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Inequality is referring to unjust and unfair treatment of among

members of society, but what is reason why we experience, Plutarch said
inequality is “an imbalance between rich and poor it is the oldest and most
fatal aliment of all republics”, this means that inequality is rampant in the
society and cannot be loss, inequality is like a disease that damage a
society, the current example of it, is the racism in the America.

The prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism that people face is a sign

of inequality, inequality is cause by the thinking of superiority or that this
thing or properties is better and greater than other, inequality is not only
developed in one generation or person, it is a collective process and in very
generation or group, the idea or thinking becomes bigger and worse in
very time it is pass or share.

There’s no solution to inequality, if their still people who support

ideology that separates people, the only solution to inequality, is to raise
and spread awareness of the problem or issues, inequality cannot be stop
by just protesting and provoking, the best way to stop it is listening and
addressing the problem, inequality is not only social problem, is a personal
problem too, people may have generational trauma or experience pressure.

To end this discussion, inequality is social and personal problem that

affects group of people, it oppresses and give unjust treatment to those
experiencing it, it gives trauma and stigma to people, it affects their life
and how they see their self, inequality affects generations. The way to fight
inequality, raise awareness, address the issues, listen to both sides, you
may approach it by doing talk and discussion, fighting it, is not one man’s
job, but a collective job to the society to do, for a better of society.

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