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IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers petwMetion Petnre Woe ee) G cic chi dé va “XA cau hdi dién hinh ¥ Your study or work 2ige lige tdp hode cong viée cila ban ¥ Your home town gué hnvong ctia bart ¥ Your hobbies and interests sd thich cila ban Roe Why did you choose your major /job? era gett meek Pete neta 1s there anything you dislike about your major/job? Tra l8i cfu hdi trén co’sé phan tich 4 mat dudi day (goi tat la SWOT ——— — viét theo 4 chit céi du ctia 4 tir tuong ting trong tiéng Anh). SWOT ANALYSIS Internal origin tomes oe ain External origin (ao over Chung 3 Phd i # strengthe Thin loi + Weaknesses Bat Iyi + Opportunities Codi nghé nghip Throats Ning thi tnie Gidm khdo cing c6 thé dat cau hdi theo SWOT, vi du: What kind of language can you speak? What are the benefits of speaking a foreign language? What is the most dificult part of learning another language? What is the most efficient way of learning another language? (Chuyén nganh hoe | Khi gidm khio dat ctu h6i vé chuyén ng’nh hoc, ban cfn tra bi tt cd ede thong tin cn thiét nhur chuyén ngank, trudng hoc, ndim hoc, thim chi muc tiéu eda nganh hoe. Hay xem. 3 edu trd li go f sau: Hoc sinh Currently, | am a year-12 student studying at XX High School. | haven't decided my major yet, but | am really Into business studies. Sinh vién Currently, lam a senior student at XXX University, majoring in computer science and technology and specialising in programming. Sinh vin vita t6t nghiép Well, | am a fresh graduate from XXX University, and currently, | am studying for IELTS at a language cantre and preparing to further my studies at XXX this coming July. aaa RBH | chose i simpy because. ‘The reason why | decided on XXX is that ... ‘The incentive/starting point was that | found XXX quite ... Ly do thif nhat: nginh hoc nay 1a uée mo cua ban | am really into... and | always believe that | was born for XXX, and my dream is to be a/an XXX one cay. IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested! Answers Ly do thit hai: nginh hoc nay od xu hudng ngay cing phé bién It is well acknowledged that XXX is a big trend/megatrend, so | believe that an increasing number of people will devote themselves into this area, Lf do thif ba: day la nganh 6 trién vong Personally, ! strongly beliove that the eector of .. wil be promising /highly demanded/a sunrise industry, “Thong tin bé sung And after my graduation, there will be a guarantee for my future job-hunting, which means | may got @ well-i jah Ly do thé tu: chon nginh theo sy tu vén cia phy huynh Honestly, it was not my choice since | was told to Ly do thit nam: muén tiép néi sy nghiép ctia gia dinh ‘he biggest reason is that my falher is @ successful businessman, and I plan to follow in his footsteps after graduation. Néu khong thich chuyén nginh da chon hay dyf din chuyén sang chuyén nginh khéc, ban c6 thé tra li nhu sau: Actually, lam considering changing my major from A to B ince | think that .. 4. Lam not good at ..., and the study of... is really not my cup of tea. 2. is the one that I really cannot get over/is faily demanding for me to overcome. 3, lam mare talented gifted in. Thode ii | Generally, the best thing about my job is... simply/mainly because . Nhiing ly do khién ban yeu thich nghé cia mink: ¥ Boost my people skills néing cao ky nang giao tiép | enjoy interacting/communieating/ mingling with different types af aliants. ¥ Expand my social network mdrong quan hé xa di J may establish a sound relationship in this area. ¥ Meet my requirements ddp zing cde nl cau & Financial security dim hia ze tai chink » Promotion opportunity co ii thang tigi > Selfimprovement hon thien ban than oS (Chuang 3 Phan Nhu cau cia con ngudi theo hinh kim tu th4p cla Maslow Masiow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs ‘Ting thi nbét: nhu cau sinh ly Basic and daily necessities ing thithat: hu clu at wan Surise UF safely and security Ting thitba: nhu cau xa hdi Love and sense of belonging ‘Ting thittu: — nhu cdu duge tén trong Self-esteem and respect from others, Ting théndm: mu elu duce think dar Sanse af fulfimant or salf-actualisation Mot nghé ly tuéng hoge nghé ma bon yéu thich phai dp ting duge mét vai nbu cli, tham chi tat c4 cée nhu céu n6i trén. Ban o6 thé dya vio dé dé trinh bay quan digm cia minh vé nghé nghigp. L