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( 第 610 章 )
Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance
(Cap. 610)

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第 1 部 Part 1 1-1—1-18 1.7.2022
第 2 部 Part 2 2-1—2-18 15.2.2017
第 3 部 Part 3 3-1—3-10 15.2.2017
第 4 部 Part 4 4-1—4-6 15.2.2017
第 5 部 Part 5 5-1—5-4 15.2.2017
第 6 部 Part 6 6-1—6-6 15.2.2017
第 7 部 Part 7 7-1—7-2 15.2.2017
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第 8 部 Part 8 8-1—8-16 15.2.2017
第 9 部 Part 9 9-1—9-6 15.2.2017
第 10 部 Part 10 10-1—10-14 15.2.2017
第 11 部 Part 11 11-1—11-2 15.2.2017
附表 1 Schedule 1 S1-1—S1-4 1.12.2020
附表 2 Schedule 2 S2-1—S2-6 15.2.2017
附表 3 Schedule 3 S3-1—S3-4 15.2.2017
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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

E-1 E-2
第 610 章 Cap. 610

制定史 Enactment History

本 為 2010 年 第 18 號 —— 2012 年 第 8 號,2012 年 第 28 號,2013 年 Originally 18 of 2010 — 8 of 2012, 28 of 2012, E.R. 1 of 2013, E.R. 1 of
第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄,2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄,2020 年第 6 號, 2017, 6 of 2020, L.N. 144 of 2022
2022 年第 144 號法律公告

最後更新日期 Last updated date

1.7.2022 1.7.2022
《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

T-1 T-2
第 610 章 Cap. 610

《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

( 第 610 章 ) (Cap. 610)

目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Section Page
第1部 Part 1
導言 Preliminary
1. 簡稱 1-1 1. Short title 1-2
2. 釋義 1-1 2. Interpretation 1-2
3. 對政府的適用情況 1-13 3. Application to Government 1-14
4. 適用範圍的限定 1-15 4. Limit of scope of application 1-16
5. 適用數值的斷定 1-15 5. Determination of application threshold 1-16
6. 聯權共有等的建築物 1-17 6. Jointly owned etc. building 1-18
第2部 Part 2
設計階段及佔用准許階段的訂明建築物 Prescribed Buildings at Design Stage and
Occupation Approval Stage
第 1 分部 —— 適用範圍 Division 1—Application
7. 第 2 部的適用範圍 2-1 7. Application of Part 2 2-2
第 2 分部 —— 聲明 Division 2—Declaration
8. 設計階段的聲明 2-1 8. Declaration at design stage 2-2
9. 佔用准許階段的聲明 2-3 9. Declaration at occupation approval stage 2-4
第 3 分部 —— 遵行規定登記證明書 Division 3—Certificate of Compliance

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

T-3 T-4
第 610 章 Cap. 610

條次 頁次 Section Page
10. 建築物的遵行規定登記證明書 2-7 10. Certificate of Compliance Registration for 2-8
11. 獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的紀錄 2-9 11. Register of buildings issued with Certificate 2-10
冊 of Compliance Registration
12. 獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的擁有 2-11 12. Duties of owners and responsible persons 2-12
人及負責人的責任 of building with Certificate of Compliance
13. 遵行規定登記證明書的續期 2-13 13. Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 2-14
14. 可提供遵行規定登記證明書的複本 2-15 14. Duplicate of Certificate of Compliance 2-16
Registration available
第 4 分部 —— 指明標準及規定的豁免 Division 4—Exemption from specified
standards and requirements
15. 指明標準及規定的豁免 2-15 15. Exemption from specified standards and 2-16
第3部 Part 3
訂明建築物內的主要裝修工程 Major Retrofitting Works in Prescribed
16. 第 3 部的適用範圍 3-1 16. Application of Part 3 3-2
17. 為主要裝修工程取得遵行規定表格的責任 3-1 17. Duty to obtain Form of Compliance for major 3-2
retrofitting works
18. 適用於遵行規定表格的規定 3-3 18. Requirements applicable to Form of 3-4
19. 可提供遵行規定表格的複本 3-7 19. Duplicate of Form of Compliance available 3-8
20. 指明標準及規定的豁免 3-7 20. Exemption from specified standards and 3-8

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

T-5 T-6
第 610 章 Cap. 610

條次 頁次 Section Page
第4部 Part 4
能源審核 Energy Audit
21. 第 4 部的適用範圍 4-1 21. Application of Part 4 4-2
22. 能源審核的規定 4-1 22. Energy audit requirement 4-2
23. 擁有人須展示能源審核表格 4-3 23. Owner to exhibit Energy Audit Form 4-4
24. 可提供能源審核表格的複本 4-3 24. Duplicate of Energy Audit Form available 4-4
25. 能源審核的規定的豁免 4-5 25. Exemption from energy audit requirement 4-6
第5部 Part 5
敦促改善通知書 Improvement Notice
26. 署長可發出敦促改善通知書 5-1 26. Director may issue improvement notice 5-2
第6部 Part 6
執行 Enforcement
27. 獲授權人員 6-1 27. Authorized officers 6-2
28. 獲授權人員須證明身分 6-1 28. Authorized officers to prove identity 6-2
29. 獲授權人員的權力 6-1 29. Powers of authorized officers 6-2
第7部 Part 7
註冊能源效益評核人的註冊 Registration of Registered Energy
30. 註冊能源效益評核人的註冊 7-1 30. Registration of registered energy assessor 7-2
31. 註冊能源效益評核人紀錄冊 7-1 31. Register of Registered Energy Assessors 7-2
第8部 Part 8
上訴 Appeal
32. 向上訴委員會提出上訴 8-1 32. Appeal to appeal board 8-2

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

T-7 T-8
第 610 章 Cap. 610

條次 頁次 Section Page
33. 如何提出上訴 8-3 33. How to lodge an appeal 8-4
34. 上訴委員團 8-3 34. Appeal board panel 8-4
35. 上訴委員會 8-7 35. Appeal board 8-8
36. 上訴委員會的聆訊程序 8-9 36. Proceedings of appeal board 8-10
37. 聆訊 8-11 37. Hearing 8-12
38. 上訴委員會可授權檢查屋宇裝備裝置 8-13 38. Appeal board may authorize inspection of 8-14
building services installation
39. 上訴的裁定 8-13 39. Determination of appeal 8-14
第9部 Part 9
《守則》 Code of Practice
40. 《守則》 9-1 40. Code of practice 9-2
41. 《守則》可否接納為證據 9-3 41. Admissibility of code of practice in evidence 9-4
第 10 部 Part 10
雜項事宜 Miscellaneous Matters
42. 局長可訂立規例 10-1 42. Secretary may make regulations 10-2
43. 局長可修訂附表 10-1 43. Secretary may amend Schedules 10-2
44. 限期可在屆滿後延長 10-1 44. Periods may be extended after expiry 10-2
45. 署長可轉授權力 10-3 45. Director may delegate power 10-4
46. 署長可指明表格 10-3 46. Director may specify forms 10-4
47. 通知或通知書的發出等 10-3 47. Issue of notice etc. 10-4
48. 禁止虛假資料等 10-7 48. False information etc. prohibited 10-8

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T-9 T-10
第 610 章 Cap. 610

條次 頁次 Section Page
49. 關乎註冊能源效益評核人的罪行 10-7 49. Offences relating to registered energy 10-8
50. 以已作出應有的努力作為免責辯護 10-9 50. Defence of due diligence 10-10
51. 對公職人員的保障 10-11 51. Protection of public officers 10-12
第 11 部 Part 11
過渡性條文 Transitional Provision
52. 在第 4 部生效之前進行的能源審核 11-1 52. Energy audit carried out before Part 4 11-2
附表 1 需有遵行規定登記證明書及遵行規 S1-1 Schedule 1 Buildings that Require Certificate of S1-2
定表格的建築物 Compliance Registration and Form of
附表 2 本條例不適用的屋宇裝備裝置 S2-1 Schedule 2 Building Services Installations to S2-2
which this Ordinance does not Apply
附表 3 主要裝修工程 S3-1 Schedule 3 Major Retrofitting Works S3-2
附表 4 需進行能源審核的建築物 S4-1 Schedule 4 Buildings that Require Energy Audit S4-2
附表 5 對沒有獲發遵行規定登記證明書的 S5-1 Schedule 5 Schedule of the First Energy Audit S5-2
建築物進行首次能源審核的時間表 for Buildings without Certificate of
Compliance Registration

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-1 第1部 Part 1 1-2

第 610 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 610

本條例旨在規定須就若干類型的建築物,遵行關於空調裝置、電力裝 An Ordinance to require compliance with codes of practice concerning

置、升降機及自動梯裝置以及照明裝置的能源效益及能源審 the energy efficiency of air-conditioning installations, electrical
核的《守則》,以及就有關事宜訂定條文。 installations, lift and escalator installations and lighting installations
and energy audits in respect of several types of buildings and to
provide for related matters.

[2011 年 2 月 21 日 ] [21 February 2011]

( 略去制定語式條文 ——2013 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Enacting provision omitted—E.R. 1 of 2013)

第1部 Part 1
導言 Preliminary
( 格式變更 ——2013 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2013)

1. 簡稱 1. Short title
( 編輯修訂 ——2013 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Amended E.R. 1 of 2013)
(1) 本條例可引稱為《建築物能源效益條例》。 (1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Buildings Energy
(2) ( 已失時效而略去 ——2013 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) Efficiency Ordinance.
(2) (Omitted as spent—E.R. 1 of 2013)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本條例中 —— In this Ordinance—
上訴委員會 (appeal board) 指根據第 35 條委出的建築物能源效 air-conditioning installation (空調裝置), in relation to a building,
益上訴委員會; means fixed equipment, distribution network or control
上訴委員團 (appeal board panel) 指第 34 條所提述的建築物能 devices that cool down, heat up, humidify, dehumidify, purify
源效益上訴委員團; or distribute air within the building;
工業建築物 (industrial building) 指 —— appeal board (上訴委員會) means a Buildings Energy Efficiency
Appeal Board appointed under section 35;

