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Capas, Tarlac
I. Subject: GE5: Purposive Communication
II. Learning Outcomes:
- To listen, comprehend, critique, and respond to live recorded conversations.
- Speak in public with confidence.
- Explain extended texts in their own words using examples and other aids to bolster
their explanation
- Write texts ranging from simple report to a full length technical or research paper
- Prepare an audio-visual or web-based presentation on an assigned topic.
III. Topic/Lesson: Introduction to Communication
IV. Days of Learning Sessions: 1.5 hours - online
1.5 hours - modular including assessment of students’ work
V. Expected Outcomes:
- Describe the nature, elements and functions of verbal and nonverbal communication in
various and multicultural contexts.

VI. Delivery
Lesson Starter:
Communication is derived from the Latin word “Communis” which means to share. A
two-way process wherein the message in the form of ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions is
transmitted between two or more persons with the intent of creating a shared understanding.
An act of conveying intended information and understanding from one person to another is
called as communication
1. Motivation Phase
1.1. Pre - assessment Activity (Collaboration):
Answer the following in your own words.

1 Why is communication important to you? Communication is important to me because I

can use it to know when I can talk what I want to say, and I also know if they have

something to say they will understand me because communication is really very important

to me but to all of us.

2 Why is communication important to society? for we all understand what we want to say to

each other. If there is no communication in our society, it is very difficult, how can you buy if

there is no communication, how can you travel if there is no communication. Isn't it difficult when

there is no communication in society, so it is very important in our society

2. Presentation Phase: The 3-A Approach

Task Report/Observation
1. Listen to a radio speaker or a TV ayun sa pag kaka intindi ko sa balita
commentator’s evaluation of a social tungkol sa drugs maayos naman pero
issue (corruption in the government,
dun sa isang sentence na sinabi niya
drug abuse, crime problem, rising prices
of goods, traffic and health crisis). ay naguguluhan ako kase sabi niya
pinag hihinalahan na bawal na gamot
diba hehe corny pero totoo naman
kase pinag hihinalaan palang bat hinuli
2. Think about a movie that you find the movie I watched was crazy
unforgettable. Was it amusing, exciting, beautiful you, it's so beautiful and you
historical, educational, humorous,
colorful, and realistic. can learn a lot of lessons like you
don't have to rebel against your
parents because they're losing some
time with you
as long as you learn too many lessons

1.1. APPLICATION (Creativity):

Instruction: In your own words, explain the following types of communication.
1. Verbal Communication Verbal communication is the use of words to convey a

2. Oral Communication present ideas and share information. Examples of oral

communication are conversations with friends, family or
colleagues, presentations

3.Written Communication A Written Communication' means the sending of messages,

orders or instructions in writing through letters, circulars,
manuals, reports, telegrams,

4.Non-Verbal Communication non verbal communication is also used by those who can't speak like sign
laungauge or like when liking using his/her the hand
1. Assessment Phase:
1.1. Work Activities
Aside from the given example above, write the advantages and disadvantages of Written
Advantages Disadvantages

Disadvantage of written
Written communication also helps
communication will be fast but
a lot because it can speed up sometimes the delivery is not

1.1. Take Home Tasks

A. Challenge
- In your own words, Please write a one sentence definition of Effective Communication.
Marites 1: ay Kilala mo si kim ang baba daw ang grade

Marites 2 : kase naman lagging gala puro barkada

Marites 3: ay hayaan mo siya tara mag tongking na tayo

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