Baeigt Honestly, the worst I have lo say about my job is... since Ly do ban khéng thich nghé nghiép ctia minh hay nhting khé khan trong nghé: ¥ Lam alittle bored with sitting in front of a computer screen all day long, and | am longing {for a job that involves dealing with people. Toi calm hay chain vige mgd eruéic man kink meiy tink sud ngdy, t6i klhao Rude am mst nghé duoc tip tic vdi moi nguir. ¥ Frankly speaking, | am currently experiencing some bottlenecks at work, and | want to actively look for some breakthrough, so | have chosen to improve my competence through studying abroad. Noi thing ra, hign 161 gap mét sO trd ngai trong céng vie ve tdi mudi chit déng tim kiém Cau hdi khdi quét (dang hdi dp) > Cau héi cu thé (dang yéu cu trinh bay quan diém) Tei Cele Khi dat cau héi khai quit, gidm khdo mun ban trinh bay vé chit dé dugc néu trong cau héi, Mau cu thuting gap [a Do you tke ..? Co ee omer m tbe Deets, Pen Cc me meee ten Dt cue Do et Peau ed rears} IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers peek ona RS Do you like drawing/ painting? eRe aie Bn ea Portia Do you have a driving ficence? Pe eats Céch wa di ‘Ban c6 thé tra Idi cac cau di khai quét vila néu theo cong thtic A+ W. ‘A: tra léi thing vio n6i dung cau héi cia giém khdo- W: What (thé loai) Where (dia diém) When (thdi gian) Who (con nguot) Why (oguyen nban) Do you like music? 'A— Khing dinh: Definitely yoe, everyone enjoys music, and | am no exception. | love Phiidinh: Well, honestly speaking, music is really not my cup of tea simply because What — pop, techno (nhac didi ni), hip hop, rock, classical, light music Whore Normally, ike te iston ta muisie from my aaenhones when | take a ride on public transport. When — When | can’t go to sleep, like to nsten to some tight music W val syst down, Who — My most favourite singers are Adele, James Blunt, and Avril Lavigne. Why — 1am fond of music mainly because it can cheer me up greatly when I feel down /ow/ blue/bored/tired/dopresced (dm nhac Win 0% rdf hain khiti khi tdi thay bud! luéry/mét mai that wong. Besides, | also believe that music is an indispensable part (ntgt plidu kitong whe’ ier) of culture and tradition, through which | may have a better understanding of different cultures around the world (tdi cd thé hidu bidt 161 hom o€ cde nén oan ha Rhde nha ren she ii (Te dung cd lg v Purify my heart with melodious rhythms (ight/gospel/classical) Produce great chemical reaction in my mind (pop) ¥ Wake me up when I feel drowsy in the moming (rack/punk) ¥ Blow my mind with strong beats and rhythms (hip hop/R&B/rap) ¥ Promote my personal cultivation (classical/musical opera/syrptiony) & CChuong5 Phin 1 Do you like watching films? ‘A — Speaking of fms, yes, | am a big fan ofall types of films, such as .. What — comedy, action, romance, sci-fi, vampire, zombie, animation Where — Normally, l enjoy watching fms at cinemas, for it has a better atmosphere with better sound/visual effects. When & Who — When | am available during weekends, I lke to see a fim with my bestie/ ifriend boyfriend. Wy — fluve walchiny fis simply because | can/it can ' ¥ cheer myself up/amuse myself/relax myself/release my pressure (comedy) ‘ui 8 gid tri /thaegidin wii réa dp le ¥ escape from my daily life and experience something that can hardly happen in real ife (Twilight - vampire + romance) thodit khai sink hoat thutng mhait wx tri nghiém thie khong e6 trong doi that ¥ have a blast and blow my mind (Mission Impossible 4 - action) ude td 16 + boost my imagination and please my eyes with visual effects (Avatar, Inception ~ sc-f) tng cig ort ring tg vd Lam man mba vi hig ng hin dn -¥ maintain my childhood interest (Kung Fu Panda - animation) ddey arin oui tudt tho ¥ provoke thought towards humanity and life (The Shawshank Redemption, The Pursuit of Happyness - ethical) gol suy tie vé nhain sink 7 broaden my horizon and entich my knowledge (Inside Job ~ documentary) md ring tdm nhin va lim gidu hig theie Do you like dancing? ‘A — Khing @inh: Yes, | am partial towards dancing. Phiidinh: No, frankly speaking, | can hardly find an opportunity to learn how to dance ‘rom anyone nearby. Whore & Whon — When | am off work/echool, | often dance in a dance studio/gym/square/ ait dancing school. Why — I love dancing mainly because itis a way of & IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers ¥ relaxation /keeping fit/escaping from daily life routines interaction and socialisation (ballroom dance) thuc gid git site khde |thodt khéi sink hoat thing nhét / giao tiép vdi moi nguéi ¥ showing off individuality (street dance / popping/tocking) thé’hién ¥ learning an exotic culture (salsa/belly darice/ Latin) ioe héi vin ha mae ngosi Do you like travelling? A — Undoubtedly yes, travelling is my most favourite, ‘When & Who — When I am free from study, | ike to travel to different places with my friends or family members. Whare — We make trips to big cities like Nha Trang, ancient towns like Hoi An in Quang Nam Province. Why — Through travelling, | can ... ¥ meet different people/try different food /experience another culture gdp go nhiéu nguisi kde mhau|thit mén dn khde /trdi nghiém nén vdn hda khde v have a sense of freshness and newness 6 cam gide méi la ¥ escape from daily ite routines thodt khéi sink hoae thuimg nhdt ¥ get myself well prepared for the future overseas life chuuin bj 1 cho cue sOng 6 nue ngoai trong ttong Lai + actileve my lifelong dream of tating a round tho world tour thc hién mo iaie cd dai li du lich véng quanh thé gidi eu oa Do you like doing sport? A= Absolutely yes, | am groatly fascinated by all sorts of sport, including ‘What — badminton, billards, jogging, hiking, cycting, skiing, skating, swimming Who & Where — Occasionally, play basketball wth my classmates/roommates on the basket- ball court/in the stadium. Why — | find sport beneficial in a variety of ways; for example, playing spor, I can ... > Chuong 5 Phan 1 ¥ relax myself/release my pressure/release study burdens /ease tiredness tue gidn/gidi ta dp luc | gidm génh nding hoc hank | bot mét mai ¥ keep fit/ keep in good shape/lose weight/bulld my boay itt site Rhde [gitt dang ‘gidm céin/rén leyén co thé’ v strengthen teamwork spirit and improve co-operation skills tdng cutmg tinh than dong doi vd cdi thién cdc Ry nang hop tac ¥ socialise/interact with my poors giao tip adi ban ding trang kita ¥ lear the concept of winning and losing/maintain a sense of competition hide khdi niém thing thua/dwy tri thite thi dua Do you tike reading? A — Yes, | love reading. What — | normally read novels, newspapers, magazines, and textbooks. Where & When — While lam ona coach, reading is what | usually do to kill time, and sometimes, | read books/ magazines or listen to audio books on my iPhone/iPad/cell phone. Why — Reading, essentially, is @ part of my dally li since reading can... ¥ broaden my horizon ‘md rong tém nhin ¥ enrich my knowledge lim gid hin dhe V help me keep up with the latest news and information sitip cdp what tin ie ¥ cultivate my way of thinking (independent critical /creative/ analytical) ren luyén tu diy © enlighten my mind /act a fire in my mind hai sing orf ud ¥ add a bit of fun to my life thém chit niém oui cho cude sing rears} IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers ‘A Oh, when it comee to shopping, | have to say that | am really a shopaholic. When & Where — In my spare time, | like to go shopping at a mall, a convenience store, a gro- cery store, a supermarkt, a depariment store, or go shopping online. fashion stuff. What — Mostly, l hop for daily necessities, like casmatics, skin care produc! snacks, clothes, sneakers, etc. Why — I love shopping for a variety of reasons; for example, | can... ¥ relax myself/release my pressure tne gid | git toa dp bye ¥ mest my requirements on a daily basic dp img cdc nhu cau hang ngay ciia ban than ¥ get a sense of satisfaction ew vii give dada mute buy myself a brand-new dress/try on different clothes mua cho minh mgt chiée dam mot tinh | mde chit quan do Rhdc nhaw ¥ have an opportunity to catch up with besties 6 dip theo hip han he ¥ catch up with the latest trend and fashion theo kip xu lacing thai trang mdi. nat ¥ tacittate my aauty tte wrtn new technologies gid bét nhiing Rho khan trong sink hoae thuaing nhée bang cdc céng nghé mdi Do you like drawing /painting? ‘A — Yes, | used to learn how to draw//paint when | was young, What — I've learnt how to draw portraits, sketches, watercolours, comics, traditional Vietnamese paintings, and oil paintings. When & Where — When I was around 10 years old, | attended a tutorial session about ... Why — | believe that drawing/ painting is 100% vital in some ways because it may/1 may ... ¥ improve my artistic/aesthetic standards