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Reflection Paragraph

My first expectation when I started the paper and began working with my mentor was

that it would be a very long and challenging journey throughout the semester as I had to finish

before December. Also, my experiences somewhat aligned with my expectations as it was

complicated to cram all the work within a couple of months; regarding my mentor and the

product, it was a very pleasurable experience, to be honest. I loved working with Dr. Jamal, as he

was a great help in overcoming obstacles and issues that I had throughout my project. Among the

problems I encountered was finding time to complete my assignments as I was busy with my

college coursework and senior projects. Also, Alhamdulillah, I could finish my paper efficiently

as I had many resources open to me, one of them being the internet and Islamic websites like

Seekers Guidance and both and

The most interesting fact I learned throughout my research was all the diseases that

hijama therapy can help cure, including cancer and diabetes. Along with that, I came to know of

the many benefits that cupping therapy has brought and how beneficial it is for our bodies.

I learned many things about myself throughout this project; for example, I learned the

importance of listening to your mentors and being open to new ideas. Also, I learned about being

adaptable to change and having a solid foundation that can make you confident in yourself and

your ideas. Alhamdulillah, as I continue learning over my years in college, you will never stop

growing wiser with life experiences.

I can continue working on this project in the future by showing my knowledge of how to

use cupping therapy to cure illnesses such as diabetes and cancer. Also, I can continue working

on my overall research so I can hopefully one day aim to bring cupping therapy a more available

and widespread option to the community; I will also try my hardest to communicate the benefits
of hijama therapy to the Muslim community here in the US so that more people can see hijama

as a therapeutical procedure and a cheaper option which will have much fewer side effects that

many other medicines out there.

The project taught me many things about Islam's holistic views of curing our bodies and

soul. I also learned how beneficial it is to have a healthy lifestyle alongside a Muslim one, as

living healthy is becoming more important as we get older. Overall, I learned that Islam teaches

us to properly maintain and take care of our bodies to ensure that we are active in our I'bada

(worship), in our communities, and in helping our fellow brothers and sisters in Islam.

Lastly, what I would have done differently now that I am done with my senior project is

that I would have started earlier so that I have less stress on my shoulders and could do other

activities rather than just constantly doing homework. Also, I would have focused on getting a

mentor before I started my project rather than looking for the last second. Along with that, I

would have tried my hardest to finish all my assignments earlier so I would not get stressed or

worried about the outcomes of my project. In conclusion, I want to thank my mentor, Dr. Jamal,

for taking the time to work with me throughout this project and the entire semester, and it was a

great pleasure working with you. Alhamdulillah, I hope this paper can be somewhat beneficial

for me and the many others looking into hijama therapy and cupping therapy as a whole and how

Islam views these types of treatments.

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