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Justice and Peace is about building a more peaceful, fairer and secure world. Our action
focuses on the promotion of human rights and justice as factors for sustainable peace and
development. Preventing and managing conflict and post-conflict situations are at the heart of
our work. I encourage people to understand and use their manners in order to act better for
justice and peace. In this advocacy, justice and peace is what we all deserve and what others aim
for. We all have different understanding about justice like justice for death, for unprivileged
people, and to those who are being abused. Also in peace we also have different understanding
like peace in poverty and hunger, in judgement, in mortality and so on.

The problem in our society is us people because we don’t know how to act right towards
things even though we already knew how to do these things right. We people are easy to
understand but never in doing things right. Some are fully educated but not mannered that’s why
there is a lot of conflict in achieving this justice and peace for everyone. Just like for example in
this situation wherein we will throw our garbage and it is one of the simplest things to do but it is
difficult for us to follow. ​Even though we see that there is a sign for the container of paper and
plastic to separate them, we have not been able to comply. There are even others that are no
longer directed to the trash but simply thrown everywhere and it is all because we lack manners.
This is the reason why I’m promoting these things because I want everyone to clearly understand
that not everyone of us has manners. All details stated here fit with what you care about and what
you want and need and these things are justice and peace for everyone. We people have the
biggest responsibilities here. In every problem there is a solution and if we are sincere and
willing to commit these justice and peace then let’s do our part.

As a citizen, one of my objectives is to have fairness in granting peace and justice to

every person like me. Everybody knows that not all of us grew in a wealthy family, that is now
the most essential thing in escaping cases in the economy. In this generation the mindset of
people is “money is the key”, which is their big mistake. I grew up in a simple family and still
experiencing unfair justice then how much more to the poorest people? We are all just the same
human living in this universe that is breathing and we deserve equal justice and peace. Be our
own model of manners and lead peace and justice to all people equally.

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