in the works of Agnes secondarily into cells that remain incompletely separated
Arber (1950). See also: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von and function together.
Although the morphology of some plant features can It is notable that Hofmeister did not refer to plasmo-
result from their cellular structure (Dickison, 2000), plant desmata in any way although he must have seen these
morphology is not necessarily related to plant anatomy. traversing cell walls during his exhaustive studies. They
The belief that they are intrinsically linked dates back to were undoubtedly observed before (Hartig discovered
Robert Hooke’s iconic depiction in Micrographia (Hooke, sieve pores in sieve plates of the phloem in 1837), but
1665) of a slice of bark. He commented on page 113 of this plasmodesmata were not discovered for what they were
work that the ‘‘_Cork is altogether fill’d with Air, and that until 1879 by Eduard Tangl (Köhler and Carr, 2006).
Air is perfectly enclosed in little Boxes or Cells distinct from Hofmeister demonstrated the presence of connections
one another_’’ He was the first to recognize that plants are between cells of the endosperm of Phytelephas and Raphia
comprised of cells, but he could not have known that the ‘‘in the course of a lecture given during the winter of 1873–
dead, air-filled cork cells that form the outer bark are not 4’’ (von Goebel, 1926 in Baker, 1952) but unfortunately
representative of most plant cells, which are interconnected this event was not published. See also: History of Plant
by pores termed plasmodesmata traversing their walls. Sciences
However, Grew (1682) thought that plant tissues resem- Hofmeister’s contributions, which include a logical,
bled needle work, for example, referring to ‘‘the Fibres of space-filling explanation of how spiral phyllotaxy arises
the Pith running Horizontally, as do the Threds in a Piece (Hofmeister’s rule), and studies on tropic movements, did
of Lace.’’ In fact, his drawings depict plant tissues with cell not bring him the recognition he deserved. His pioneering
walls consisting of interwoven, thread-like fibres, which he studies of embryogenesis directly motivated Gregor Men-
considered to be the fundamental structures rather than the del to study hybridization in plants. His most significant
cells (Arber, 1913). See also: Hooke, Robert discovery was the alternation of haploid and diploid gen-
Grew’s curious misconception did not persist, but it was erations, which he showed was pervasive in non-seed plants
nevertheless generally believed that tissues were con- (which include the liverworts, mosses and ferns) and the
structed of freely permeable mesh networks of walls or conifers. This amounted to a unifying theory of plant
membranes through which food substances flowed. The evolution (Hofmeister, 1851) that prepared botanists to
cells themselves were not regarded as discrete objects, and accept Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species published
more realistic observations of plant cells were not made 8 years later (Kaplan et al., 1996). Notably, Darwin had in
until the nineteenth century when microscope designs his library annotated copies of the English translation by
improved significantly, leading to a difference of opinion Currey (1862) of the second edition of Hofmeister’s (1851)
about the relationship between organisms and their cells. text and of his Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle published in
The botanist Mattias Schleiden considered a plant to be 1867 (Biological Heritage Library, 2014). See also: Adap-
subordinate to its cells, consisting of ‘‘an aggregate of fully tation and Natural Selection: Overview; Darwin, Charles
individualized and isolated living beings’’, while the zool- Robert; Gametophyte and Sporophyte
ogist Theodor Schwann declared ‘‘the reason for nutrition The organismal theory has become largely the province
and growth rests not with the organism as a whole but with of plant morphologists, two of whom, Donald Kaplan and
the individualized elementary particles, i.e., with the cells’’ Wolfgang Hagemann, presented substantial evidence to
(Schwann and Schleiden, 1847). Together they formalized support it, commenting that ‘‘application of cell theory to
their interpretation of the structure of both plants and plants is problematic at best’’ (Kaplan and Hagemann,
animals in the cell theory, which Virchow (1859) popu- 1991). They emphasized the independence of morphology
larised with the epigram Omnis cellula e cellula (‘‘All cells and anatomy, notably in the morphological similarity of
only arise from pre-existing cells’’). See also: Schleiden, plants from very different groups ranging from simple
Matthias Jacob; Schwann, Theodor Ambrose Hubert coenocytic (multinucleate but unicellular) green algae to
Wilhelm Hofmeister immediately challenged this complex flowering plants. They pointed out that cells
reductionist stance with his very first publication in 1847, divide differently in higher plants than in animals, which
the same year that Schwann and Schleiden’s book undergo cleavage or pinching apart of the protoplast into
appeared. He demolished Schleiden’s fundamental claim two cells. During mitosis of plant cells a separating layer of
that the first cell in an embryonic plant arises from the tip of Golgi vesicles arises, the cell plate, that radiates outwards
the pollen tube by demonstrating that instead the first cell is to fuse with the adjacent wall of the parent cell. The vesicles
already present in the ovary of the flower before fertiliza- fuse incompletely during cell wall maturation so that
tion occurs (Proskauer, 2008). Hofmeister argued that plasmodesmata remain between adjacent cells, pre-
plant development was organismal in nature, rather than serving cytoplasmic continuity, analogous to coenocytic

2 eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

Apical meristem

Ground meristem
cambium Phloem
Axillary bud
Epidermis Xylem

Transverse section
of stem
Vascular cambium

Cork cambium

Phloem Transition zone
found where stem
Endodermis meets root
Root hairs Xylem

Transverse section
of root
Root cap
(a) (b)
Figure 1 Median longitudinal section of a typical eudicotyledonous plant and transverse sections of specific areas.

architecture. Furthermore, Cooke and Lu (1992) meticu- modified for different functions, most dramatically in the
lously tested Kaplan and Hagemann’s opinion of the form of the flower, which is really a group of leaves that are
possible relationship between morphology and anatomy, specialized for reproduction.
and showed that the shapes of cells do not determine the
form of plant organs. Unsurprisingly, the cell theory is Meristems
fundamentally more suited to animals whereas the orga-
nismal theory is more suited to plants. Because of their inherent immobility, plants must adapt to
Insights into the relationship between plant anatomy changing environmental conditions in order to survive
and morphology and these seemingly conflicting theories where they are rooted. In addition, they can replace
may be drawn from a scholarly review by Niklas (2014) of essential parts that become damaged or lost, and so con-
the evolutionary developmental origins of multicellularity. tinue the cycle of flowering and reproduction as they grow.
He concluded that evolutionary transformation to a mul- Plants renew themselves continually through localized
ticellular plant body plan can follow two routes, from growth and development using meristems, which are
unicellular to colonial to multicellular, or a more direct sources of undifferentiated and genetically sound cells
siphonous to multicellular route. (Figure 1). See also: Meristems
Meristems are either determinate, producing structures
of a certain size and shape such as leaves and flowers, or
General Structure of Seed Plants indeterminate, producing continual growth in stems and
roots, thus allowing plants to increase in length (apices) or
Higher plants consist of roots which provide anchorage, girth (cambia). See also: Floral Meristems
water and nutrients; stems, which give support; and leaves, Meristems appear first during the early development of
which produce food for growth and development. These the embryo, and some plants have a distinct protoderm, the
organs in turn consist of tissues which can be termed primary meristem that forms the epidermis when their
meristematic, dermal, support or vascular. Organs can be embryos consist of only 16 cells. The ground meristem

