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Shizuoka University

22 (1995f.7n')1'A-IUft'
/vala.J<,'F,itptl,'+7fi;ftt'eqfL・ l
Gensci.Repts. Shizuoka Univ., 22 (July,
1995) 1 IU

The geologyof Vietnam:Abriefsummary andproblems


Abstract: The territory of Vietnam is divided intu fivestructural blocksiNortheast

(NE), Northwest (NW), Truongson, Kontum and Nambo. The NE block is a part of
the South China plate, in which strata and igneous rocks have been found dating
from the EarlyPaleozoic to the Quaternary. The NW and Truongson blocks are
regarded as NW-SE trending Paleozoicfolded systems filledwith thick (>12000 m)
Paleozoicformations,Precambrian strata are widespread in the Red River faultzone
and Fansipan range in the NW block, and in the Kontum block.Archean rocks are
found only in the Kontum block,which is regarded as a stable massif without Paleozoic
sedimentary rocks. The Nambo block is covered with a very thick (>6000 sequence
of Cenozoic formations depositedin a continental rift. During the Mesozoicmany such

graben structures were formed and becorne basins forsedimentation. Igneous activity
in Vietnam is dividedinto fiveepisodes from the Archean to Quaternary. The most
important impediments to the descriptionand interpretation of geolog}t in Vietnam

are lack of reliable radiometric and structural data, and scarcity of good outcrops.

Key words: Vietnam, Kontum massiL Truongson,Red River faultzone, Precambrian


INTRODUCTION of this country based on the results of research

by an array of localand internationalresearchers
Vietnam is a country of area 331,689square and to summarize the most important obstacles
kilometers situated on the Indochina peninsula to future progress.
(Fig.1).Because of many importantgeological
features reflecting regional geologicalevolution,
Vietnam has attracted the special attention of TECTONIC OUTLtNE
numerous from various countries (e,g,,
1956;DovJJcov et at. 1965; The territoryof Vietnam isa part of the South
KuDRtAvTsEv et al. 1969;RArsic;EN et al. 1993).
Recent China Plate and Indochina Plate. The plate
English publications concerning the geology of boundary is the Red River faultzone that strikes
Vietnam have been limited mostiy to plate NW - SE and extends over a iength of > 1000 km
reconstruction models for the whole East Asian between the Gulf of Tonkin and Tibet(TAppoN-
region and the South China Sea (DEwEyet aL 1989; NIER et aL 1990) (Fig. 1>.The Red River faultzone
HucfioN et al. 1994; LEE & LAwvER 1994; PELTzER corresponds to two distinctstructures: the Ailao
& TAppoNNIER 1988; TAppoNNIER et al. 1986), and Shan-Red River shear zone referring to the
in general publicationsin Englishdescribingand narrow metamorphic cores of the faultzone and
discussingany aspects of the geology of Vietnam the active Red River faultsystem (LELoup aL

are very scarce. The aim of this paper is to give 1994). According to the model of TAppoNNIER et

a general picture of the geological characteristics aL (1986), the whole of Indochina has extruded

Institute of Geosciences, Shizuoka Uniyersity, 836 Oya, Shizuoka 422, Japan

I'resent address: GeolegicalInstitute,Faculty of Science,The Universityof Tokyo, Tekyu 113,Japan,

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2 The geo]ogy of Vietnam

50. t llr"'MONGOUA



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Fig,1 . Schematic map efthe major Cenozoic faultzone ineastern Asia. Oligo-Miocene
sea flooris shaded. (AfterSH,aj1{EI{
et ai. 1990.)

to the SE during the collision of Indiawith Asia. Paleozoic. The Kontum block is an uplifted
The relative movement between Indochina and massif. The oldest stratigraphy of the Archean

