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Bayog Extension Class

ASL 2 Final Examinations

Name: Antipuesto, Merijane S. Date: 06/23/2021


Test I. Below are traditional assessment items. Convert them to authentic assessment.

A 1. The product of 3x4 equals:

a. 12 b. 13 c. 14

A 2. The quotient of 21÷7 equals:

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5

C 3. How many dozens of eggs does a cartoon containing 48 eggs have?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4

Test 1. Test III. Complete the rubric below by filling up the table.
Acceptable Paper

Language Arts 6 Produce a "final public copy" paper using information from at
least two different sources.

Performance Awesome! Right On! Oops!


Mechanics Many mechanics learned 1-2 mechanical errors. Many major

and clear thought about mechanical errors

Assertions Major points are very Major points are Major points are
supportive. given thin support given superficial
only. support or are

Ideas Ideas are Ideas are good but No ideas shown/ no

engaging, obscured by ideas explanation at all.
insightful, and unclear writing or
illustrate lack of information.

Style Writing is clear, Writing is not very clear, Writing lacks

inspiring, and done but imaginative. energy, is narrow
with flair. and unimaginative.

Organization Well-organized, simple Contains mostly Is disorganized and

to follow and have a clearly developed difficult to follow.
clear paragraphs. paragraphs but is
unclear in places.

Thesis Statement Contains a sharp Clear statements and Does not present a
or Purpose focus and a clearly well provide what is thesis or purpose
identifiable being asked. statement that is
statement of clearly identifiable
purpose. or developed.

Test 3. Given a sample of recorded raw scores of the following pupils/students in English:
a. Compute their second quarter grades using the new grading system.

Pu Performance Task G
pil’ Written Works
1 10 10 1 15 60 30% 2 2 20 3 2 140 50% 50 20
0 5 5 5 5 5
A 9 9 6 1 11 47 78.33 23.44 1 1 20 2 2 105 75 37.5 40 80 10 76.99 85
2 8 9 8 0
B 6 7 7 1 13 43 71.66 21.49 1 1 20 2 2 103 73.57 36.785 38 76 15.2 73.475 83
0 8 8 5 2
C 7 5 9 1 13 44 73.33 21.99 1 1 22 2 2 106 75.71 37.855 48 96 19.2 79.045 87
0 7 8 8 1
D 1 10 9 1 15 59 98.33 29.49 2 2 24 3 1 112 80 40 40 80 16 85.49 90
0 5 0 0 0 8
E 4 6 6 1 11 39 65 19.50 1 1 20 2 1 93 66.42 33.21 30 60 12 64.71 73
2 5 8 5 5

Test V – Briefly answer the following questions: (Choose only 3 to answer)

1. Give at least 2 essential features of the New Grading System.

Answer: Norm-Referenced System. This grading system rests on the assumption that the level of student performance
will not vary much from class to class, and Criterion-Referenced System. Normally the criteria are a set number of points
or a percentage of the total.

2. Compare and contrast authentic from traditional assessment.

Answer: Traditional assessment follows selecting a response from learners while the authentic assessment engages
learners to perform a task on the basis of the item they are informed.

3. How is portfolio assessment utilized in assessing learners’ progress in terms of

Answer: portfolios can communicate concrete information about what is expected of students in terms of the content
and quality of performance in specific curriculum areas.

4. Discuss at least 3 ethical issues in the conduct of informal assessments.

5. Present at least 3 importance in using rubrics to assess performance-based activities.

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