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桃園市立光明國中 106 學年度第一學期第二次段考評量試卷

教師 cafeaddict 範圍 U4~Review2 得分

班級 九年 班 姓名 座號

一、 第一部分: 單題 (第 1-15 題,共 15 題) (2% for each, 30% in total)

1. William had a haircut yesterday, but no one __________ that. He felt quite sad about it.
(A) raised (B) covered (C) appeared (D) noticed
2. Emily __________ by a snake and then Phoebe __________ her to the hospital right away.
(A) bite; send (B) was bitten; was sent (C) is bit; sent (D) was bitten; sent
3. Jessica: Who __________ the mice? Kelly: The mice __________ by Tiffany.
(A) caught; was caught (B) catches; were caught (C) caught; were caught (D) catches; is
4. Celine didn’t __________ the doghouse. The doghouse __________ by her father.
(A) build; was built (B) built; was built (C) build; built (D) built; built
5. You shouldn’t laugh at Barry. He is __________ so he means what he says.
(A) attractive (B) interested (C) lonely (D) serious
6. Let’s work together to __________ the problem, __________?
(A) choose; will you (B) solve; shall we (C) suppose; shall we (D) quit; will you
7. Mamie is wondering __________ she could eat all the food on the table or not.
(A) what (B) that (C) where (D) whether
8. I noticed Ann Claire __________ to Paul during the class all the time. It __________ that they are good
(A) talked; appeared (B) talking; appears (C) talks; appears (D) to talk; appeared
9. Rudy made __________ last year and he has __________ followers on Instagram (IG).
(A) two million dollars; millions of (B) two millions dollars; millions of (C) two million dollars;
million of (D) two millions dollars; million of
10. Everyone has many good friends at school __________ William, so he is quite __________.
(A) except; glad (B) except; lonely (C) besides; lonely (D) besides; shy
11. David __________ to his parents and told them that he __________ smoking. However, he is still buying
(A) lie; quits (B) lied; quit (C) lay; quit (D) lied; quited
12. Jammy decides __________ harder. Winnie is wondering __________ she can make it or not.
(A) to study; if (B) studying; whether (C) to study; that (D) studying; if
13. Blythe is __________ busy having some meetings around Taiwan these days __________ she can’t give her
students lessons sometimes. She feels sorry about that.
(A) too; to (B) to; that (C) so; to (D) so; that
14. May I ask __________ to the party? If she hasn’t decided yet, maybe I can ask her to go there together.
(A) who will Momo bring (B) when Momo will bring (C) where Momo will bring (D) who Momo
will bring
15. Lily is wondering whether Hebe to her birthday party next Saturday, but whether she or not,
Lily is sure everyone at the party will have a whale of a time.
(A) comes; will come (B) will come; comes (C) comes; comes (D) will come; will came

二、 第二部分: 題組 (第 16-35 題,共 20 題) (2.5% for each, 50% in total)


Amy: You’re checking the animal adoption page again, aren’t you?
Ann Claire: Yep. 16. Hey, come and take a look at this cat. She has big beautiful eyes. She’s cuter than
Puss in Boots!
Amy: She really is. Wait a minute! 17.
Ann Claire: Why not?

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Amy: Look at the two white lines by her eyes and the black spots all over her body. I’m sure she’s a leopard cat.
18. , but now, there might be fewer than 500 left.
Ann Claire: How sad! But, 19. , why is she on the adoption page?
Amy: She must have been mistaken for a house cat. Let me show you some pictures of leopard cats.
Ann Claire: Ah… You’re right. Let’s report it to the wildlife center right away.

adoption 領養;認養 spot 斑點 leopard cat 石虎

16. (A) I just took my cat to the vet.

(B) I've always wanted to have a pet.
(C) I wonder where the nearest animal hospital is.
(D) I've been looking for the right food for my cat.

17. (A) I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

(B) I don't know how to take care of her.
(C) Don't tell anybody that you own the cat.
(D) I don't think anyone has the right to keep her.

