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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
( QUARTER 2) (W-5) January 17- 22, (W-5) January 17- 22, (W-5) January 17- 22, (W-5) January 17- 22, (W-5) January 17- (W-5) January 17- 22, (W-5) January 17- 22, (W-5) January 17- 22,
2022 2022 2022 2022 22, 2022 2022 2022 2022
A. No. of learners who 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 pupils
answered the thinking were able to answer were able to answer were able to answer were able to answer the were able to answer were able to answer were able to answer were able to answer
log. the learners’ thinking the leaners’ thinking the leaners’ thinking leaners’ thinking log the leaners’ thinking the leaners’ thinking the leaners’ thinking the leaners’ thinking
log log log log log log log
I took picture of a
Action taken of those
I took picture of a I took picture of a I took picture of a sample filled out I took picture of a I took picture of a I took picture of a I took picture of a
learners who have not sample filled out sample filled out sample filled out Learners’ Thinking Log sample filled out sample filled out sample filled out sample filled out
responded on the thinking Learners’ Thinking Log Learners’ Thinking Learners’ Thinking Log and send to the parents Learners’ Thinking Learners’ Thinking Log Learners’ Thinking Log Learners’ Thinking Log
log. and send to the Log and send to the and send to the Group Chat of Grade 4 Log and send to the and send to the and send to the and send to the
parents Group Chat of parents Group Chat of parents Group Chat of and require them to parents Group Chat parents Group Chat of parents Group Chat of parents Group Chat of
Grade 4 and require Grade 4 and require Grade 4 and require accomplish the said of Grade 4 and Grade 4 and require Grade 4 and require Grade 4 and require
them to accomplish them to accomplish them to accomplish form together with the require them to them to accomplish them to accomplish them to accomplish
the said form together the said form the said form SLMs. accomplish the said the said form together the said form the said form together
with the SLMs. together with the together with the form together with with the SLMs. together with the with the SLMs.
SLMs. SLMs. the SLMs. SLMs.
B. No. of learners who 30 out of 32 pupils 29 out of 32 28 out of 32 pupils 28 out of 32 pupils 30 out of 32 29 out of 32 pupils 28 out of 32 29 out of 32 pupils
earned 80% in the earned 80% and above. pupils earned 80% earned 80% and earned 80% and above. pupils earned 80% earned 80% and above. pupils earned 80% and earned 80% and
evaluation. and above. above. and above. above. above.
C. No. of learners who 2 Pupils who requires 3 Pupils who 4 Pupils who 4 Pupils who requires 2 Pupils who 3 Pupils who 4 Pupils who requires 3 Pupils who requires
required additional remediation. requires remediation. requires remediation. remediation. requires requires remediation. remediation. remediation.
activities for remediation. remediation.
D. Did the remedial Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2
up with the lesson
E. No. of learners who 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1
continue to require
F. No. of learners who reach out of 29 reached out of 29 reached out of 29 reached out of 29 reached out of 29 out of 29 reached out of 29 reached out of 29 reached
proficiency level of 80% on the proficiency level the proficiency level the proficiency level the proficiency level on reached the the proficiency level the proficiency level the proficiency level
teacher-given summative on the teacher-given on the teacher-given on the teacher-given the teacher-given proficiency level on on the teacher-given on the teacher-given on the teacher-given
assessment (written works summative assessment summative summative summative assessment the teacher-given summative assessment summative summative assessment
and performance tasks). assessment assessment summative assessment
G. Action taken by the Send text messages to Went over the week’s Call the parents and Send text messages to Crafted the SLM’s to Call the parents and Call the parents and Call the parents and
teacher on the no. of parents whose children SLMs and made some pupils, explain clearly parents whose children less complex pupils and elicit clearly pupils and discuss the pupils and explain
learners who required need remediation and modifications on the the topic for the need remediation and activities or make the topic for the week. activities to its simple clearly the topic for
academic assistance provide them technical activities. week. provide them technical simplified Learners Have the pupils answer way. the week.
(additional activities for assistance in assistance in conducting activity sheets. What I Learned, Post Let them answer the Let them answer the
remediation) and parents conducting the the remediation Test/Assessment, and Activity sheets. Activity sheets.
remediation measures. measures. Additional Activities.
needs Technical
Assistance by the
H. Additional issues and There were parents Some pupils have Some pupils have There were parents I found difficulty in There were parents I found difficulty in I found out that some
concerns by the learners who fail to return and difficulty in writing difficulty in writing who fail to return and checking some who fail to return and checking some pupils’ answers written on the
and parents. claim the SLMs on the cursive style, as to cursive style, as to claim the SLMs and pupils’ paper since claim the SLMs on the paper since the paper were not the
scheduled date every their penmanship is their penmanship is notebooks on the the answers were scheduled date which answers were not hand writing of the
Friday. not readable. not readable. scheduled date is every not written legibly is every Friday. written legibly pupils. It’s parents
Friday. especially in cursive especially in cursive penmanship.
Post the issue to the Post the issue to the Post the issue to the style. Post the issue to the style.
Group Chat reminding Group Chat reminding Group Chat reminding Post the issue to the Group Chat reminding Post the issue to the
I. Action taken by the them to return and them to return and them to return and Group Chat reminding Post the issue to the them to return and Post the issue to the Group Chat reminding
teacher claim the SLMs and claim the SLMs and them to return and claim the SLMs and them to return and
claim the on time. Group Chat Group Chat reminding
answers on time. notebooks on time. claim the SLMs and notebooks on time. claim the SLMs and
reminding them to them to return and
notebooks on time. notebooks on time.
Send txt message to Send txt message to Send txt message to return and claim the Send txt message to claim the SLMs and
the parents who don’t the parents who the parents who don’t SLMs and notebooks the parents who don’t notebooks on time.
Send txt message to the Send txt message to
have account in don’t have account in have account in have account in
parents who don’t have on time. the parents who don’t
messenger. messenger. messenger. messenger.
account in messenger. have account in

