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RNG EDG (2-1) TES (2-0) FPX (2-0)

EDG TES (1-2) FPX (2-1) RNG (1-2)

TES EDG (2-1) FPX (0-2) RNG (0-2)
FPX EDG (1-2) TES (2-0) RNG (0-2)

The only team in the Top 4 to take a game off RNG is EDG.

Flandre on Jayce popped off with a 547DPM, 37% of his team’s damage share; should be noted that that
was the Seraphine composition.
TES have a 100% rate on Gnar in playoffs. Hecarim has been their priority pick in Playoffs, but Tristana
seems to be the most important pick as it’s either first picked by them, or banned against them. High
prio on Kench in the recent weeks and how it unlocks the dive potential for Karsa on bot with his Jungle

Knight got his Zoe once and was able to blind pick it – then otherwise had it perma denied the rest of
the series and went to blind picking Ori. If Gragas wasn’t denied, they picked it up and flexed it.

Knight blinded Ori and Ryze this series – priority on Tristana. They don’t want to touch Gnar.

Habits: Knight is often blind picking. Counter pick is left for either side lane. Karsa, Tristana, and Gragas
are the priority picks. Against EDG Hecarim, Renekton (only by TES), and Gragas (only by EDG) were
denied the entire series. Denying Meiko’s thresh seems to be a big priority for TES. Oriana was also huge
priority and EDG even trying to deny the pick.
They can flex the Tristana.



Thresh Gragas Thresh Renekton
Hecarim Jayce Hecarim Hecarim
Udyr Tristana Gragas Gnar
Lilia Hecarim Tristana Thresh
Flandre Shared 369
Aatrox, Volibear Jayce, Gnar, Gragas, Renekton, Camille, Jax, Quinn, Karma,
Sion, Gangplank, Ornn Kennen, Lucian, Malphite, Sett

JieJie Shared Karsa

Taliyah Olaf, Udyr, Lilia, Hecarim, Lee Sin, Skarner, Sejuani,
Graves, Nidalee, Pantheon Trundle

Scout Shared Knight

Azir, Tristana, Seraphine Oriana, Viktor, Zoe, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Gragas,
Ryze, LeBlanc, Sylas Cassiopeia, Yone, Nocturn,
Lucian, Renekton
Knight has a lot more options for AD mid laners on tape this split; which isn’t to say that scout can’t play
AD mid laners – we know he can, but that EDG haven’t been doing that.

Viper Shared Jackeylove

Miss Fortune, Ezreal Kai’sa, Xayah, Aphelios, Samira, Jinx, Senna, Draven, Vayne
Tristana, Kalista

Meiko Shared Zhuo

Moakai Rell, Alistar, Leona, Thresh, Sett, Kench, Gragas

TES will find significantly more victories on red side due to counter pick. They have a lot more one-of
draft selections, making their unique champion pools larger compared to EDG, because they’ll reach for
that counter matchup for lane domination. This also leads to an extended lane phase to find individual
gold advantages where as EDG are much more about collective composition synergy and teamfighting.

EDG are obsessed with neutral objectives, especially Dragons – the have the highest dragon rate left in
the top 4 and the highest team KP% across every position. This is the match of a team (TES) that extends
lane phase for as long as possible to create individual leads in lane, and will sack neutral objectives for
waves/plates/individual advantages versus an individually talented team that tries to perfect teamplay
cross map when it comes to setting up drakes.

Macro Narrative:
This isn’t your Dad’s EDG – a suitable jungle replacement for Clearlove in JieJie and the arrival of Flandre,
finally. With Viper as the crown jewel that pieces that made EDG such a force in 2015 have been
reassembled for this return run for the championship. The winnest team of the LPL has returned
alongside RNG. Now the Top 4 are the new dynasty vs the old dynasty.

After the embarrassment of TES to fall to Sunning in the semi-finals, TES have found an actual support
and a new lease on their lane kingdom style. Ripping through SN to this point, TES want to return to the
top and run back-to-back LPL Championships. They followed in IG’s footsteps in the new era of the
League meta and continue to polish and perfect their lane kingdom style.

Vocab: Defending Champions vs Returning Champions

Player Narrative:
Two Trident Teams about to face off but with their pieces used in different ways.

I am a Macro and Drafting oriented caster. I do a lot of preparation in draft analysis and how
compositions work together. I’ll make short term predictions on the map movements or will read map
state if I’m watching things unfold – it’s kind of like PBP but I’m essentially discussing potential options
for the team/players and talking through their decision making.

I don’t like to hit on narrative in casts unless it’s an unlockable moment – so if someone pops off in a
fight, that’s when I’ll unleash a story point about a player rather than using it to fill dead air.

I track Jungle pathing and am most comfortable discussing bot lane matchups.

I am weakest in teamfight and micro interactions as I’ll usually miss them being blind as shit.

Things I LOVE talking about:

Teamfight execution
Jungle Pathing
Bot Lane dynamics
Macro Rotations
Map state

Things I HATE talking about:

Lane matchups
Micro interactions

I am a lower energy caster, so I appreciate that in hand offs that you lower the energy to allow me to
reach it comfortably.

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