South China along the Red River faultzone has is found there, but Paleozoic rocks are mostly
been estimated to be from 33e km (LAcAsslN et absent. The Nambo block is a part of the
aL 1993)to 50e-740 km (TAppoNNiER et aL 1986, Malaysia- Miami "geosynclinal system" and is
1990) of left lateral motion during the Tertiary. recognized as a continental rift filled with thick
The South China Sea to the East of Vietnam is, (6 km) Cenozoic deposits (DIL' et aL 1986).
therefore, suggested to have originated as a pull -
apart basin at the termination of the Red River
Figure 2 shows the tectonicdivisionsof the
territory of Vietnam. The territory of Vietnam can rocks of Vietnam range from Precam-
be divided into five units as structural blocks. brian to Quaternary. The strata of each of the
They are the Northeast (NE),Northwest (NW), (NE, NW, Truongson,
blocksNambo) Kontum and
Truongson, Kentum and Nambo blocks.The NE is different(Fig.3).
block is recognized as part of the former Chinese
continent. The stratigraphy and igneous rocks
there range from the Late Proterozoic to PRECAMBRtAN STRATeGRAPHY
Quaternary, The NW and Truongson blocks, with
the thickest Paleozoic strata in Vietnam, are The Precambrian formations in Vietnam are
recognized as NW SE trending Paleozoicfolded found arong the axis of the Fansipan range, inthe
systems, but there are some differencesin tectonic the Red River valley (NW block),and in
development between them, especially in the Late Kontum massif (Fig.3).

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(lli' Song Chay
Bu Khang
Kham Duc

Z BIockboundary

Fig.2 , Tectonicdivisions
of the territory of V'ietnam.

Archean metamorphic rocks $ponding to P-T conditions of 800-850


In the Kontum massif the Archean granulites, 7-8 kbars. The Archean age of the complex is
grouped into the Cannak complex, which is the proposed on the basis of petrological correlation
oldest stratigraphic unit in Vietnam, are found with classic Archean granulites ifi()ther parts of
in close connection with autochthonous plutons the world (HAI1986;Tm 1985).
of alkali-charnokites (orthopyroxene-bearing
granites). The thickness of the complex has been
Lower Proterozoicmetamorphic rocks

estimated to be > 4000 m, The

cornplex consists Lower Proterozoic rocks are found in the
mainly of two-pyroxene and hypersthene- Kontum massif and in the cores of the Fansipan
garnet- bearing granulites, and sillimanite- range and Red River fault zone (seeFig. 2 for
garnet- cordierite- bearing khondalites.Several locality).They are placed intodifferentcomplexes
calciphyre and marble intercalationsare found under localnames. The general thickness of the
among the khondalites. The representative complexes has been estimated to be 2500-3000
mineral associations of the complex are typical m. The Iowest part of the complexes is mainly
of the cordierite-hypersthene-orthoclase - biotite
sub- composed of amphibolite gneisses, horn-
facies, the highest temperature part of blend-biotite plagiomigmatite and intercala-
intermediate pressure granulite facies,corre- tions of amphibolites. The principal constituents

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4 The geology of Vietnam


Ouaternary sediments
Mesozoic rocks

Paleozoic rocks

PreCambrian rocks

N-O basalt

& ultramafics

zz FaultGeoLogical

Fig.3.Geological map of Vietnam.(After TRAN & NGuyEN I986.)

of the upper part are sillimanite - biotite- garnet (TRIet aL 1977,II'HI

gneisses and schists. There are also graphite-
bearing schists and intercalations of quartzite, Upper Proterozoic metamorphic rocks
lenses of marbles and calciphyres in this part. Upper Proterozoicmetamorphic rocks, with

The metamorphic conditions have been estimated a strata thickness of 1000-1200 m, are widespread
to be intermediate- pressure amphibolite facies, and form a Iarge(50 60 km wide) belt bordering
corresponding to P T conditions of 650-700 ℃ the Kontum massif. They are composed of
and 7 - 7.5 kbars. The oldest K - Ar ages registered amphibolite with garnet and cummingtonite, with
from these complexes vary from 2070 to 2300 Ma intercalations of garnet -cummingtonite amphi-