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-3 第1部 Part 1 1-4

第 610 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 610

(a) 內有以下工序進行的建築物 —— appeal board panel (上訴委員團) means the Buildings Energy
(i) 物品的生產、更改、潔淨、修理、裝飾、表面 Efficiency Appeal Board Panel referred to in section 34;
修飾、出售前改裝、拆解或拆除;或 approved loading (允許負載量) means the maximum current
(ii) 物料轉化;或 demand approved by an electricity supplier in respect of an
electrical installation;
(b) 貨倉;
authorized officer (獲授權人員) means a person appointed as an
中央屋宇裝備裝置 (central building services installation) 指 —— authorized officer under section 27;
(a) 在訂明建築物內並非純粹服務該建築物的某個單位 Building Authority (建築事務監督) means the Director of
的屋宇裝備裝置;或 Buildings;
(b) 在沒有公用地方的訂明建築物內的屋宇裝備裝置, building services installation (屋宇裝備裝置) means—
但符合以下說明的裝置除外 ——
(a) an air-conditioning installation;
(i) 純粹服務該建築物的某個單位;及
(b) an electrical installation;
(ii) 由並非該建築物的擁有人的人所擁有;
(c) a lift and escalator installation; or
允許負載量 (approved loading) 指供電商就電力裝置允許的最
高電流需求量; (d) a lighting installation;
公用地方 (common area) 就訂明建築物而言 —— central building services installation (中央屋宇裝備裝置)
(a) 指該建築物的任何地方,但在土地註冊處註冊的文
書中指明為專供擁有人使用、佔用或享用的部分除 (a) a building services installation in a prescribed building
外;及 that does not solely serve a unit of that building; or

(b) 除 如 (a) 段 所 述 經 指 明 者 外,包 括 停 車 場、入 口 大 (b) a building services installation in a prescribed building
堂、升降機大堂、走廊、樓梯、公用洗手間、公用 that has no common area except an installation that—
貯物室、機房、電掣房、喉管井道、電䌫管道、垃 (i) solely serves a unit of that building; and
圾房、物料回收房、有蓋平台、有蓋遊樂場、住客 (ii) is owned by a person who is not the owner of that
會所及建築物管理處; building;
升降機及自動梯裝置 (lift and escalator installation) 指由以下裝 Certificate of Compliance Registration (遵行規定登記證明書)
置組成的設備系統 —— means a Certificate of Compliance Registration issued under
(a) 《升降機及自動梯條例》( 第 618 章 ) 第 2(1) 條所界定 section 10 and, where applicable, renewed under section 13;
的升降機或自動梯;及  ( 由 2012 年第 8 號第 156 條 code of practice (《守則》) means any code of practice issued or
及 160 條修訂 ) approved under section 40;
commercial building (商業建築物) means a building that is—

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-5 第1部 Part 1 1-6

第 610 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 610

(b) 《守則》所指明的用作操作升降機或自動梯的任何相 (a) used for offices, shops or entertainment facilities; or

關裝置; (b) used for the purpose of any trade, business or profession
主要裝修工程 (major retrofitting works) 指附表 3 所指明的工程; (but not used as an industrial building);
《守則》(code of practice) 指任何根據第 40 條發出或核准的《守 common area (公用地方), in relation to a prescribed building—
則》; (a) means any area of the building other than the parts that
次階段聲明 (stage two declaration) 指第 9(1) 條所提述的聲明; have been specified in an instrument registered in the
住宅建築物 (residential building) 指純粹作住宅用途的建築物, Land Registry as being for the exclusive use, occupation
並包括 —— or enjoyment of an owner; and
(a) 學生宿舍及員工宿舍;及 (b) includes, unless so specified, car parks, entrance
lobbies, lift lobbies, corridors, staircases, common
(b) 綜合用途建築物的作住宅用途的部分, toilets, common store rooms, plant rooms, switch
但不包括酒店或賓館; ( 由 2020 年第 6 號第 54 條修訂 ) rooms, pipe ducts, cable ducts, refuse rooms, material
佔用准許 (occupation approval) 指 —— recovery chambers, covered podia, covered playgrounds,
occupants’ clubhouses and building management offices;
(a) 佔用許可證;或
composite building (綜合用途建築物) means, having regard to the
(b) ( 如根據《建築物條例》( 第 123 章 ) 某建築物並不需
definitions of commercial building, industrial building and
佔用許可證 ) 由有關主管當局就佔用該建築物而發
residential building, a building that is—
(a) partly for residential use and partly for non-residential
佔用許可證 (occupation permit) 指根據《建築物條例》( 第 123 章 )
第 21(2) 條發出的佔用許可證或臨時佔用許可證;
(b) partly for industrial use and partly for non-industrial
局長 (Secretary) 指環境及生態局局長;  ( 由 2022 年第 144 號
use; or
法律公告修訂 )
(c) partly for commercial use and partly for non-commercial
供電商 (electricity supplier) 指生產、供應及售賣低壓或高壓電
consent to the commencement of building works (建築工程展開
物業管理公司 (property management company) 就建築物而言,
同意書) means—
(a) a consent given by the Building Authority under section
空 調 裝 置 (air-conditioning installation) 就 建 築 物 而 言,指 在 該
14 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123); or
的固定設備、配送網絡或控制裝置; (b) an approval given in respect of a building not governed
by that Ordinance which serves, in relation to that
屋宇裝備裝置 (building services installation) 指 ——
building, a purpose similar to that of the consent;
(a) 空調裝置;

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-7 第1部 Part 1 1-8

第 610 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 610

(b) 電力裝置; developer (發展者), in relation to a building or a proposed

(c) 升降機及自動梯裝置;或 building, means the owner of the land on which the building
is built or will be built;
(d) 照明裝置;
Director (署長) means the Director of Electrical and Mechanical
建築工程展開同意書 (consent to the commencement of building Services;
works) 指 ——
electrical installation (電力裝置), in relation to a building, means
(a) 建 築 事 務 監 督 根 據《建 築 物 條 例》( 第 123 章 ) 第 14 fixed equipment, distribution network or accessories for
條給予的同意;或 electricity distribution or utilization in the building;
(b) 就某不受該條例管限的建築物給予的、對於該建築 electricity supplier (供電商) means a person who generates,
物來說與上述同意有類似作用的批准; supplies and sells electricity at low or high voltage for use in
建築事務監督 (Building Authority) 指屋宇署署長; an electrical installation;
指明表格 (specified form) 指署長根據第 46 條所指明的表格; energy audit (能源審核) means a systematic review of the use of
指明標準及規定 (specified standards and requirements) 指在《守 energy conducted pursuant to the requirement under section
則》所列明的建築物能源效益或能源審核的標準及規定; 22;
訂明建築物 (prescribed building) 指屬附表 1 所列明的類型的建 Energy Audit Form (能源審核表格) means an Energy Audit Form
築物; issued under section 22;
訂明費用 (prescribed fee) 指根據第 42 條訂立的規例所訂明的 Form of Compliance (遵行規定表格) means a Form of
費用; Compliance issued under section 17;
負 責 人 (responsible person) 就 建 築 物 或 建 築 物 的 任 何 單 位 而 hotel or guesthouse (酒店或賓館) has the meaning given by
言,指 ( 不論是根據租約或許可證或以其他方式 ) 佔用、 section 2A of the Hotel and Guesthouse Accommodation
管有或控制該建築物或單位的人; Ordinance (Cap. 349); (Added 6 of 2020 s. 54)
首階段聲明 (stage one declaration) 指第 8(1) 條所提述的聲明; improvement notice (敦促改善通知書) means an improvement
notice issued under section 26;
能源審核 (energy audit) 指依據第 22 條所訂的規定就能源的使
用而進行的系統性查核; industrial building (工業建築物) means—
能源審核表格 (Energy Audit Form) 指根據第 22 條發出的能源 (a) a building in which—
審核表格; (i) articles are manufactured, altered, cleaned,
酒店或賓館 (hotel or guesthouse) 具有《旅館業條例》( 第 349 章 ) repaired, ornamented, finished, adapted for sale,
第 2A 條所給予的涵義; ( 由 2020 年第 6 號第 54 條增補 ) broken up or demolished; or
商業建築物 (commercial building) 指 —— (ii) materials are transformed; or
(a) 用作辦公室、店舖或娛樂設施的建築物;或 (b) a godown;

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-9 第1部 Part 1 1-10

第 610 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 610

(b) 作任何行業、業務或專業用途的建築物 ( 但並非用 lift and escalator installation (升降機及自動梯裝置) means a

作工業建築物者 ); system of equipment comprising—
單位 (unit) 就建築物而言,指 —— (a) a lift or an escalator as defined in section 2(1) of
(a) 該建築物的單位或部分;或 the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance (Cap. 618); and
(Amended 8 of 2012 ss. 156 & 160)
(b) 該建築物的 2 個或多於 2 個單位或部分,而該等單
位或部分是 —— (b) any associated installation specified in a code of practice
that is used for the operation of the lift or escalator;
(i) 被同一佔用人為同一項業務用途佔用的;及
lighting installation (照明裝置), in relation to a building, means a
(ii) 以內部走廊、內部樓梯或其他內部通道互相連 fixed electrical lighting system in the building including—
(a) general lighting that provides a substantially uniform
但不包括該建築物的公用地方; level of illumination throughout an area; or
敦促改善通知書 (improvement notice) 指根據第 26 條發出的敦 (b) maintained type emergency lighting,
but does not include non-maintained type emergency lighting;
發展者 (developer) 就建築物或擬建的建築物而言,指該建築
物所坐落或將會坐落的土地的擁有人; major retrofitting works (主要裝修工程) means the works
specified in Schedule 3;
註冊能源效益評核人 (registered energy assessor) 指當其時已根
據第 30 條註冊的人; occupation approval (佔用准許) means—
註 冊 能 源 效 益 評 核 人 紀 錄 冊 (Register of Registered Energy (a) an occupation permit; or
Assessors) 指根據第 31 條備存的紀錄冊; (b) an approval or a consent issued by a relevant authority
照明裝置 (lighting installation) 就建築物而言,指在該建築物內 to occupy a building for which no occupation permit is
的固定電力照明系統,包括 —— required under the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123);
(a) 在某地方各處提供大致均勻的照明水平的一般照明 occupation permit (佔用許可證) means an occupation permit or
器具;或 a temporary occupation permit issued under section 21(2) of
the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123);
(b) 持續式的緊急照明器具,
owner (擁有人), in relation to a prescribed building, has the same
但不包括非持續式的緊急照明器具; meaning as in the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123);
署長 (Director) 指機電工程署署長; prescribed building (訂明建築物) means a building of a type set
電力裝置 (electrical installation) 就建築物而言,指用以在該建 out in Schedule 1;
築物內配送或利用電力的固定設備、配電網絡或配件; prescribed fee (訂明費用) means a fee prescribed in the regulation
綜合用途建築物 (composite building) 指在考慮工業建築物 、住 made under section 42;
宅建築物 及商業建築物 的定義後屬 ——

