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Letter for Request for Tool Validation

May 16, 2022

Researcher Teacher, CIS

We, students from Grade 12 -are currently working on our research

entitled “(UAV) - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as an alternative delivering
device”. A written test questionnaire as an instrument will be used in the
said research. In view of this, the researchers would like your expertise to
validate the attached self-made questionnaires to qualify for conduction.
Considering your experience in the fields of research and education, we'd like
to ask your help in validating the instrument before distributing it to the
participants of the study.
We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive
Thank You and God Bless!

Letter of Consent for Respondents

A group from Grade 12 will be conducting qualitative research in

concession in their subject, Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion.. The
researcher is under the guidance of Mr. The study is entitled “(UAV) -
Unmanned aerial vehicle as an alternative delivering device”. As the title
implies, the aim of our study is to learn about the perspectives of students,
particularly Grade 12, in connection to their understanding of UAV delivery
prototypes. As a result, we'd like to ask for your permission to conduct a
survey to which you will respond.
The survey will consume three to five minutes to answer. The responses
we get will be examined and the results will be utilized to answer the study’s
objectives questions. Your identity will be kept private, and all the questions
are open-ended, there is no right or wrong answer. Your identities will remain
anonymous, and you, as respondents, have the choice to decline or
discontinue answering at any time.
We sincerely “Thank You” for your cooperation and consideration.
Again, Thank you so much. 

Respectfully yours, 

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