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The Saga of the Gold Dust Kid

Directions: Read the story The Saga of the Gold Dust Kid and fill in the blanks with the
words that correspond to the letter symbols. Do this by:
1. Looking for the given letter symbol on the special tool located on page X.
2. Writing the word below the letter symbol.
(Example: letter symbol: H; word: Hydrogen)

The kid rode his favorite horse named Boron.

Strapping his shooting Tellurium to his side, he
Headed out for the Neon-lit city of Samarium.

1. What is the name of the kid’s horse? Boron

2. In what city was the kid headed to? Samarium

If your answer to question 1 is Boron and your answer to question 2 is Samarium,

then you are on the right track! You can now proceed to the next paragraphs.

Inhaling a deep breath of Oxygen, he coughed on

the Sulfur blowing from the nearby mills.

The Mercury was falling yet he thirsted. He drank

a lot of water and tasted the Chlorine all big cities

have. He headed north and felt his bones ache

from Argon deposit build-up due to years of riding

the Zinc trail.

An artist, drunk with wine full of ethyl alcohol and

semi-poisoned from the Cadmium deposits in his
body waved him on. He noticed a faint spark from a

distance made by the burning of methane and

Phosphorous compounds but it did not scare him.

He rode on until he spotted the bank rumored to

be the safekeeping place of a Platinum bell. A


sheriff with a Tin badge guarded it.

“Freeze,” the kid yelled, “or I’ll fill you up with

Lead! The sheriff drew his Cromium plated gun,
but he was too slow.

The kid’s gun blazed like flaming Magnesium in the

moonlight. A barmaid with hair that shone like

Copper ran as fast as she could when the kid

pulled out some Nitrogen compound from his
saddlebag threatening to blow into pieces an
Aluminum coach that stopped by.

Amidst all the confusion, a shout rang out, “Hi ho

Silver and a masked man on a silvery horse
raced across the Silicon sands like Sodium
skittering in the water. He was the famous Lone
Ranger who delivers justice with an Iron hand. The
kid tried to resist the arrest but he was powerless
against the lawman who would not have been
stopped even by a Uranium bomb.

The kid has met his doom and he was to spend

his life kicking dust behind Cobalt steel bars.
Peace was once again restored.

A warning to all those who flirt with danger: Your evil

intention may be the initial step in a Carbon copy life
of the saga of the Gold dust kid.


II.Directions: On the table are some of the words you encountered during the activity. Fill in
the table by writing the corresponding letter symbols and your idea or knowledge about the
given words (this can be based on what you hear in day-to-day conversations or from
advertisements on television).

Letter symbol My idea about this word

Oxygen O Source of Life

Chlorine Cl Kills viruses

Zinc Zn Strengthen your body

Iron Fe Rust

Gold Au Precious metal

Guide questions:
1. Are you familiar with those words? Why do you think you are familiar with them?
I am familiar with those words because I have already encountered them in my day to day

2. How did the special tool help you in your task earlier?
The periodic table of elements helped me locate the elements mentioned in the poem thru
their symbols.

III- Directions: Write the symbol of the given elements. (You may refer to the periodic
1. Beryllium- Be 4. Iodine- I
2. Cobalt- Co 5. Neon- Ne
3. Carbon- C 6. Silver- Ag
7. Lead- Pb 12. Phosphorus-P
8. Polonium- Po 13. Platinum- Pt
9. Yttrium- Y 14. Ruthenium- Ru
10. Radon- Rn 15. Tin- Sn
11. Astatine- At

B . Write the name of the following element symbols. (You may refer to the periodic table)
1. Cl- Chlorine 9. Ru- Ruthenium
2. Ar- Argon 10. Mg- Magnesium
3. F- Flourine 11. Zn- Zinc
4. Cu- Copper 12. As- Arsenic
5. Fe- Iron 13. S- Sulfur
6. W- Tungsten 14. V- Vanadium
7. Xe- Xenon 15. Mn- Manganese
8. Mo- Molybdenum

IV. Directions: The following are words consist of symbols of different elements. Name
the elements that make up these words. Example: PLaCe = Phosphorus, Lanthanum,
Cerium. You may refer to the periodic table.
A - Average
1. YOU= Yttrium, Oxygen, Uranium
2. KNIFe= Potassium, Nitrogen, Iodine, Iron
3. CaNDy= Calsium, Nitrogen, Dysprosium
4. POISON= Phosphorus, Oxygen, Iodine, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen
5. WAtCH= Tungsten, Astatine, Carbon, Hydrogen
6. VIRuS= Vanadium, Iodine, Ruthenium, Sulfur
7. ClOCK= Chlorine, Oxygen, Carbon, Potassium
8. TeAm= Tellurium, Americium
9. HYMn= Hydrogen, Yttrium, Manganese
10. FIRe= Flourine, Iodine, Rhenium

If you think you got it now, proceed with the following words.

- Advanced
1. MoUNTaIn= Molybdenum, Uranium, Nitrogen, Tantalum, Indium
2. AlCoHOLiC= Aluminum, Cobalt, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Lithium, Carbon
3. AmErICaN= Americium, Erbium, Iodine, Calcium, Nitrogen
4. ArGeNTiNa= Argon, Germanium, Nitrogen, Titanium, Sodium
5. AsPIrIn= Arsenic, Phosphorus, Iridium, Indium
6. CYClONe= Carbon, Yttrium, Chlorine, Iodine
7. DyNAmITe= Dysprosium, Nitrogen, Americium, Iodine, Tellurium
8. PIRaTe= Phosphorus, Iodine, Radium, Tellurium
9. SiCKNeSS= Silicon, Carbon, Potassium,Neon, Sulfur, Sulfur
10. VIRuS= Vanadium, Iodine, Ruthenium, Sulfur


V. Directions:
1. Look for five (5) objects at home that seem to be scattered or disorganized.
2. Pick them up and organize them.
3. List at least three (3) objects that you find close to the object you picked up after
organizing them.
4. Fill out the table.
Objects I picked up Objects I placed them with

Example: spoon Fork, plates, knives

Paper clip Binder clips, fasteners, staple wires

Fork Spoons, teaspoons, butter knives

Can opener Peeler, grater, ice cream scooper

Plastic tubs Tupperware, lock and lock containers

5 peso coins 10 peso coins, 20 peson coins, 1 peso coins

1. What was your basis in putting together those objects you picked up?

The basis of putting those things together is according to their functions/use and materials

2. Is it organized to do so? Why?

Yes, It is organize because we can only find those things in one place along with the other
objects that have the same function and same material.

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