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Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Extensão de Nacala
Recinto da Catedral
Bairro de Maiaia
Nacala - Porto
Telef. +258 26526000

Course: Licenciatura em Contabilidade & Auditoria

Tutor: Don Faray Rostalino Tomas
Subject: Inglês Técnico, Normal Exam, 2nd Term
Date: February 20th, 2021

1. Attempt to answer all the questions, on your answer sheet.

2. Read carefully the questions.

I. Text comprehension
Taking Responsibility

Two families lived nearby. One family was constantly fighting while the other one lived
quietly and friendly. One day, feeling jealous about how nicely the neighboring family
got along, the wife told her husband….Go to the neighbors and look to see what they are
doing for their well-being.
The husband went, hid and began watching. He saw a woman who was cleaning the
floor. Suddenly something distracted her and she ran to the kitchen. At that time, her
husband rushed into the room. Not noticing the bucket of water, he kicked it and spilled
water all over the floor.
His wife came back from the kitchen and said to him… I’m sorry, honey! It’s my fault. I
didn’t move the bucket out of the way. The husband replied… No, I’m sorry, honey! It’s
my fault, because I did not notice it.
The man returned home and his wife asked him if he found out what their secret is. I
think the difference is that we always seek to be right, while they seek to take
responsibility for their part. Having peaceful relationships mean taking personal
responsibility for our own part.
By Steven Aitchison

Tutor: Don Faray Rostalino Tomas
Universidade Católica de Moçambique
Extensão de Nacala
Recinto da Catedral
Bairro de Maiaia
Nacala - Porto
Telef. +258 26526000

1. What is the text about? (1.0)

Is About Taking Responsibility

2. Take a passage from the text that describes the family that was constantly fighting.

The passage from the text that describes the family is ... I think the difference is
that we always seek to be right.

3. Take a passage from the text that best describes the other one that lived quietly and
friendly. (1.5)

The passage from the text that describes the family is … while they seek to take
responsibility for their part.

4. What did the couple learn from the family that lived quietly and friendly? (1.0)

They learn that having peaceful relationships mean taking personal

responsibility for our own part.

5. Who is the author of the text? (1.0)

The author of the text is Steven Aitchison

II. Write True (T) or False (F) in the following statements: (12 x 0.75)

6. About management, we can say:

a) Management is the organizational process that includes strategic planning,

setting objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assets
needed to achieve objectives. T

b) A Manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an

organization or group of staff. T

Tutor: Don Faray Rostalino Tomas
Universidade Católica de Moçambique
Extensão de Nacala
Recinto da Catedral
Bairro de Maiaia
Nacala - Porto
Telef. +258 26526000

c) Management is the organizational process that doesn’t include strategic planning,

setting objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assets
needed to achieve objectives. F

d) A manager is a person responsible for controlling or administering an

organization or group of staff, clean the offices and repair electronics. F

7. The product life cycle is:

a) Decline Stage Introductory Stage, Growth Stage and Maturity Stage. F

b) Introductory Stage, Growth Stage, Decline Stage and Maturity Stage. F

c) Growth Stage, Introductory Stage, Decline Stage and Maturity Stage. F

d) Introductory Stage, Growth Stage, Maturity Stage and Decline Stage. T

8. Accounting and financial statements are…

a) Accounting reports that detail a company’s overall financial situation that will
support the users making decisions about non-relevant aspects in the company. F
b) Reports that detail a company’s overall financial situation that will not support
the users making decisions about relevant aspects in the company.F
c) Studying accounting and auditing for a better future.F
d) Accounting reports that detail a company’s overall financial situation that will
support the users making decisions about relevant aspects in the company.T

III. Writing (5.0)

9. Composition: The importance of time management. (100 words)

The importance of time management

Time management is the ability to use your time productively and efficiently.

Tutor: Don Faray Rostalino Tomas
Universidade Católica de Moçambique
Extensão de Nacala
Recinto da Catedral
Bairro de Maiaia
Nacala - Porto
Telef. +258 26526000

To have a good time management, a lot of practice is necessary, because it seems easy to
manage your time according to your activities, which is not true. So it’s important to
know the importance of time management to help you to do your activities efficiently,
without feeling stressed about it.

Time management is important to teach you how to organize your tasks. To have a good
time management, you have to learn that you must prioritize tasks starting whit
performing the most important to the least important, the most urgent to the least urgent.

Have an agenda where you write down all the tasks you have to do and how long you
should do them, so that you can know which are the most important and which are the
most urgent.

Tutor: Don Faray Rostalino Tomas

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