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants


Stomatal complex
Bundle cap of fibers

Vascular cambium

Pith (parenchyma)

Figure 2 Transverse section of a eudicotyledonous stem.

produces cortex and pith, and the procambium produces (multiseriate) epidermis consisting of several layers. Epi-
the primary vascular tissues, while the primary shoot and dermal cells may live for many years, and are modified
root apices appear later. Intercalary meristems are typical in various ways. See also: Epidermis: Outer Cell Layer of
of grasses where they occur at the nodes of stems and in the the Plant
basal regions of some leaves; they cause both of these The outer wall of the epidermis is coated with cutin, a
organs to elongate. Axillary buds arise in leaf axils and complex fatty substance that forms the cuticle and is
normally give rise to branches but may form various indigestible by pathogens. The cuticle is impregnated with
structures including tendrils, flowers, spines and thorns. long-chained waxes that render it very impermeable to
All of these are termed primary meristems because they water. It is transparent like the epidermal cells it covers,
establish the pattern of primary growth in plants. See also: allowing light to reach the much less robust photosynthetic
Apical Meristems tissues beneath. The cuticle selectively protects the plant
Stems and roots add girth through the activity of vas- from potentially mutagenic ultraviolet sunlight. See also:
cular cambium and cork cambium which are lateral mer- Cutin and Suberin; Plant Cuticle; Plant Waxes
istems that arise in secondary growth, a process common in Stomatal pores in the epidermis allow gas exchange
eudicotyledons (Figure 2). Many monocotyledons lack true between the plant and the surrounding air. Each stoma
secondary growth. Cambium is in essence an intercalary consists of a pair of bean-shaped guard cells that can bend
meristem because it lies between its derivatives. Vascular apart to create a stomatal pore. Guard cells have large
cambium normally creates more xylem inwards and nuclei and numerous chloroplasts (usually they are the only
phloem outwards by periclinal cell divisions. Eventually, epidermal cells to have chloroplasts). The guard cells of
primary intercalary meristems stop producing new cells most monocotyledons are dumbbell shaped. See also:
and disappear, whereas vascular cambium is essentially Stomata
indeterminate and its activity is more complex. It produces Trichomes arise from epidermal cells that extend out-
more xylem than phloem and thus it expands in cir- ward and typically divide repeatedly to form a single file of
cumference. Therefore, it must add new cells by anticlinal cells. Their functions include shading the plant surface
divisions to maintain the integrity of the cambial cylinder. from excessive light, reducing desiccation by slowing air
See also: Lateral Meristems movement, and protecting the plant from insects and other
Meristematic activity gives some plants the potential to herbivores. Protection may be passive, through blocking
achieve states of near immortality and survive for access to the plant surface or active, through secretion of
millennia. toxins. See also: Trichomes
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is protected by trichomes
Dermal layers with brittle silica tips that readily break off to inject irri-
tating histamines into grazing animals or passing hikers.
Epidermis is the outermost cell layer of the primary plant The most elaborate trichomes are perhaps those which
body. It entirely covers their leaves, stems, flowers, fruits occur on the leaves of the insectivorous sundew (Drosera
and roots and creates an interface between the plant sp.). These excrete sticky nectar to attract and hold insects,
and its external environment. Although it is usually just bend in concert with leaf-folding to trap them, excrete
one cell thick (uniseriate) some plants have a multiple digestive enzymes and finally absorb nutrients from their

