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[Suggestion for Content]


(sort by age group, then by gender, then by spiritual status; can also be for adult church members but added more questions such as related to worship attendance,
leadership (including partner), work, relationships, partner, family, parenting, etc.)
I. Basic information
a. Complete name: e. Contact number:
b. Nickname: f. Address:
c. Facebook name: g. Grade / Year Level (&course, for college):
d. Birthday/Age: h. School:

II. Personal spiritual status

a. Salvation
 Already saved?
 If yes, please share your salvation testimony.
 If no, share struggles/questions why still not assured.
 Is there any question about salvation? Feel free to share.
 TOOLS, every YP a missionary (soul-winner):
a. [salvation handbook]
b. [student gospel tract]
c. [salvation topic/conversational starter/tips]
b. Fellowships
 Already joining YP fellowships? (Sundays@3PM, church small auditorium)
 If yes, how was your experience so far? Any suggestion you want to include during fellowship time? (games,
food, type of sharings, etc.)
 If yes been but was absent once, twice, or many times already, can you share your struggle/any hindrances
why you haven’t?
 If not yet, are you willing to commit to join in the YP fellowships?
a. [fellowship program]
b. [fellowship curriculum/ series/special topics]
c. [fellowship ideas-games/icebreakers, etc.]
c. Small group
 Already part of a small group?
 If yes, who’s small group do you belong? How’s your small group journey so far?
 Any suggestion you want to include during small group time? (games, food, type of sharings, etc.)
 If not yet, are you willing to commit to join? If not, why?
 TOOLS, every YP an encourager:
a. [“how to manage a small group” handbook]
b. [small group covenant]
c. [small group curriculum and monitoring forms]
d. Pray, Care, Share card
e. Prayer prompts book of prayer lists (ACTS format)
f. Devotion notebook
 TRAININGS for SG leaders, every YP a potential SG leader:
a. [leadership development]
Prepared by Bro. Jhon
d. Discipleship
 Already have a personal discipler?
 If yes, who?
a. How’s your discipleship journey so far?
o (1=lowest, 10=highest): ____
o Some lessons/good example already learned
o Good examples seen to discipler
o Any suggestion you want to include during discipleship time? (topic, food, type of
sharings, etc.)
b. How often do you meet?
o Weekly? Once a week? Twice, thrice? Etc.
o How do you meet? Face to face? Online?
o Is there also ’kumustahan’ within the week, outside the discipleship time?
 If not yet, are you willing to commit in personal discipleship? If not, what do you think are those that hinders
 TOOLS, every YP an encourager:
a. [discipleship manual/handbook]
b. [discipleship curriculum]
c. [discipleship monitoring forms]
 TRAININGS for Disciplers, every YP a potential discipler:
a. [Discipleship training]
b. [Discipleship tools]
c. [Multipliers leadership development]
e. Ministry involvement
 Already serving God in the ministry?
 What ministry? How long already been serving there?
 How was your experience so far?
a. (1=lowest, 10=highest): ____
b. How has it helped you grow in God’s gift to you?
c. How has it helped you grow in your personal spiritual life?
d. Are there any struggles faced? (schedule, spiritual struggle, etc.)
o How have you faced them? Were there people you’re thankful God used to help you rise
 Do you have any suggestion you want to include in the ministry you belong?
 Not yet part of the ministry, but desires to serve God.
 Current gift you think you can offer to God (where are you good at right now?)
 [click here to see the list of church ministries, you want to commit to serve God]
 TOOLS, every YP a committed and faithful servant of God :
a. [ministry description]
b. [ministry guidelines & qualifications] -> interview -> orientation -> continuous
c. [ministry training materials]

III. Personal prayer request/s (it would greatly help address the YP current struggles and help fill their current needs)
a. Personal spiritual status (prayer life, devotion, sharing the gospel, etc.)
b. Family status (salvation, relationships, pressure, etc.)
c. School status (studies, friends, peer pressures, etc.)
d. Personal struggles (particular sin/s, surrender, purpose, deep-seated questions in your heart, etc.)
e. Personal needs

Prepared by Bro. Jhon

Prepared by Bro. Jhon

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