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Freedom in Mexico

The main point of this article is to express how I as a 21st-century teenager in

Mexico live. Also, I would like to clarify that this is only my opinion so if you do
not agree with some aspects of this article please let me know by my email. We
all have a different idea of what is the real meaning of freedom but… do you
really think that yours is right?

Let us start by defining what freedom is when we refer to this word we think of
the idea of doing everything we want but that type of thought is wrong, of course
freedom is to express by talking, drawing or even painting everything we would
like to say but just as everything in life there are some rules to follow one of
them is that if we are going to say something, we should be careful for not hurt
both physically and mentally the people around us.

During my life in Mexico City I have seen a lot of protests down the street
because of some injustices at work or with public services. Otherwise,
something that I noticed during this protest is that the government let them
express all they need, even so they did not do anything to help them and I
sincerely do not understand the reason they do this to us. Since I was little my
mom always told me that I should never stay quiet in Infront of injustice and to
always be who I am no matter where I am or who I am with because I have the
right to express my points of view.

In summary, we all here in Mexico can express our ideas however we cannot
be sure If the government is going to make something to solve the problems we
might manifest. One example of it is femicide and the very insufficient education
on the part of some teachers in public schools
Freedom in Mexico 
The main point of this article is to express how I as a 21st-century teenager in
Mexico live. Also, I would like to clarify that this is only my opinion so if you do
not agree with some aspects of this article, please let me know by my email. We
all have a different idea of what is the real meaning of freedom but… do you
really think that yours is right? 
Let us start by defining what freedom is, when we refer to this word, we think of
the idea of doing everything we want but that type of thought is wrong, of course
freedom is to express everything we would like to say but just as everything in
life there are some rules to follow. One of them is that we should be careful
to not hurt even physically or mentally the people around us while we are
expressing our beliefs. 
During my life in Mexico City, I have seen a lot of protests along street because
of some injustices at work or with public services. Otherwise, something that I
noticed during these protests is that the government let them express all they
need, even so they did not do anything to help them, and I sincerely do not
understand the reason they do this to them/us. Since I was little my mom
always told me that I should never stay quiet in Infront of injustice and to always
be who I am no matter where I am or who I am with because I have the right to
express my points of view.  
In summary, we all here in Mexico can express our ideas however we cannot
be sure If the government is going to make something to solve the problems we
might manifest. One example of it is femicide and the very insufficient education
on the part of some teachers in public schools 

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