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Tran Ngoc NAM 5

bolite,marble and plagioclase-diopside schists as graptolites, brachiopods, trilobites, and

in the lower part, The upper part is builtup of acritarchs, The Upper Silurianformations cover
two -mica schist, gneiss, quartzite, amphibolite largeareas in the Truongson and NE blocks and
and marble. the low course of the Da River of the NW block
In the NW block,the Upper Proterozoicrocks (Nc;AN et al. 1986).
consist mainlv of two - mica schists and sericitic
schists intercalatedwith quartzite and marble. Upper Paleozoicstratigraphy
The strata thickness has been estimated to be In the NE and NW blocks the Iowest
900 - 1000 m (HAI1986). Devonian strata, wfth a thickness of 600 - 700 m,
The metamorphic conditions of the Upper are continentar formations containing fresh
Proterozoicrocks havebeen estimated to be close water fish fossils,unconformably overlying the
to 400-500 ℃ and 2-3.5 kbars, representing the Lower Paleozoicformations;in the lower course
highest-temperature part of greenschist facies of the Da River (NVV block) there are carbonate -
(THI1985). terrigenous formations conformably resting on
Silurianformations and containing fossil assem-
blages of brachiopods. The Middle Devonian
PALEOZOIC STRATIGRAPHY strata are mainly cornposed of 500 m thick
carbonate formations containing abundant

Paleozojc strata in Vietnam are widespread remains of coral$. The Upper Devonian strata,
in the NE, NW and Truongson blocks,but are with a thickness of 200 m, crop out in limited
absent in the Kontum and Nambo blocks(Fig. areas. The strata contain are bedded siriceous
3). limestone,shale, and siliceous rocks, containing
Frasnian and Famennian conodont assemblages
Lovver Paleozoic strata (THANH et aL 1986; TRI 1977).
The 1300-2000 m thick Middle Cambrian - In the Truongson block,the Lower Devonian
Lower Ordovician strata that consist mainly of strata are characterized by a 2000 m thick
limestone, mudstone and sandstone have been formation of shale and sandstone, containing
divided into two types, namely the Changpung IVbzvakia, MonograPtus, Erbenoceras,etc. In the
and Thansa types. The latter is distributed in the Hue area, southern part of the Truongson block,
NE block,whereas the former is in the NW and the Lower Devonian strata are continental red-
Truongson blocks.The fauna of the Thansa type colored beds of conglomerate, sandstone and

is closely related to that of Southeastern China mudstone. The Middle Devonian strata are

and Tienshan, whereas that of the Changpung characterized by a 12oo m thick terrigenous
type has been regarded as a member of the formation in the lower part and a 500 m thick
Eastern Asia-Australia paleobiogeographical carbunate formation in the upper part, the latter
province (NGAN et al, 1986), containing abundant assemblages of coelenter-
The 400 - 1000 m thick Middle and Upper ates and brachiopods.The thin Upper Devonian
Ordovician strata that crop out in the NE block strata are composed of two faciesi the carbonate
are composed of terrigenous brown coarse- facies contains Frasnian-Famennian stromat-
grained clastic rocks with the remains of species oporoids and conodonts distributedin the north
of brachiopods (e.g., vaetnamia douviltei (MANs) part of the block, whereas the clastic faciesof
and Lonchodomas yohiSuN) and uther taxa (Nc.iLN Lhe tidul-littoral zone is only Frasnian Itithe
et aL 1986). south part (THANH et aL 1986; TRI 1977).
The 3000 - 3500 m thick Upper Ordovician - The Carboniferous-Permian formations are
Lower Sirurianformations are largelydistributed widely distributedin the NE, NW and Truongson
in the NE and Truongson blocks and partly in blocks. In the NE block these formations are
the low course of the Da River in the NW block. characterized by Carboniferous-Permian 1ime-
Except for the sedimentary rocks along the Da stone containing numerous foraminifers and
River,which contain coral fossils, the others are Upper Permian siliceous shale, bauxite and
terrigenous flysch in character and contain limestone.In the NW block these formations are
graptolite assemblages. composed of limestone,shale, siliceous shale, and
The 2000-35oo m thick Upper Silurian porphyrite basalt, whereas in the Truongson
formations conformably overly the above men- block they are composed of Lower Carboniferous
tioned formations.Many fossiltaxa have been shale, sandstone, conglomerate, lirnestoneand
discovered in the Upper Silurian formations, such Carboniferous-Permian limestone containing

