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Right now


I'm on my way

to do the outfit fitting

for my album's title track MV, "Arson"

I'm in the car

It's past 9 o'clock right now

I have to go to Myeongdong

A great guy

is customizing my outfits right now

His studio is at Myeongdong

so I'm on my way there

[It doesn't look like it
but I'm wearing my seat belt]

This outfit is very difficult to make

so I have no idea how it'll turn out

I'm on my way to check it out

myself right now

Half-excited, half-worried

and half-nervous is
what I'm feeling right now

I got to film this vlog

as a behind-the-scenes of the "Arson" MV

It takes me back to "Chicken Noodle Soup"

starting the vlog from inside the car

So it feels...

[I'm talking too much...]

Anyway, I'm really excited right now

to go check out the outfit

I'm wearing a heart hat today


It's really flashy, isn't it?

Anyway, I'll start filming again
at the studio

[Ta-da! Myeongdong!]

This is the night of Myeongdong!

[Step step step]

These are all stitches

I love it

It really does look burnt

The texture comes up

[Visual check]


Oh, man! Oh, man! This is it

It's done

[How can I explain this emotion in words!]

[Visual check 2]

[So cute]


The fitting's over and I'm going home

[Ta-da! Going home!]

It was a satisfying fitting session

I was worried for nothing

It was the best

and I'm so excited

I have the MV simulation tomorrow

I'll do my best on that


I'm here!
[Ta-da! HYBE!]

I'm at the Yongsan HYBE building

Let's go to Yongsan HYBE

to get my makeup simulation done

Let's go!

[Warning : No makeup]

Let's do this!

Welcome to j-hope's beauty show

[Transformation in progress
(Don't expect too much,
it's just a simulation...)]

If it's going to be


If it's going to be a natural look

my hair shouldn't be tied or something

You could use extensions

I could add extensions

to make it look messy

For the black smoke transition scene

I could take out the extensions

and slick it back for a neat, wet look

[In the end, none of these
ideas were used...]

because my outfit is so extra

[As soon as I got the sideburn extensions

I knew this won't work...]

[It was a great experience!]

Okay! The end!

[I told you not to expect
too much, remember?]

[Ta-da! On my way to Gwangyang!]


I'm going to Gwangyang

for my album's second MV

It's gonna take 4 hours

But for the scenes

this location was perfect

and the setting was great

for a lot of other reasons
so I had to choose it

I'm pretty excited

I put a lot of care into this MV

I've participated a lot on the production

and talked a lot with the director

So I'm really looking forward to

this MV

Anyway, when I get there

I'm gonna eat some bulgogi

I heard that Gwangyang

is famous for bulgogi

It'll be a 4-hour drive

Let's go

[Almost there!]

[Ta-da! At the hotel!]

I'm at the hotel!

It took almost 4 hours

It really is far

The view here is really unique

It's on the side of Yi Sunsin Bridge

It's a great view

This isn't going to be easy work

I'm going to go

and eat Gwangyang's famous bulgogi

with the staff soon

I'm gonna enjoy the food

and work hard tomorrow

I heard the wake-up call

is going to be at 5AM tomorrow

so I'm expecting a tough day

I'm scared

But it's all for the MV

so I'll do my best


I'm at the bulgogi place

[Ta-da! Bulgogi place!]

Is this the famous bulgogi place?

I hope it's good, hello

Hello! Hello! Hello!

[Greeting the staff energetically!]

Is this the famous bulgogi place?

It looks so good

This is the real deal

[Meat! Meat! Meat!]

[Savoring it! Nom nom nom]



[Excited seeing the naengmyeon!]

I look so tired
[Ta-da! Bed time!]

Why do I look so tired?

I just had a shower


I'm gonna get up at 5

and leave the hotel at 5:20

It's only 5 minutes to the set

It's not a tight schedule

but I didn't expect

to start so early

So I'm kind of scared

to start the day

Tomorrow's shoot has

a lot of one-take scenes

so I have to make sure

I get it right on the first take

And since the song is "Arson"

there's a lot of scenes

with fire and explosions


Considering rehearsals,
starting early is the right call

There's a lot to things to think about

and it's making me worry

First of all, it has to look amazing

That's one worry I have

So before I go to sleep

I wanted to

go over how my day went

and it didn't feel right to just go to bed

when I came all the way here

so I got the camera

to make a recording of this

I look

really tired

I came all this way

so I'm going to make a great MV

Yeah! I'll do my best


[Going over the lyrics!]

[Ta-da! The MV set!]

It's 20 minutes to 6AM

[So very tired...]

I just saw the stage

I mean, the set

I think it's going to be really awesome

I couldn't sleep at all to be honest

These dark circles...

I'm kind of worried

but I'll have to leave it to fate

I'll do my best

[The real transformation!]

Okay! Hair, let's go!

[Transformation over!]

[Cute nails!]

[Special effects makeup!]



[So cool]

[Huh? Suddenly the studio?]

You just watched me getting my makeup done

and suddenly I'm here

so you might feel confused

First of all, I want to tell you

the MV shoot went well

I think it went successfully

It was a really meaningful experience

and it was fun too

Because for this MV...

