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NAME: ____________________________________

1.TRANSLATE the following sentences into English. ( 22

1. A: Encara no has acabat aquests exercicis? B: No, i fa més de
dues hores que els estic fent! Tenia intencions de fer-los ahir a la nit,
però llavors en Frank va trucar i em va dir que havia comprat
entrades per al partit i que m’esperava a l’estadi. Estava súper
content. Quan vaig arribar a l’estadi, feia vint minuts que jugaven,
però ningú havia marcat un gol (score a goal) encara. A: No
m’estranya que no fessis els exercicis! (7)

2. A: He vist la Jane fa una hora. No l’havia vist des de feia dos

anys, des que va marxar a estudiar a Nova York. I no l’he
reconeguda, ha perdut molt de pes. B: Sí, tens raó. Vam anar a sopar
juntes fa dues setmanes i em va dir que portava tres mesos
treballant en una empresa molt important a Nova York quan la van
acomiadar (fire). Es va sentir deprimida i molt trista i va començar a
aprimar-se. Llavors va decidir que havia de tornar a casa. A: Quant
de temps fa que està aquí? B: Un mes. Em va dir que, des que va
arribar, es troba molt millor. (8)
3. A: En Frank normalment treu bones notes a l’escola? B: Sí, se li
dóna bé l’escola, però habitualment es passa dues hores al dia fent
deures i estudiant. Ha aprovat tots els exàmens que ha fet mai. A: Jo
vaig suspendre l’examen d’Història la setmana pasada. Va ser molt
decepcionant perquè havia estat estudiant molt per a aquest examen.
Em vaig sentir molt violent perquè tots els meus amics havien
aprovat! B: No importa, estic segur que aprovaràs el proper examen!

2. PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT? Fill in the gaps. ( 2 marks )

1. When we __________ (arrive), dinner ______________ (already
2. My friend __________________ (not see) me for many years
when I ________________ (meet) him last week.
3. I ____________ (be) surprised that he _______________ (not
contact) me sooner.
4. He _____________ (ask) me if I ___________________ (find)
the way easily.
5. The river ______________ (become) deeper after it
__________________(rain) heavily.

3. PAST TENSES (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect

Simple or Past Perfect Continuous)? Fill in the gaps. ( 4
One fine morning, a man ______________ (fish) in a river. The sun
______________ (shine) and the man ______________ (sit) on the
river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man
_________________ (wait) patiently for several hours when
suddenly he _____________ (feel) something pulling on the fishing
line. He ___________ (stand) up quickly and ____________ (begin)
to take in the line. While he ________________ (lift) the huge fish
he _______________ (just catch) out of the water, there was a loud
splash and the fish ________________ (fall) back into the river. At
first, the man ________________ (not know) what ______________
(happen). Then, he _____________ (look) carefully at his fishing
line. It ______________ (snap). The poor man was so disappointed
that he _____________ (pack) away all his things and ___________
(go) home.

4. PRESENT TENSES (Present Simple, Present Continuous,

Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous) or PAST
TENSES (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Simple or
Past Perfect Continuous)? Fill in the gaps. ( 6 marks )
1. A: What __________________ (you do)? B: I ________________
(read) this travel guide about Japan. A: Oh really? When
__________________ (you go) to Japan? B: We don’t know yet,
maybe next summer. Mary and I _______________________ (save)
for years to be able to go on a trip like this. Last year we _________
(go) to Los Angeles, but we __________________ (not enjoy) it very
much, although Mary __________________ (be) there before and
she ________________ (know) what the best places to visit were.
2. A: How long _____________________ (Tom sit) at the computer?
B: When I ________________ (arrive) home two hours ago, he
______________ (tell) me he ___________________ (surf) the net
for two hours. A: What information _________________ (he need)?
B: Apparently, he ___________________ (look) for information
about the crisis, but I _______________ (see) him playing a
computer game ten minutes ago!
3. A: ___________________ (Jane go) to the gym often? B: Yes, she
_______________ (like) to work out a couple of times a week at
least. A: I _________________ (not see) her there yesterday,
though. ____________________ (she go) abroad? B: Yes, she
_______________ (go) to Brussels, but she ________________
(come) back tomorrow. A: I __________________ (never be) to
Brussels, and you? B: Yes, I ________________ (go) there two
years ago, to visit my friends, and before that I _________________
(study) there for five years.

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