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1.2 Ultrastructure of Cells, 1.2.

 1.2.U2: Eukaryotes have a compartmentalized cell structure
(Oxford Biology Course Companion page 20). State the meaning
and advantages of eukaryotic cells being “compartmentalized.”

o It means that they are divided up by partitions into compartments.

These partitions can be either single or double membranes.

o There are 4 advantages in being compartmentalized:

 Enzymes and substrates for a particular process can be much

more concentrated than if they were spread throughout the cytoplasm.

 Substances that could cause damage to the cell can be kept inside
the membrane of an organelle. For example, the digestive enzymes of a
lysosome could digest and kill a cell, if they were not safely stored inside the
lysosome membrane.

 Conditions such as pH can be maintained at an ideal level for a

particular process, which may be different to the levels needed for other
processes in a cell.

 Organelles with their contents can be moved around within the


Activity 1
Read and summarize from the sources provided below.
 Discovery and structure of cells:

o Cells are the basis for all life. Which an inheritable genetic
material. Cells have many sub-cellular structures that carry out different
activities. They contain an outer boundary that contains a cell membrane,
cytoplasm, and genetic material. There is huge variety among living cells.

 Organelles:

o Eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells are mainly differentiated

by either the presence of a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
Chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own DNA, this only being one of
its unique features. As membrane-bound organelles evolved they developed
the ability to establish specialized compartments for cells to do specific

 Overview of Eukaryotes:

o Eukaryotes have organelles that do things such as energy

production, photosynthesis, and membrane construction. Eukaryotes
have a nucleus which is really important because it is the location of a
cell’s DNA. They also contain mitochondria and chloroplasts, which

are important organelles due to the fact that they play an important
role in energy conversion.

Review the presentation below


Cell structure matching cards

Extension activities: (this a google drive folder)

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