li thign este tid chi my tuted ms oS Chuong 5: Phd ¥ cultivate my interests in life and nature bai dap tinh yéu thién nhién 0€ cuse song ¥ improve hand-eye co-ordination ren luyén kh nang phi hop tay vit mt + heighten people's sense of beauty tang cuaing cam nhén v6 edi dep ¥ be a future career choice 1a hax chon nghé nghiép twomg tai v be a pastime/wav of entertainment. . ! Las mot hink thie gi ert ¥ represent a kind of culture 1iéu bidu cho mgt logi hink vin hoa Do you like collecting things? A — Without a doubt, | have always considered collecting as my hobby. ‘What — | have a fancy for a wide selection of collections, such as stamps, DVDs, dolls, toys, coins, artworks, and antiques. ‘When & Where — Ever since | was in my primary school, | have been encouraged to pursue my own interests, so I have tried almost every possibie way to collect Why — Collecting is advantageous in many ways; it may ... ~ help me acquire the knowledge of the world (stamps /coins/ paper notes) ‘gitip 163 hidu bidt v8 thé gid ¥ broaden my horizon/widen my outlook mé rong tdm nhin hel me express personal sentiment (vampire [zombie DVDs) giup ti bid U6 tink cém cd nan ¥ show my fondness for gts from friends or family members (dois/toy cars/teddy bears) cho théy 16i thich nhiing mon qué ma ban bé hode cde thank vién trong gia dink wao ting v be a way of making profit a mét cach sink Ii ss IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers MOt sé cau héi Khai quat cin tinh bay f kiéu c4 nha How would you like to improve your current accomniadation? Pee aR et aad What's your favourite flower and-why? Re ee Retell Cau héi cu thé 1a dang cau héi ddi héi ban dua ra lua chon hoac trd [di yes/no rdi néu ly do. Khi dat cau hor cy thé, gam khao mudn kiém tra xem: A. ban dua ra quan diém cé.r6 rang va xéc dng khong (standpoint) Bhan cd thé nén I¥ do vi sao minh cé quan diém dé khéng (reasoning) ©. ban cé néu vi du cy thé khong {concrete examples) 1D. ban co kha nang neu gid dinh cho van dé khong (supposition) E, ban cé dé cap mat di lap cita van dé Khong (contrary aspect) F, ban c6 két Iuan cho van dé khong (conclusion) Ban cé thé trién khai ndi dung bai néi theo cdc diém trén. Day la cach gitip ban dat diém cao khi trd [bi cau hii cy thé ciia giém Khdo. i cau di ‘A. Bvara quan diém: trinh bay r6 quan diém khi tra B. Néulf do: dp dung nguyén tc KISS (Keep It Simple and Straightforward) bang céich ding cde vir hue cum wi chen chée nhut simply because/mainly because /ainoe... ©. Neuvidy: dua ra'edc vi dy tiv trai nghiém cia bin than hay eda nhing ngudi xung quanh, ding céc cum tit nhut: By this, | mean/Take sth as an example/For instance D. Néu gia dinh: ding céc cu trie gid dinh nhu: Without .., | couldn't ../How could I. HI chose ..., | would .., 80 .. io much better .. E. Dé cp mit déi lip cuia vin dé: ding cdc céch dién dat thé hién céch nhin bao quét hon nhu: However, | do realise that .../On the other hand, | have to say that in short/All in F. Ket loin: tém tt quan diém da trinh bay, diing céc cach dién dat nhu: all/In eummary/To conclude/To sum up/in a word, that's why .. 2 Chuang 3 Phar vrs) Pe esc ec ue oa cd GP Definitely yos, my family means everything to me simply because they gave me life, raised me up, and have supported almost snaryacnt aan ae For example, | am about to study overseas, and my family will give me suf- QD er rai snp, so wont nee o wry about myn expenses and tution ED 1 rin tooo nto cous sui er tants de qj So, without any doubt, my family is the most important thing in my life. Lau y: Khi tr J0i cau héi, rude tien ban phai dua ra quan diém (buéc A). Véi céc bude con Jai, ban khng cin phai trinh bay theo trinh ty néi trén. Can ctf vao noi dung cau héi, ban c6 thé két hop cae bude nay theo trinh tir khéc nhau dé tao ra hiéu qua khdc nhav. ‘Diu quan trong 1a ban phai ding tit cp 46 cao va dam bao tinh logic trong cau tra 1di (ching han phai néu vi dy sau khi gidi thich). Va cuGi cling ban phai da ra cau két Luan. 8 két thiic phan tinh bay cia minh. aes Dt ced p> Yes, computers are extremely necessary in my daily life, just ike eating and sleeping, Without a computer, I wouldn't be able to get access to my online social net- works, like Facebook/Twitter/Yahoo Messenger, and then | would lose con- ection with most of my friends and classmates. Without computers, it would be inconvenient for me to finish