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Science English Term 1 Revision Year 9

Class Name: _______________ Date: _________

Name, Surname: __________________________

1. Explain what Photosynthesis is and how it happens in Plants Photosynthesis comes from the
Photo synthesis comes from the Greek words Photo which means “to do with light” and
synthesis which means “making”. So Photosynthesis means “Making with light”

a. Photosynthesis is the way in which plants make food using energy from Light, this food is
called Glucose/Carbohydrates.
b. Plants need Water H20, Light and Carbon Dioxide CO2 for the process of Photosynthesis.
c. Plants absorb water from the soil through their roots.
d. Plants absorb Carbon Dioxide from the air/atmosphere.
e. Plants produce two things during Photosynthesis, they produce Glucose/Carbohydrates
C6H12O6 and Oxygen O2.
2. What is the Scientific Equation for Photosynthesis?

3. What are the reactants and products of Photosynthesis?

Reactants: Carbon Dioxide CO2, Water and H20 and light

Products: Carbohydrates C6H12O6 / Glucose and Oxygen O2

4. Draw a label The inside of a Leaf


Science English Term 1 Revision Year 9
Class Name: _______________ Date: _________
Name, Surname: __________________________

5. Where are chloroplasts found inside a leaf?

Chloroplasts are found in the Palisade mesophyll and Spongy mesophyll Layers
A. Where can most of the Chloroplasts be found? In the Palisade Mesophyll

B. Draw the inside of the Cell where the most chloroplasts can be found. Draw and Label

The inside of a Palisade Cell

6. What is the function of the roots of a plant?

a. Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.
b. Roots anchor a plant in the ground.
c. Roots store food for the plant
d. Roots help to protect the plant and help it survive during harsh conditions that kill the part of
the plant above the ground

7. Explain what is Xylem and Phloem?

Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves of the plant.
Phloem transports the food made by the plant from the leaves to all parts of the plant and to
the roots.

8. Fill in the blanks

Two of the most important mineral salts that plants need are Nitrate & Magnesium.
Nitrate is used to make proteins to make new cells to grow . It is also used to make
Chlorophyll. A plant that has a shortage of this mineral turns yellow in colour and is stunted (short) .
A shortage in the second mineral can be seen in plants when their leaves turn yellow .
The reproductive organs of plants are Flowers . They attracts bees, insects and birds through their
Brightly coloured petals and Nice Scent (smell). The relationship that exists between them is called
Mutualism .

Science English Term 1 Revision Year 9
Class Name: _______________ Date: _________
Name, Surname: __________________________

9. List the names of each number in the Diagram

1. Ovary
2. Style
3. Stigma
4. Pistil / Carpel
5. Anther
6. Filament
7. Stamen
8. Petal
9. Sepal
10. Ovule
11. Receptacle

10. A. Explain what is Pollination: The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.

B. Explain What is Fertilisation: After Pollination, a male gamete is released and travels down
the style where it fuses (joins together) with a female gamete in an ovule. When they fuse
(join), they form a new cell called a zygote. This is called fertilisation.

C. What was the Fruit prior to Fertilisation? The fruit before/prior to fertilisation was the ovary.
NB. The Seeds before/prior to fertilisation was the ovules.

Science English Term 1 Revision Year 9
Class Name: _______________ Date: _________
Name, Surname: __________________________

11. Use the Dichotomous Key Below to identify each Species.

Jack pine White pine

Horse Chestnut

Maple Elm
White Oak

Pink Oak Ginkgo Hawthorn

Science English Term 1 Revision Year 9
Class Name: _______________ Date: _________
Name, Surname: __________________________

12. Explain what is a Fungus is and give an example

A fungus is a type of Decomposer. Decomposers are organisms that get their energy from
breaking down dead bodies and waste from animals and plants. Examples of a Fungus is
Mushrooms. Other Decomposers are Bread Mould.

13. What do humans have in common with Fungi? And what is a differentiator?
In common: a. Humans and Fungi both do not produce their own food.
b. Both use enzymes to breakdown their food to absorb the nutrients.
Difference: Humans breakdown their food using enzymes, this is called digestion and it happens
inside the human body. Fungi breakdown their food outside of their bodies by releasing enzymes
in the ground nearby to breakdown the dead animals and plant waste to absorb the nutrients.

14. Study the Food Web Below and answer the questions

a. Name the Producers Berries and Plantain

b. Name three Consumers Any three answers except Berries and Plaintain
Consumers: grasshopper, rabbit, fox
c. Write down a Food Web that ends with the Fox (any of the Food webs below are correct)
Berries → Grasshopper → Titmouse → Fox or
Plantain → Mouse→ Titmouse → Fox or
Plantain → Rabbit → Fox

d. Identify the Food Web that the Dragon Fly is a part of

Berries → Greenfly → Ladybird → Dragonfly → Frog → Snake→ Buzzard


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