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14th Division was one of the divisions of the People's Army of the Republic that were

organized during the Spanish Civil War on the basis of the Mixed Brigades . The division had
a prominent participation in the Battle of Guadalajara .

The unit was partially created from the "Mera" column, led by Cipriano Mera and with
elements of Mixed Brigades . [ 1 ] The new division was integrated —along with
the 11th and 12th divisions— into the new IV Army Corps , under the command of
Colonel Enrique Jurado . [ 2 ] The XII International Brigade —within which its Garibaldi
Battalion was integrated —was also assigned to the 14th Division. [ 2 ]

Shortly after its creation, the 14th Division had to face the offensive of the « Corpo
Truppe Volontarie » in the Guadalajara sector. With the support of the other
republican divisions, it was possible to stop the enemy attack and make a
counterattack under the command of Vicente Rojo Lluch . [ 3 ] On March 18, the
division, which was acting on the right flank of the republican device, and Enrique
Líster 's 11th Division , with the support of 70 Soviet T-26 tanks , went on the attack
and took the coveted town from Brihuega; the Italian forces of the "Coppi" Division
fled in disarray, leaving behind them prisoners and numerous war
materials. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] By the end of March the front stabilized after the Republicans
managed to recover a good part of the territory.

Mera had the anarchist Antonio Verardini Díez-Ferreti as chief of staff of the

division. [ 6 ]

In July 1937, facing the Battle of Brunete , the unit was initially placed in reserve. He
intervened towards the end of the fighting, after the defeat of Lister's 11th
Division. On the 24th he was scheduled to relieve Líster's forces from the front line,
although the fighting prevented this. [ 7 ] On the morning of July 25, the units of the
14th Division launched a strong counterattack to the southwest of Brunete against
the enemy forces, with the support of the republican aviation. [ 8 ] [ 9 ]Despite the
resistance offered by the 14th Division, it was unable to maintain the confident
positions, despite the, although the Francoist pressure eased that same day. Once
the fighting in Brunete ended, the division returned to the Guadalajara front, where it
remained for the following months without taking part in relevant operations.

In the spring of 1938 it was sent to the Levante front as a reserve unit, acting as relief
for other units broken by enemy offensives.

In March 1939 some of its units participated in the Golpe de Casado . This was the
case of the 70th Mixed Brigade of Bernabé López Calle , which on the morning of
March 6 occupied various strategic points in Madrid, including the Alameda de
Osuna , the Ministry of Finance and the Telefónica building. [ 10 ] Members of the
35th and 50th mixed brigades also took part in support of the rebel forces. The 14th
Division would self-disband soon after, with the end of the war.

Attached Army Integrated Mixed battle

Corps Brigades front

IV Army Corps 48th , 65th , 72nd , 70th Guadalajara

June 1937 IV Army Corps 65th , 70th , 72nd Guadalajara

December 1937 IV Army Corps 70th , 98th Guadalajara
April 30, 1938 XVI Army Corps 206th , 205th and 204th Tarancon
May 1938 XXI Army Corps 35th and 39th I raised
November 1938 GERC Reserve 21st , 35th , 50th and 70th —
March 1939 IV Army Corps 35th, 50th and 70th Guadalajara

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