my assignments, prepare my class presenta- tions, and do research online. Without computers, my life would be boring and monotonous clmply booauce | am used to amusing myself by listening to music, watching films, and playing computer games on computers every day. ‘Tham chi ban cé thé dat cau héi tu ti nhu: Can you imagine life without computoro? st ‘ex sts & Suggested Answers [TS Speaking Recent Actual Can you imagine birds fying without wings? Gan you imagine people living without air andl water? © 102-20 cont ar esta me Vidu 3 Pe oa ae ce ED 220 ves. 10m coe on eng tetera { simply because I can try a wider range/selection of food at restaurants, a> For example, | can enjoy Japanese food, like sushi, sashimi, and udon noodles. But if | eat at home, | probably can only have Vietnamese food since my mum has no idea of how to cook Japanese food. However, ! do know that food safety is becoming increasingly alarming in Vietnam these days. So, somahaw eating at home will be more hygienic and ‘guaranteed. In a word, | lke eating at restaurants better. Digm kho nbat khi tra [oi logi cau héi nay Ja ban phai tim ¥ that nhanh va trinh bay +S sng, That ra ban chi cn néu nhiing ¥ dac trung nbét. Vi du: Amana: inexpensive/hygienic/better family atmosphere/sharing moments homemade An émha hing: time-saving /labour-saving/a wider range of selections /more appropriate tor husiness banquets aera Pe Ce eee eo ED 0021s, rar avin ns snr on an nhs QD 00 erenin aoa simon st sinning nt Tp rears} fo Chumg 3 Phin 1 For example, if | swim in the sea, | may face great danger, say, coming across a shark. QD 16:20 20min peace suning pol arty Pere CR on sue a en Most, nave a fancy for watching fms a ome vine But | do know that watching films in the cinema may offer us better atmosphere and better audio-visual effects. So, it depends on the situation. For some highly recommendable blockbusters, {ike to watch them in the cinema, Céc ly do khién ban thich xem phim 6 rap: > the thrill of watching films on a bigger screen cain gidc Tag Idng hihi xem phim man dnk rong > The atmosphere is more exciting, Bau khong kh 6 do non whip hon. > more deeply involved in the film cutin hui no be phim > the only place to watch a premiere noi dusy mht dure xem budi chidu céng dién Céc ly do khéc khién ban thich xem phim d nha: > cosier/homier/comfier dm cing /gdn gili /thodi mai han > ‘switch it off or switch channels when you feel uninterested td hode chuyén kénk khi hing thick xem phim dé ma > share opinions and discuss with friends while watching chia sé cdm nghi od ban bac ciing ban be trong hic xem phim st IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers CnC n art acch kins CO ee a Peete ta ee en Eee ee ee ee te Isit necessary to protect animals? eee ng Téng két ——<$ $$$ ___—$______—__ ¢ Khi tra [di cau hdi cu thé Phan 1, ban nén dua trén bé cuc chung 1a dua ra quan diém, xem xét vin dé tit céc géc dé khéc nbau va nit ra két Iwan, « Ban cing can néu vi dy sau khi gidi thich, 6 ging duta ra cc y phan bac néu cac y 46 gitip ban lam 16 van dé. « Céc cau hdi 6 Phan 1 va Phan 3 khéc nhau 6 chd: da s6 cau hdi 6 Phan 1 héi vé thong tin cd nhan va cdc chi dé théng dung, gan gui voi méi truéng hoc tap hoac adi s6ng, cn da 66 cau hdi 6 Phan 3 mé rng, dio s4u n6i dung thi sinh da trinh bay 6 Phin 2 Céc cau héi 6 Phan 1 don gin con cau héi 6 Phan 3 phite tap hon nhiéu. Chuang 3 tra 16i Aes 6 cau hoi} Travel }) Do you like travelling? A — Yes, | guess everyone enjoys traveling, and | am no exception, ‘When & Who — Normally, in my spare time, | may travel to different places with my parents or my best friends. Where — | trave travelled to ratty places, including coustal cities like Phu Quoc Island, minority gathering areas like Sa Pa and Central Highlands. | also went to Cambodia last summer vacation. Why — | ike travelling since it definitely brings me heaps ot benents. Lfdo: Firstly. my horizon can be greatly broadened as | can meet different people ‘rom different places, try diferent food, and even learn different languages and cultures. Li do2: Besides, | always regard travelling as a perfect chance for me to aet away from my daily life routines. You know, life gets monotonous if you stay in one place all year long, aid through Vavelling, nny Ife Gat be revitalise. (baie ciara ach) > broaden horizon’ md réag tdm nhin > unwind /relax/release