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2.重点关注 part2 和 part3 部分,建议自己模拟真实考试,看到题目后在纸上写出回答思路

口语备考 TIPS:
1. 雅思口语考试时间最好控制在 2 分钟之内内讲完,并确保像作文一样有开头,主体和最
2. 雅思口语 PART2 考试最好控制在 100-130 字就可以了。同时语速不要太快也不要太慢,


预测内容全部出自雅思 7+机经,业界名师精心编写,只为助你早日拿下目标分!!!



Part1 .......................................................................................................................................... 4
一级重点................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Work or study ................................................................................................................ 4
2. Pen and pencil ............................................................................................................... 5
3. Park or garden ............................................................................................................... 5
4. Living area .................................................................................................................... 5
6. Spending time by yourself ............................................................................................ 6
7. Scenery(view) ............................................................................................................... 6
8. Run ................................................................................................................................ 6
9. Public transportation ..................................................................................................... 6
二级重点................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Cake .......................................................................................................................... 8
2. Science class ............................................................................................................. 8
3. Break ......................................................................................................................... 8
4. Number...................................................................................................................... 8
5. Fish ............................................................................................................................ 9
6. Art ............................................................................................................................. 8
7. Newspaper ............................................................................................................... 10
8. Laugh ........................................................................................................................ 9
Part 2&Part 3............................................................................................................................. 9
一级重点................................................................................................................................... 9
1. 当地的特产............................................................................................................. 11
2. 不想从事的工作 ..................................................................................................... 10
3. 擅长工作的人 ......................................................................................................... 10
4. 室内游戏................................................................................................................. 13
5. 读书和写字的地方 ................................................................................................. 11
6. 新建的公共设施 ..................................................................................................... 13
7. 帮助别人的经历 ..................................................................................................... 14
8. 特殊的一天............................................................................................................. 15
二级重点................................................................................................................................. 16
1. 经常坐飞机的人 ..................................................................................................... 22
2. 庆祝成就................................................................................................................. 16
3. 想和朋友探讨的电影 ............................................................................................. 18
4. 公园或花园............................................................................................................. 19
5. 用网络解决问题 ..................................................................................................... 20
6. 理想之家................................................................................................................. 21
7. 美丽的城市............................................................................................................. 21
8. 礼物......................................................................................................................... 22



1. Work or study

Are you a student or do you have a job?

Work (版本一)

What kind of job do you do?

Describe your job in detail.

Why did you choose to do that job?

Do you like your current job?/What do you like about your work?

Is your job interesting?

Do you miss being a student?

What are your job prospects?

Work (版本二)

About future work:

What kind of job do you want to do in 10 years? Why ?

What are the usual job responsibilities?

Do you want your job to involve a lot of traveling?

What do you do during a work break?

Will you be busier than now or not in the future?

What do you think of working hours from 9am to 6pm?

Study (版本一)

What subjects are you studying?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Do you like your subject? Why or why not?

Which subject are you specialized in?

Are you looking forward to working?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

Do you think your present subjects are relevant to society?

What’s your favorite part in your study?
Are the courses different from your expectation?

Study (版本二)

How many hours do you study?

Which part of your study is interesting?

What kind of things do you find helpful for study?

What methods can we use to learn English?

Is your school or university a good place to study?

What do you do to be efficient in study?

2. Pen and pencil

When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil?

Which do you use more often? Pen or pencil?
What do you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present?
Do you usually use pen or pencil?

3. Park or garden

Do you like going to park? And how often do you go to park or garden?

Which part of park or garden need to be improved?

Are you going to park or garden alone or with others?

What do you regular do in the garden or park?

What is your favourite flower?

4. Living area

Do you like living in your living area?

Has there been any changes in your living place recently?

Do you know any celebrity in your living area?

Where do you like to go within your living area?

5. Cooking
How often do you cook?
Do you like cooking at home or eating outside?
Do you think cooking is an important skill?
Have you tried to cook any foreign food?
How much do you spend on jeans?

6. Spending time by yourself

Do you usually spend time by yourself?

What did you last time you were by yourself?
How do you usually spend your time by yourself?
Do you like spending time by yourself?

7. Scenery(view)

Is there good scenery in your hometown?

When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with scenic views?
Do you like to take pictures of good scenery with you smart phone? Why?
Is there good scenery in cities?