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-11 第1部 Part 1 1-12

第 610 章 第2條 Section 2 Cap. 610

(a) 部分作住宅用途而部分作非住宅用途的建築物; property management company (物業管理公司), in relation to a

(b) 部分作工業用途而部分作非工業用途的建築物;或 building, means the business entity appointed by the owner of
the building to manage the building;
(c) 部分作商業用途而部分作非商業用途的建築物;
railway station (鐵路車站)—
擁有人 (owner) 就訂明建築物而言,其涵義與《建築物條例》( 第
123 章 ) 中該詞的涵義相同; (a) means those parts of the railway premises as defined
in the Mass Transit Railway Ordinance (Cap. 556)
遵行規定表格 (Form of Compliance) 指根據第 17 條發出的遵行 designated by the MTR Corporation Limited as stations
規定表格; including any platform, concourse, entrance, exit, adit
遵行規定登記證明書 (Certificate of Compliance Registration) 指 and plant room but excluding every other part of the
根據第 10 條發出及 ( 如適用的話 ) 根據第 13 條續期的遵 railway premises including any track, tunnel, viaduct,
行規定登記證明書; ancillary building, ventilation shaft, siding, trackside
獲授權人員 (authorized officer) 指根據第 27 條委任為獲授權人 area adjacent to a platform, and other similar structures
員的人; and the land on which they are situated; and
鐵路車站 (railway station) —— (b) does not include a designated rail stop of the North-
west Railway as defined in the Mass Transit Railway
(a) 指《香港鐵路條例》( 第 556 章 ) 所界定的鐵路處所中
Ordinance (Cap. 556);
月台、車站大堂、入口、出口、坑道及機房,但不 Register of Registered Energy Assessors (註冊能源效益評核人紀
包括鐵路處所的每一其他部分 ( 包括任何軌道、隧 錄冊) means the register kept under section 31;
道、高架鐵路、附屬建築物、通風井、側線、毗鄰 registered energy assessor (註冊能源效益評核人) means a person
月台的軌道旁區域,及其他類似的構築物及該等構 who is for the time being registered under section 30;
築物所坐落的土地 );及 residential building (住宅建築物) means a building solely used
(b) 並不包括《香港鐵路條例》( 第 556 章 ) 所界定的西北 for residential purposes and includes—
鐵路的指定輕鐵站。 (a) student hostels and staff quarters; and
( 編輯修訂 ——2013 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄;由 2020 年第 6 (b) a portion of a composite building that is for residential
號第 54 條修訂 ) use,
but does not include a hotel or guesthouse; (Amended 6 of
2020 s. 54)
responsible person (負責人), in relation to a building or a unit of
a building, means a person who occupies or is in possession
or control of the building or unit (whether under a lease or
licence or otherwise);

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1-13 第1部 Part 1 1-14

第 610 章 第3條 Section 3 Cap. 610

Secretary (局長) means the Secretary for Environment and

Ecology; (Amended L.N. 144 of 2022)
specified form (指明表格) means a form specified by the Director
under section 46;
specified standards and requirements (指明標準及規定) means
the standards and requirements for building energy efficiency
or an energy audit set out in a code of practice;
stage one declaration (首階段聲明) means a declaration referred
to in section 8(1);
stage two declaration (次階段聲明) means a declaration referred
to in section 9(1);
unit (單位), in relation to a building, means—
(a) a unit or a part of the building; or
(b) 2 or more units or parts of the building that are—
(i) occupied by the same occupier for the purpose of
the same undertaking; and
(ii) interconnected by an internal corridor, internal
staircase or other internal access,
but does not include a common area of the building.
(Amended 6 of 2020 s. 54)

3. 對政府的適用情況 3. Application to Government

(1) 除本條另有規定外,本條例適用於政府。 (1) Subject to this section, this Ordinance applies to the
(2) 政府或任何以公職人員身分行事的公職人員,均不得被 Government.
控犯本條例所訂的任何罪行。 (2) Neither the Government nor any public officer in the capacity
(3) 政府沒有法律責任根據本條例支付任何費用。 as such is liable to be prosecuted for an offence under this
(3) The Government is not liable to pay any fee under this

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1-15 第1部 Part 1 1-16

第 610 章 第4條 Section 4 Cap. 610

4. 適用範圍的限定 4. Limit of scope of application

(1) 本條例不適用於 —— (1) This Ordinance does not apply to—
(a) 符合以下說明的建築物:控制該建築物電力供應的 (a) a building of which the main electrical switch governing
總電力開關的允許負載量,不超逾 100 安培 ( 單相 the electricity supply of the building has an approved
或三相 ); loading not exceeding 100A, 1-phase or 3-phase;
(b) 符合以下說明的建築物 —— (b) a building—
(i) 不超過 3 層高; (i) of not more than 3 storeys;
(ii) 有蓋面積不超過 65.03 平方米;及 (ii) having a roofed-over area of not more than 65.03
(iii) 高度不超過 8.23 米; m2; and
(c) 根 據《古 物 及 古 蹟 條 例》( 第 53 章 ) 第 2A 條 宣 布 的 (iii) having a height of not more than 8.23 m;
暫定古蹟或暫定歷史建築物;或 (c) a proposed monument or a proposed historical building
(d) 根據《古物及古蹟條例》( 第 53 章 ) 第 3 條宣布的古 declared under section 2A of the Antiquities and
蹟或歷史建築物。 Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53); or
(2) 如署長應某建築物的擁有人作出的聲明,信納該建築物 (d) a monument or a historical building declared under
在該聲明的日期之後的 12 個月內將不再存在,則本條例 section 3 of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance
不適用於該建築物。 (Cap. 53).
(3) 本條例不適用於附表 2 所指明的屋宇裝備裝置。 (2) This Ordinance does not apply to a building if the Director is
satisfied on a declaration by the owner of the building that the
building will cease to exist within 12 months after the date of
the declaration.
(3) This Ordinance does not apply to the building services
installations specified in Schedule 2.

5. 適用數值的斷定 5. Determination of application threshold

如本條例任何條文是否適用一事,須參照任何數值 ( 包括總電 If the applicability of any provision of this Ordinance is to be
力開關的允許負載量、裝置的額定值或任何地方的樓面面積 determined by reference to any threshold including the approved
在內 ) 而斷定,則除另有訂明外,有關計算或量度須在有關工 loading of a main electrical switch, the rating of an installation or
程完成時作出。 the floor area of any place, the calculation or measurement must,
unless otherwise prescribed, be made at the time when the relevant
works have been completed.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

1-17 第1部 Part 1 1-18

第 610 章 第6條 Section 6 Cap. 610

6. 聯權共有等的建築物 6. Jointly owned etc. building

如 —— If—
(a) 本條例對任何建築物、建築物的公用地方或中央屋 (a) this Ordinance imposes a requirement on the owner
宇裝備裝置的擁有人或建築物的單位的負責人施加 of any building, common area of a building or central
任何規定;而 building services installation or on the responsible
(b) 該建築物、公用地方或裝置由 2 個或多於 2 個人聯 person of a unit of a building; and
權共有,或該單位有 2 名或多於 2 名負責人, (b) the building, common area or installation is jointly
則如其中一名聯權共有人或負責人已遵守該規定,每一名其 owned by 2 or more persons or the unit has 2 or more
他聯權共有人或負責人即視為均已遵守該規定。 responsible persons,
compliance with the requirement by one of the joint owners or
responsible persons is regarded as compliance with the requirement
by every other joint owner or responsible person.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

2-1 第 2 部 —— 第 1 分部 Part 2—Division 1 2-2

第 610 章 第7條 Section 7 Cap. 610

第2部 Part 2
設計階段及佔用准許階段的訂明建築物 Prescribed Buildings at Design Stage and Occupation
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) Approval Stage
(Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

第 1 分部 —— 適用範圍 Division 1—Application

7. 第 2 部的適用範圍 7. Application of Part 2
本部適用於在本部生效日期之後獲發有關上蓋建築物的建築 This Part applies to a prescribed building in respect of which a
工程展開同意書的訂明建築物。 consent to the commencement of building works for superstructure
construction is given after the commencement of this Part.

第 2 分部 —— 聲明 Division 2—Declaration
8. 設計階段的聲明 8. Declaration at design stage
(1) 擬建的建築物的發展者須 —— (1) The developer of a proposed building must—
(a) 作出聲明,稱為首階段聲明;及 (a) make a declaration to be called a stage one declaration;
(b) 在該建築物的有關上蓋建築物的建築工程展開同意 and
書發出當日之後的 2 個月內,將該項聲明呈交署長。 (b) submit the declaration to the Director within 2 months
(2) 首階段聲明須 —— after the day on which the consent to the commencement
of building works for the superstructure construction of
(a) 聲明在就有關擬建的建築物作出次階段聲明之時或 the building is given.
置,均按照指明標準及規定設計,並將會按照該等 (2) A stage one declaration must—
標準及規定裝設及完成; (a) declare that all building services installations to be
(b) 採用指明表格; provided by the developer in the proposed building at
or before the time when a stage two declaration is made
(c) 附同該表格所指明的文件;及 in respect of the building are designed, and will be
installed and completed, in accordance with the specified
standards and requirements;

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2-3 第 2 部 —— 第 2 分部 Part 2—Division 2 2-4

第 610 章 第9條 Section 9 Cap. 610

(d) 由註冊能源效益評核人核證,表明已按照指明標準 (b) be in the specified form;

及規定,將適當的設計納入該建築物的規劃及設計 (c) be accompanied by the documents specified in the form;
中。 and
(3) 任何發展者違反第 (1) 款,即屬犯罪 —— (d) be certified by a registered energy assessor to the
(a) 一經定罪,可處罰款 $500,000;及 effect that suitable design provisions have been
(b) 如屬持續的罪行,則可就罪行持續期間的每一日, incorporated into the planning and design of the
另處罰款 $10,000。 building in accordance with the specified standards and
(3) A developer who contravenes subsection (1) commits an
offence and is liable—
(a) on conviction to a fine of $500,000; and
(b) in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine
of $10,000 for every day during which the offence

9. 佔用准許階段的聲明 9. Declaration at occupation approval stage

(1) 除第 (5) 及 (10) 款另有規定外,建築物的發展者須 —— (1) Subject to subsections (5) and (10), the developer of a
(a) 作出聲明,稱為次階段聲明;及 building must—
(b) 在該建築物獲發有關佔用准許當日之後的 4 個月內, (a) make a declaration to be called a stage two declaration;
將該項聲明呈交署長。 and
(2) 次階段聲明須 —— (b) submit the declaration to the Director within 4 months
after the day on which the occupation approval is issued
(a) 聲明在作出聲明之時或之前由發展者在有關建築物 in respect of the building.
規定設計、裝設及完成; (2) A stage two declaration must—
(b) 採用指明表格; (a) declare that all building services installations provided
by the developer in the building at or before the time
(c) 附同訂明費用及該表格所指明的文件;及 when the declaration is made have been designed,
(d) 由註冊能源效益評核人核證,表明在作出聲明之時 installed and completed in accordance with the specified
或之前由發展者在該建築物內提供的所有屋宇裝備 standards and requirements;
裝置,均已按照指明標準及規定設計、裝設及完成。 (b) be in the specified form;