pressure thu gidn gid t6a dp lec > eccape from daily life routines thad hhdi cink hoot thing nhe > boost family/friend bonding thdt chat quan hé gia dink/ban be > experience new customs/visit sceneries irdi nghiém phong tuc mdi /tham quan > meet personal needs, like shopping/ visiting friends or relatives dap wig cuc niu cau cd hn nine mua sm them ban be hode ho hang ae IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? Well, normally, | prefer travelling with others simply because | may share many things, such as accommodation, transport, eee nm mace cane et If Ltravel alone, | guess | willbe lonely and | may even be helpless when there However, ocrasionally, travelling alone can be more flexible and free, and | won't need to get with other people a So, it depends on my mood, but mostly, | prefer travelling in a group. What is your favourite mode of transport? “There is a variety of transport choices in my city, including .., and my most commonly used one is... Tuvung > commuter nguii di lai hang ngay bang > commute di lai hang ngay bing phone tién phuomg tién céng céng cdg cong > metro/subway/tube tau dign ngdin > cruise/passenger liner ra di lich » train tau hoa » light rail tau hoa hang nhe & ferry pha > double-deck bus xe buy > > 2uang > hydrofoil tau cdmh ngam minibus xe bust nhé > shuttle bus xe buy raven long-haul coach xe Ahdch dieing dai > express train rau hoa t6c hank > high-speed rail 1du cao te > private jet may bay ring > yacht du thuyén > more punctual than coaches ding gid hom xe Rhich > faster than coaches or trains nltanh hon xe khdch hode tau héa > unlikely to be congested Ahdng bi tue nghén giao thang > Chuong 5 Phin What kind of transport would you choose when taking a long-distance trip? ED 0-20.11 oma stlane as my prety frag tance ip Apparently, airplane is the fastest way of transport, and | don’t need to waste my time on the tip. For example, | am planning to study overseas; if | use other forms of transport Instead of airplane, say, ship, it will be ridiculous since it might take me several months to get there. BD © 22 82 seein te ot esin forme toch my ctr Do you have a driving licence? ‘Yes, I got my driving licence when ! was 20 years old, and currently, | am thinking of buying a ‘ear as long as my work is set Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger? Normally, | prefer to be a passenger rainy because lis ss sess, | on ned to oes my atenton onthe GD 10 212294 1ca spent tine cing seating te pag pres on my phone. For example, If | am a driver, | may lose my way or get stuck in a traffic jar, which could be really annoying. Yet, | do agree that driving sometimes can bring me lots of joy and freedom; for ‘example, | can take a self-drive tour to nearby towns. GJ 021 2005 sss sy pretraes Mls Pac mo ah 9 IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers Holiday /Weekend jy How often do you have holidays? Well, normally, since | am stil a college student, there are two periogs wnen I can nave tony holidays, which are the summer holiday and Lunar New Year holiday. What will you do during holidays? During holidays, like to go travelling, just as many other young people. Besides, | alsotry tofind ° fa part-time job of an intern job. Since | am about to hunt for a job in the coming year, itis pretty necessary to enrich work experience. Is it important to have holidays? mainly because holidays give us a chance to rest, and we can do whatever we want to. For example wo cin era sil rave erat laces, Spend ime DD ss rs ater ny, ei be etna and oeos or otudy or works ‘Without holidays, | guess we would probably be exhausted and have no time for adjustment. QD © 022 ee (Chuang 5 Pan 1 Phan nay sé gidi thiéu cdc tit va ngit dé cp nhitng uu diém hay Igi ich cia linh vue nao 6, hoac nbiing vén dé lién quan dén méi trudng, cong nghé méi va ban than. Hay ghi nho cdc tit, ng nay va sit dung sng tao dé tra Idi céui‘héi has loat, thuyét phuc. Benefits _ Loi ich (c cu hdi 6 Phin 1 thudng dé cép dén mét s6 tinh vuc hoac nh céc mang xa hoi (Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger), mua chung/nhém mua (group purchase), xe sit dung nang !vong méi (new energy vehicles), cong nghé sit dung nang Iuong mat trdi (solar industry), bao vé méi tru@ng (environmental protection) ... Ban c6 thé sit dung cdc tinh tit sau «dé néi vé nhétng loi ich cia chiing: time-saving, economical