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S (I, you, they, we) + V1 (infinitive)
S (she, he, it) + V1 + “s”/”es”

I go to school every morning

1. work – works, tell – tells
2. ch, sh, o, z, x, s  v1+es
teach-teaches, wash-washes, go-goes, fix-fixes, pass-
3. y dan diawali consonant, maka y= i + es
study - studies
4. y dan diawali vokal, maka + s
play – plays, say - says
5. can, could, may, might, should, must, etc.

She goes to market every morning

I open the door
She opens the door
She can open the door

S (I, you, they, we) + do+ not + v1
Ex: I don’t open the door every morning
S (she, he, it) + does + not+ v1
Ex: she doesn’t go to market every Sunday

Do + S (I, you, they, we) + v1?
Ex: Do I open the door?
Does + S (she, he, it) + v1
Ex: Does she open the door?

Qw + Do + S (I, you, they, we) + v1?

Qw + Does + S (she, he, it) + v1

QW (who) + V1 + s/es?  menanyakan subject

Ex: who opens the door?
Who teaches you English?

S + to be + non verb (adjective, noun, etc)
Ex: - she is beautiful
- You are handsome
- Andi is a doctor
S + to be + not + non verb
Ex: - she is not beautiful
- you are not handsome
To be + S + non verb
Ex: - is she beautiful?
- are you handsome?

QW + to be + S?


S + To be + V1 + ing
Ex: - She is studying English
- I am playing football

1. rata2 V1 + ing
ex: work – working, watch – watching

2. bila V1 berakhiran ‘e’, maka ‘e’ dihilangkan dan +

ex: make – making, write – writing, read – reading
tapi, bila v1 berakiran ‘e’ & diawali ‘e’, maka +
ex: see – seeing, flee – fleeing

3. bila v1 bersuku kata 1 & diakhiri oleh consonant &

penekanannya ada di akhir, maka consonant
terakhir di gandakan + ing
ex: cut – cutting, sit – sitting, swim – swimming
4. bila v1 bersuku kata 2 atau lebih & berakhiran
consonant serta diawali oleh vocal, maka
consonant terakhir di gandakan + ing
ex: begin – beginning, submit – submitting

5. bila v1 bersuku kata 2, berakhiran consonant ‘l’ di

dahului oleh 1 huruf vocal, maka ‘l’ digandakan +
ex: cancel – cancelling, control - controlling

6. bila v1 bersuku kata 1 atau 2, berakhiran

consonant & didahului oleh 2 huruf vocal, maka
consonant terakhir tidak digandakan + ing
ex: sail – sailing, feel – feeling, wait – waiting, read
– reading.

7. bila v1 brakhiran vocal ‘ie’, maka ‘ie’ diganti

menjadi ‘y’ + ing
ex: die – dying, lie – lying.

S + to be + not + v1 + ing
Ex: - I am not playing football
- She is not studying English

To be + S + v1 + ing?
Ex: - Are you playing soccer?
- Is she studying English?
QW + To be + S + v1 + ing?
Ex: where are you playing soccer?
QW (Who) + To be + v1 +ing?
Ex: who are playing soccer?


S (I, you, they, we) + have + v3 (past participle)
Ex: - I have spoken English
- You have eaten rice
S (she, he, it) + has + v3
Ex: - She has seen her mother in the market
- He has written a letter to you
I have  I’ve
We have  We’ve
They have  They’ve
She has  She’s
He has  He’s
It has  It’s

S (I, you, they, we) + have + not + v3
Ex: - I have not spoken English for three years.
- You have not here since yesterday.
S (she, he, it) + has + not + v3
Ex: - She hasn’t taught this class for one year.
- He has not bought a ball to you.

Have + S (I, you, they, we) + v3?
Ex: - Have I written a letter for you?
Has + S (she, he, it) + v3
Ex: - Has he taught English for five months?

QW + Have + S (I, you, they, we) + v3?

QW + Has + S (she, he, it) + v3

QW (who) + has + v3?

S (I, you, they, we) + have + been +non verb
Ex: We have been in Pontianak for 10 months
S (she, he, it) + has + been + non verb
Ex: She has been here since yesterday

S (I, you, they, we) + have + not + been +non verb
Ex: We have not been in Pontianak for 10 months
S (she, he, it) + has + not + been + non verb
Ex: She has not been here since yesterday

Have + S (I, you, they, we) + been +non verb
Ex: Have we been in Pontianak for 10 months?
Has + S (she, he, it) + been + non verb
Ex: Has she been here since yesterday?
QW + Have + S (I, you, they, we) + been +non verb
QW + Has + S (she, he, it) + been + non verb

QW(Who) + has + been + non verb?

Ex: Who has been here since yesterday?


S (I, YOU, THEY, WE) + HAVE + BEEN + V1 +
Ex: We have been studying English for two hours.

S (SHE, HE, IT) + HAS + BEEN + V1 + ING

Ex: She has been singing since child.

V1 + ING
Ex: They have not been studying English for two

S (SHE, HE, IT) + HAS + NOT + BEEN + V1 + ING

Ex: She has not been singing since child.

HAVE + S (I, YOU, THEY, WE) + BEEN + V1 +
Ex: Have you been finishing homework last night?
HAS + S (SHE, HE, IT) + BEEN + V1 + ING?
Ex: Has he been opening the new restaurant?

QW + HAVE + S (I, YOU, THEY, WE) + BEEN + V1

+ ING?
QW + HAS + S (SHE, HE, IT) + BEEN + V1 + ING?

QW (WHO) + HAS + BEEN + V1 + ING?

Rumus simple presnt
Present contonius tense
S+to be+vi+ing
Present perfect tense
S+have +v3
Present dferfect continius tense

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