8. Run

Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?

Do you like running?
Where do you usually go running?
How often do you go for a run?

9. Public transportation

How did you get here today?

Do you often use public transport?
How could the transportation system get improved in your country?
What form of transport would you like best? Why?
What do you usually do while you are travelling?
How long do you spend on travelling on a normal day?



1. Cake

Do you like dessert?

Do you like eating cakes?
What desserts do Chinese people like?
Have you ever made cakes?

2. Science class

Do you like science class?

Did you have science class in primary school or high school?
What kind of science did you do at school?
Do you think science classes are important?

3. Break

Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?

What do you usually do during a break?
Why do you need to take a break?
How often do you take a break?

4. Number

What’s your favorite number?

Are you good at remembering phone numbers?
Do you usually use numbers?
Are you good at math?

5. fish

Why do people go fishing?

Do you like to eat fish?
Where can you see fish?

6. Art

Have you ever had art classes?

Is there any artwork on the wall in your room?
Have you ever visited an art gallery?

Do you like art?

7. Newspaper / magazine

Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?

What type of stories do you like to read about?

Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language?

Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn a language?

8. Laugh

Do you usually make your friends laugh?

Are you the kind of person who makes people laugh?

Do you like to watch movies or TV shows that make people laugh?

Do you think it is important to laugh with friends?

Part 2&Part 3


1. 当地的特产

Part 2
Describe a special local product in your country.
You should say:
What it is?
Why it is special?
How do people(local people and tourists) like it?
And how you feel about this product?

Part 3
Do you know anything that is different in different regions of China?
Is there a geographic reason for this difference?
Is there anything foreign quite popular in China?

2. 2不想从事的工作

Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future

You should say:
What it is
Where you know it from
Why you think it is difficult or easy
And explain why you would not like to it

part 3
What kinds of jobs may disappear in the future?
What qualities do we need to do a perfect job?
Do you think we should choose a job we like or that with high pay?

When it comes to work I actually prefer being a lone wolf than a team player. The first thing that

comes to mind when I think about working as a group was a history project we had to complete at

high school.

As far as I’m aware it was just part of the course, part of the syllabus. We got put into groups of

four, two girls and two guys in our case, and had to go research a famous historical site, write a little

paper and then present it to the class.

I remember we were set the task in our penultimate year, so that’s about 2 years ago. We weren’t

the most adventurous, so we chose to write about the Forbidden City. We figured with it being such

a famous place and huge tourist destination there’d be loads of materials out there and that proved

to be the case.

However, getting the research done was much more difficult. I remem- ber being the only one who

actually did the work whilst the others sat around for weeks doing nothing. I nagged and nagged but

they didn’t seem to care. I remember it was really frustrating, having to hand in subpar work because

the people I got stuck with didn’t pull their weight. It’s left a bad taste in my mouth and it’s clouded
how I think ever since, I’d much rather take responsibility than have to rely on other people.

3 擅长工作的人

A person who is good at job.

You should say:

Who is he/she

What he/she has done

And why you want to talk about the person


People all have jobs. Once they are enrolled in doing what they do, not 100% of them are good at

what they do, I mean the quality or the performance might be mediocre. We also might have

known someone who is excellent and outstanding like they were born to do that job.

Take my father as an example, an old policeman, when I say old, it doesn’t mean age wise, it is

because of the years since the day he became a policeman. As a criminal policeman, he is like the

terminator of all villains. I always say he has the eyes of x-ray to see people through, especially

from their eyes. My father told me, people lie, but their eyes or subtle movement of facial

expressions don’t lie. The one thing I felt great about my father was that there was once he found

and caught a criminal eating in a restaurant, before my father confirmed this guy’s identification,

he had only observed this guy for 5mins then he found something wrong with him. I can only say

bad luck to this guy that he went to the restaurant my father went to. Now my father has gained

quite good reputations and awards because he is good at what he does.

Part three:

➢ What qualities should a manager have?

➢ What situation should manager be strict?

3. 浪费时间

Describe something you did that was a waste of time.

You should say:
what you did
when and where you did it

how long you had been doing it
and explain why you think it was a waste of time.


I have to admit that I’m less than being useless when it comes to time manage- ment. I seem to

spend half my life wasting time doing this and that, and then half my evenings wondering how it

got so late and I did so little. One time I remember biting off more than I could chew was when I

entered a Halloween costume parade where you had to hand-make your own costume.

