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Race Name: Korred

Ability Scores: +2 Wis

Size: small
Speed: 20ft
Languages: common, one of dwarvish, gnomish, sylvan, terran or undercommon

Age: unknown
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Size: about the size of halflings

 Your creature type is Fey rather than humanoid.
 Darkvision
 Magic Hair: your hair acts as an extension of your body, and can be used to craft ropes and similar items. In
addition, it can hold small items such as cutlery and bowls, but is too weak to be used in combat.
 Earthly Connection:
o You have Tremorsense of 60ft.
o You have advantage on Perception or Investigation checks to find precious metals or gems.
o You cannot get lost in underground tunnels except by magical means.
 Innate Spellcasting: you know the Mold Earth cantrip. At 3 rd level you know the Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp spell
and at 5th level you know the Meld Into Stone spell. These spells can be cast this way once per long rest, using
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability.

Korreds, also known as the Dancing Folk, were a small race of fey with a special connection to the earth.

Korreds were grey skinned humanoids with short hairy bodies and the lower-body of a goat. Their beards and hair
were incredibly long and dense, snaking out in all directions. They were rarely known to wear more than a simple
pair of leather britches. It was difficult to distinguish between the two korred sexes, as the women grew similarly
large beards and manes of hair.

Korreds were incredibly carefree, boisterous creatures that valued nature and freedom above all else. They were
incredibly prideful of their hair.

Rumors abounded that claimed the korred might have been the original creators of druid stone circles.

Korred typically lived in scattered clans within wooded hills or the feywild. They ate a primarily vegetarian diet as a
courtesy to nature, though they were not opposed to hunting for game when plant-life became scarce. When
hunting the korred were known to snare smaller game with their hair, catch fish in nets made from their hair, and kill
bigger game with their manipulation of the elemental earth.

Once every week the korred would have a ceremonial celebration for their patron god Tapann the Undying in an
isolated hilltop, woodland glade, or clearing. These celebrations always involved dancing and the playing of music
with either bone flutes, slap-drums, or harps. To interrupt their dancing on these days was considered incredibly
rude and even a cause for violence. Furthermore, these dances were more of a magic ritual than ordinary
celebration, for they drained the vitality of those who engaged in the dancing and transferred it to their god Tapann.
It was quite possible to die from the dancing and elderly korred considered it an honor to go out in such a manner.
When the dancing finally subsided, the korred would have a feast and drink wine they had made from woodland
berries in large stone vats.

Though they were a rather reclusive race, the korred were known to tolerate rangers, druids, and elves. Korreds
were also known to consort with creatures of the elemental earth, such as galeb duhr and oreads, the latter of which
they were known to occasionally mate with. However, the creatures that korred were most often seen partying
alongside were dryads and satyrs.
Korreds were one of the many fey races known to serve the Seldarine. Korreds in service of Sharindlar were also
known to inhabit the Merciful Court, her divine realm in Nidavellir.

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