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and social discrimination

Let's discuss poverty and social discrimination
Poverty and social inequality constitute one of the greatest challenges of our century, as
they conflict with the exercise of the fundamental rights of human beings. Poverty and social
inequality appear as one of the great disappointments of the society of abundance and
progress. The economic prosperity and development of modern societies should allow the
well-being of the entire population, without leaving aside certain social groups. However, this
task of eradicating the phenomenon of poverty and social exclusion from contemporary
societies has proven to be difficult.

What is poverty?
This concept is based on the notion of basic needs, where various dimensions inherent to
the notion of resources (income, capital assets, in-kind benefits associated with work, etc.)
are concerned. Absolute poverty refers to a situation where certain minimum standards of
living (such as nutrition, education, health or housing) are not met; whereas the concept of
relative poverty refers to the analysis of poverty in relation to overall social standards.

What is social inequality?

Social inequality refers to when, in a given society, some social groups find themselves in
situations that are perceived to be more advantageous than others. Inequality is therefore a
difference that individuals and social groups judge according to value scales.

Difference between social inequality and poverty

The greater the inequality, the greater the risk of poverty. The poorest are those who have
lost a greater proportion of their income, and this is reflected in rising inequality. At the same
time, that loss worsens all indicators of poverty.

Opinions on poverty

In our opinion, poverty is one of the worst things that a human being can go through, as it is
a very vulnerable and inhuman situation. Given all the knowledge we have on this subject,
we think that all the countries that are the most impoverished, or even the most developed
countries, should take measures so that these situations no longer exist.
The truth is that poverty is not chosen by anyone, it is a consequence of consecutive acts,
and if preventive measures are taken, it may not reach tragic consequences.
However, we also know that for some countries poverty is what reigns, so we think that since
there is a European Union that serves as a place for countries to help each other and to
establish peace between them, the same could happen but with other countries that are not
in the European Union.
Poverty is a condition that no one should go through, because we are all human and we all
have to be entitled to more than one opportunity to solve our lives, because they should only
end when there is nothing else to do which in this case is when life ends.

Opinions on social inequality

We are totally against social inequality, because we are all human, and we may even have
some physical and psychological differences, but at a general level we are all completely
equal, and that should be more important, much more important than the amount of money
each one has, or the colour of our skin, or even the way we think, we should be accepted as
we are, all different, but deep down all equal!
Inequality is completely unnecessary, because most people don't choose to have the life
they have. And they simply have to fight against it and have the life they want, and yet
society in general feels entitled to discriminate against others just because they are not the
same as them.
Society is not a standard, but a set of different people who live for the same thing, but who
don't know it. The goal of all people should be to be happy and to make others happy, but it
seems that it is easier to judge others and put them down instead of supporting them and
helping them to achieve their goals.

Measures to combat poverty and social discrimination

Create institutions that really make a difference, institutions that welcome homelessness and
are responsible for giving them a lasting job opportunity;
To accompany people with greater economic difficulties, to give economic support to those
with serious health problems who need money for medication and treatment;
Create an entity responsible for framing all types of people, for example, people with criminal
records, immigrants, ensuring work and a home for them and the good conditions to live
minimally well;
Support more people who are addicted to drugs and people with mental problems, and
guarantee them a minimally stable life;
To support the qualification and employment of people with disabilities;
Create awareness campaigns, so that people who are not so into the subject can minimally
understand and can help in some way.


In conclusion, we are against both issues, but it is not enough to be only against if no
measures are taken or if no proposals are made to fight poverty and social inequality.
If we all think that it is not worthwhile acting because it is almost impossible to help
someone, nothing will ever be solved, on the contrary it will only become worse, besides
there always has to be someone to take the first step, and if we at least make a difference to
one person, it is already worth the effort, but the most important thing is persistence.
Finally, we will present two short videos we ask for your attention, thank you.

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