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2-5 第 2 部 —— 第 2 分部 Part 2—Division 2 2-6

第 610 章 第9條 Section 9 Cap. 610

(3) 除非註冊能源效益評核人已在為施行第 (2) 款而作出核證 (c) be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents
之前的 30 日內,親自檢查該項核證所涵蓋的屋宇裝備裝 specified in the form; and
置,否則該項核證無效。 (d) be certified by a registered energy assessor to the effect
(4) 署長可要求有關發展者提交署長為考慮作出有關聲明的 that all building services installations provided by the
目的而認為合理地需要的任何進一步資料,或任何額外 developer in that building at or before the time when the
文件。 declaration is made have been designed, installed and
(5) 署長可應有關的發展者提出的書面申請,延長第 (1)(b) 款 completed in accordance with the specified standards
所指明的限期。 and requirements.
(6) 除非發展者使署長信納有合理理由延長限期,否則署長 (3) A certification by a registered energy assessor made for the
不得根據第 (5) 款行使權力。 purposes of subsection (2) is of no effect unless the assessor
has, in the 30 days before the certification, personally
(7) 根據第 (5) 款批予的延長限期,可受署長認為合適的任何 inspected the building services installation covered by the
條件所規限。 certification.
(8) 如 —— (4) The Director may require the developer to furnish any further
(a) 根據第 (5) 款批予的延長限期,受第 (7) 款所指的任 information, or produce any additional document, that the
何條件所規限,而該條件遭違反;或 Director considers reasonably necessary for the purposes of
(b) 批予該項延長限期的理由,不再存在, considering the making of the declaration.
則署長可藉向有關的發展者發出的通知,撤回該項延長 (5) The Director may, on an application in writing by the
限期。 developer concerned, extend the period specified in subsection
(9) 如署長根據第 (8) 款撤回延長限期,署長可向有關的發展
者發出通知,指示該發展者在該通知所指明的限期內, (6) The Director must not exercise the power under subsection
呈交次階段聲明。 (5) unless the developer satisfies the Director that there is a
reasonable ground for the extension.
(10) 如署長根據第 (9) 款向發展者發出通知,該發展者須遵從
該通知內的指示。 (7) An extension granted under subsection (5) may be subject to
any condition that the Director thinks fit.
(11) 任何發展者違反第 (1) 或 (10) 款,即屬犯罪 ——
(8) If—
(a) 一經定罪,可處罰款 $1,000,000;及
(a) an extension granted under subsection (5) is subject to
(b) 如屬持續的罪行,則可就罪行持續期間的每一日, any condition under subsection (7) and the condition is
另處罰款 $10,000。
contravened; or
(b) the ground on which the extension was granted no
longer exists,

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2-7 第 2 部 —— 第 3 分部 Part 2—Division 3 2-8

第 610 章 第 10 條 Section 10 Cap. 610

the Director may, by a notice issued to the developer

concerned, withdraw the extension.
(9) If the Director withdraws an extension under subsection (8),
the Director may issue a notice to the developer concerned
directing the developer to submit a stage two declaration
within a period specified in the notice.
(10) If the Director issues a notice to a developer under subsection
(9), the developer must comply with the direction in the
(11) A developer who contravenes subsection (1) or (10) commits
an offence and is liable—
(a) on conviction to a fine of $1,000,000; and
(b) in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine
of $10,000 for every day during which the offence

第 3 分部 —— 遵行規定登記證明書 Division 3—Certificate of Compliance Registration

10. 建築物的遵行規定登記證明書 10. Certificate of Compliance Registration for buildings
(1) 如發展者已就某建築物呈交次階段聲明,則除第 (2) 款另 (1) If a developer has submitted a stage two declaration in
有規定外,署長須在收到聲明當日之後的 3 個月內就該 respect of a building, the Director must, subject to subsection
建築物向該發展者發出遵行規定登記證明書。 (2), issue a Certificate of Compliance Registration to the
(2) 如有以下任何情況,署長可拒絕向發展者發出遵行規定 developer in respect of the building within 3 months after the
登記證明書 —— day on which the declaration is received.
(a) 署長有合理理由相信,有關的次階段聲明或依據第 (2) The Director may refuse to issue a Certificate of Compliance
9(2)(c) 條附同該項聲明的文件在任何要項上屬虛假 Registration to a developer if—
或具誤導性;或 (a) the Director has reasonable grounds to believe that
(b) 署長仍未從該發展者接獲第 9(4) 條所指的任何資料 the stage two declaration concerned or a document
或文件。 accompanying it pursuant to section 9(2)(c) is false or
misleading in any material particular; or
(3) 如署長根據第 (2) 款拒絕向發展者發出遵行規定登記證明
書,署長須在合理地切實可行的範圍內,盡快 ——

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2-9 第 2 部 —— 第 3 分部 Part 2—Division 3 2-10

第 610 章 第 11 條 Section 11 Cap. 610

(a) 向該發展者發出關於該項拒絕的通知;及 (b) the Director has yet to receive any information or
(b) 在該通知內述明拒絕的理由。 document from the developer under section 9(4).
(4) 除第 13(5) 條另有規定外,遵行規定登記證明書的有效期 (3) If the Director refuses to issue a Certificate of Compliance
為 10 年。 Registration to a developer under subsection (2), the Director
must, as soon as reasonably practicable—
(a) issue a notice of the refusal to the developer; and
(b) state the reasons for the refusal in the notice.
(4) Subject to section 13(5), a Certificate of Compliance
Registration is valid for 10 years.

11. 獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的紀錄冊 11. Register of buildings issued with Certificate of Compliance

(1) 署長須備存一份獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的紀 Registration
錄冊。 (1) The Director must keep a register of buildings issued with a
(2) 有關紀錄冊須就每幢記入紀錄冊的建築物,載有 —— Certificate of Compliance Registration.
(a) 該建築物的名稱及地址; (2) The register must contain, in respect of every building entered
in the register—
(b) 就該建築物發出的遵行規定登記證明書的註冊號碼、
發出日期及有效期的屆滿日期;及 (a) the name and address of the building;
(c) 署長認為合適的任何其他詳情。 (b) the registration number, the date of issue and the expiry
date of the Certificate of Compliance Registration issued
(3) 為使公眾人士能確定某建築物是否獲發遵行規定登記證 in respect of the building; and
明書,署長須 ——
(c) any other particulars that the Director thinks fit.
(a) 提供根據第 (1) 款備存的紀錄冊的文本,讓公眾人士
在所有合理時間免費查閱;及 (3) To enable a member of the public to ascertain whether
a building is issued with a Certificate of Compliance
(b) 透過互聯網,提供該紀錄冊的內容讓人免費查閱。 Registration, the Director must—
(4) 根據第 (1) 款備存的紀錄冊須以署長認為合適的格式及方 (a) make a copy of the register kept under subsection (1)
式備存,並須每隔署長認為合適的任何一段時間予以更 available for members of the public to inspect free of
新。 charge at all reasonable times; and
(b) make the content of the register available for inspection
free of charge through the internet.

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2-11 第 2 部 —— 第 3 分部 Part 2—Division 3 2-12

第 610 章 第 12 條 Section 12 Cap. 610

(4) The register kept under subsection (1) must be maintained

in the form and manner, and updated at any interval, that the
Director thinks fit.

12. 獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的擁有人及負責人的責任 12. Duties of owners and responsible persons of building with
(1) 本條就已獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物而適用。 Certificate of Compliance Registration
(2) 建築物的擁有人須確保在任何時間,均有遵行規定登記 (1) This section applies in relation to a building in respect of
證明書就該建築物而有效。 which a Certificate of Compliance Registration has been
(3) 建築物的擁有人須確保 ——
(2) The owner of a building must ensure that at all times a
(a) 該建築物內的中央屋宇裝備裝置被維持在不低於就 Certificate of Compliance Registration is in force in respect
該建築物發出的首份遵行規定登記證明書中採用的 of the building.
(3) The owner of a building must ensure that—
(b) ( 如遵行規定表格已就該建築物內的任何中央屋宇裝
備裝置發出 ) 該裝置被維持在不低於就該裝置發出 (a) the central building services installations in the building
的最新的遵行規定表格中採用的標準。 are maintained to a standard not lower than that applied
in the first Certificate of Compliance Registration issued
(4) 建築物的單位的負責人須確保 —— in respect of the building; and
(a) 服務該單位的屋宇裝備裝置 ( 並非該建築物內的中 (b) if a Form of Compliance has been issued in respect of
央屋宇裝備裝置者 ),符合並被維持在不低於就該建 any central building services installation in the building,
築物發出的首份遵行規定登記證明書中採用的標準; the installation is maintained to a standard not lower
及 than that applied in the latest Form of Compliance
(b) ( 如遵行規定表格已就服務該單位的任何屋宇裝備裝 issued in respect of the installation.
置發出 ) 該裝置被維持在不低於就該裝置發出的最 (4) The responsible person of a unit of a building must ensure
新的遵行規定表格中採用的標準。 that—
(5) 任何人違反第 (2) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 6 級 (a) the building services installations serving the unit that
罰款。 are not the central building services installations in
(6) 任何人違反第 (3) 或 (4) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處 the building meet, and are maintained to, a standard
第 5 級罰款。 not lower than that applied in the first Certificate
of Compliance Registration issued in respect of the
building; and
(b) if a Form of Compliance has been issued in respect of
any building services installation serving the unit, the
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2-13 第 2 部 —— 第 3 分部 Part 2—Division 3 2-14

第 610 章 第 13 條 Section 13 Cap. 610

installation is maintained to a standard not lower than

that applied in the latest Form of Compliance issued in
respect of the installation.
(5) A person who contravenes subsection (2) commits an offence
and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 6.
(6) A person who contravenes subsection (3) or (4) commits an
offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5.