With the directing

and the script

I took part in a lot of areas

for the "Arson" MV

Even in the outfits

I was involved in the process

and then it was realized through experts

That's how many of the parts went

So in a way, many parts of the MV

have my own touch

I had a very fun

and meaningful time shooting

It went really well

I wanted to give it a proper closure

so I'm making this video

I only filmed the preparations

part of the MV

For the shoot itself

you'll be able to check it out

as a "Bangtan BOMB" episode

I tried to film my personal

preparation process

through this vlog

and show you how

I'm taking part in the process

I think this will be

a different kind of episode

as well as a different kind of vlog

I think you'll like it too


this is a vlog about the MV

so please enjoy the "Arson" MV

The song is really fierce

It's about fire and the title is "Arson"

so I hope you can enjoy

a hot summer with "Arson"

fighting fire with fire

That's my hope

And right now

the album is almost complete

As of now, we're preparing

for promotions and the like

So I just wanted to say

that preparations on the album itself

are almost over

and trying to show how I feel

Yeah, so I hope you enjoy it

What I wish from this vlog is

you know when I went to the States

for "Chicken Noodle Soup"

I recorded that trip

and edited it

into a great vlog

I wanted to do that again

and show you how I prepare promotions

through this album

I think this will be a very special video

so it's exciting for me too

To the fans and viewers

who watched this vlog

I wanted to say thank you

Fighting! Please enjoy it

[There's more coming up! Don't worry!]

[Ta-da! My dressing room!]

Hello, everyone

It's j-hope

I got my camera out

to pack for the States

[This clip is a gift for you!]

I thought it might be cool

if I filmed how I really pack for travel

so I'm doing that right now

[I filmed this during quarantine
after getting COVID-19!]

It takes really long for me

to pack for trips

So I usually need a whole day

to pack

The guys are working hard

and practicing in the States

and I couldn't just rest by myself

so I'm making content out of it

[Great idea, j-hope!]

My quarantine period
is actually over right now

I feel fine and healthy

It's April 1st today

April Fool's Day

So before this, I went on Weverse

and posted a simple lie

but our fans took it so seriously

I was like "This could end bad"

and confessed right away

it was an April Fool's lie

on a new post

And I just turned on the camera now

[Sorry, ARMY]

I just wanted to see the members again

and made that lie

I'll get started

There's nothing special

I'll start packing right away

This is my humble
dressing room


Let's pack

For Las Vegas

I'm packing these pretty shirts

I'm going to wear these shirts there

I was thinking how to style these

and thought light blue jeans

would look good with them

Our fans

always tell me

hope, you wear clothes for so long

That's right

My clothes last really long

These pants are from "Ego"

I've worn them since "Ego"

and I still wear them

[Visual check 3]


And I especially

got this outfit for Las Vegas

You might say "Wait, what's that?"

[Counting stars]

and be shocked
[Like pearls in the night sky]

But I'm very

[Better than your Louis Vuitton]

pleased with this outfit

[Louis Vuitton]

I'm going to dress up in this

in Las Vegas
How do I fold this?

When I pack

I try

to utilize the compartments

I'm thinking about whether

I should pack another pair of jeans

I think I should pack a tracksuit too

because we're going to practice

I was thinking about

which tracksuit to take

and an hour passed by

These are

a pair of pants that I like

The fit is so nice

so I wear them a lot these days

So I'm going to take these

with me too

I needed an outfit to practice in

and these pants are great for that

I need a T-shirt too

I thought I should take

a basic T-shirt like this

so I'm packing this

My choices are

very colorful, right?

[Colorful (Rolling my R)]

And this time

I'm thinking about packing lightly


I'm certain I'm going to go shopping

So when I think about that

I should pack lightly on clothes
[It was a great judgment!]

It gets really complicated

if there's extra stuff when I come back

For now

[Getting tired...]

I'm gonna get some shoes

I'll turn this off for now

I'm almost done

My beanie is changed, as you can see

because I'm going to take this with me

So I changed my hat

I thought I needed some more T-shirts

so I packed a black one

I have a lot of basic T-shirts like that

And pajamas

My favorite pajama set is going in too

Like this

And socks

I have to pack socks too

You won't see it in the video

but I packed some underwear

when I turned the camera off


And shoes

Shoes I'm going to wear

are going in

And I'm gonna bring this bag


Quack, quack!

I think this would look cute

This duck
is going on the bag

Where should I put it?


Isn't it so cute?

It doesn't look the best

How about this, so it's not too obvious?

This is cuter, right?

This looks neater and cuter, right?

[(Warning : Weird pose)]

But it doesn't feel


with just this

That's why!

I'm gonna tie a scarf too


What's happening?


I've packed accessories


I think I should stop there

I wanted to show you

a bit of my daily life

so I turned on the camera

and filmed it as a vlog

I thought it's something

you would be curious about

How I pack

how long it takes

I didn't film all of it

It's a very short, abridged version

of how I pack

Still, I hope you watch this video

and enjoy being a part of j-hope's life

I hope you enjoyed it

I'll do my best in Las Vegas and be back

Once again, thank you for watching

j-hope's vlog, ARMY!

Everyone, don't get sick

and take care of your health

Love you!

[Love you!]

See you!

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