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Written Assignments
The older population in the United States is becoming more ethnically and racially diverse. In addition to
racial and ethnic diversity, there will be growing numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
persons entering their senior years who will present a unique set of challenges. The growing diversity of
the older population presents challenges for gerontological nursing in providing culturally competent

Your assignment is to write a paper choosing one of the following groups of older adults and address how
you will provide cultural care for this group or the individual.
Group Assignment
Complete a assessment of your community. Choose one ethnic group and complete an assessment of the

Aeta People are collective terms for several Filipino indigenous peoples who live in various parts of the island
of Luzon in the Philippines. They are thought to be among the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, preceding
the Austronesian migrations. Aeta are physically characterized by dark skin, finely curled hair, and short stature.

 They are found in remote areas in the foothills of Mount Pinatubo in the province of Pampanga's Zambales
Range. The Aeta have traditionally lived in small mobile groups of one to five families that practice kaingin, a
type of slash-and-burn agriculture.

 Because of their physical appearance, it becomes the reason why aeta are shy to attend in school. The NFE is an
alternative learning system (ALS) that is culturally appropriate for indigenous peoples. It is taught at their own
pace and in accordance with their cognitive abilities.It would, presumably, increase indigenous populations'
knowledge without jeopardizing Aetas culture and indigenous knowledge system. Rather than sending the Aetas
to school, the NFE program employs para-teachers who have been educated by Franciscan nuns to reach out to
them. NFE is available to all Aetas at no cost.


 Aeta people lives away from the city. Sometimes they need to walk in order to get to the city.


 Aeta people is not under government


 Some settlement villages have medical facilities that provide basic medical care; however, vision services are
currently unavailable. There is little information available for health officials to use in developing interventions
because screening studies have not been done to date.

The Aetas believe that disease is usually caused by demonic spirits. They still perform a kagon ritual, a form of
spirit healing involving dance, song, and guitar music, to exorcise the dimonyo from sick people. To ward off
negative spirits such as lamang-lupa, soil spirits believed to enter the body and cause disease, it is common to
wear a necklace made of stringed bits of wood. When an illness lingers, the Aetas seek medical assistance at the
Canawan Village clinic, which was erected by the WRC, an evangelical group based in the United States.

 Aeta speak a Sambal dialect, which is most closely linked to Kapampangan and spoken by the surrounding
Christian lowlanders.

Clinical Assignment
Review your clinical site’s cultural assessment for the patients they serve. If your facility does not have
one, utilize the following tool to assist you in learning about your clients’ needs:

Transcultural Nursing Assessment

Date: October 4, 2021 Time: 4:30 PM Pt. Initials: C.J Age: 65   /M F

Medical Diagnoses: Hypertension

Communication: Language, Voice quality , use of silence and nonverbal cues

Can you speak English? / YES - NO
Can you read English? / YES - NO
Are you able to read lips? / YES - NO
Native Language? Ilocano
How do you want to be addresses? _Mr. _Mrs. _Ms. /First Name _Nickname

How would you characterize the nonverbal communication style?
Uses eye contact during the conversation and as he agrees that he understand the instructions that was

Eye Contact: / Direct _Peripheral gaze or no eye contact

Use of Interpreter: _Family _Friend _Professional _Other /None

/Verbally loud and expressive. _Quiet, Reserve /Use of silence

Meaning of common signs: List and Describe:

Able to maintain eye contact, he is conversant and expressive.
Determine any familial colloquialisms used by individuals or families that may impact on assessment,
treatment or other interventions. N/A

Social Orientation: cultural, ethnicity, family role function, work leisure, church and friends

Country of birth? Philippines Years in the Country: 65 years
What setting did you grow up in? / Urban _Sub-Urban Rural
What is your ethnic identity? Ilocano
Who are your major support people? Family Members
Who are the dominant family members? Husband
What makes major decisions in the family? Husband
Occupation in Native Country? Farmer

Present Occupation? Farmer

Education: High school Graduate
Is religion important to you? Yes
What is your religion affiliation? Roman Catholic would you like a chaplain visit? No
Any cultural/religious practices? If yes, describe: Mr. CJ schedules novena prayer every Wednesday 3pm.

Interaction with family\significant other – describe: Have a close relationship with all the member of the

Age and life cycle factors must be considered in interactions with individuals and families( e.g. high
value placed on the decision of elders, the role of eldest male or female in families, or roles and
expectation of children within the family).

Religious icons on persons or in room? Rosary and Bible

Space: comfort in conversion, proximity to others, body movement, perception of space.

Do you have any plans for the future? Nothing in particular, just want to have healthy and strong body.
What do you consider a proper greeting? Asking how the person is doing.

/ Tactile relationships, affectionate and embracing
__ Non-contact
Personal Space: Mr. CJ likes to spend time alone to make realization and to unwind.

Biological Variations: skin color, body structure, genetic, and enzymatic patterns, nutritional
preferences, and deficiencies.

What type of food do you prefer? Vegetables and Meat
What type of food do you dislike? Processed foods and junk foods
What do you believe promote health? Having a well-balanced diet and engaging in exercises
Family history of disease? Hypertension and Diabetes

Skin Color: Dark Brown skin
Hair type: black and wavy

Environmental Control: health practices, values, definitions of health and illness

What do you think caused your problem? Unhealthy lifestyle, family history, and stress
Do you have an explanation for why it started when it did? Maybe due to unhealthy eating and stress
What does your sickness do to you; how does it work? The back of my neck is always hurting
How severe is your sickness? How long do you expect it to last? It is not too severe since I am taking
maintenance medications. I believe that it will not go away.
What problems has your sickness caused you? It causes episodes of headache
What do you fear about your sickness? I fear that I might have stroke when it gets worse
What kind of treatment do you think you should receive? Continuous of taking maintenance medication
What are the most important results you hope to receive from this treatment? My blood pressure will stay
at the normal range
What are the health and illness beliefs and practices of the family? Using herbal medications to threat
illnesses such as lagundi for cough.
What are the most important things you do to keep healthy? Engaging to a healthy lifestyle by eating a
well balance diet, having a physical activities ,and avoiding to much stress.
Any concerns about health and illness? Will my hypertension worsen if I stop taking maintenance
What types of healing practices do you engage in (hot tea and lemon for cold, copper bracelet for arthritis,
magnets)? Drinking ginger lemon tea every morning.

Described patients appearance and surroundings: The patient is hygienic and clean. The patient have a
peaceful and quiet environment.
What diseases/disorders are endemic to the culture or country of origin? Diabetes and hypertension
What are the customs and beliefs concerning major life events? The belief that herbal medicines can cure
all of the sickness.

Time: use of measures, definitions, social and work time, time orientation – past, present, and future.

Preventive health measures ? /Y _N

Time orientation /Present _Past

Web Assignment

Review the article:Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health: A Nursing Student’s Perspective

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