13. 遵行規定登記證明書的續期 13. Renewal of Certificate of Compliance Registration

(1) 署長可應申請,將遵行規定登記證明書續期。 (1) The Director may, on an application, renew a Certificate of
(2) 遵行規定登記證明書的續期申請須 —— Compliance Registration.
(a) 採用指明表格; (2) An application for the renewal of a Certificate of Compliance
Registration must—
(b) 附同訂明費用及該表格所指明的文件;及
(a) be in the specified form;
(c) 由註冊能源效益評核人核證,表明 ——
(b) be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents
(i) 有關的建築物內的中央屋宇裝備裝置被維持在 specified in the form; and
明書中採用的標準;及 (c) be certified by a registered energy assessor to the effect
(ii) ( 如遵行規定表格已就該建築物內的任何中央
屋宇裝備裝置發出 ) 該裝置被維持在不低於就 (i) the central building services installations in the
該裝置發出的最新的遵行規定表格中採用的標 building concerned are maintained to a standard
準。 not lower than that applied in the first Certificate
of Compliance Registration issued in respect of the
(3) 除非註冊能源效益評核人已在為施行第 (2) 款而作出核證 building; and
之前的 30 日內,親自檢查該項核證所涵蓋的屋宇裝備裝
置,否則該項核證無效。 (ii) if a Form of Compliance has been issued in respect
of any central building services installation in the
(4) 署長可要求有關中央屋宇裝備裝置的擁有人提交署長為 building, the installation is maintained to a standard
考慮有關申請的目的而認為合理地需要的任何進一步資 not lower than that applied in the latest Form of
料,或任何額外文件。 Compliance issued in respect of the installation.
(5) 除第 (6) 款另有規定外,經續期的遵行規定登記證明書由 (3) A certification by a registered energy assessor made for the
續期日期起生效。 purposes of subsection (2) is of no effect unless the assessor
has, in the 30 days before the certification, personally

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2-15 第 2 部 —— 第 4 分部 Part 2—Division 4 2-16

第 610 章 第 15 條 Section 15 Cap. 610

(6) 如遵行規定登記證明書的續期申請在該證明書的有效期 inspected the building services installation covered by the

屆滿前的 12 個月內提出,則經續期的證明書由該有效期 certification.
的屆滿日期起生效。 (4) The Director may require the owner of the relevant
central building services installation to furnish any further
information, or produce any additional document, that the
Director considers reasonably necessary for the purposes of
considering the application.
(5) Subject to subsection (6), a renewed Certificate of Compliance
Registration is effective from the date of renewal.
(6) If an application for renewal of a Certificate of Compliance
Registration is made during the 12 months preceding the
expiry of the certificate, the renewed certificate is effective
from the date of that expiry.

14. 可提供遵行規定登記證明書的複本 14. Duplicate of Certificate of Compliance Registration available

(1) 署長可應建築物的發展者、建築物的單位的負責人或建 (1) The Director may, on an application by the developer of a
築物內的中央屋宇裝備裝置的擁有人提出的申請,向有 building, the responsible person of a unit of a building or
關申請人發出就該建築物發出的遵行規定登記證明書的 the owner of a central building services installation in a
複本。 building, issue to the applicant a duplicate of a Certificate of
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的申請須 —— Compliance Registration issued in respect of the building.
(a) 採用指明表格;及 (2) An application under subsection (1) must—
(b) 附同訂明費用及該表格所指明的文件。 (a) be in the specified form; and
(b) be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents
specified in the form.

第 4 分部 —— 指明標準及規定的豁免 Division 4—Exemption from specified standards and

15. 指明標準及規定的豁免 15. Exemption from specified standards and requirements
(1) 建築物的發展者或擁有人或建築物的單位的負責人,可 (1) The developer or owner of a building or the responsible
向署長申請豁免,使該建築物內的任何屋宇裝備裝置不 person of a unit of a building may apply to the Director for

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2-17 第 2 部 —— 第 4 分部 Part 2—Division 4 2-18

第 610 章 第 15 條 Section 15 Cap. 610

受指明標準及規定的任何條文所規限。 an exemption of any building services installation in the

(2) 第 (1) 款所指的申請須以書面提出。 building from any provision of the specified standards and
(3) 如署長信納因保存文物或技術或操作上的理由,致使任
何屋宇裝備裝置符合關乎該裝置的指明標準及規定的任 (2) An application under subsection (1) must be in writing.
何條文屬不可取或並非切實可行,則署長可應第 (1) 款所 (3) The Director may, on an application under subsection (1),
指的申請批予豁免,使該裝置不受該條文所規限。 grant an exemption from any provision of the specified
(4) 署長可根據第 (3) 款就申請所涵蓋的所有屋宇裝備裝置或 standards and requirements in respect of any building services
其中任何裝置,批予豁免。 installation if the Director is satisfied that it is, for heritage
conservation or technical or operational reasons, undesirable
(5) 根據第 (3) 款批予的豁免,可受署長認為合適的任何條件 or impracticable for the installation to comply with the
所規限。 provision.
(6) 如 —— (4) An exemption may be granted under subsection (3) in respect
(a) 根據第 (3) 款批予的豁免受第 (5) 款所指的任何條件 of all building services installations covered by an application
所規限,而該條件遭違反;或 or any of the installations.
(b) 批予該項豁免的理由,不再存在, (5) An exemption granted under subsection (3) may be subject to
則署長可藉向有關的發展者、擁有人或負責人發出的通 any condition that the Director thinks fit.
知,撤回該項豁免。 (6) If—
(7) 第 (6) 款所指的通知,不得在它發出當日之後的 28 日屆 (a) an exemption granted under subsection (3) is subject to
滿前生效。 any condition under subsection (5) and the condition is
contravened; or
(b) the ground on which the exemption was granted no
longer exists,
the Director may, by a notice issued to the developer, owner
or responsible person concerned, withdraw the exemption.
(7) A notice under subsection (6) must not take effect before the
expiry of 28 days after the day on which it is issued.

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3-1 第3部 Part 3 3-2

第 610 章 第 16 條 Section 16 Cap. 610

第3部 Part 3
訂明建築物內的主要裝修工程 Major Retrofitting Works in Prescribed Buildings
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

16. 第 3 部的適用範圍 16. Application of Part 3

本部適用於訂明建築物。 This Part applies to a prescribed building.

17. 為主要裝修工程取得遵行規定表格的責任 17. Duty to obtain Form of Compliance for major retrofitting
(1) 除第 (4) 款另有規定外,如就服務某建築物的任何單位或 works
公用地方的任何屋宇裝備裝置進行主要裝修工程,則在 (1) Subject to subsection (4), if major retrofitting works are
工程完成時是該單位的負責人或該公用地方的擁有人 ( 視 carried out in respect of any building services installation
何者屬適當而定 ) 的人,須在工程完成之後的 2 個月內, that serves any unit or common area of a building, a person
取得就該裝置發出的遵行規定表格。 who is the responsible person of the unit or the owner of the
(2) 除第 (4) 款另有規定外,如就任何中央屋宇裝備裝置進行 common area, as may be appropriate, as at the completion of
主要裝修工程,則在工程完成時是該裝置的擁有人的人 the works must, within 2 months after the completion of the
須在工程完成之後的 2 個月內,取得就該裝置發出的遵 works, obtain a Form of Compliance issued in respect of the
行規定表格。 installation.
(3) 為施行第 (1) 及 (2) 款,就任何屋宇裝備裝置而進行的主 (2) Subject to subsection (4), if major retrofitting works are
要裝修工程,在以下情況下須視為完成 —— carried out in respect of any central building services
installation, a person who is the owner of the installation as at
(a) 該工程已進行,而該裝置可供隨時作其設計主要功 the completion of the works must, within 2 months after the
能之用;或 completion of the works, obtain a Form of Compliance issued
(b) ( 如該工程涉及 2 項或多於 2 項裝置 ) 該工程已進行, in respect of the installation.
而所有該等裝置可供隨時作其設計主要功能之用。 (3) For the purposes of subsections (1) and (2), major retrofitting
(4) 署長如信納有合理理由延長第 (1) 或 (2) 款所指明的限期, works carried out in respect of any building services
即可應有關的負責人或擁有人的書面申請,延長該限期。 installation are regarded as completed when—
(5) 根據第 (4) 款批予的延長限期,可受署長認為合適的任何 (a) the works have been carried out and the installation is
條件所規限。 ready to be used for its principal function as designed;
(6) 如 —— or

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3-3 第3部 Part 3 3-4

第 610 章 第 18 條 Section 18 Cap. 610

(a) 根據第 (4) 款批予的延長限期,受第 (5) 款所指的任 (b) if the works involve 2 or more installations, the works
何條件所規限,而該條件遭違反;或 have been carried out and all the installations are ready
(b) 批予該項延長限期的理由,不再存在, to be used for their principal functions as designed.
則署長可藉向有關的負責人或擁有人發出的通知,撤回 (4) The Director may, on an application in writing by the
該項延長限期。 responsible person or owner concerned, extend the period
specified in subsection (1) or (2) if the Director is satisfied
(7) 如署長根據第 (6) 款撤回延長限期,署長可向有關的負責 that there is a reasonable ground for the extension.
所指明的限期內,取得就有關屋宇裝備裝置發出的遵行 (5) An extension granted under subsection (4) may be subject to
規定表格。 any condition that the Director thinks fit.
(8) 如署長根據第 (7) 款向某人發出通知,該人須遵從該通知 (6) If—
內的指示。 (a) an extension granted under subsection (4) is subject to
(9) 任何人沒有遵守第 (1)、(2) 或 (8) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定 any condition under subsection (5) and the condition is
罪,可處第 5 級罰款。 contravened; or
(b) the ground on which the extension was granted no
longer exists,
the Director may, by a notice issued to the responsible person
or owner concerned, withdraw the extension.
(7) If the Director withdraws an extension under subsection (6),
the Director may issue a notice to the responsible person or
owner concerned directing the responsible person or owner to
obtain a Form of Compliance issued in respect of the building
services installation within a period specified in the notice.
(8) If the Director issues a notice to a person under subsection (7),
the person must comply with the direction in the notice.
(9) A person who fails to comply with subsection (1), (2) or (8)
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
level 5.