4 eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

prey. See also: Coevolution: Plant–Insect; Plant Defences An endodermis may occur in the stem where it usually
against Herbivore Attack lacks a Casparian band or phi thickening. Stem endo-
The shoot epidermis protects the plant from desiccation, dermis is sometimes referred to as a starch sheath, but since
whereas the root epidermis allows the plant to extract water the starch content which characterizes it may itself be
and ions from the soil aided by their root hairs, which are absent, the term is not always useful. Some aquatic plants
delicate trichomes. The root epidermis has a thin cuticle do have an obvious endodermis in their stems and in their
but its waxes have shorter chains than that of the shoot leaves as well. See also: Endodermis and Exodermis in
epidermis, and therefore it is much more permeable to Roots
water. Exodermis (a type of hypodermis) forms the outermost
Plants in secondary growth can replace their epidermis layer of the cortex of some roots and lies directly beneath
with periderm, which is a more substantial and complex the epidermis. It can be lignified and can have a Casparian
tissue. Periderm usually arises just beneath the epidermis band, and is often more obvious in monocotyledons than in
and consists of three layers: a middle layer of phellogen eudicotyledons. Exodermis may function to reduce water
(cork cambium, a lateral meristem) that produces an outer loss from roots. Normally a feature of stems and roots, the
layer of phellem (cork cells) and an inner layer of phello- needle-like xerophytic leaves of conifers have a prominent
derm (which contributes to the cortex). Cork cells are dead exodermis and endodermis.
at maturity and their walls are layered with suberin and
sometimes with lignin, conferring resilience to desiccation Support tissues
and insect and pathogen attack. Periderm also develops in
roots where it usually arises from the pericycle, which is just Several tissues provide support in plants including par-
outside the phloem. See also: Cork enchyma, which is composed of undifferentiated, isodia-
Lenticels are gaps in the phellem that allow exchange of metric cells with thin cell walls, large vacuoles, and parietal
gases between the atmosphere and the tissues that the cytoplasm; it occupies much of the cortex and pith of stems
periderm protects so well. They arise beneath stomata in and roots. While parenchyma in roots often has a storage
the epidermis and persist as blisters in tree bark. Unfor- function, in stems it can contribute support if it is turgid.
tunately, they provide a constantly open route for infection The swollen protoplast of each cell presses outwards
and herbivory. against its cell wall and all of the parenchyma cells press out
‘Bark’ generally means all of the tissues outside the against their neighbours. Indeed, pressure from the par-
vascular cambium (secondary phloem, phloem fibres, enchyma of the cortex and pith may contribute to stem
cortex and the periderm). It forms many different patterns growth (Kutschera and Niklas, 2007). See also:
because periderm forms at different rates at different places Parenchyma
on the stem. Also, the cork breaks apart as the stem The cells of collenchyma tissue have primary cell walls
expands in circumference. New cambia arise under outer that are unevenly thickened to provide support for seed-
ones, pushing the old periderms outwards. The fibrous lings and growing stems. It occurs in the cortex just beneath
bark of the hydrostat-like trunk of the baobab tree the epidermis of stems in primary growth and in the mid-
(Adansonia sp.) is unusual because it provides significant ribs of eudicotyledon leaves; sometimes collenchyma is
support (Chapotin et al., 2006). See also: Bark photosynthetic. It seldom occurs in eudicotyledon roots
Protective cell layers occur in roots, stems and some- and is comparatively uncommon in monocotyledons.
times leaves. The most prominent such layer is the endo- Collenchyma provides plastic support by growing with
dermis that is commonly found in roots, where it forms the plants and allowing them to deform without breaking. This
innermost cell layer of the cortex and separates it from the plasticity results from the relatively high hemicellulose
stele (vascular cylinder). The endodermal cell wall contains content of its cell walls. Because collenchyma tissue rarely
suberin which is normally restricted to the Casparian band, contains lignin it contributes support only if the plant is not
a narrow, thin strip running around the middle of each cell water stressed; thus it does not prevent wilting. See also:
in its radial and tangential walls. Mature endodermal cells Collenchyma
are often extensively lignified and form characteristic U- Epidermis provides support to stems and petioles (Nik-
shaped (‘phi’) thickenings that arch around each cell to las, 1992), largely as a result of its thick outer wall. The
meet the Casparian bands. See also: Ecology of Water epidermis together with peripheral collenchyma is a sig-
Relations in Plants; Plant–Water Relations nificant strengthening component of the shoot system.
The Casparian band effectively prevents uncontrolled Sclerenchyma tissue provides the most robust support.
entry of water and ions that are absorbed from the soil and Its cells have thick lignified secondary walls, which make it
into the stele through the apoplast (the cell walls and both strong and waterproof. This tissue helps prevent
intercellular spaces). It directs transport through the sym- wilting, but it is metabolically expensive for the plant to
plast of the endodermal cells instead, which subject it to make. It is a more permanent tissue than collenchyma and
physiological influence, allowing selective uptake by the provides elastic support to maintain the established shape
plant. The symplast is the cytoplasmic pathway, the net- of the plant. See also: Sclerenchyma
work of interconnected protoplasts and plasmodesmata Sclerenchyma is widely distributed, occurring as a bun-
that traverse living cells and tissues of plants. dle cap outside the phloem in vascular bundles and as a

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

bundle sheath in monocotyledons. The bundle cap physi- together and are nearly always found running side by side
cally protects the inner tissues of the stem. The bundle within all organs of the plant.
sheaths in grass leaves may extend to the epidermis where Xylem transports water and various dissolved ions from
they form bundle sheath extensions. Sclerenchyma cells the roots upward through the plant. Phloem transports a
only mature when the cells surrounding them stop growing. solution of metabolites (mainly sugars, amino acids and
They are usually dead at maturity, although the lumens of some ions) from ‘sources’ of production such as fully
the cells remain connected by pits. expanded leaves to ‘sinks’, such as developing leaves, fruits
Sclerenchyma cells occur in two forms: fibres, which are and roots. Both tissues contain long tubular cells (and some
long (up to 55 cm in the case of fibres of hemp, Cannabis other associated cells) joined end-to-end that are respon-
sp.) with tapered ends, and sclereids, which are more or less sible for transport. See also: Xylem: Differentiation, Water
isodiametric. Brachysclereids (‘stone cells’) form clumps in Transport and Ecology; Xylem Structure and Function
the flesh (mesocarp) of the Bartlett pear (Pyrus communis) Phloem is predominantly a living tissue consisting of
giving it a characteristic grittiness. They occur in a dense sieve tubes, companion cells (Figure 3a), phloem par-
layer forming the endocarp (‘shell’) of the coconut (Cocos enchyma, and phloem fibres. Each sieve tube consists of a
nucifera). Many seed coats (testas) are made of a double file of sieve elements, called sieve tube members in
layer of sclereids, especially those of legumes. angiosperms. Sieve element is the collective term for the
Branched astrosclereids occur in the petioles and blades sieve tube members, in most angiosperms and the sieve cells
of water lily leaves (Nymphea sp.) making them leathery in nonangiosperms. But this discussion will not deal with
and resistant to the tearing forces of waves and currents. the somewhat different and much less understood sieve cell,
Some botanists distinguish between support scler- and the term sieve element is used here rather than sieve
enchyma (fibres and sclereids) and conducting scler- tube member. See also: Phloem Structure and Function
enchyma (vessels and tracheids). Xylem vessels provide Sieve elements are joined by thick end walls, termed sieve
both functions, but one comes at the expense of the other plates, which are pierced by large, modified plasmo-
because thicker walls reduce internal vessel diameter. desmata (cytoplasmic bridges between cells) called sieve
pores. Sieve pores are lined with the complex carbohydrate
callose, which rapidly proliferates to seal the pores in
Vascular tissues response to damage to the phloem such as that caused by
grazing animals. Sieve elements contain only a little cyto-
Higher plants have two transport systems, the xylem and plasm dominated by plastids that contain starch grains or
the phloem, which comprise their vascular tissue. They protein and filamentous proteins. When mature, they lack
have somewhat different functions but generally arise a nucleus and tonoplast but retain a plasmalemma


Parietal membranes

Filamentous strands

Sieve plate
Sieve pore lined
with callose

(a) (b)
Figure 3 (a) Sieve element and companion cell. (b) Xylem vessels with different patterns of lignin deposition.