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6 The geology of Vietnam

abundant assemblages of foraminifers.The total Hanoi & Mekong basinsand coastal plains, and
thickness of the Carboniferous- Permian strata basaltsthat are widely distributedin the highland
ha$ been estimated to be 1800- 22eO m (HuNG& of the Kontum massif.
TIEN 1986).

The magmatic evolution in Vietnam is
In Vietnam the Mesozoic strata consists of divided into five episodes: Archean, Early
Triassic and Jurassicmarine sedimentary and Proterozoic, Early-Middle Paleozoic, Late
volcano -sedimentary rocks, and Cretaceous red Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic and Late Mesozoic
continental formation$.Thev" are distributedin Cenozoic. Some episodes are subdivided into
Mesozoic grabens. In the NE block the grabens cycles (QuyEN 19ee).
trend from NE -SW to sub W - E, whereas in the
other bocks they mostly trend NW -SE.
The Triassic formations mainly consist of tNTRUSIVE BODIES
terrigenous deposits, volcanics, and limestone
containing abundant assemblages of pelecypods. Intrusivebodies during the Archean episode
The Norian - Rhaetian consists of coal - bearing have been found only on the Kontum massif with
deposits containing the famous Hongai flora composition$ varying from ultramafic to granitic.
(KHuc & TH(J 1986). Early Proterozoic intrusivebodies are mainly
Cretaceousred continental formations mainly plagiogranite ancl migmatite, and are distributed
consist of sandstone, siltstone,lightviolet to red in the Kontum massif and in the Fansipan range
brown shales and conglomerates. In some places, of the NW block.
there are salt-bearing formations (THu & TIEN The Early-Middle Paleozoic episode is
1986). subdivided into four stages: Middle Cambrian,
Ordovician-Silurian, Early Devonian, and
Carboniferous. The intrusive bodies of this
TERTIARY FORMATIONS episode are widely distributedover Vietnam and
vary from ultramafic to granitic in composition.
Tertiary(mainlyNeogene, in some areas with The Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic episode
Upper Paleogene)depositsare of Iimitedquantity is subdivided intotwo stages: Permian - Triassic
and belong to three types: Iacustrinewith the and Middle Triassic- Norian.Intrusive bodies of
intercalation of volcanic rocks, lagoonal or deltaic, this episode are commonly granodiorite, granite,
and marine. The lacustrine deposits are with some mafics ancl ultramafics.
characterized by their gray color, rhythmically The
Late Me$ozoic-Cenozoic episode is
interbedded with conglomerates and coarse subdivided intothree stages: LateJurassic- Early
sandstone, and coal-bearing units. They are Cretaceous,Late Cretaceous - Paleogene and Late
distributed in narrow (afew hundred meters wide) Paleogene, Intrusivebodiesof this episode are
depressions and often developed along the main high-alumina granitoid, alkaline granite and
faultsunder the lakes or grabens.Fossilremains alkaline syenite.
of vegetation, pollen, mollusks
spores and and The ages of the intrusive bodies have been
diatoms have been collected in these deposits in estimated based in part on radiometric data, but
South Vietnam. Basaltsare also found in the same mostly on comparison with relative ages of
deposits. Very thick (3500-6000 m) Iagoonal or associated volcanic formations.
deltaicformations are distributed in the Hanoi
and Mekong basins. Marine formations are
depositedonly on the continental shelf of Vietnam VOLCANIC FORMATtONS
<DzANH 1986).
Volcanic formations are found in Vietnam
throughout geologicaltime. Thin pre - Mesozoic
QUATERNARY SEDtMENTS volcanic formations are found in a wide variety
of geological structures. They are intercalated
Quaternaryformations in Vietnam consist of with polymineral-terrigenous, graywacke, sili-
two series: deltaicsediments distributedin the ceous and carbonate rocks of Archean, Protero-