18. (A) Leopard cats cannot be kept as pets in Thailand

(B) Leopard cats can live up to 13 years old under people's care
(C) Leopard cats used to be found all around Taiwan in the wild
(D) Leopard cats are wild cats that live in low mountains in Taiwan

19. (A) if she is released next month

(B) if she belongs to someone else
(C) if she's the cat you saved last week
(D) if she's the kind of cat you are talking about


You are walking your dog on the street, and suddenly, your dog smells the ground, walks in circles, keeps
looking at you in the eye. Yes, it’s poop time!
Do you notice every time before your dog poops, it does the same things—smelling, walking in circles, and
looking at you? Why? By looking at dogs’ close cousin, wolves, we can find one possible answer. In the wild,
wolves usually smell around to decide a good place to poop. Then they walk in circles to make sure there are no
other animals around. After that, they start to do their business. During this time, wolves must be very careful
because they can be easily attacked, so they keep their eyes on each other by watching each other’s back.
Now you know why your dog does certain things every time it poops. This also explains why your dog
follows you to the bathroom. It’s just trying to pay you back!
poop 排便 explain 解釋

20. Which is the best title for this reading passage?

(A) Love Is in the Eye of Every Pet
(B) How Are Dogs Different from Wolves
(C) An Answer Behind Dogs’ Pooping Habits
(D) Why Do Dogs Walk in Circles Before They Poop?

21. What does “pay you back” mean in the article?

(A) Attack other animals.
(B) Do its business quietly.
(C) Make sure the owner is safe.
(D) Turn in circles to make the owner laugh.

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22. What does “do their business” mean in the article?
(A) Poop. (B) Walk in circles. (C) Smell around. (D) Look at the owner.


Now I understand why my dog acts like that. Thank you! But I have one more question, “Should I look at my
dog the way he does when I’m in the bathroom?”

I guess not all dogs like to be watched when they poop. It takes a long time for my dog to find a place to poop,
and if he catches me looking at him, he would start all over again.

When my dog looked at me and pooped, I thought it was trying to tell me not to come close. So I usually turned
around and waited. I won’t ever do that again.

This is really useful information. I’ve always wondered why Sally likes to walk in circles before she poops, and
now I get it.

From the information above, which dog owner didn’t agree with what’s said in the article?
(A) Sharon. (B) Mary. (C) Alison. (D) Andrew.


New Words for a Changing World

What do people mean when they say languages are “alive”? Well, they mean that languages are always
changing. Take English for exmple. Every year, there are always new words, while some fall out of use. Today,
many of these new words come from technology. Modern technology is changing quickly and so we need to come
up with new ways to talk about new things.
Some new words are old ones that take on a new meaning. For example, the word “troll” means a kind of
creature. But now we use this word to refer to a person who posts comments in Facebook groups only to make
others angry. Other new words come from new ones but they look a little different, like “selfie,” which comes from
the word “self.” A selfie is a photo of you that is taken by yourself. It is popular because it is convenient to use
smartphones to take pictures.
Other new words are borrowed from other languages. For example, “emoji” comes from Japanese. In
Japanese, “e” means “picture” and “moji” means “character.” Emoji are little pictures that we include in
Facebook or text messages. Some popular emoji include happy faces, thumbs up, and hearts. As you can see,
words are changing with time and culture, just like us. That’s why languages are as alive as we are!

alive 有生命的 creature 生物 refer to 指稱 post 張貼

comment 評論 character 字 include 包含 thumb 拇指

24. What’s the main idea of the article?

(A) People use English words differently in different countries.
(B) Languages are always changing and many new words come from technology.
(C) English is difficult to learn because it has words from other languages such as Japanese.
(D) The best way to study English is to use online dictionaries, which have many new words.

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25. What does come up with mean in the reading?
(A) run into (B) think of (C) give up (D) go across

26. Which of the following is an example of using an emoji?

(A) Drawing a picture that looks like a word.
(B) Posting to tell your friend that you are not happy.
(C) Saying the word app, the short form for “application.”
(D) Using the word arigato, which means “thank you” in Japanese.