I usually get a real kick out of Halloween. I mean, it’s the one night a year you can wear whatever

you want, safe in the knowledge that someone, somewhere, looks much worse than you ever could!

Sadly, I just don’t have a knack for craftsmanship and I was the one making everyone else look like

world class fashion designers.

You might wonder what costume I wore to the party. I decided to be all ambitious and go as a blood

soaked zombie, covered in guts and gore. In my mind it was going to look like something out of a

horror movie. In reality I just looked like someone who had lost a fight with a jam sandwich, and it

was pretty dire. It was a completely waste of time.

Part three:

• Do you think sitting somewhere alone is waste of time?

• Do you think daydream is waste of time?

4 读书和写字的地方

Describe a place where you read and write(not your home)

You should say:

Where it is

Who you want to go with

What it looks like


As for describing a place where I read and write, I would like to mention a comfortable café

named “the library” which is next to my school. I usually go there with my classmates to do

homework after school or do some reading by myself.

Specifically, the café has three floors with a attic; the building had 50 years history. Therefore,

from the outside, I can always see the wall which had been totally covered by green climbing plants.

Besides, the style of this architecture was vintage and elegant.

After stepping into the inside, the interior decoration was with classic European style. Particularly,

the wooden furniture made room aristocratic; the sofa was huge and soft. I really like bringing my

favorite book there and staying on the top floor, enjoying the peace and tranquility of this café. The

aroma of café can always bring me bright mood.

Besides, since there are lots of books and magazines can be found in this café, the name of this

café is library. People are allowed to borrow books and take them home and they need to return

them on time. Compare with the regular café, it is more like a library with an ace coffee bar and the

environment is comfy and cozy. I enjoy this special place a lot.

Part three:

➢ Which is more important, reading or writing?

➢ Who needs to have good writing skills?

➢ Where can people get more information, words or pictures?

5 新建的公共设施

Describe a new public facility which improves your local area

You should say:

what this facility is

where it is located

who uses this public facility

and explain how it improves your local area.


Well, I’d like to talk about Wanda Plaza, a newly-built place lying near where I live in my hometown.

It is a grand building with 3 floors and is also a notorious landmark around local community area.

Wanda Plaza covers an area of around 550,000 square meters totally and has a large-scale shopping

center, pedestrian street, five-star hotel, grade-A offices plus high-quality apartments, thus attracting

so large numbers of people to visit. Nowadays it has so many branches in most of the first and

second-tier cities in China. There are so many stores positioning mid-range brands whose target

customers are young people in this plaza. They sell all sorts of merchandises including clothes, food,

household appliances and musical instruments and so on. Customers can also watch 3D max film

there, and I think this type of fims is more suitable for children.

I usually go to Wanda Plaza for food and leisure. It integrates shopping, catering, culture, business,

entertainment and other kinds of services and thus brings us people around local community much

convenience. At present, it is the biggest urban complex in my hometown Nanchang. The plaza’s

global, leading business model will drive the development of this city and of surrounding

communities, upgrade its industries and businesses in the local area improve in a more fashion,

modern, comprehensive, international and experiential direction.

Part 3

➢ Are public places free or not?

➢ Please describe differences between the young and the old in choosing the places to hang out.

➢ What are the advantages of living in cities?

➢ What are the advantages of living in the countryside?

6 帮助别人的经历

Describe a time you helped someone.

You should say:

who you helped;

how you helped him or her;

why you helped him or her;

and explain how this person benefited from your help.

We may see some news about this story. A little help can change a person. I don't know if it

happened to everyone, but it happened to me. In fact, it happened between me and a friend of mine.

He was my classmate back in high school, a physically short and weak guy but fascinated about

basketball. As a big fan of this sport, he had never missed any NBA games, only the problem is, he

had never really participated himself in the real game because he knew his disadvantage was his
strength. Until one day, I found him was playing basketball all by himself at the court, and that’s

when I went downstairs and decided to show him how to play it for real. After the few weeks of the

training I gave him, he was actually quite a learner, and he could dribble, pass and shoot very well

like an experienced point guard. That’s the help I could offer him but it was not the only help I gave

him, because I know by only practicing, it meant nothing unless he could perform in a real game,

which is why I pulled some strings and found him a 5mins window to a school game, it doesn’t

matter if he played well or not well, the point is he was happy for the opportunity.

