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Matter and its Properties Vocabulary Exploration

Directions: Use the words from the word bank at the bottom of the page and match them with their definition. Write the entire word in the column in front of the definition
that it matches. You should use your textbook (Unit 5: Lesson 1, 3, & 6) to help you and MAY have to use a dictionary/ other resources to find the definitions for SOME of the words
as they are not in your textbook. If a definition is marked as an “FCAT Definition”, it means that this definition was taken from the 5th grade FCAT 2.0 Physical Science Glossary.
Body of
Knowledge # Vocabulary Word Definition

1 Anything that takes up space and has mass. (FCAT Definition)

2 The amount of matter a substance or object has. (FCAT Definition)
Physical Science

3 The amount of space an object or substance occupies. (FCAT Definition)

4 A measure of the force of gravity on an object. (FCAT Definition)
5 Properties of matter that can be observed without changing the matter into a new substance.
6 Properties that describe how a material changes into another material.
7 The measure of the energy of motion of the particles in matter.
8 Concentration of matter of an object; can be found by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.
9 The form matter can take (ex. Solid, liquid, or gas) (FCAT Definition)
10 A substance that has a definite volume but does not have a definite shape.
11 A substance that does not have a definite shape or volume.
12 A substance with a definite shape and volume.
13 A physical change that occurs when matter changes to another state of matter.
14 What happens when a gas releases energy; its temperature goes down and it turns into a liquid.
15 What happens when a liquid releases energy; its temperature goes down and it turns into a solid.
16 What happens when a solid takes in energy; its temperature increases until it turns into a liquid.
17 What happens when a liquid takes in energy; its temperature increases until it turns into a gas.
18 A scientific explanation of the structure of atoms and how they interact with other atoms.
19 The smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element.
20 The dense core (center) of an atom.
21 Part of an atom that has a positive charge.
22 Part of an atom that has no charge.
23 Part of an atom that has a negative charge.
24 The type of matter made from just one kind of atom.
25 A table where elements are organized into rows according to the number of protons each element has.
Atom Density Gas Neutron Solid
Atomic Theory Electron Liquid Nucleus State of Matter
Change of State Element Mass Periodic Table Temperature
Chemical Property Evaporate Matter Physical Property Volume
Condense Freeze Melt Proton Weight
Matter and its Properties Vocabulary Exploration
Matter and its Properties Vocabulary Exploration
Directions: Use the words from the word bank at the bottom of the page and match them with their definition. Write the entire word in the column in front of the definition
that it matches. You should use your textbook to help you and MAY have to use a dictionary/ other resources to find the definitions for SOME of the words as they are not in your
textbook. If a definition is marked as an “FCAT Definition”, it means that this definition was taken from the 5th grade FCAT 2.0 Physical Science Glossary.
Body of
Knowledge # Vocabulary Word Definition

1 Matter Anything that takes up space and has mass. (FCAT Definition)
2 Mass The amount of matter a substance or object has. (FCAT Definition)
Physical Science

3 Volume The amount of space an object or substance occupies. (FCAT Definition)

4 Weight A measure of the force of gravity on an object. (FCAT Definition)
5 Physical Properties Properties of matter that can be observed without changing the matter into a new substance.
6 Chemical Properties Properties that describe how a material changes into another material.
7 Temperature The measure of the energy of motion of the particles in matter.
8 Density Concentration of matter of an object; can be found by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.
9 State of Matter The form matter can take (ex. Solid, liquid, or gas) (FCAT Definition)
10 Liquid A substance that has a definite volume but does not have a definite shape.
11 Gas A substance that does not have a definite shape or volume.
12 Solid A substance with a definite shape and volume.
13 Change of State A physical change that occurs when matter changes to another state of matter.
14 Condense What happens when a gas releases energy; its temperature goes down and it turns into a liquid.
15 Freeze What happens when a liquid releases energy; its temperature goes down and it turns into a solid.
16 Melt What happens when a solid takes in energy; its temperature increases until it turns into a liquid.
17 Evaporate What happens when a liquid takes in energy; its temperature increases until it turns into a gas.
18 Atomic Theory A scientific explanation of the structure of atoms and how they interact with other atoms.
19 Atom The smallest unit of an element that maintains the properties of that element.
20 Nucleus The dense core (center) of an atom.
21 Proton Part of an atom that has a positive charge.
22 Neutron Part of an atom that has no charge.
23 Electron Part of an atom that has a negative charge.
24 Element The type of matter made from just one kind of atom.
25 Periodic Table A table where elements are organized into rows according to the number of protons each element has.
Atom Density Gas Neutron Solid
Atomic Theory Electron Liquid Nucleus State of Matter
Change of State Element Mass Periodic Table Temperature
Chemical Property Evaporate Matter Physical Property Volume
Condense Freeze Melt Proton Weight
Matter and its Properties Vocabulary Exploration

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