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They are a mix of the mom and dad.

They are their grandparents.


Alleles that were recessive an dominant

Genes from their parents or recessive genes.

Line 1. They are more likely to because they came directly from the original parents.

The children. They are most like to because they came directly from the original parents

Their parents.

Radius and Ulna

Humerus Humerus

Radius and Ulna
Radius and Ulna Radius and Ulna

Carpals Fingers

Walking and swimming.

Humans and dogs have a similar upper-leg structure. Humans and birds have radius that are further
Whales have shorter limbs. Humans have an open hand. Whales have a shorter fin. Whales have longer


They are related to each other and evolved from each other.

Humans and dogs.

A is more closely related to B. They have a high percentage of DNA similarity.

D is least closely related. It has a low percentage of DNA.

B and . They have similar DNA similarity, so they most likely share a common ancestor and
are derived form that DNA.
Scientists would use DNA to find the percentage of DNA organism X has when compared to other organisms.
Based off this, they can then create a tree to compare times, locations, and to create a visual for who they are
most related to.
Most likely one of the animals mutated from another animal with an elongated bone arrangement in the
lower parts of the forelimb. Then, this animal mutate into the other.

The development of the embryos might look a lot like one another. Embryos are very simple
versions of the animal, and the animals most defining traits are not shown yet.

There were many mutations, and eventually enough mating made the oxygen-carrying molecule.
Now, through natural selection and passing of traits, many species in the world have it.

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