6 eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

indicating that they are living cells. Sieve elements have elongation zone a few millimetres long where cells elongate
primary cell walls through which pass abundant plasmo- to add length to the root; it is the only part of a root system
desmata connecting them to small companion cells that grows longer. This is followed by the root hair zone.
clustered around each sieve element. Companion cells Root hairs are fragile outgrowths of epidermal cells that
contain large nuclei, dense cytoplasm with abundant live just a day or two. They greatly increase the volume of
organelles (especially mitochondria) and many small soil that can be mined by a plant for nutrients. Last is the
vacuoles. These features are related to the functional lateral root zone or maturation zone characterized
association of companion cells and sieve elements. See also: internally by the presence of an endodermis enclosing the
Companion Cells stele (pericycle and vascular tissue) and giving rise to sec-
Xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, xylem parenchyma ondary or lateral roots (Figure 4a and b). See also: Roots
and fibres. The conducting cells of the xylem are the vessels and Root Systems
and tracheids, which are collectively called the tracheary Root growth is indeterminate and governed by the
elements. These have secondary walls cross-linked with the moisture, fertility, composition, and homogeneity of
complex polymer lignin. The deposited lignin creates dif- the soil such that growth occurs in patches making root
ferent patterns with increasing age, the youngest being architecture variable. In general, a seedling produces
annular and the oldest being pitted (Figure 3b). As the a primary root that grows straight down and gives rise
degree of lignification of the tracheary elements increases, to secondary lateral roots. These may produce tertiary
the resistance to water stress increases. Vessels consist of roots, which may branch in turn, with the process con-
cylindrical vessel elements (also termed vessel members) tinuing almost indefinitely; new roots arise endogenously
joined together by large openings in their end walls forming from the pericycle of the main root. Lateral roots may
simple perforation plates, with ridges representing the exist as primordia termed seminal roots in the embryo
remnants of degraded end walls. See also: Plant Cell Wall before germination. See also: Lateral/Secondary Roots;
Biosynthesis Primary Root
Although transport can occur freely through the per-
foration plates of vessels, movement also takes place lat-
erally among adjacent vessels and with adjoining xylem Root modifications
parenchyma cells. This happens across areas of primary Tap roots like those of carrot (Daucus carota) are modified
wall where no secondary wall has been deposited. Vessels for storage. Another storage root is the root tuber, which is
with annular thickenings provide the greatest area for lat- really a swollen adventitious root (sweet potato, Ipomea
eral transport with less area becoming available as the batatas).
degree of lignification increases. Aerial roots occur on epiphytes including many orchids
Lateral transport in pitted vessels is restricted to pits. which have a multiseriate epidermis termed velamen made
These occur as two main types, simple pits and bordered of dead cells with suberized walls. Velamen apparently
pits. Simple pits are areas of bare primary wall in vessels absorbs water and nutrients during wet conditions and
otherwise covered with lignin, whereas bordered pits con- retains water during dry conditions. Some aerial roots are
tain pressure-sensitive valves that prevent air embolisms photosynthetic.
from interrupting flow between cells. Pneumatophores (breathing roots) occur on species of
The other type of tracheary element is the tracheid, mangrove in the genera Avicennia and Sonneratia. They
which has a thin secondary wall, tapered ends, and no grow upwards through the substrate, usually anaerobic
perforation plates. It is connected to adjoining cells only by mud, and possess lenticels that allow gas exchange when
pits. While tracheids are found in both gymnosperms and exposed at low tide.
angiosperms, only the most advanced gymnosperms con- Prop roots are a type of adventitious root that provides
tain vessels. more transport capacity as well as extra support for plants.
In monocotyledons they arise from the lowest nodes of
stems and grow downwards through the air to the soil,
The Organ System where they may contract slightly to help anchor the plant
(maize, Zea mays (Figure 5a); screw pine, Pandanus veichii).
Root See also: Adventitious Roots; Roots: Contribution to the
Roots anchor plants in the soil (rather than support them), Contractile roots shrink to pull growing corms, bulbs
absorb water and ions from it, produce plant growth reg- and rhizomes down in the stable soil environment, hiding
ulators, and store sugars and starch. Structurally, roots them from herbivores (ginger, Zingiber officinale (Figure
have four external zones, beginning at the tip with the root 5b); dandelion, Taraxacum officinale).
cap, which protects the root apical meristem and secretes Root nodules occur mostly on legumes and harbour
mucigel. This absorbs water from the soil to facilitate ion Rhizobium bacteria, which receive nutrients from the host
diffusion into the root, fosters growth of bacteria that plant and in return fix nitrogen gas to nitrates for the host
release more nutrients, and lubricates the root to ease to use. See also: Root Nodules (Legume–Rhizobium
passage through the soil. Behind the root cap is the Symbiosis)

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Figure 4 (a) Transverse section of a monocotyledonous root. (b) Transverse section of eudicotyledonous root.

Haustorial roots of parasitic plants are functional ana- becomes reproductive or aborts, and so on. The char-
logues of true roots, differing from them anatomically and acteristic pagoda shape of the seaside almond (Terminalia
morphologically, and invade the cortex and vascular tissue catappa, Figure 6b) results in part from this growth habit.
of host plants, instead of the soil. Birdvine (Pthyrusa stelis) In dichasial (or dichotomous) branching, the terminal bud
does not invade the phloem and so only partly depends on splits into two buds on opposite sides of the primary or
its host for food, while dodder (Cuscuta sp.) does invade it, stem. These grow at a similar rate and then branch again,
depending completely on its host for food. resulting in a repeatedly forked appearance. A dichot-
omously branching stem may appear to diverge equally in
Stem two, but rarely does a stem apex split seamlessly and this is
often simply a form of sympodial growth. Many plants dis-
The stem and its branches distribute leaves to maximize play such superficial dichasial branching, notably the fran-
exposure to sunlight and minimize self-shading, and flow- gipani tree (Plumeria sp. Figure 6c); relatively few, including
ers to best attract pollinators. Branching arises from the some palms and cacti, exhibit true dichasial branching.
activity of apical and axillary buds. While branching is a Although shoots usually arise from apical or axillary buds
complex topic, four basic patterns can be identified. they may appear endogenously from any organ to create
See also: Shoots and Buds in Arabidopsis adventitious branches. Sweet potato (I. batatas, Figure 6d)
Monopodial plants have a rhythmically active shoot owes its scrambling habit to stems that arise from the roots
apical meristem with axillary shoots that remain secondary and give the plant a disorganized appearance.
and regulated by the main shoot apex; most conifers exhibit
monopodial branching (Figure 6a). See also: Phyllotaxy
In plants with sympodial branching, the shoot apex Stem modifications
becomes reproductive or aborts. One axillary shoot grows Stems provide other functions besides support. Some are
upward and becomes the main stem. Its shoot apex modified for storage. Bulbs consist of flattened, short stems

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

(a) (b)
Figure 5 (a) Prop roots on a corn plant (Zea mays). (b) Ginger plant with a rhizomatous storage stem and bulbous contractile roots.

