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Functions of Communication Barriers to Communication

1. Control – communication functions to 1. Emotional Barriers – this barrier can

control behaviour. stem from a person’s existing feelings toward a
subject or person(s) involved in the
Example: communication process.
Doctor’s Prescription Example:
2. Social Interaction – communication allows You are having a bad day or you feel
individuals to interact with others. frustrated.
Example: 2. Use of Jargon – refers to the set of
specialized vocabulary in a certain field.
3. Motivation – communication motivates or
encourages people to live better. You are a scientist discussing a
certain weather phenomenon with your
Example: neighbour who does not know much about the
Encouragement topic.

4. Emotional Expression – communication 3. Lack of Confidence – shyness, difficulty

facilitates people’s expression of their feelings being assertive or low self-worth can hinder your
ability to make your needs and opinions known.
and emotions.
You are asked to share something about
Open Forum your day or weekend, but you are hesitant because
you’re shy.
5. Information Dissemination –
communication functions to convey 4. Noisy Environment – it is any persistent or
information. random disturbance which reduces obscures or
confuses the clarity of a message.
You are having a conversation with
some friends when a song was played loudly.
1-5. Enumerate the 5 Functions of

6. Social Interaction

7. Information Dissemination

8. Control

9. Emotional Expression

10. Motivation

11-14. Enumerate the Barriers to


15. Noisy Environment

16. Use of Jargon

17. Emotional Barriers

18. Lack of Confidence

19-22. Identify

19. Anger

20. Videoke



23-25. (3pts.) How barriers affect


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