Part 3

➢ Do you like helping others?

➢ How can we encourage children to help others?

➢ How can charitable organizations help people?

➢ What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers in your society?

7 特殊的一天

Describe a special day that made you happy

You should say:

When it was

Who you were with

What you did

And explain why it made you happy


It just reminds me of the time when I had reunion party with “friends gang” last Wednesday.

The party commenced from 7 o'clock ,and We agreed with a rule: if some of our friends were late

then we would gave them some punishment in public, they had to keep dancing or singing until

about 5 minutes to be forgiven by us. We were in a dining hall which was noisy and stuffed with

customers , you know we just did it for fun. Then there was a toast for our reunion, which was given

by our “boss”,always a life and soul in our party, and also menu was fetched and we were ready to

have a feast. Just catching up on each other's life brought us back to the time when we had studied

and grew up together, while everybody weren't able to stop laughing and teasing each other. All

memories flashed back in our mind with loads of happiness and satisfaction by which everyone was

touched.One of the treasure of our relationship was bond - always care for each other and always

there when someone is in need. Our reunion party would have been the best moment to show warmth

between each other.

well, we can't do this on a regular basis because of work and family, which is always the main

melody of an adult's life, I bet you know it, too. So the time when we can meet up with our friends

becomes more important to each one. It seems like we need someone to talk about our lifes, our

difficulties , our pressure with, someone who feels like understanding us in a different angle from

our families.

I don't know how others think of friends, but the way I say it, I can't find out what I am until spending

time with buddies.

Part three:

➢ Do people spend too much money on their birthday party and wedding?

➢ How much should people spend on their birthday party and wedding?


1. 获得错误信息的经历

Describe a time when you got incorrect information

You should say:
What it is;
When it happened ;
How you do for it;
And explain how you felt about the incorrect information.

People usually got blamed for making mistakes, but mistakes aren’t too much a problem. It can be
cute sometimes.
I usually buy things from the internet, mostly clothes for causal purposes, like T-shirts. You know,
things in the online stores are not too expensive, so you don’t really get upset when they are worn
out. One time, I was hunting for a nice pair of jeans. It was really an ideal price. Therefore, without
any hesitation, I purchased it immediately. What funny was that I totally forgot to select the size of
the jeans and I got the jeans whose size was XXXXL, which was 5 times bigger than mine.
After a few days, I received a huge parcel which was over packed for a pair of jeans. It was a huge
pair of jeans, almost 3 times bigger than my size.Just before I was going to question the seller, I
suddenly realized that it was me that had made the mistake by giving the customer service personnel
incorrect information. I just didn’t know how to respond to it.
Luckily, my uncle rescued me from embarrassment. He has been looking for a big pair of jeans for

a long time to wear on his comedy show. My oversized jeans are now his official props.Because of

him, the experience turned out not that bad.

Part 3

➢ What type of work involves giving information to others?

➢ What's the difference between giving information via mobile phone and e-mail?

2. 庆祝成就

Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievement.

You should say:

What it is

How you achieved it

What do you feel about it


For an occasion that I celebrated my achievement, I would like to share the experience that I lost

my weight successfully in the last summer holiday. I was so excited that I reached my goal at the

first time.

I went to the gym and joined the training camp with my coach. Particularly, the intensive training

lasted for 2 weeks, including exercise session, balanced diet session, and sleeping time regulation


In this camp, trainees were required to go to the gym on time every day. According to our own

needs and quality, we had different tasks to achieve. For me, I need to do the skip for 20 times a day,

jog for 30 minutes, and do the apparatus exercise for 50 minutes. After that, my coach will help me

to do the stretching exercise.

Besides, we had three meals in our gym every day. The food list was so healthy to help us keep

the balance of our body. Meanwhile, the food provided us enough nutrition and energy.

Finally, everybody was given a form to record the sleeping time. We went to bed before 11pm

and get up before 8am in order to get 8 hours sleep every day.

After 2 weeks, I felt that my body was lighter and healthier.

Part three:

➢ How do Chinese people celebrate their family events?

➢ Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?

➢ Do people prefer winning in a team or on their own?