with thick, fleshy non-photosynthetic storage leaves (onion, Although many stems photosynthesize to augment
Allium cepa). Corms are vertical, enlarged fleshy stem bases their leaves, some stems are more specifically designed
with scale leaves called cataphylls (dasheen, Colocasia to replace them. The cladode is flattened to look vaguely
esculenta, Figure 7a; Gladiolus sp.). Rhizomes are fleshy leaf-like (prickly pear cactus, Opuntia sp.), but it is swollen
stems, also with scale leaves (arrowroot, Maranta arundi- for water storage (succulence), too. The conifer-like nee-
nacea; ginger, Z. officinale, Figure 5b) that normally grow dles found on the she oak (Casaurina sp.) are better
horizontally but some plants, including some orchids, have examples of photosynthetic stems. They are not enlarged
rhizomes that cling vertically to tree trunks. Stem tubers are for storing or supporting anything, and they bear tiny scale
thick storage stems, usually horizontal (yam, Dioscorea leaves.
alata; Irish potato, Solanum tuberosum). See also: Plant Some stems provide support by wrapping around
Storage Products (Carbohydrates, Oils and Proteins) another plant or other support. Many members of the
All of these stems serve as both storage organs and Convolvulaceae (the morning glory family) are vines, with
organs of perennation. They enable plants to survive twining stems that wrap especially well round chain link
periods of drought or cold by storing food reserves away fences.
from most herbivores in a relatively stable environment.
The stem of sugar cane (Saccharum officinale, Figure 7c) Leaf
is an aerial stem tuber. Storage stems are propagative,
and may produce new shoots and roots. See also: Plant Leaves are designed to provide plants with photosynthates,
Reproduction but they are modified to provide protection (spines), sup-
Stolons (which bear photosynthetic foliage leaves) and port (tendrils), storage (onion bulb), nitrogen acquisition
runners (which have only protective scale leaves) allow (insect traps), and pollinators (flower petals). Typical
plants to spread vegetatively above ground. These are eudicotyledon leaves have a large surface area to maximize
indeterminate propagative stems with long, thin internodes photosynthesis and a thin profile to expose lots of chlor-
that readily root at the tip to form new plants if growing ophyll to sunlight. At the same time they must dissipate
conditions are favourable (Paspalum sp., Saxifraga sp., wind forces and heat, retain water, allow gas exchange for
Chlorophytum comosum). They have no storage or support photosynthesis and respiration, and exclude pathogens.
function. See also: Evolution of Photosynthesis; Leaf and Internode;

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

(a) Monopodial branching (b) Sympodial branching (Seaside almond,

(Bunya pine, Arucaria bidwillii) Terminalia catappa)

(c) Dichasial branching (Frangipani, Plumeria sp.)

(d) Adventitious branching in

sweet potato (Ipomea batatas)
Figure 6 Branching patterns. (a) Monopodial branching (Arucaria bidwilli). (b) Sympodial branching (Seaside almond, Terminalia catappa). (c) Dichasial
branching (Plumeria sp.), details. (d) Adventitious branching in sweet potato (Ipomea batatas).
Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants


Axillary bud

Leaf scar

(a) (b)
Figure 7 (a) Dasheen (Colocasia esculenta) plant with a basal corm bearing cormels. (b) Stem of a noble cane variety of sugar cane, comprised of
internodes forming an aerial stem tuber.

Photosynthesis; Photosynthesis: Ecology; Photosynthesis: spines, or simply thorns in common usage. But, in this
Light Reactions; Photosynthesis: The Calvin Cycle plant they arise from prophylls (the first leaves on axillary
By extending the leaf blade (lamina) away from the stem shoots) so they are leaf spines after all; either way they both
by a flexible leaf stalk (petiole) shading from the stem is provide protection from herbivores.
reduced and the leaf can flutter. Fluttering promotes Emergences, which are neither modified roots or stems,
cooling, decreases insect and pathogen attack, dissipates nor leaves, often form pointed sclerophyllous structures
wind forces to reduce damage, and increases carbon called prickles; these can be ephemeral and are analogous
dioxide absorption. Monocotyledon leaves are usually to spines and thorns. Emergences appear in unexpected
narrow and belt-shaped, with a sheathing base, and in places including leaf midribs or laminas, fruits and stems,
addition they move easily in the wind. See also: Energy, and arise mainly from epidermal tissue (Solanum sp.,
Radiation and Temperature Regulation in Plants Figure 9b; Soursop, Annona muricata, Figure 9c). Rose bush
The adaxial epidermis of most eudicotyledon leaves has thorns are really prickles, in spite of their robust appear-
a thicker cuticle and fewer stomata than the abaxial epi- ance (Figure 9d).
dermis. Palisade mesophyll cells, the major sites of pho- Stipules are typically inconspicuous, paired structures
tosynthesis, are arranged within the leaf above spongy arising from the base of a petiole, but are modified to
mesophyll cells, where gas exchange occurs (Figure 8a). The form spines, which become hollow to allow habitation by
adaxial and abaxial surfaces of many monocotyledon ants on some species of Acacia in return for added pro-
leaves are more or less the same and their internal tissues tection. Bud scales are sessile (lacking a petiole), non-
are more homogeneous than stratified (Figure 8b). photosynthetic leaves (sometimes modified bracts) that
protect dormant apical or axillary buds from herbivores
and drying winds (Figure 9e). They are common on tem-
Leaf modifications perate trees and in the tropics they occur on the para rubber
Mature spines consist entirely of compact bundles of tree (Hevea brasiliensis), magnolia (Magnolia sp.) and
sclerenchyma fibres. They can, if densely packed, shield the mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla). Bud scales may pro-
plant against intense sunlight and the drying effect of wind. duce cork cambium that makes a thin bark, the only type of
Spines are usually but not always classed as modified leaves leaf to do so (Mauseth 1988). They are often called cata-
rather than stems or other structures, but the reason is not phylls, which are typically protective but deciduous, and in
always obvious. For example, the fearsome pointed some plants have a storage function; cotyledons (the
structures on the rough lemon tree (Citrus jambhiri) are embryonic leaves in eudicotyledon seeds) are sometimes
subtended by leaves (Figure 9a), suggesting they are stem referred to as a type of cataphyll.

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

Upper epidermis

Collenchyma Palisade mesophyll

Spongy mesophyll


Stomatal complex



Lower epidermis


Upper epidermis Guard cells

Stomatal pore


Vascular bundle
(b) Bundle sheath extension
Figure 8 (a) Transverse section of the midrib of a eudicotyledonous leaf. (b) Transverse section of a monocotyledonous leaf.

