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A) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, what does diaspora mean?

Diaspora refers to a group of individuals who split up and dispersed outside of their
country. The term diaspora originally described the widespread exodus of individuals
from their respective countries of origin. Recent investigations have revealed that the
word dates all the way back to 1594. While the forced migration of people is what the
term "diaspora" originally meant. It's now more commonly used to refer to those who
have migrated.

B) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, how does the role or position of “nation” change when
describing movements of people as diasporic (versus immigrant)?

A population that shares a common heritage but was compelled to disperse to various
locations around the globe is said to be diasporic. These people make an effort to stay
in touch with their home nation. People who migrate do so in search of a better life in
another nation. This may be for a variety of reasons, including as better living conditions
for their family or increased employment prospects. Many people are moving to the
west today because it provides better prospects and living conditions.

C) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, why might this (which you answered above in B) be

This is significant because while there are some differences between migration and
diaspora, there are also some similarities. Due to the role that diaspora has in the
economic development of their home nations, both are significant. Migration is
significant because it demonstrates human capital and skill sets and offers the
knowledge and creativity required for global development. Diasporas also indicate a rise
in migration, a decline in educational attainment on average, and a rise in the proportion
of low-skilled immigrants. Forced or voluntary migration led to significant population
changes and the development of diaspora communities.

D) IN YOUR OWN WORDS, given your own understanding and associations of the
term “Asian American”, is it closer to diasporic or immigrant? Or neither? Explain.

Since so many opted to leave their own countries and immigrate to the United States or
another country, I would say that Asian Americans are closer to immigrants. An
immigrant is someone who moves permanently to reside in another country. While
forced migration is what is meant by the term diaspora. Many Asian Americans choose
to immigrate to the United States, however some Asian Americans were forced to leave
their homeland. resulting in the immigration of Asian Americans.

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