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Tran Ngoc NAM 7

zoic, Early Cambrian-Early Ordovician, Late Truongson, NW and NE blocksduringthe Early

Ordovician- Early Silurian,Late Sirurian-Early Paleozoic to form large granitic dome like
Devonian, Late Carboniferous-Early Permian structures (e.g.,granitic batholithsof Song Chay,
and Permian ages (Quoc 1986).Thick(> 800 m) Bu Khang and Kham Duc; see Fig. 2).
sequences of Mesozoic (Middle Triassic and During the Paleozoic, the Truongson and NW
Jurassic) volcanic formations are found in many blocks were basins" situated

MesozL",icvolcanic grabens in Vietnam. Paleogene betwcen the Indochina micro -continent to the
and Neogene-Quaternary volcanic formations south and the Chinese continent to the north. The
cover the modern relief of some areas. basins gradually uplifted and became a continen-
tal region by the Late Paleozoic.Evidence f()rthis
is based on the temporo - spatial distributionof
GEOLOGICAL HISTORY sedimentary facies,Devonian red colored
sediments of conglomerate, sandstone and
The geological history of the territory of mudstone are found in the Hue area, and cross-
Vietnam (Fig.4) stretches back to over 2300 bedded sandstone containing fresh-water fish
million years ago, when the Archean rocks were fossilsis found in the NE block,whereas there
formed. The firstgranitization process took place are marine sequences of the $ame age in the
in the Kontum massif, making it the earliest center of the basin.
continental part of the territory of Vietnam. The Carboniferous - Permian nonclas ticlimestone
second granitization probably took place during containing abundant assemblages of foraminifers

the Early Proterozoicin the Kontum and NW found in several regions is interpreted as a
blocks,where granite and migmatite of the Early platform cover, except for in the Da River region
Proterozoicare found. (inthe NW block),where limestoneis intercalated
The Kontum massif has been stable since the with basaltthat isregarded to be a rift formation,
LaterProterozoic,with only thin platform cover In the Triassic-Early Jurassic several gra-
formations and no Paleozoic formations. In bens were formed. They became basins for the
contrast, intensivegranitization took place in the deposition of sedimentary and volcanic rocks.
Cretaceous red continental sedimentary suc-

cessions are recognized as orogenic formations.

During the Neogene-Quaternary there are
BlockStageNamboKontumTrgsonNW only two main basins,the Hanoi and Mekong, for
NE sedimentation. Basalt effusion took place in the
P-Q E516 es16 high land of the Kontum massif, and other parts
of the territory of Vietnam have undergone

weathering and erosion.

T2-Jimptwr Vby3h'{iiW

Cl-Tlan m ewu2-v2pm
V-Ol cD+++
W++g (1)A largeproblem for interpretationof the
geologicalhistoryof Vietnam is a lack of reliable
PR +oceanic(?)+ceanicC?
radiometric age data. Precambrian stratigraphy
AR ?({ED oceanic and the relative ages of igne()us rocks are still
debated,The oldest stratigraphic unit in Vietnam,
the Archean Cannak complex in the Kontum
@ Granitization lnr i n: massif, is proposed to be Archean only on the
ww Riftformations
7 Granitoid basis of petrological correlation, while 1119- 1216
E575rOrogenicformations 6 Diorite Ma Rb-Sr and 1200-1800 Ma K-Ar ages from

g "GeosynclinaMormations

Platformcover formations
v Gabbro
o Peridotite
E AIkalisyenite
the complex (suggesting a

thought te be ages of superimposed

Proterozoic age)


phism (Tm 1985).The high-grade metamor-

phic core of the Red River faultzone in Vietnam
Fig.4, Geological
historyof the territory of Vietnam. has been placed in the Proterozoicbased on the
2,070-2300 Ma K-Ar ages from hornblend-