Tendrils lack a lamina (leaf blade) like spines, but retain photosynthetic ability. Because of their significant
photosynthesize, never stop growing, and help to support lignin content, sclerophyllous leaves are expensive for the
plants (Figure 9f). They are touch-sensitive not light- plant to make and so are retained for a long time. Ordinary
sensitive and coil around things especially stems of other leaves by contrast are cheap and mass-produced by many
plants. Coiling results from growth occurring faster on plants and are expendable. Sclerophyllous leaves are
the outer side of the tendril away from the inner side in especially common among the monocotyledons, for
contact with the support. Tendrils occur on many plants example Agave sisalana (Figure 9g). The fibres that make
including members of the Cucurbitaceae (cucumber, leaves of this plant so durable are used to make sisal rope.
melon), Passifloraceae (passion fruit, Passiflora edulis), See also: Hot Deserts
and the Convolvulaceae (morning glory family). Both Succulent leaves are also xerophytic and conse-
spines and tendrils can be modified stems rather than quently have few air spaces and thick cuticles. Typically
modified leaves. Indeed, spines arise from adventitious their mesophyll is isolated from the leaf surface by
roots on a species of mangrove and some tendrils even arise cells with large vacuoles, which filter heat from intense
from inflorescences. sunlight. Succulent leaves often contain mucilage that
Sclerophyllous leaves are xerophytic and designed to binds water so it can be stored in the leaf. Their vascular
withstand a desert-like environment. Like spines they have tissue is said to be conserved. There is not much of it
abundant fibres, but unlike them sclerophyllous leaves because little transport occurs in these leaves. Aloe vera is a

12 eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Figure 9 (a) Leaf spines on a rough lemon tree (Citrus jambhiri). (b) Emergences on leaf of Solanum sp. (c) Emergences on fruit of soursop (Annona
muricata). (d) Prickles on stem of a rose bush (Rosa sp.). (e) Bud scales on a chestnut branch (Castanea sp.). (f) Leaf tendrils on Passion fruit plant (Passiflora
edulis). (g) Sclerophyllous leaves of Agave sisalana. (h) Succulent leaves of Aloe vera. (i) Pitcher of a Nepenthes villosa plant.

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

good example (Figure 9h). Both succulent and scler- (mostly insects) with which they have coevolved for many
ophyllous leaves have a small surface area to volume ratio millions of years.
to reduce transpiration losses.
Trap leaves occur on insectivorous plants, which to- Flower
lerate nitrogen poor soil by trapping and digesting
insects. The highly modified prey-trapping leaves of pitcher A flower is a shoot system consisting of a determinate axis
plants (species of Nepenthes, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus with laterally borne, concentric rings of four kinds of leaves
and Sarracenia), are typically red brown like carrion designed for sexual reproduction: sepals, petals, stamens
and are lined with glands that release digestive enzymes. and carpels (Figure 10). Green sepals closely resemble leaves
They may have lids to exclude rain, downward-pointing while petals and coloured (petaloid) sepals contain chro-
trichomes, and abundant flaky wax to prevent the escape moplasts instead of chloroplasts and have a poorly devel-
of insects. In species of Nepenthes (Figure 9i) the petiole oped vascular system, no palisade mesophyll and little
of the trap is elongate, wide and flat, like a normal sclerenchyma. Most stamens and carpels do not resemble
lamina, forming a phyllode. This structure compensates leaves but in the more primitive flowers (species of Drimys,
for the reduced photosynthetic role of the pitcher. Magnolia and Michelia) they may be wide and flattened
Other kinds of trap leaves occur on the Venus flytrap which points to their leafy origin. See also: Arabidopsis:
(Dionaea sp.), sundew (Drosera sp.), and bladderwort Flower Development and Patterning; Flowers
(Utricularia sp.). Petals and sepals are not necessary for reproduction and
are termed accessory parts; hence stamens and carpels are
essential parts. The sepals together form the calyx of the
Trees and wood flower and the petals together make up the corolla, with both
whorls together comprising the perianth. The stamens
A stump of a tree trunk usually displays a distinct outer (comprised of filament and anther) are the male parts
ring of lighter sapwood containing functional secondary (androecium) and the carpels (comprised of ovary, style and
xylem, surrounding a large area of darker heartwood, the stigma) are the female parts (gynoecium). See also: Carpels;
nonfunctional secondary xylem. The dark colour results Petals; Sepals; Stamen and Pollen Development; Stamens
from accumulated tannins and phenolic compounds. A Flowers arise in the axils of leaves which are usually
thin band of secondary phloem produced by an imper- small and are known as bracts. Some flowers have con-
ceptible layer of vascular cambium circles the sapwood, spicuously coloured bracts that supplement the petals or
and this in turn is surrounded by a narrow layer of cortex even replace them (Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima),
and then the periderm. Bougainvillea sp.). A stem bearing a single flower is a
Concentric rings appear in the wood of the stump if there pedicel and the point of attachment of the flower to the
is annual variation in the growth rate caused by seasonal pedicel is the receptacle, while the stem of an inflorescence,
differences in climate large enough to cause the vascular a branched system of flowers, is a peduncle.
cambium to produce secondary xylem at different rates.
Growth rings can even be apparent in the secondary phloem Floral modifications
and in the periderm. With some exceptions growth rings
provide an accurate way to age trees while trees without Loss of parts
growth rings, which can occur in tropical rainforests close to A complete flower possesses all four whorls of floral leaves;
the Equator, are essentially impossible to age. an incomplete flower lacks one or more whorls. Perfect or
In general, ‘hardwood trees’ (angiosperms such as oak hermaphrodite flowers have both carpels and stamens but
(Quercus sp.), ash (Fraxinus sp.), teak (Tectona grandis), may lack sepals, petals, or both. An imperfect flower lacks
and mahogany (Sweitenia sp.) are rich in fibres, making either carpels or stamens. A staminate (male) flower has
them denser, heavier and stronger than ‘softwood trees’ only stamens, and no carpels; a carpellate (female) flower
(gymnosperms such as Caribbean pine, Pinus caribaea and has only carpels.
white spruce, Picea glauca), which lack fibres and are rich The ear of a maize plant (Zea mays) is a carpellate
in tracheids. imperfect inflorescence. Its silks are greatly elongated
styles, with sticky stigmatic surfaces for catching airborne
pollen. The tassel is a staminate imperfect inflorescence.
Reproductive structures Maize is monoecious because it bears both male and female
flowers on the same plant; many cucurbits are monoecious,
In the gymnosperms (meaning ‘naked seeds’ in Greek)
too. Papaya (Carica papaya) is dioecious, with male and
pollen is produced by male cones and ovules are produced
female flowers borne on different plants. See also: Zea
by female cones. In the conifers, the major group of gym-
Mays (Maize, Corn)
nosperms, pollen is usually carried passively by the wind
from pollen cones to ovulate cones to allow pollination.
The seeds of angiosperms (derived from ‘vessel’ and ‘seed’) Fusion of parts
are protected by the wall of the ovary in which they form. Within whorls, if the sepals are fused to form a tube, the
Angiosperm flowers are designed to attract pollinators flower is gamosepalous (Hibiscus sp., Figure 10). If the

