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Figure 1 – TRIC Page 1

Procedure Reference Job Card/Permit #/HAZ-ID#

Use this section to breakdown the job into steps, identify the hazards
_______________________________________ and controls and assign responsibilities for the controls. ___________________________________
Job Description: Backfilling work & compaction at CPF
Task: Hazards: Controls: Responsibilities: Are controls
in place?
Break the job down into a logical What hazards did your find for What controls are in place or will you put in place? Who will be responsible each
sequence of steps each task? of those controls? Yes No

 Commencement of work.  Lack of information.  Plan the work involving permit of work.
 Always follow PTW procedure.
 Identify hazards in the site

 TBT before start the work.

 Poor communication.

 Assessing work areas prior  Existing hazard or new hazard not  Ensure that all hazard exist on the area are noted and
commence activities identified. discussed.
 Ensure that good housekeeping maintained.
 Slip, trips and fall.
 Ensure that everybody assessing the area are wearing
complete and Standard PPE’s.

 Backfilling work &  Poor hand tools and equipment.

 Ensure that PTW is approved and available.
 Body injuries.
compaction at CPF  Line of fire.  Check hand tools and equipment before start the working
 We are must be wearing full PPE'S in the site

 Heat stress  Fatigue, fainting  Provide adequate rest, shade and water.

 Housekeeping  Poor housekeeping.  Ensure good housekeeping at all times, before, during and
after work.

 Symptoms of covid-19.  Covid-19 hazard.  Wear mask and keep save distance.

Debrief: use this space to record any comments or new learning from the job

Life Saving
Tick & discuss
rules that apply
Figure 2 – TRIC Page 2

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