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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of People's Power for Higher Education

Maritime University of The Caribbean
English V
Section “A”

of the class

Master: Cadet:
Garcias Lenin. Rojas R. Jhonny
C.I: 27192285
What is a tanker ship?

The Tankers transport, Crude, Producers

They can be classified according to their service, such as CRUDE OIL CARRIERS.
Obviously, their transport is crude oil from offshore platforms or from ports in
producing countries to refineries with similar characteristics, but even smaller and
that load products derived from crude oil are the asphalt workers, bitumen tankers
and others that load products indicated according to their name.

Tankers are a wide family of vessel types designed to transport a wide variety of
liquid cargoes in bulk, such as crude oil, liquefied gases, alcohol, acids, etc. and they
include some of the largest ships in the world, which is to say the largest
mechanically propelled objects. The largest tanker measures almost 500 m in length
(length), which is equivalent to about 4 football fields.


What is a persistent and non-persistent liquid cargo ship?

All of us have contact with one or another type of liquid goods that are sometimes
transported in bulk by ships: gasoline for cars, fruit juices, oil for human
consumption... our daily lives would be impossible without them. These are liquid
cargoes and, therefore, capable of free flow, and include crude oil or its refined
products, liquefied gases, chemical products, etc. Instead of being bottled, they are
pumped into large reservoirs, called “tanks”, from specialized vessels known as
“Tank Ships”. This segment of the maritime sector is the one that has attracted the
most attention from the media and public opinion, as a result of the serious
consequences that some oil tanker accidents have produced on the marine and
coastal environment, due to oil spills. polluting hydrocarbons.
But today there are many regulations and instruments for effective control of their
compliance, as well as a serious commitment to the environment by all those who
participate in these transports. Thanks to this, in the last 15 years a substantial
reduction has been achieved in marine pollution caused by accidental spills from
tankers, and this despite the fact that during this time the maritime transport of these
products has continued to grow considerably.

What is Bulk Carrier?

They are a type of ship that belongs to the general family, also known by the English
word "bulkcarries" are dedicated to the transport of dry bulk cargo.

They are usually large (up to 200,000dwt), in some cases exceeding 300m in length.
They normally sail at low speed. They are easily identifiable by having a single
continuous deck with several hatches (normally odd numbers) and sliders on one or
both sides where the hatch cover(s) run.

Bulk Carrier

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