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A. At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students will be able to:

1. Identify the parts/organs of the Digestive System and function.

2. Organize and discuss the process of food digestion.

3. Justify the importance of the Digestive System in our body.



B. Reference: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY II e. BIOLOGY pp. 159-164



Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Greeting

“Good morning class.” “Good morning Ma’am!”

B. Prayer

Can you please lead us a prayer Mr./Ms. ____ Mr./Ms. _____Let us put ourselves in the holy
presence of God. In the Name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“Lord, we thank you………….”

“Good morning once again, class.” I’m Mrs.

Irelyn Sara Remolado, your teacher in your
Biology subject.

Okay, class please lend me your ears, eyes to

the board, stay focused and most of all have a
heart in our lesson for today. Are you ready,
class? Yes Ma’am, we are ready!

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Motivational Activity


Okay class, I want you to count off 1 – 5, then

group yourselves according to your number, and
proceed to your assigned area respectively. (Students will be divided into five (5) groups –
They will count 1 – 5, then they will be grouped
according to the number assigned to them like in
this diagram:


Group 1 Group 5

Group 2 Group 4

Group 3

(Student will proceed to their respective assigned

Class, let me remind you that I will be giving a
short quiz after the discussion. And tomorrow we
will have pre-test from our previous lesson and
post-test from our new lesson. Your quizzes serve
as your attendance, so “No Cutting Class” in the
middle of the discussion.

Class, did you eat your breakfast today?

Yes, Ma’am. We did!
Very Good! It’s because our lesson for today has
something to do with food in and out of our

Now, I will be distributing an envelope for each

Direction: Inside the envelop are cut pictures,
reform/solve the puzzle within 3 minutes.

Your time start now! (Student will start solving the puzzle).

Okay, time is up! (After solving the puzzle).

Try to look at the picture. Class, what is your idea

about the picture you come up with?
It’s a Digestive System, Ma’am.
YES! It is a Digestive System that you have
learned the following parts in your previous year.

Let’s define first, what is a system?

A system is composed of several parts/organs

working together to carry out a function.

To understand more about our lesson for today,

let me ask you, Do you have any idea about the
Digestive System?

Anyone from the class, please? Okay, Ms./Mr.__.

(Student will stand and recite)

Mr./Ms.______, The Digestive System is a group
of organs that breakdown food in order to absorb
nutrients after we eat.
Thank you, Mr./Ms. The Digestive System is
responsible for breakdown and absorption of
nutrients from food, used by the body as to fuel
to keep all the body systems working.

That’s why class, it is very important to eat every

So, if food was broken down into portions for the
body to get nutrients, then what do you call the
process of breaking down food, class? Any idea?
Who will volunteer?

(Student will stand and recite).

Digestion, Ma’am.
Okay, correct! The process is called Digestion.
At this time class, I want you to imagine
yourselves as those food we eat, will discuss the
journey of food by the Digestive System.

Okay, from the picture you have made from the

puzzle, one representative will discuss the
collaboration in front and paste your work at the

Who among you have the mouth picture? We have it ma’am!

Okay, be the first to discuss your work.

The Mouth offers an entry of food into the body.
It is also where mechanical breakdown begins.

Yes, Thank you! Please take your seat. First, food

enters the mouth where it is chewed
(mastication) by our teeth. Wets by our saliva, a
fluid produced by salivary gland that contains a
salivary enzyme (PYTALIN) that speeds up break
down of food (starch to sugar).

From the mouth, food passes through the? What

connects the mouth and stomach, class?
Yes Correct! And who among you have the
esophagus picture? Can you share your ideas,
We have it Ma’am! The Esophagus transact the
food from the mouth to the stomach by a
rhythmic movement.

Peristalsis Ma’am.
That’s correct! So, what do we call that rhythmic
movement? Anyone from the class?

That’s right so, through Peristalsis, the food or

now chyme goes through the Cardiac sphincter, a
ring-shaped muscle where food enters from
esophagus to stomach that prevents food reflux.
The food then is transported to the stomach. So
again, what is the muscle that prevent reflux?
The Cardiac Sphincter.

Correct! Now, which group hold the stomach?

Can you discuss it in front?
The Stomach further forms the food into smaller
portions and contains HCl that aids in digestion
and destroys the bacteria present in the ingested
food. It is also has Pepsin that breakdown protein
into smaller forms.
Class, our Stomach is a hollow muscular bag and
forms the food into smaller portions.