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8 The geology of Vietnam

biotite plagiomigmatite (TR] et aL 1977). In Kampuchea. In: Geology ofKamPuchea, Laos

contrast, the cores Red River fault zone
of the and Wetnam. Science Publisher,Hanoi, 86-
in China that are made of the same rocks have 93. (inVietnamese with English abstract)
been thought to have resulted from the FRoMAGET J. (1941), L' Indochine Franqaise sa
deformation and metamorphism of Paleozoicand structure g6ologique, ses mines et leurs
Mesozoic sediments during the Tertiary (TAp- relations possibles avec la tectonique. Bulletin
po".N:IER et al, 199Ci;Scll;a'REi{ et al. 1990; LLtJ.oL[p C.e・'o,'eigie db l' htdech"ine Vol. XXVI, fasc.2.
& KIENAsT 1993).These are only two examples Hanoi.
of many illustrating problems due to the lack of HuclloN P., LE PJcHoN X & RANGIN C. (1994),
reliable chronological data for formations in Indochina Peninsula and the collision of India

Vietnam. and Eurasia. Geology22,27-33.

(2)Large faults in Vietnam are commonly HuNG L, & TIEN P. C. (1986), Upper Paleozoic
proposed on the basis of geophysical data; stratigraphy in Indochina. Inr Geolctg/)p of'
however, their geological aspects have not been KamP"(,hea, Laos and Vietnam. SciencePub-
studied sufficiently, even for the large boundaries risher,Hanoi, 53-64. (in Vietnamese with
between structural units such as the Red River English abstract)
fault zone. Because of the lack of geological KHuc V, & THu T. V. (1986), Mesozoic marine
structural data,there are many differingtectonic formations in Indochina peninsula.In:Geolo-
maps ancl interpretationsof the geological gy ofKamPuchea, Laos and th'etnam.Science
evolution of the territory of Vietnam. Publisher,Hanoi, 64 - 81.(inVietnamesewith
(3)The soil cover in Vietnam isvery thick. English abstract)
The moist tropical climate promotes intense KuDRIATsEv G. A., AGENTov V, B,,GAsTINsKl Iu.
chemical weathering, dense vegetation, and soil G. & MIslNA A. V. (1969), Tectonics of
formation, thus good outcrops are very scarce. Indochina. hz: Collection of 71rctonicsof
This lack of outcreps is perhaps the largest "'etnam and atijacent ragions. Science Pub-
barrierto geological research in Vietnam. lisher,Hanoi, 288-313. (InVietnamese)
LAcAsslN R.,LELoup P, H. & TAppoNNIER P, (1993),
Bounds on strain in large Tertiary shear
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS zones of SE Asia from boudinage restoration.

Iburnal oj'Structitral Geolag)', 15,677 - 692.

The author isgrateful to ProfessorsK. KANo LEE T. Y. & LAwvER L. A. (1994), Cenozoicplate
and N, NII'rsuMA for constructive comments on reconstruction of the South China Sea region.

this manuscript. The author would like to thank 7lectonoPhysics, 235, 149 - 180.
Dr. T. MAsuDA forjoiningin fieldwork in Vietnam LELoup P. H. & KiENAsT J. R. (1993), High-
and valuable discussion about the geology of temperature metamorphism in a major
Vietnam. The author also wishes to thank Dr. R. strike - slip shear zonei the Ailao Shan - Red
M. Ross for editing this manuscript. River,People's Republic of China. Earth and
Pkinetarp' Science Letters118,213-234.
NGAN P. K.,Huoc L, H. & LoNc; P, D, (1986), Lower
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