27. Which of the following is an example of a new word that comes from an old one but looks a little different,
like “selfie”?
(A) unfriend (v.) This is a new word that means “to stop being your friend” on Facebook. A few years ago,
this was not a word.
(B) post (v.) In the past, to “post” a note meant to put it up on a wall. Now it means “to put some words or
pictures on the Internet.”
(C) ASAP (phr.) It comes from the first letters of each word in “as soon as possible.”
(D) manga (n.) Japanese comic books. This is a Japanese word that is now used in the English language.


QUESTION: Do people not like me because I am overweight?

I think people don’t like me because I am overweight. Sometimes I hear my classmates

laugh behind my back in class. I don’t feel confident, so I seldom talk to others. What
John should I do?


I understand how you feel. I used to have a similar problem. I thought because I was too
short, my classmates never chose me for their team when we played basketball. But later, I
found out that it wasn’t because I was too short. It was because I had a bad temper. After I
Marc changed that, people often chose me first to be on their team.

My sister, Julia, is not a very thin girl, either. But she has many friends. I think you need to be
more confident and love yourself for who you are. Looks aren’t everything. What’s on the
inside is the most important. If you are a good person, you can have many friends. You don’t
Denise need to have a perfect body. Just show others that you are kind and you will become more

If you really think that you are overweight, you can do something about it. You can learn
about what food to eat. For example, you can eat less sweets and snacks and eat more
vegetables. If possible, try walking to school instead of taking the bus. Remember, you do
Claire these things for yourself and your future!

overweight 過重的 temper 脾氣 instead of 代替

28. What do we know about John?

(A) He never walks to school.
(B) He doesn’t like his friends.
(C) He doesn’t have many friends.
(D) He thinks his friends are overweight.

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29. Why didn’t people choose Marc to be on their basketball team?
(A) He was too short.
(B) He was overweight.
(C) He got angry too easily.
(D) He wasn’t very good at basketball.

30. Look at John’s message. Who is he answering?

Thank you so much for your advice! I am sorry to hear that this happened to you, but I
am glad that you made it better. I think you are right. Maybe I don’t have many friends
because I am too shy, not because I am overweight. I will try to change this. Thanks
John again!

(A) Marc (B) Denise (C) Claire (D) Julia

31. What does do something about it mean?

(A) Ask friends for help.
(B) Make some changes.
(C) Think twice before you act.
(D) Try to make your friends like you.


Nature is a very strong thing. It can build amazing views, but it can also bring us some disasters. Hurricanes are
one kind of them. All hurricanes start as a little windy rain in the Atlantic Ocean. Then they get bigger and become
cyclones. When the winds get to 119 kilometers/hour, they become hurricanes.
Hurricanes have 5 categories, and category 5 is the most devastating. Hurricane Harvey was a category 4
hurricane in 2017, and it made big trouble for the United States. People’s homes were under water, thousands of people
lost power, and many died.
Meteorologists study weather science. They watch the hurricanes closely and also get to name them. The first
lettter of each hurricane’s name follows the order of the English alphabet. In September, 2017, the hurricanes in the
Atlantic Ocean were: Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia. Once a name is used, that name won’t be used again for another six
years. If the hurricane is truly terrible, that same name will never be used again.

disaster 災難 hurricane 颶風 cyclone 氣旋 category 級別

meteorologist 氣象學家 alphabet 字母系統

32. Which of the following is NOT true?

(A) Cyclones are stronger and windier than hurricanes.
(B) Nature could bring both good things and bad things to humans.
(C) Many people died in 2017 because of Hurricane Harvey.
(D) If there is a strong hurricane in 2020, it’s impossible to be named Harvey.

33. What does devastating mean?

(A) Fast.
(B) Serious.
(C) Natural.
(D) Successful.

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34. Which is NOT true about Hurricane Harvey?
(A) It hit America in 2017.
(B) It is the eighth hurricane of the year.
(C) Its wind speed is 110 kilometer/hour.
(D) Its name might never be used to name a hurricane again.

35. What might be the name of the next hurricane after Hurricane Katia?
(A) Dora.
(B) Lydia.
(C) Mabel.
(D) Ivy.

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