14 eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

Staminal tube

Staminal tube

(a) (b)
Figure 10 Half flower drawing and floral diagram of Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)

petals are fused it is gamopetalous (yellow bell, Allamanda concave receptacle and the ovary is below the other floral
cathartica) but if the petals are not fused it is polypetalous. parts making it half superior. In epigynous (‘above the
The usual fusion between whorls is between stamens and gynoecium’) flowers the ovary is inferior and embedded in
sepals; such stamens are adnate to the petals, producing an the receptacle (Figure 11d; Table 1, part C).
epipetalous flower.
If the filaments of the stamens are fused into a tube they Aestivation
are connate and the androecium is aldelphous. If the car- Flowers show variation in the horizontal arrangement of
pels are fused the gynoecium is syncarpous but if they are their calyx and corolla (aestivation). In a valvate flower the
free it is apocarpous; fusion of gynoecium and androecium petals or sepals meet without overlapping. In a contorted
produces a gynostegium. The flowers of many legumes (of or regular flower the petals or sepals all overlap in the same
the Papilionoideae) and all Compositae have their stamens direction. In an imbricate or irregular flower the petals or
fused to form a tube. sepals overlap in both directions so that one sepal or petal is
wholly inside the ring and at least one other is wholly
Ovary structure outside the ring.
Ovules arise from placentas that appear as swellings inside
Floral shape
the ovary (Figure 11). A simple ovary (with one carpel) has
marginal placentation with ovules arising along the junc- Actinomorphic flowers exhibit radial (multilateral) sym-
tion of the two margins of the carpel. If there is more than metry. All the floral parts in each whorl are alike in size and
one carpel the placentation becomes parietal but if the shape, and any longitudinal cut across the centre creates
ovules are attached to the central axis formed by the carpels two mirror image halves (Hibiscus sp., Cucurbita sp.).
it is axile. In central placentation there is only one locule Zygomorphic flowers have bilateral symmetry and only
and the ovules are borne on a central axis; in free central one specific longitudinal cut across them will produce
placentation the axis is incomplete. In basal placentation mirror image halves. This symmetry results from differ-
there is also one locule but the ovules are attached to the ences in the size, shape, or loss of some of the parts
base of the ovary. See also: Gametogenesis (Orchidaceae, Leguminoseae). In asymmetric flowers there
is no symmetry to the arrangement of the parts (Canna sp.).
Ovary position
A flower that is hypogynous (meaning that the other flower
parts are ‘below the gynoecium’) has a convex receptacle Fruits differ botanically from what may be construed from
(Figure 11c) and its ovary is superior to the rest of the flower. the popular notion of ‘fruits and vegetables’. The green
A perigynous (‘around the gynoecium’) flower has a bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is a fruit not a ‘vegetable’, the

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

Midrib vascular
bundle of carpel


Placental vascular bundle


(c) Hypogynous Perigynous Epigynous (d) Unilocular tricarpellary ovary



Ovule Ovary

Calyx lobe Petal bundle

Sepal bundle
Dorsal bundle
Stamens and styles of carpel

Outer limit
of carpel
(core line)
Floral tube
Figure 11 Ovary structure and position in flowers. (a) Transverse section of a trilocular tricarpellary ovary. (b) Unilocular ovary. (c) Ovary position. (d)
Uniocular tricarpellary ovary. (e) Apple flower and (f) fruit structure.
Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

Table 1 A classification of fruits

A. Simple fruits: Fruit derived from a solitary carpel in a single flower.
Dry fruits: Having a mesocarp that is definitely dry at maturity
(i) Indehiscent fruits
(a) Arising from one carpel
Achene – small, with seed single attached at one point to a thin pericarp (Buttercup, Ranunculus sp.).
Cypsela – similar to achene, but arises from an inferior ovary (characteristic of the Compositae),
making it a false fruit.
Caryopsis or grain – similar to an achene, but pericarp and testa of single seed are fused (all grasses).
Samara – Testa modified into a wing-like structure, may be one-seeded (elm, Ulmus sp.) or two
(maple, Acer sp.).
(b) Arising from a compound gynoecium with several carpels
Nut – Ovary has several carpels, all but one atrophy. One-seeded, with woody pericarp of sclereids
(hazelnut, Corylus sp.).
(ii) Dehiscent fruits
(a) Arising from one carpel
Follicle – pod-like fruit, splits open on one side (milkweed, Asclepias sp.; cotton, Gossipium sp.).
Legume – breaks open on both sides (all beans and peas of the Leguminosae).
(b) Arising from a compound gynoecium with many carpels
Silicule (or silicula) – two sides split, seeds remain attached to a false central partition (replum). It is
as broad as, or broader than, it is long. The silique (siliqua) is a silicule type of fruit that is longer than
broad. Both are characteristic of the Brassicaceae, the mustard family.
Capsule – carpels split apart in different ways (mahogany, Swietinia sp., iris (Iris sp.), lily
(Liliaceace), common poppy (Papaver rhoeas); akee (Blighia sapida) may be considered a fleshy
(iii) Schizocarpic fruits: Arising from a compound ovary; the locules split into separate (usually dry) fruits
Schizocarpic mericarp – twin mericarpic fruits joined at one point (Apiaceae, parsley family).
Fleshy fruits: Having a mesocarp that is soft at maturity
Berry – (true berry or bacca) – endocarp, mesocarp, and exocarp all soft and easily distinguishable at
maturity (blueberry, Vacinnium vacillans; tomato, Solanum lycopersicum).
Drupe – similar to a berry, but endocarp is woody (mango, Mangifera indica; peach, Prunus persica).
Pome – (also classed as a false fruit) – similar to drupe, except with a papery endocarp (apple, Pyrus
Pepo – similar to berry, but with a thick, tough exocarp. May also be classed as false fruits
(watermelon (Citrullus lanatus; pumpkin, squash, Cucurbita sp., many other Cucurbitaceae).
Hesperidium – leathery exocarp with oil glands (most citrus).
B. Compound fruits (Syncarps): Fleshy fruits composed either of the fruits of several flowers, or of several carpels of a single flower.
Aggregate fruits. Formed from one flower with many ovaries maturing together, some types fusing with receptacle.
Etaerio – consists of an aggregate of achenes, berries, or drupes (Red raspberry, Rubus idaeus;
strawberry (Fragaria sp.) is also classed as a pseudocarp, a kind of false fruit).
Multiple fruits. Developing from the ovaries of several flowers of an inflorescence which mature together.
(a) Fleshy multiple fruits (may also be classed as accessory fruits)
Sorosis – fruits arise on a common axis and derived from the ovaries of several flowers that are
usually coalesced (mulberry, Morus sp.; pineapple, Ananas comosus; breadnut, Artocarpus atilis).
Syconium – a syncarp with achenes attached to the inside of an infolded receptacle (Ficus sp.).
(b) Dry multiple fruits
Strobilus – multiple fruit of achenes including bracts (hop, Humulus lupulus).
C. Accessory/false fruits: The ovary wall can be augmented by various tissues that protect the seeds, including the receptacle of
soursop, the perianth of breadnut and the scaly bracts of pineapple. Fruits that develop from inferior
ovaries are false fruits. In an apple the mesocarp and receptacle merge together with no exocarp
discernible, because the carpels become fused to the accessory tissue during fruit ontogeny. In the flesh
of the apple two sets of vascular bundles, one set previously leading to sepals, the other set to petals
before the apple formed, remain visible. The true fruits of a strawberry are the tiny ‘seeds’, which are
really achenes, on the surface of the swollen red receptacle.

