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Fatmawati Kahar, Oktovianus Sila *)

*) Department of Environmental Health Poltekes Kemenkes Kupang

ix + 61 pages: 8 table, 5 picture, 6 attachments

Mice are rodent (rodents), better known as pests of agricultural crops,
destroying goods in warehouses and animal nuisance and cause a nasty of
abhorrent in housing health problems. The seaport is a strategic gateway to the
transmission of diseases such as bubonic plague quarantine. To prevent the exit or
entry of quarantine diseases specified by the port, the port needs to be done
supervision of sanitation, such as vessel sanitation inspection, checking the
existence of rats on board, control and eradication of rats and fleas in the harbor,
building sanitary supervision and buildings. The purpose of this study was to
determine the differences in the various types of bait for rats trapped in the port
density Tenau Kupang 2012.
This type of research is an experiment in using different types of bait
Coconut Grill, Fish Salted Peanut Fuels and Fuel for the number of rats caught by
bait type. Population and samples in this study were all the buildings in the area
perimeter and Buffer, rats and fleas were caught during the study by type of bait
and fleas per rat species in the port of Tenau Kupang.
The research found the most number of rats trapped in the fuel feed
peanuts rats were 13 or 16.25% with the number density of rats in the Port Tenau
Kupang is 20 mice (6.25%). Most species of rat captured by type of bait that is as
much as 6 species Mus musculus tail is caught in the fuel feed peanuts and indices
based on species of rat fleas the most caught species Rattus rattus rat tail
frugivorus the 14 fleas with index 7 tail per rats. While the flea index in the port
area Tenau kupang 1.8 tail per rats.
Based on the results it can be concluded that the density penelitin and rat
species by type of bait that caught rat bait peanut fuel at 16.25% and rat species
mus musculus 7.50% and the index of fleas per rat species caught most of the
Rattus rattus frugiforus 14 tail with index of 7 animals per rat and flea species that
are caught Xenopsylla cheopis and Pulex irritants. It is suggested to the manager
of the Port of monitoring control mice regularly to minimize the incidence of
disease caused by rats.

Bibliography: 16 (1985 - 2012)

Keywords: density, type of bait, index, mice, fleas.

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