3. 想和朋友探讨的电影

You should say:

Where you watched it

What it was about

Who you watched it with

And why you want to share it with your friends


The movie I would like to talk with my friend is Pursuit of Happiness. It is an old movie released

on 2006. Moreover, it is also a biographical drama film based on a real story of Chris Gardner, who

is a successful entrepreneur. The film mainly told about his nearly one-year’s struggle of being

homeless before he achieved success.

I was so deeply impressed by all the plots that I watched and I really like to share the film with

friends. This movie encouraged me to fight for my dream no matter how many challenges and

difficulties we would meet. In the film, Chris Gardner and his wife broke up and his wife left him

quickly. At the very beginning, he had to make a living and fight for his son, as well for himself; he

chose to live in the toilet of the subway station and even sold his blood for buying food for his son.

Then, he got a job of phone promoter to do the selling and marketing staff. His unbelievable

perseverance skill made him become an intern of the stock broker. Finally, he stood out from

thousands of the competitors and became a regular employee. This movie told us that our life is not

always full of sunshine and flowers; we need to face the unpredictable challenges and difficulties;

we need to be brave and strong and keep going on.

The movie is quite meaningful. Also, there was a sentence in the end of this movie leaving me deep

impression that Chirs Gardner saw graffiti of “happyness” on the wall and he said “there is no “y”

in happiness, but “I”, which was a so inspired plot. It means that if you wanted to get happiness or

the goal, then go fight by yourself, being brave rather than just grumbling.

Part three:

➢ What kind of film is popular in China?

4. 公园或花园

Describe the park or garden you have visited.

You should say:
Where is it?
What's there?
What did you do there?
And how you felt about it.

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at this topic is the Yuyuantan Park near where I

live. I feel like I spending half my childhood there, swimming in the lake and frolicking amongst

the trees, which gives a hint that at the sentimental value this park holds for me. To this day I go

there at least once a year for the annual cherry blossom festival in spring. After you step through

the gate, you first follow a narrow, winding lane to a central lake. The lane is surrounded by various

trees, shrubs and plants, overflowing on to the footpath and none of which I know the name of.

Walking down that lane is a refreshing experience on its own, I mean, in a city, like Beijing, filled

with concrete buildings and construction sites. It’s nice to enjoy such a tranquil place so close to

home.As for what I usually do in the park, well, nothing beats a spontaneous picnic on a cool

summer’s afternoon. I stuff an old blanket into my bag and pop into a supermarket to stock up on

my favorite snacks, Kettle chips, chicken salad and blueberry smoothies… that sort of thing. After

that, it’s straight to the park with my friends to lie out on the grass and catch some rays, bliss!

Part 3

➢ Do you think more parks should be built?

➢ Which park facilities should be improved?

5. 用网络解决问题

Describe a problem solved through internet

You should say:

What it was;

when you solved it;

How you did it;

And explain why do you do it like this.


The Internet once was introduced into our lives, it is undeniable that many things have become much

better than they were. With the help of the Internet, we now have one alternative solution to work

out problem. Say planing a trip for example, I don't know how people planned a trip before the

Internet, or perhaps people just don't schedule it due to the very limited information about the place

where we hit, what I can tell is we can simply find load of information from the Internet that were

posted and commended by tens of thousands of travelers, in this case worrying about not knowing

where to go or what to do is never the case. This is exactly what happened when I was on my way

to Thailand along with my family, what I am anxiously curious about was the stay, the food and the

transportation. Fortunately and surprisingly what I pre-planned before the trip through the Internet

was perfect enough to ease her. No troubles, no concerns and no worries, all the way in the 7days

we stayed, I had every corner covered through this trip just like I had done it before for a hundred

times. Oh, before I forgot, thanks to those who also have posted consuming rates about everything

in Thailand, because my money was without a doubt saved and well spent. This is just a personal

experience about how beneficial the Internet has become for the better life we have now,it as well

is affecting us from millions of other aspects as one of the greatest invention at all time.


➢ What do you usually do to solve problems?

➢ Do you think children should use internet to solve study problems?

➢ What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages of internet?