inexpensive, labou-saving, fuel-saving, energy-saving. Ngodi ra, cde tinh tit nay cling duge ding khi tra [ai céc cau héi sau: Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants? Do you prefer making a phone call er sending a text message? Do you prefer to be a driver or a passenger? ; Environment afer _Méitridng J ‘Céc tit va ng@ lién quan dén vin dé bdo vé méi trudng: environmental protection is such a big trend/megatrend these days, eco-friendly, low-carbon lifestyle, zero-emission, Ban ciing cé thé ding cfc ¥ trén va dién dat theo cach khée khi tri Idi cde céu hei sau ‘Should all people take public transport? Yes, if all people take public tranepor, there will be leee fuel coneumption and lese gas emie- at sion, and the air pollution can be eased. IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers Do you read newspapers? stead of paper form because it can help Yee, but | mostly read e-newspaper on the wabsit ‘save the natural resources, and e-newspaper is totally free of charge. | can read news on my mobile phone anytime, anywhere. Technology Dudi day 1A cau hi va céu tra 10i goi y lién quan dén cong nghé va anh hudng cia nd di vedi cude song ciia con ngudi How has ... changed recently? Well, we used to ... in a traditional and conventional way But now, people are more likely to Vi dy: How has the way of reading changed recently? Well, people used to read in a traditional way, like raading books or newspapars in paper form. But now, people tend to readin a variety of ways, including reading through the internet, reading (on a mobile phone, of even listening to an audio book. Cac ngit duoc diing dé tra 16i cau hdi vé loi ich cia viéc choi thé thao: keep fit build my body keep in.good shape _—keep a good figure enhance body co-ordination/balance ability _inorease my body flexibil a2 Chutang 3 Cac nga duge ding dé tra [di cau hdi vé Iai ich cia cdc thy tiéu khién: relax myself release my pressure ease mymind wind down. maintain a well-balanced life cheer myself up when I feel tired/low/blue Céic ngit duge ding dé dién dat y kién: Ihave a strong sentiment/attachment for/towards... lam partial towards ... am in the mood for ... Cau héi va cfu trad Idi gai yh Which colour would you choose when you plan to paint your bedroom? Well, when it comes to selecting a favourite colour to paint my bedroom, ! will choose sky blue simply because | have a strong sentiment for oceans, and sky blue always reminds me of that sensation. What is your favourite type of film? Well, speaking of my favourite type of film, | will say I am quite into hero films simply because Ihave a strong attachment towards heroes. You see, everyone wants to have superpower and bbe able to help others. Cac ngit dugc diing dé néi vé nhiing hoat déng lién quan dén quan hé xa héi: boost friendship _—_foster co-operation and co-ordination _—_cultivate team spirit. Cau hei va céu tra Lai gai y: Why do you like to play basketball? Well, apart from easing my mind, playing basketball may help cultivate my team spirit and get myself well prepared for my future career. IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers. Ban c6 thé ding cac ngit dudi day dé noi vé loi {ch ca vige di du hiyc, du lich, thém hiém, xem phim... ¥ broaden my horizon v widen my outlook ¥ enrich my knowledge of... ¥ extend my own limits ¥ get myself well prepared for my future career ! IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers How often do you have holidays? When do Vietnamese people normally have holidays? What do you do during holidays? Is holiday important? Lunar New Year Téi Nunvén ddn Valentine's Day ié Tink nhan Halloween 1é Halloween Mid-Autumn Festival T# Triong thu Lantem Festival Téi Nguvén tiéu Christmas 1é Giding sink Thanksgiving Day Ié Tu om (Tre Ue Ome Tnyy Read ee Nr Pet cue ces ieae uc oes aceasta Une world-renowned ndi tigng khdp the gid tourist attraction didi thu huit Reh dit lich Industrial (thiudc) cng ughiép mufticultural da edt hia time honoured lich si in di coastal ven bién minority gathering area kitw ave sinh distinctive dae biét sng ctia dain 6c thig s6 transport junction ddu mdi giao thing world cultural heritage di sdn van hda thé'giéi _quiet/peaceful/serene/tranquil yén fink, ven mountainous cd whiéw mili binh Bo Cayng 3 Phin How much time do you spend on indoor activities per day? What kinds of activities do you like to do? Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities? Why do some people like doing indoor activities? Rear erin Do you often use your mobile phone? What do you do on your mobile phone? What are the disadvantages of using mobile phone? Do you like sending messages? a a Film) CA Gh cnint ee oe nace How often-do you watch films? DE ee uC au cman eu Coa he fest Sex IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers TWeitcom hai hich tinh hud ng tren tiv swordaman film plins hig hidp manga film phim chueyéi thé ti eruyén tranh Nadt ‘ animation phim hoat hink suspense film phim gay hdi hip fantasy huccdia ethical (shudc) dao dife special/sound/visual effect higw ig dic bige) dim shoo inh inh leading role vai chink dubbed film phim ling tiging fete ging nhue thas thought-provoking goi sw nghi twisting Wsories phim sruvén inh martial arts tlm phim 06 duit documentary phim rai liéw anime phim hoa hinh Nhdt bi rdm, Rho high horror fils phi kink di Cena. Pe cau keer ere coe a ad enced oC vampire ma ca ring storyline/ plot céi ruvén supporting role vai phu suptnte pitu dé touching/moving cam déng devastating thim hoa meaningful ¢4 nghia soap opera hich mhiéu hy ten ici sci-fifilm phim khoa hoc vin ting = romance film phim tink cam thriller phim ly ki htoheratt mua dit, véu dud zombie thdy ma soundtrack nhac phim acting/ performance skill Ay ning dién xudt costume trang phuc sequel phan tap tiep theo terrifying kink hai intriguing hap dain hilarious hi ned eR eee ned rears} hip hop/rap lac hip hop/ rap techno mhac dién nit symphony nlige giao hucing soul nhac soul * classical music nhac cé dim Iyries ca ti beat nhip tune dm diéw album album biues nhac bl post-rock nhac post-rock CU e Oe oe thle aC Cen erat Cre aon au Dees nu CL un CC Lug a aati Pe On nd Pst Deno How would you deal with thees noiees? Name Jy eu Chucing 3 Pha om remix nhac dia phi lai gospel shed ca (ciia nguasi My da den) chorus digp khiie tempo/rhythm whip dé gig budi biéu dién ca nhac heavy metal mdr ché loai nhac rock punk mac pure musical mac kich ‘ choir dan hop xudng solo dun ca; dic iin concert budi hia nhac IELTS Speaking Recent Actual Tests & Suggested Answers traffic noise horn and engine) rigig dn cia xe cd (ting ci va dng construction-site noise ting dnd céng win dong neighbournood noise (quarrel/ bark /usic/ laughing/party/renovation) tiéng én tong xm (ting edi nhantiéng ch6 sia) tiéng nhac /tiéng cx riding bn phat va ti ede bita tige ting dn tit vie stéa chita nha) Caron Dea cen CC Non ie cd eee “Shoppin yy snoring/snore tiéng ngiiy airport noise tiging dnd san bay teeth grinding wiéng nghién rang bird's chirping tidig chi sleep talking me (rdi nh: rong ie neil) rin rit broadcasting noise ‘iéig pt thank /truyén nh De Cae oe ae ment DN ees ken ee ee | Mad’ siniviia dng | shopping mall/centre tring tdi mut sam convenience store cia hang tien li online chopping mua sim mén mang stall qudy hang boutique cite hing than trang name brand mhdn hidw food court A dn wing bakery ca hing inh takeaway ctu hang ban thuic dn mang commercial complex kl pluie hop thuomg mai > grocery store cita hing tap ha group purchase mua chung/ nom mua auction cue bin dé gidt counterfeit (hing) gid luxury goods hang cao cap buffet sige ne chon cafeteria/eatory/canteen quain dn ti phue 21, feast bit ti department store cifa hang bach héa rears} outlet cita hang, dai bi purchasing agent dai fy sia mua flea market cho tr a Teang phye lelsurewear thing phuc leggings quén than b6 cardigan do len dan skinny jeans guar jean bo sneaker gi thé tho flip-flop dép xd gin scarf Ruin chodng 6 wadding drass/gown dém cia sportswear trang ple thé thao Jacket do Rhode pullover olen chu déu shorts guin sodc bunk bed ging tang ewivel chair ghé's bookcase tt sd folding bed giving xép ready-to-assemble furniture dé gé nv lp rdp closet/wardrobe ti quan do nightstand bin d dé giving meeting De or a td Where do you often play sport? Re ea ged 1s playing sport important? Chuong 3 Phan 1 fruit market chy trai cay snack bar giuén rig (c6 bin thie dx ne cafe guin gidi kha slipper dép lé Jersey do len hui du glove gang ray tuxedo by 1é phuc Tobit do thon hoodie do os mit V-neck ed chit 1” pylamas bi quan do ngii sandal gidy co quai hdu bell shdit how bow tie no basin wine cabinet tui ding rena safa had

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