J. Did my giving of TA The number of parents The number of The number of The number of parents The number of The number of parents The number of parents The number of parents
feedback to parents who returned the SLMs parents who returned parents who returned who returned the SLMs parents who who returned the SLMs who returned the who returned the
effective? Which of and answers had the SLMs and answers the SLMs and answers and notebooks had returned the SLMs and notebooks had SLMs and notebooks SLMs and notebooks
my TA and increased in number had increased in had increased in increased in number and notebooks had increased in number had increased in had increased in
feedbacks to thereby some had took number thereby number thereby some thereby some had took increased in number thereby some had took number thereby some number thereby some
parents work well? heed of the teacher’s some had took heed had took heed of the heed of the teacher’s thereby some had heed of the teacher’s had took heed of the had took heed of the
reminders posted o GC of the teacher’s teacher’s reminders reminders posted o GC took heed of the reminders posted o GC teacher’s reminders teacher’s reminders
Why did these
and through text reminders posted o posted o GC and and through text teacher’s reminders and through text posted o GC. posted o GC.
messages. GC and through text through text messages. posted o GC. messages.
messages. messages.
K. What difficulties did I Some pupils had Some pupils had Some pupils had Some pupils had merely Some pupils had Some pupils had Some pupils had Some pupils had
encounter which my merely copied the merely copied the merely copied the copied the order of merely copied the merely copied the merely copied the merely copied the
instructional order of answers listed order of answers order of answers answers listed in the order of answers order of answers listed order of answers listed order of answers listed
supervisor can help in the Answer Keys listed in the Answer listed in the Answer Answer Keys instead of listed in the Answer in the Answer Keys in the Answer Keys in the Answer Keys
me solve? instead of following Keys instead of Keys instead of following the sequence Keys instead of instead of following instead of following instead of following
the sequence of following the following the of activities in the SLMs. following the the sequence of the sequence of the sequence of
activities in the SLMs. sequence of activities sequence of activities sequence of activities in the SLMs. activities in the SLMs. activities in the SLMs.
in the SLMs. in the SLMs. activities in the
Prepared by: Checked by:


Adviser Grade Level Chairman

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