6. 理想之家

Describe a perfect house you saw

You should say:
when and where you saw it
what it looked like
what special feature it had
and explain why you liked it.
Okay, as for me, the two or three-storey single family house of which the size could double the
current per capita area regarding to the present living condition of most of my family, which means
a over 120 square-meter place instead of a 60 square-meter place now is perfect and I saw this type
of house in Los Angeles many times since 2007. In particular, the “perfect” house was located near
the sea. It was owned by my friend Christine Zeng. She came from Sichuan, China. Because she
loved the sea, so she originally chose to purchase this beach-overlooking house. The house had three
storeys, and the balcony was on the third floor, which would give her and her family a chance to sit
outside being higher up. The house had three big sunlit rooms with floor-to-ceiling windows and
her bedroom was included. In addition, the house had a very big back yard, which was perfect for
planting fruit trees and vegetables, playing basketball and socializing with families and friends.

Different from Chinese-style apartments, her house was made of wood firstly because of the
earthquakes frequently happened in Los Angeles. Secondly, wooden house would leave people a
nice natural feel -- a kind of rustic environment but with all modern furniture equipped, which may
mean a perfect combination of nature and science technology, with excellent ventilation and fresh
air all day long.
“To be honest, I don’t care how big or how expensive my house is. I care if I could live along well
with whom I love in my house. We can decorate it the way how we want it to be, and this is all good
enough to me.” Christine said to me. I nodded, being in agreement with her view.
Part 3
➢ Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?
➢ Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?
➢ Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?
➢ Would you live in a foreign country in the future?
➢ What type of home do most Chinese people live in?

7. 美丽的城市

Describe a beautiful city that you have visited

You should say:
where the city is
when you went there
what it looks like
And explain why it is beautiful.
The seaside city I would like to talk about is Dalian, which is located in the northeast part of China.
Dalian is also the second largest city in Liaoning Province. As far as I know, Dalian was built into
an economic powerhouse in the early 1990s by attracting foreign investment and was expected to
be “Hong Kong of the North”, according to the news magazine.
I had been to Dalian once over ten years ago in July with my uncle and his daughter for holidays.
We set out from Weihai and went there by ship. It was early morning in Dalian as we arrived.
Although that came at a time when the worst heat waved, we felt refreshingly cool the whole day
there. That morning we visited Russian Style Street which was full of European style architectures.
We found Russian restaurants, nightclubs, arts and crafts, souvenir shops and even noteworthy wax
statues of administrative officials from the 1920s and 1930s and so on. Then we took a lunch break.
The local freshly-served seafood for lunch including shrimp, crab and salmon with original flavor
tasted pretty delicious. Even if I got used to spicy food, I enjoy those seafood with no spices.
Later and the following 2 days we went to the Dalian East Harbor Area build on the foundation of
old Port, which is also a place for shopping, leisure and recreations. Actually most things about this
journey fade from my memory as time passes by, and what impressed me as well is refreshing breeze,
crystally clear ocean and lively beach plus Beer Festival held every summer. For me, Dalian is one
of the most beautiful city I have been to and is a great place for individuals or families to take a
holiday. I think I must travel there again in my lifetime.
Part 3
Do you think having too many tourists is a positive thing for historical attractions?
What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places? Are there more tall buildings than
small flats in your country?
Why do some people like to visit historical places?

8. 礼物

Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

You should say:

What it was

Who you gave it to

How you prepared it

And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it


The way I see it, sending gifts are a good way to express love and care to the others, especially in

the some different occasions. Because they’re always steady symbol of happiness.

One of presents I’ve sent to others was a red envelope(with money inside), it was a birthday gift to

my husband. I reckon that you might regard it as a simple and “nothing at all” gift, but I did make

it myself for a long time. It seams that it happened yesterday, I eagered to find a proper birthday gift

to my husband, it was special time not only because of this but also during the year when we just

married. So it was our first time to “send and receive”gift as a real couple. I definitely wanted the

gift practical and original. However, things didn’t go smoothly, cause I didn’t even know what my

husband likes. He never plays games, not a fan of shoes or clothes, it seams like he doesn’t have a

real hobby. No, cars, but I couldn’t afford any then. Finally I decided to give him something in

handy-red envelop. I didn’t want to slight over it, so I made an artwork in a shape of envelope.

Those hollow pattern and 3-D paper folding took me 2 hours to finish! My husband has kept if for

several years, and he laughs at it because of my childishness ,however he receives my love to him,

I just know it.

Part three:

➢ What indoor games do children like to play nowadays?

➢ What qualities should a team leader have?

➢ Is teamwork important to individuals?


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