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Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

coconut is not a nut (although both coconuts and nuts are Animals
fruits) and the banana (Musa acuminata) is an example of a
Many berries have attractive and edible pericarps and
berry. See also: Fruit Structure and Diversity; Seeds
small, slippery seeds protected by hard woody testas
A true fruit is the mature ovary of an angiosperm. The
well suited to being consumed and surviving digestion.
maturation of the ovule(s) to form the seed(s) within the
Testas and pericarps may have spines, burrs, or other
ovary is normally accompanied by a thickening of the
emergences designed to engage animal fur or hikers’ socks
ovary wall to form the three layers comprising the pericarp.
as vectors of dispersal (railway daisy, Bidens pilosa, Figure
The outer layer (exocarp) may simply be a layer of epi-
12a).While the testa of a drupe is thin its woody endocarp
dermis as in grape (Vitis vinifera) and the middle layer
protects the seed making it suitable for ingestion. The
(mesocarp) is commonly soft like the flesh of the mango
pericarps of true nuts are entirely woody and indehiscent,
(Mangifera indica). The inner layer (endocarp) can vary
making them favourites of rodents for their food stores
from gelatinous (tomato, Solanum lycopersicum) to stony
(hazelnut, Corylus sp., Figure 12b). Arils are normally fle-
(the ‘pit’ or ‘stone’ of the peach (Prunus persica)). See also:
shy, edible accessory outgrowths, typically of the funicu-
lus, and aid dispersal by animals of seeds of the akee tree
In general, fruits may be classified according to four
(Blighia sapida), and the monkey pot tree (Lecythis ollaria).
They also occur on seeds of better-known fruits like
. The number of flowers involved in their formation. tomatoes.
. The number of ovaries.
. The degree of hardness of the mesocarp – dry and hard
or soft and fleshy. Water
. The ability of the fruit to dehisce (split open when The coconut fruit is buoyant and seaworthy because of the
mature) or not. air held in its hollow seed protected by a tough endocarp
made of sclereids and by the air in its fibrous mesocarp,
See Table 1 for classification of fruits. which in turn is protected by a tough, waxy exocarp.
Growth of the beached, germinating seed is aided by
Seed rainwater retained by the mesocarp. Seeds of the red
The seed is the mature, fertilized ovule of a flower. It con- mangrove (Rhizophorus mangle) are viviparous (with no
tains an embryonic plant together with food reserves in a dormant period). They produce leaves and a prominent
resting state before initiation of germination. An envel- torpedo-shaped root while still attached to the parent tree;
oping seed coat (testa) derived from the integument cell seedlings eventually break free to be carried away by the
layer(s) of the ovary within the nucellus (megasporangium) tide.
provides protection. A pore remains at the apex (the
micropyle) through which the pollen tube reaches the
ovule. Beside the micropyle is the hilum which is a scar
created when the seed breaks free of the seed stalk (funi- Seeds dispersed by the wind must be small and light and
culus). Seeds that store food are albuminous seeds; those produced in great numbers to reach suitable habitats
that do not are exalbuminous seeds. Food stores (carbo- (mustard seed, Figure 12c). To this end some orchids pro-
hydrates, proteins and lipids) can be endospermous duce dust-like seeds by the million; their mass is measured
(derived from the large central cell of the nucellus), peri- in nanograms. Seeds of milkweed (Asclepias sp.) have
spermous (proliferated nucellus tissue), or both. See also: plumes that are really extended dead trichomes which
Seed Germination and Reserve Mobilization; Seeds equip them for dispersal. The dandelion seed is really a
Embryos of many eudicotyledon seeds absorb their food cypsela fruit and its plume is a pappus, a modified calyx.
stores well before germination but with notable exceptions The fruit of mahogany (Swietenia sp.) is a type of capsule
including castor bean (Ricinus communis) which has oily that splits open when mature to release seeds which bear
seeds. However, many monocotyledon seeds retain a pro- winged testas so they can rotate and float away from the
minent endosperm like the grasses wheat, oats, barley, rice parent tree (Figure 12d).
and corn. The grass embryo has a large scutellum that
excretes enzymes to digest the endosperm to provide the Self-dispersal
embryo with food. The pericarps of some legumes split open explosively to
release their seeds (purple vetch, Vicia benghalensis; Scotch
broom, Cytisus scoparius). This phenomenon results from
Seed dispersal the sudden release of tension created in the maturing
Reproductive success is very much enhanced if seeds are pericarp by layers of fibres in the pericarp shrinking in
distributed to new habitats. To this end seeds and their opposite directions when the carpels are broken apart.
associated fruits show a variety of adaptations to take Hydrostatic pressure built up in the fruits of dwarf mis-
advantage of various vectors of dispersal (Figure 12). tletoe (Arceuthobium pusillum) can expel seeds as far as
See also: Dispersal: Biogeography 15 m from the parent plant.

18 eLS & 2015, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Anatomy and Morphology of Seed Plants

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 12 (a) Railway daisy (Bidens pilosa). (b) True nut (Hazelnut, Corylus sp.). (c) Silique (Mustard family). (d) Capsule with winged seeds (Mahogany,
Swietenia sp.). Illustrations are not drawn to scale.

Acknowledgement Baker JR (1952) The cell-theory: a restatement, history, and cri-

tique. Part III. The cell as a morphological unit. Quarterly
I would like to thank Lisa Teelucksingh for supplying the Journal of Microscopical Science 93(2): 157–190.
original artwork for this article. Biological Heritage Library (2014) Charles Darwin’s Library.
Chapotin SM, Razanameharizaka JH and Holbrook NM (2006)
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