18. 適用於遵行規定表格的規定 18. Requirements applicable to Form of Compliance

(1) 遵行規定表格須 —— (1) A Form of Compliance must—
(a) 由註冊能源效益評核人發出; (a) be issued by a registered energy assessor;
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3-5 第3部 Part 3 3-6

第 610 章 第 18 條 Section 18 Cap. 610

(b) 採用指明表格; (b) be in the specified form;

(c) 附同該表格所指明的文件; (c) be accompanied by the documents specified in the form;
(d) 載有該評核人的以下聲明 —— (d) contain a declaration by the assessor that—
(i) 該評核人已在作出聲明之前的 30 日內,親自檢 (i) the assessor has, in the 30 days before the
查進行主要裝修工程並在遵行規定表格所指明 declaration, personally inspected the building
的屋宇裝備裝置;及 services installations in respect of which the major
(ii) 該評核人信納該等裝置符合指明標準及規定。 retrofitting works were carried out and which are
specified in the Form of Compliance; and
(2) 如遵行規定表格已就任何屋宇裝備裝置發出,建築物的
有關單位的負責人或建築物的有關公用地方的擁有人或 (ii) the assessor is satisfied that the installations comply
( 如屬中央屋宇裝備裝置 ) 該裝置的擁有人,須將該裝置 with the specified standards and requirements.
維持在不低於該遵行規定表格中採用的標準。 (2) If a Form of Compliance is issued in respect of any building
(3) 任何負責人或擁有人違反第 (2) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定 services installation, the responsible person of the relevant
罪,可處第 5 級罰款。 unit or the owner of the relevant common area of the building
or, in the case of a central building services installation,
(4) 凡任何註冊能源效益評核人 —— the owner of the installation must maintain the installation
(a) 按遵照第 17(1) 或 (2) 條行事的負責人或擁有人的指 to a standard not lower than that applied in that Form of
示,檢查任何建築物或建築物的任何單位內的屋宇 Compliance.
裝備裝置;並 (3) A responsible person or an owner who contravenes subsection
(b) 信納該裝置符合指明標準及規定, (2) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
他須據此發出遵行規定表格,並遵守第 (5) 款。 level 5.
(5) 發出遵行規定表格的註冊能源效益評核人須 —— (4) A registered energy assessor who—
(a) 將該表格的文本連同遵行規定表格所指明的文件送 (a) inspects a building services installation in any building
交署長;及 or any unit of a building on the instruction of a
responsible person or an owner acting in compliance
(b) 將該表格的另一文本送交 —— with section 17(1) or (2); and
(i) 有關的建築物的物業管理公司;或 (b) is satisfied that the installation complies with the
(ii) ( 如沒有上述物業管理公司或不能找到或確定 specified standards and requirements,
有關物業管理公司 ) 該建築物的擁有人。 must issue a Form of Compliance accordingly and comply
(6) 任何註冊能源效益評核人沒有遵守第 (5) 款,即屬犯罪, with subsection (5).
一經定罪,可處第 3 級罰款。 (5) A registered energy assessor who issues a Form of
Compliance must—
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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

3-7 第3部 Part 3 3-8

第 610 章 第 19 條 Section 19 Cap. 610

(a) send a copy of it together with the document specified

in the Form of Compliance to the Director; and
(b) send another copy of it to—
(i) the property management company of the building
concerned; or
(ii) if there is no such property management company
or the property management company cannot be
found or ascertained, the owner of the building.
(6) A registered energy assessor who fails to comply with
subsection (5) commits an offence and is liable on conviction
to a fine at level 3.

19. 可提供遵行規定表格的複本 19. Duplicate of Form of Compliance available

(1) 署長可應建築物的任何單位的負責人或建築物的公用地 (1) The Director may, on an application by a responsible person
方或建築物內的中央屋宇裝備裝置的擁有人提出的申請, of a unit of a building or the owner of a common area of
向有關申請人發出根據第 18(5) 條就服務該單位或公用地 a building or a central building services installation in a
方的任何屋宇裝備裝置或該中央屋宇裝備裝置送交署長 building, issue to the applicant a duplicate of the copy of
的遵行規定表格的文本的複本。 a Form of Compliance sent to the Director under section
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的申請須 —— 18(5) in respect of any building services installation serving
that unit or common area or that central building services
(a) 採用指明表格;及 installation.
(b) 附同訂明費用及該表格所指明的文件。 (2) An application under subsection (1) must—
(a) be in the specified form; and
(b) be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents
specified in the form.

20. 指明標準及規定的豁免 20. Exemption from specified standards and requirements

(1) 建築物的任何單位的負責人或建築物的公用地方的擁有 (1) The responsible person of a unit of a building or the owner
人可向署長申請豁免,使任何服務該單位或公用地方的 of a common area of a building may apply to the Director
屋宇裝備裝置不受指明標準及規定的任何條文所規限。 for an exemption of any building services installation serving

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

3-9 第3部 Part 3 3-10

第 610 章 第 20 條 Section 20 Cap. 610

(2) 建築物內的中央屋宇裝備裝置的擁有人可向署長申請豁 the unit or common area from any provision of the specified
免,使該裝置不受指明標準及規定的任何條文所規限。 standards and requirements.
(3) 第 (1) 或 (2) 款所指的申請須以書面提出。 (2) The owner of a central building services installation in a
(4) 如署長信納因保存文物或技術或操作上的理由,致使任 building may apply to the Director for an exemption of the
何屋宇裝備裝置符合關乎該裝置的指明標準及規定的任 installation from any provision of the specified standards and
何條文屬不可取或並非切實可行,則署長可應第 (1) 或 (2) requirements.
款所指的申請批予豁免,使該裝置不受該條文所規限。 (3) An application under subsection (1) or (2) must be in writing.
(5) 署長可根據第 (4) 款就申請所涵蓋的所有屋宇裝備裝置或 (4) The Director may, on an application under subsection (1) or
其中任何裝置,批予豁免。 (2), grant an exemption from any provision of the specified
(6) 根據第 (4) 款批予的豁免,可受署長認為合適的任何條件 standards and requirements in respect of any building services
所規限。 installation if the Director is satisfied that it is, for heritage
conservation or technical or operational reasons, undesirable
(7) 如 —— or impracticable for the installation to comply with the
(a) 根據第 (4) 款批予的豁免受第 (6) 款所指的任何條件 provision.
所規限,而該條件遭違反;或 (5) An exemption may be granted under subsection (4) in respect
(b) 批予該項豁免的理由,不再存在, of all building services installations covered by an application
則署長可藉向有關的負責人或擁有人發出的通知,撤回 or any of the installations.
該項豁免。 (6) An exemption granted under subsection (4) may be subject to
(8) 第 (7) 款所指的通知,不得在它發出當日之後的 28 日屆 any condition that the Director thinks fit.
滿前生效。 (7) If—
(a) an exemption granted under subsection (4) is subject to
any condition under subsection (6) and the condition is
contravened; or
(b) the ground on which the exemption was granted no
longer exists,
the Director may, by a notice issued to the responsible person
or owner concerned, withdraw the exemption.
(8) A notice under subsection (7) must not take effect before the
expiry of 28 days after the day on which it is issued.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

4-1 第4部 Part 4 4-2

第 610 章 第 21 條 Section 21 Cap. 610

第4部 Part 4
能源審核 Energy Audit
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

21. 第 4 部的適用範圍 21. Application of Part 4

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,本部適用於附表 4 所指明的建築 (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Part applies to a building
物。 specified in Schedule 4.
(2) 署長如應某建築物的擁有人作出的聲明,信納該建築物 (2) This Part does not apply to a building if the Director is
在該聲明的日期之後的 12 個月內將不再屬附表 4 所指者, satisfied on a declaration by the owner of the building that
則本部不適用於該建築物。 the building will cease to fall within Schedule 4 within 12
months after the date of the declaration.

22. 能源審核的規定 22. Energy audit requirement

(1) 建築物的擁有人須按照本條,每隔不多於 10 年安排就該 (1) The owner of a building must cause an energy audit to be
建築物的中央屋宇裝備裝置進行能源審核。 carried out in accordance with this section at intervals no
(2) 為獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的中央屋宇裝備裝 longer than 10 years in respect of the central building services
置進行的首次能源審核,須在該建築物首次獲發遵行規 installations of the building.
定登記證明書之後的 10 年內進行。 (2) The first energy audit for the central building services
(3) 為沒有獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物的中央屋宇裝 installations of a building issued with a Certificate of
備裝置進行的首次能源審核,須按照附表 5 所指明的時 Compliance Registration must be carried out within 10
間表進行。 years after the building is first issued with a Certificate of
Compliance Registration.
(4) 能源審核須 ——
(3) The first energy audit for the central building services
(a) 由註冊能源效益評核人進行;及 installations of a building without a Certificate of Compliance
(b) 按照《守則》進行。 Registration must be carried out according to the schedule
(5) 就某建築物進行能源審核的註冊能源效益評核人須在發 specified in Schedule 5.
出能源審核表格之後的 30 日內,將能源審核表格的文本 (4) An energy audit must be carried out—
及審核的能源審核報告送交署長。 (a) by a registered energy assessor; and
(6) 根據第 (5) 款發出的能源審核表格須 —— (b) in accordance with a code of practice.

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4-3 第4部 Part 4 4-4

第 610 章 第 23 條 Section 23 Cap. 610

(a) 採用指明表格;及 (5) A registered energy assessor who carries out an energy audit
(b) 附同該表格所指明的文件。 in respect of a building must, within 30 days after issuing an
Energy Audit Form, send a copy of the Energy Audit Form
(7) 就建築物發出的能源審核表格在另一份能源審核表格就 and an energy audit report on the audit to the Director.
(6) An Energy Audit Form issued under subsection (5) must—
(8) 任何建築物的擁有人違反第 (1) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定
罪,可處第 5 級罰款。 (a) be in the specified form; and
(9) 任何註冊能源效益評核人違反第 (5) 款,即屬犯罪,一經 (b) be accompanied by the documents specified in the form.
定罪,可處第 3 級罰款。 (7) An Energy Audit Form issued in respect of a building ceases
to have effect on the issue of another Energy Audit Form in
respect of the building.
(8) An owner of a building who contravenes subsection (1)
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
level 5.
(9) A registered energy assessor who contravenes subsection (5)
commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
level 3.

23. 擁有人須展示能源審核表格 23. Owner to exhibit Energy Audit Form

(1) 凡一份能源審核表格就某建築物有效,該建築物的擁有 (1) The owner of a building in respect of which an Energy
人須在該建築物的主要入口的顯眼位置,展示該表格的 Audit Form is in force must exhibit a copy of the form in a
文本。 conspicuous position at the main entrance of the building.
(2) 任何擁有人違反第 (1) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 (2) An owner who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence
5 級罰款。 and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5.

24. 可提供能源審核表格的複本 24. Duplicate of Energy Audit Form available

(1) 署長可應建築物的擁有人提出的申請,向申請人發出就 (1) The Director may, on an application by the owner of a
該建築物發出的能源審核表格的文本的複本。 building, issue to the applicant a duplicate of the copy of an
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的申請須 —— Energy Audit Form issued in respect of the building.
(a) 採用指明表格;及 (2) An application under subsection (1) must—
(b) 附同訂明費用及該表格所指明的文件。 (a) be in the specified form; and

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4-5 第4部 Part 4 4-6

第 610 章 第 25 條 Section 25 Cap. 610

(b) be accompanied by the prescribed fee and the documents

specified in the form.

