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Actividad de aprendizaje 5

Evidencia 7: Dialogue: “Coordinating trucking”

Marisol Castro Sinisterra

Centro de Servicio y Gestión Empresarial Regional Antioquia “Medellín”

Ficha: 2374755

Tecnólogo en Negocio Internacional

Nataly Abisaad

3 de abril del 2022

Dialogue: “Coordinating trucking”

Marisol: Good morning Xiomara and Luisa how are you

Xiomara: Well Marisol thank God
Luisa: I'm fine thank God

Marisol: I have called them to choose the best route and transport for our product
the "banana"
Xiomara: It seems very good to me now to choose the route and the transport of
our product
Luisa: First we must define what will be the land route
Marisol: The highway seems better to me, to take our product to the port of
Xiomara: I agree with this land route
Luisa: I also agree
Marisol: We must bear in mind that our product must bear all logistics costs
Xiomara: And keep in mind that our product arrived in good condition
Luisa: Take into account the type of transport where we will take our product
Marisol: Yes, according to the analysis, the cost of shipping and the land route can
be supported
Xiomara: Now we must choose our transport to send our product of excellent
Luisa: The best transport would be in large trucks duly packed in cardboard boxes.
Marisol: We know that our product is of better quality. And our client has ordered
15,000 boxes of bananas from us for the next month.
Xiomara: That order must arrive without fail next month
Luisa: We must take into account that from the area of urabá - Antioquia to the
port of Buenaventura it is a road time of approximately 13 hours.
Marisol: Of course, mate, we are carrying out an adequate route so that our
product arrives without delay.
Xiomara: It seems that everything is fine, we already know that moving our
merchandise by road is more favorable and convenient for us.
Luisa: That's good mate that everything is fine
Marisol: We trust our ability to negotiate our product
Xiomara: Comrades, we have an excellent product, and the idea is to satisfy our
client when the product arrives.
Luisa: I know that our process will be safe and reliable
Marisol: I know that we will do well in this delivery of our product
Xiomara: Trusting in God so it will be
Luisa: Of course
Marisol: Well companions everything is fine, I say goodbye have a happy morning
Xiomara: Same to you happy tomorrow
Luisa: Thank you colleagues for everything happy tomorrow
banana crops

Dispatch of merchandise by land

Port of Buenaventura

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