Now, where does the food go after passing the

stomach? Small Intestine.

Who among you have the Small Intestine picture?

Please go in front and discuss. We have it Ma’am!
The Small Intestine signal the Pancreas to
produce pancreatic juices and Gallbladder to
release Bile.
Yes, that’s correct! You may return to your seat

Class, to explain further, in the Small Intestine by

the help of the pancreatic juices, Proteins,
Carbohydrates, and Fats are broken down. The
Small Intestine also is the longest part /organ of
the Digestive System.
In the Small Intestine also, Bile acts on the food.
Bile is produced in the Liver and stored in the

So, class, what organ produces Bile? Liver.

How about the one that stores Bile? Gallbladder

Very good! So, class, as we can say, that most of

the food nutrients absorption takes place in the
Small Intestine.

And now, the remains of digestion and

absorption are now enters the Large Intestine
who happens to be in the last group.

Please share your idea in front. The Large Intestine is composed of ascending,
transverse, descending colon, the rectum, and
anus. In the Large Intestine it is where absorption
of water occurs.

Yes, that’s true. You may now return to your seat.

The large Intestine is composed of the ascending,
transverse, descending colon along with your
rectum and anus. It is where water absorption
occurs. The remains after water has been
absorbed are now called stool or feces, then it
will be stored in the rectum then excreted to the

So, class in summary, the Digestive System is The Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine
composed of? and Large Intestine.

All are which function to do what? They are responsible for the breakdown and
absorption of nutrients from food.

Now class, Can, you now justify why The

Digestive System is important? Yes, Ma’am!

Why then class? Because, The Digestive System our body will be
able to get nutrients from the food we eat
thereby, bringing energy and other body system
to work out.
Very Good! Good Job class! Thank you.
Any question, clarification?
None at all Ma’am.

Okay, before I will give you a short quiz, you may

have a bladder break for five minutes.

After five minutes, ….

Okay, please take your seat and prepare for a

short quiz.

Answer it within 15 minutes.

(Students will be given 15 minutes to answer)


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


Direction: Choose the best answer and write the

letter in the space provided. (Student will start answering the short quiz)

_______1. Digestion is _____________.

a. The breakdown of food into
smaller substances that can be absorbed by the
b. The breakdown of food in the mouth
which contains salivary enzyme.
c. The breakdown of starch into sugar to
be easily swallowed in the esophagus.
d. The breakdown of Protein,
Carbohydrates, and Fats.

________2. It is where the Process of Digestion

a. Tongue
b. Teeth
c. Mouth
d. Esophagus

________3. Group of organs/parts (system) that

help in food digestion.
a. Liver
b. Gallbladder
c. Digestive
d. Respiratory

________4. It is where most of the absorption of

food nutrients takes place and it is the longest
part of the Digestive System.
a. Rectum
b. Small Intestine
c. Cardiac Sphincter
d. Colon

_______5. Why is The Digestive System

important in the body? (6pts.)

Checking the Quiz.

Okay, exchange papers with your seatmates.

Who wants to read and answer question #1? (Students raise their hands).

Ma’am…. Ma’am … Ma’am…

Read question #1.

What’s the answer Mr./Ms. _____? The answer is A Ma’am.


Alright number 2 question? (Students raise their hands).

Ma’am… Ma’am…. Ma’am…

What’s the answer Mr./Ms. _____? The answer is C, Ma’am.

Okay, great! Next let’s have question #3. (Students raise their hands)

Ma’am… Ma’am… Ma’am…

The answer is C.

That is right! It’s D.

Let’s continue with question #4.

(Teacher calls another student)

Let see, Ah…, Mr./Ms. ______? Ma’am… Ma’am… Ma’am….

The answer is B.

Okay, I will be the one to check for points in

question number 5. Please pass all your papers in
front. (Students pass their papers in front).


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

For your assignment for tomorrow (Friday), Class.

List down three (3) Digestive System Disorders.

Write down the causes and the ways on how to
treat them.

Then, on Monday class each group will prepare a

ROLE PLAY about the Digestive System. This is a
whole period activity.

Okay, class? Yes, Ma’am.

So, this is all for today class.
Let’s all stand for a prayer. (Students stand up for prayer).

Kindly lead a prayer Mr./Ms.______.

Ms. ________in the name of the father……

Goodbye class!
Goodbye Mrs. Remolado!

See you tomorrow…. God Bless!

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