25. 能源審核的規定的豁免 25. Exemption from energy audit requirement

(1) 建築物的擁有人可向署長申請豁免,使該建築物內的任 (1) The owner of a building may apply to the Director for an
何屋宇裝備裝置不受第 22 條所訂的規定所規限。 exemption of any building services installation in the building
(2) 第 (1) 款所指的申請須以書面提出。 from the requirement under section 22.
(3) 如署長信納因保存文物或技術或操作上的理由,致使任 (2) An application under subsection (1) must be in writing.
何屋宇裝備裝置符合第 22 條所訂的規定屬不可取或並非 (3) The Director may, on an application under subsection (1),
切實可行,則署長可應第 (1) 款所指的申請批予豁免,使 grant an exemption from the requirement under section 22
該裝置不受該規定所規限。 in respect of any building services installation if the Director
(4) 署長可根據第 (3) 款就申請所涵蓋的所有屋宇裝備裝置或 is satisfied that it is, for heritage conservation or technical
其中任何裝置,批予豁免。 or operational reasons, undesirable or impracticable for the
installation to comply with the requirement.
(5) 根據第 (3) 款批予的豁免,可受署長認為合適的任何條件
所規限。 (4) An exemption may be granted under subsection (3) in respect
of all building services installations covered by an application
(6) 如 —— or any of the installations.
(a) 根據第 (3) 款批予的豁免受第 (5) 款所指的任何條件 (5) An exemption granted under subsection (3) may be subject to
所規限,而該條件遭違反;或 any condition that the Director thinks fit.
(b) 批予該項豁免的理由,不再存在, (6) If—
則署長可藉向有關的擁有人發出的通知,撤回該項豁免。 (a) an exemption granted under subsection (3) is subject to
(7) 第 (6) 款所指的通知,不得在它發出當日之後的 28 日屆 any condition under subsection (5) and the condition is
滿前生效。 contravened; or
(b) the ground on which the exemption was granted no
longer exists,
the Director may, by a notice issued to the owner concerned,
withdraw the exemption.
(7) A notice under subsection (6) must not take effect before the
expiry of 28 days after the day on which it is issued.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

5-1 第5部 Part 5 5-2

第 610 章 第 26 條 Section 26 Cap. 610

第5部 Part 5
敦促改善通知書 Improvement Notice
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

26. 署長可發出敦促改善通知書 26. Director may issue improvement notice

(1) 如署長認為,某訂明建築物的發展者或擁有人、訂明建 (1) The Director may issue an improvement notice to the
築物的公用地方的擁有人或訂明建築物的單位的負責 developer or owner of a prescribed building, the owner of
人 —— a common area of a prescribed building or the responsible
(a) 正在違反本條例所訂的規定;或 person of a unit of a prescribed building if the Director is of
the opinion that the developer, owner or responsible person—
(b) 已違反本條例所訂的規定,而違反規定的情況令該
項違反相當可能會持續或再度發生, (a) is contravening a requirement under this Ordinance; or
署長可向該發展者、擁有人或負責人發出敦促改善通知 (b) has contravened a requirement under this Ordinance in
書。 circumstances that make it likely that the contravention
will continue or be repeated.
(2) 向任何人發出的敦促改善通知書須 ——
(2) An improvement notice issued to a person must—
(a) 述明第 (1) 款所提述的署長的意見;
(a) state the Director’s opinion referred to in subsection (1);
(b) 指明正遭或已遭違反的規定;及
(b) specify the requirement that is being or has been
(c) 載有一項指示,指示該人在該通知書所指明的限期 contravened; and
(c) contain a direction directing the person to remedy the
(3) 敦促改善通知書可載有關於須採取的措施的指示,該等 contravention within the period specified in the notice.
(3) An improvement notice may contain directions about
(4) 署長可藉向有關的發展者、擁有人或負責人發出通知, measures to be taken which may be framed wholly or partly
以修訂或撤回敦促改善通知書。 by reference to any code of practice.
(5) 任何人違反根據第 (2) 或 (3) 款載於敦促改善通知書的任 (4) The Director may amend or withdraw an improvement notice
何指示,即屬犯罪 —— by issuing a notice to the developer, owner or responsible
(a) 一經定罪,可處第 4 級罰款;及 person concerned.
(b) 如屬持續的罪行,則可就罪行持續期間的每一日,
另處罰款 $1,000。

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

5-3 第5部 Part 5 5-4

第 610 章 第 26 條 Section 26 Cap. 610

(6) 如在敦促改善通知書已向發展者、擁有人或負責人 ( 前者 ) (5) A person who contravenes any direction contained in an

發出後,但在第 (2)(c) 款所指的通知書所指明的限期屆滿 improvement notice under subsection (2) or (3) commits an
前,及在有關的違反獲糾正前,某人取代前者作為有關 offence and is liable—
建築物、公用地方或單位的發展者、擁有人或負責人, (a) on conviction to a fine at level 4; and
則以下條文適用 ——
(b) in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine
(a) 前者須在該轉換之後的 7 日內,將該項轉換通知署 of $1,000 for every day during which the offence
長;及 continues.
(b) 向前者發出的敦促改善通知書,不再具有效力。 (6) If, after an improvement notice has been issued to a
(7) 任何人無合理辯解而違反第 (6)(a) 款,即屬犯罪,一經定 developer, owner or responsible person (the former party)
罪,可處第 3 級罰款。 but before the period specified in the notice under subsection
(2)(c) expires and before the contravention concerned is
remedied, a person replaces the former party as the developer,
owner or responsible person of the relevant building, common
area or unit, the following provisions apply—
(a) the former party must, within 7 days after the change,
inform the Director of the change; and
(b) the improvement notice issued to the former party
ceases to have effect.
(7) A person who, without reasonable excuse, contravenes
subsection (6)(a) commits an offence and is liable on
conviction to a fine at level 3.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

6-1 第6部 Part 6 6-2

第 610 章 第 27 條 Section 27 Cap. 610

第6部 Part 6
執行 Enforcement
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

27. 獲授權人員 27. Authorized officers

署長可委任機電工程署的公職人員為獲授權人員,而只有職 The Director may appoint any public officer in the Electrical and
級不低於助理屋宇裝備督察的人員可獲委任。 Mechanical Services Department at or above the rank of Assistant
Building Services Inspector as an authorized officer.

28. 獲授權人員須證明身分 28. Authorized officers to prove identity

如任何獲授權人員在行使本條例賦予獲授權人員的任何權力 An authorized officer must, if so requested, produce written proof
之前,被要求出示證明其獲授權人員身分的書面證明,該人 of his or her identity as an authorized officer before exercising any
員須出示該證明。 power conferred on an authorized officer by this Ordinance.

29. 獲授權人員的權力 29. Powers of authorized officers

(1) 獲授權人員可為確定本條例是否已經或正在獲遵守的目 (1) An authorized officer may, for the purposes of ascertaining
的 —— whether this Ordinance has been or is being complied with—
(a) 在第 (3) 款的規限下,在合理時間進入訂明建築物 ( 包 (a) subject to subsection (3), enter during reasonable hours
括建造中的訂明建築物 ) 的並非作住宅用途的任何 any part of a prescribed building (including a prescribed
部分; building under construction) that is not for residential
(b) 檢查、檢驗、監察及測試訂明建築物內的任何屋宇 use;
裝備裝置; (b) inspect, examine, monitor and test any building services
(c) 要求任何訂明建築物或某訂明建築物的任何單位的 installation in a prescribed building;
負責人,或任何涉及任何訂明建築物內的任何屋宇 (c) require the responsible person of any prescribed building
裝備裝置的裝設的人,交出 —— or any unit of a prescribed building or any person who
(i) 任何關乎該建築物內的屋宇裝備裝置的文件, has been involved in the installation of any building
包括任何繪圖、該屋宇裝備裝置的能源效益性 services installation in any prescribed building to
能的測試紀錄、定貨單及工程合約;或 produce—

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

6-3 第6部 Part 6 6-4

第 610 章 第 29 條 Section 29 Cap. 610

(ii) 該人員合理地相信是攸關犯或涉嫌犯本條例所 (i) any document relating to the building services

訂的罪行的任何其他文件、資料或物品;及 installations in the building including any drawing,
(d) 將 (c) 段所提述的任何繪圖、紀錄、定貨單、合約、 test record on the energy efficiency performance of
文件或資料複製副本。 the building services installations, purchasing order
and works contract; or
(2) 獲授權人員可帶同任何為根據第 (1) 款行使權力而需要的
助手及設備。 (ii) any other document, information or article that
the officer reasonably believes to be relevant
(3) 除 非 有 以 下 情 況,否 則 第 (1)(a) 款 賦 予 的 權 力 不 可 行 to an offence or a suspected offence under this
使 —— Ordinance; and
(a) 署長已向有關訂明建築物的有關部分的負責人發出 (d) take a copy of any drawing, record, order, contract,
最少 14 日的通知; document or information referred to in paragraph (c).
(b) 署長已發出為期較短的通知並得該負責人同意;或 (2) An authorized officer may take with him or her any assistant
(c) 該負責人同意免除任何通知。 and equipment as may be necessary for the exercise of any
(4) 根據第 (3) 款發出的通知須述明擬進入有關建築物的理由。 power under subsection (1).
(5) 任何人無合理辯解而 —— (3) The power conferred by subsection (1)(a) may not be
exercised unless—
(a) 沒有遵從根據第 (1)(c) 款作出的要求;或
(a) the Director has given at least 14 days’ notice to the
responsible person of the relevant part of the prescribed
(b) the Director has given shorter notice to which the
responsible person agrees; or
(c) the responsible person agrees to waive any notice.
(4) A notice given under subsection (3) must state the reason for
the proposed entry.
(5) A person who, without reasonable excuse—
(a) fails to comply with a requirement made under
subsection (1)(c); or

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

6-5 第6部 Part 6 6-6

第 610 章 第 29 條 Section 29 Cap. 610

(b) 妨礙獲授權人員或第 (2) 款所提述的助手根據本條例 (b) obstructs any authorized officer or any assistant referred
行使任何權力, to in subsection (2) in the exercise of any power under
即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 5 級罰款及監禁 6 個月。 this Ordinance,
(6) 任何人明知或罔顧實情地提供任何虛假或具誤導性的資 commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at
料,充作遵從根據第 (1)(c) 款作出的要求,即屬犯罪,一 level 5 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
經定罪,可處第 6 級罰款及監禁 6 個月。 (6) A person who, in purported compliance with a requirement
made under subsection (1)(c), knowingly or recklessly
provides any false or misleading information commits an
offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 6 and to
imprisonment for 6 months.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

7-1 第7部 Part 7 7-2

第 610 章 第 30 條 Section 30 Cap. 610

第7部 Part 7
註冊能源效益評核人的註冊 Registration of Registered Energy Assessors
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

30. 註冊能源效益評核人的註冊 30. Registration of registered energy assessor

署長可應申請,將任何符合根據第 42 條訂立的規例所規定的 The Director may, on an application, register as a registered energy
準則的人,註冊為註冊能源效益評核人。 assessor any person who meets the criteria provided for in the
regulation made under section 42.

