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3.00 2.75-2.50 2.25-200 1.75-1.50 1.25-100

Traits/ (1-2) (3-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10)
Focus on the topic There was little Focus on the topic Target topic was Focused topic
Focus/ was not focus was in moderation sufficiently was in
Content determined determined precision
No details Less details were Details were just More supporting Supporting
Details presented included enough to suffice details were cited details fully
the presentation complemente
the main idea
No evidence of Little organization Presentation was Ideas and sentences Ideas and
Organization organization in moderately are well-organized sentences
organized were
No Minimal Moderate Relevance/ High
Relevance/ relevance/factualit relevance/factualit relevance/factualit factuality relevance or
Factuality y with the given y y was observed to topic was factuality was
topic sufficiently observed
Ideas presented There was little There was Ideas were duly Ideas
Timeliness were not in consideration of moderate presented in presented
accordance with the needs of the timeliness of the accordance with the were highly in
the times times ideas call of the times accordance
with the needs
of the times

Rubrics for Dance Practicum

3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00

Traits/ (12) (14) (16) (1 (20)
Criteria 8)
Coordination Not observed Slightly Moderately Highly observed Very highly
observed observed observed
Choreography Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent
Stage No evidence of Little Stage presence Very evident exceptionally
Presence stage presence evidence of was in stage presence evident stage
stage moderation presence
Originality Not evident Slightly Moderately Highly evident Very highly
evident evident originality evident
Overall Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent
Construct a rubric in Poster-making using paint or drawing application (20 pts.)

Criteria: 50% Scoring Distribution: 20% Relevance: 20% Originality: 10%

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