31. 註冊能源效益評核人紀錄冊 31. Register of Registered Energy Assessors

(1) 署長須備存一份註冊能源效益評核人紀錄冊。 (1) The Director must keep a Register of Registered Energy
(2) 註冊能源效益評核人紀錄冊須載有根據第 42 條訂立的規 Assessors.
例所規定的資料。 (2) The Register of Registered Energy Assessors must contain
(3) 為使公眾人士能確定任何人是否註冊能源效益評核人, such information as may be provided for in the regulation
署長須 —— made under section 42.
(a) 提供註冊能源效益評核人紀錄冊的文本,讓公眾人 (3) To enable a member of the public to ascertain whether any
士在所有合理時間免費查閱;及 person is a registered energy assessor, the Director must—
(b) 透過互聯網,提供該紀錄冊的內容讓人免費查閱。 (a) make a copy of the Register of Registered Energy
Assessors available for members of the public to inspect
(4) 註冊能源效益評核人紀錄冊須以署長認為合適的格式及 free of charge at all reasonable times; and
更新。 (b) make the content of the Register available for inspection
free of charge through the internet.
(4) The Register of Registered Energy Assessors must be
maintained in the form and manner, and updated at any
interval, that the Director thinks fit.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

8-1 第8部 Part 8 8-2

第 610 章 第 32 條 Section 32 Cap. 610

第8部 Part 8
上訴 Appeal
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

32. 向上訴委員會提出上訴 32. Appeal to appeal board

(1) 任何人如因以下決定或指示感到受屈,可針對該決定或 (1) A person who is aggrieved by—
指示,向上訴委員會提出上訴 —— (a) a decision of the Director to refuse to issue a Certificate
(a) 署長拒絕根據第 10 條發出遵行規定登記證明書的決 of Compliance Registration under section 10;
定; (b) a decision of the Director to refuse to renew a Certificate
(b) 署長拒絕根據第 13 條將遵行規定登記證明書續期的 of Compliance Registration under section 13;
決定; (c) a decision of the Director to issue or amend an
(c) 署長根據第 26 條發出或修訂敦促改善通知書的決定; improvement notice under section 26;
(d) 根據第 26(2)(c) 或 (3) 條載於敦促改善通知書的指示; (d) a direction contained in an improvement notice under
(e) 署長拒絕根據第 9 或 17 條批予延長限期的決定; section 26(2)(c) or (3);
(f) 署長根據第 9 或 17 條撤回延長限期的決定; (e) a decision of the Director to refuse to grant an extension
under section 9 or 17;
(g) 署長拒絕根據第 15、20 或 25 條批予豁免的決定;
(f) a decision of the Director to withdraw an extension
(h) 署長根據第 15、20 或 25 條撤回豁免的決定; under section 9 or 17;
(i) 署長拒絕根據第 30 條將某人註冊為註冊能源效益評 (g) a decision of the Director to refuse to grant an
核人的決定; exemption under section 15, 20 or 25;
(j) 署長根據第 9(9) 或 17(7) 條發出通知的決定; (h) a decision of the Director to withdraw an exemption
(k) 署 長 根 據 第 9(7)、15(5)、17(5)、20(6) 或 25(5) 條 施 under section 15, 20 or 25;
加條件的決定; (i) a decision of the Director to refuse to register a person
(l) 署長拒絕按照根據第 42 條訂立的規例將某註冊能源 as a registered energy assessor under section 30;
效益評核人的註冊續期的決定;或 (j) a decision of the Director to issue a notice under section
(m) 署長按照根據第 42 條訂立的規例,對某註冊能源效 9(9) or 17(7);
益評核人採取紀律行動的決定。 (k) a decision of the Director to impose a condition under
section 9(7), 15(5), 17(5), 20(6) or 25(5);

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8-3 第8部 Part 8 8-4

第 610 章 第 33 條 Section 33 Cap. 610

(2) 除非署長另作決定,否則第 (1) 款所指的針對某決定或指 (l) a decision of the Director to refuse to renew the
示而提出的上訴,並不令該決定或指示暫緩生效。 registration of a registered energy assessor under the
regulation made under section 42; or
(m) a decision of the Director to take disciplinary action
against a registered energy assessor under the regulation
made under section 42,
may appeal to an appeal board against the decision or
(2) An appeal under subsection (1) against a decision or direction
does not suspend the decision or direction unless the Director
decides otherwise.

33. 如何提出上訴 33. How to lodge an appeal

(1) 上訴人可藉向署長發出上訴通知書,提出上訴。 (1) An appellant may lodge an appeal by issuing a notice of
(2) 上訴通知書須在以下限期內發出 —— appeal to the Director.
(a) 上訴人獲通知有關上訴所針對的決定或指示當日之 (2) A notice of appeal must be issued within—
後的 14 日;或 (a) 14 days after the date on which the appellant is notified
(b) 署長容許的較長限期。 of the decision or direction appealed against; or
(3) 上訴通知書須 —— (b) such longer period as the Director may allow.
(a) 採用指明表格; (3) A notice of appeal must—
(b) 附同上訴人擬倚據的任何文件的文本;及 (a) be in the specified form;
(c) 載有上訴人擬在聆訊中傳喚的任何證人的詳情。 (b) be accompanied by a copy of any document the
appellant intends to rely on; and
(4) 署長在接獲上訴通知書後,須在合理地切實可行的範圍
內,盡快將該通知書交付局長。 (c) contain the particulars of any witness that the appellant
intends to call at the hearing.
(4) On receiving a notice of appeal, the Director must deliver it
to the Secretary as soon as reasonably practicable.

34. 上訴委員團 34. Appeal board panel

(1) 局長須委任建築物能源效益上訴委員團的成員,委員團 (1) The Secretary is to appoint the members of a Buildings

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8-5 第8部 Part 8 8-6

第 610 章 第 34 條 Section 34 Cap. 610

由以下人士組成 —— Energy Efficiency Appeal Board Panel which is to consist

(a) 不超過 10 名屬電機界別的香港工程師學會法定會員; of—
(b) 不超過 10 名屬機械界別的香港工程師學會法定會員; (a) not more than 10 members who are corporate members
of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and are in the
(c) 不超過 10 名屬屋宇裝備界別的香港工程師學會法定 electrical discipline;
(b) not more than 10 members who are corporate members
(d) 不超過 10 名屬環境界別的香港工程師學會法定會 of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and are in the
員;及 mechanical discipline;
(e) 不超過 10 名根據《工程師註冊條例》( 第 409 章 ) 設 (c) not more than 10 members who are corporate members
立的工程師註冊管理局的成員。 of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and are in the
(2) 為施行第 (1) 及 (7)(d) 款,屬第 (1) 款 (a)、(b)、(c)、(d) 及 building services discipline;
(e) 段所述的 5 個界別中的 2 個或多於 2 個界別的人,須 (d) not more than 10 members who are corporate members
視為只屬該等界別中的其中一個界別,而該界別由局長 of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers and are in the
在委任該人時指定。 environmental discipline; and
(3) 任何人如 —— (e) not more than 10 members who are members of the
(a) 屬公職人員;或 Engineers Registration Board established under the
(b) 並未在香港的工程師專業內執業最少 10 年, Engineers Registration Ordinance (Cap. 409).
則無資格根據第 (1) 款獲委任。 (2) A person who is in 2 or more of the 5 disciplines mentioned
in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of subsection (1) is, for
(4) 上訴委員團成員的任期為 3 年,並可在任期屆滿時獲再 the purpose of subsections (1) and (7)(d), regarded as being
in only one of those disciplines designated by the Secretary at
(5) 局長須在憲報刊登關於任何根據本條作出的委任或再度 the time of the person’s appointment.
委任的公告。 (3) A person is not eligible for appointment under subsection (1)
(6) 上訴委員團成員可隨時藉向局長發出書面通知而辭職。 if the person—
(7) 局長如信納某上訴委員團成員有以下任何情況,可終止 (a) is a public officer; or
該成員的職務 —— (b) has not practised in the engineering profession in Hong
(a) 已成為公職人員; Kong for at least 10 years.
(b) 已破產,或已與其債務人作出《破產條例》( 第 6 章 ) (4) A member of the appeal board panel is to be appointed for
第 2 條所指的自願安排; a term of 3 years and may be reappointed on the expiry of a
(c) 由於身體上或精神上的疾病而無行為能力; term.

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8-7 第8部 Part 8 8-8

第 610 章 第 35 條 Section 35 Cap. 610

(d) 憑藉某身分獲委任,但已不再具有該身分;或 (5) The Secretary must give notice in the Gazette of any
(e) 因其他原因而不能夠或不適合執行成員的職能。 appointment or reappointment under this section.
(8) 局長須在憲報刊登關於任何根據本條作出的終止職務的 (6) A member of the appeal board panel may, at any time, resign
公告。 by issuing a notice in writing to the Secretary.
(7) The Secretary may terminate the office of a member of
the appeal board panel if the Secretary is satisfied that the
(a) has become a public officer;
(b) has become bankrupt or has entered into a voluntary
arrangement within the meaning of section 2 of the
Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap. 6) with his or her creditors;
(c) is incapacitated by physical or mental illness;
(d) has ceased to be of the capacity by virtue of which he or
she was appointed; or
(e) is otherwise unable or unfit to perform the functions of
a member.
(8) The Secretary must give notice in the Gazette of any
termination of office under this section.

35. 上訴委員會 35. Appeal board

(1) 局長須在接獲根據第 33 條交付的上訴通知書之後的 21 (1) Within 21 days after receiving a notice of appeal delivered
日內,從上訴委員團中委出成員,組成建築物能源效益 under section 33, the Secretary must appoint from among
上訴委員會,以聆聽有關上訴。 the members of the appeal board panel a Buildings Energy
(2) 上訴委員會由 5 名成員組成,而第 34(1) 條所指明的全部 Efficiency Appeal Board to hear the appeal.
5 類成員均須有人獲委任。 (2) An appeal board is to consist of 5 members appointed from
(3) 除第 36(5) 條另有規定外,如上訴委員會出現成員空缺, all 5 categories of members specified in section 34(1).
局長須在合理地切實可行的範圍內,盡快從上訴委員團 (3) Subject to section 36(5), if a vacancy occurs in an appeal
中委出成員,以填補該空缺。 board, the Secretary must, as soon as reasonably practicable,
(4) 上訴委員會成員須互選一人擔任主席,主持上訴聆訊。 make an appointment from among the members of the appeal
board panel to fill the vacancy.

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8-9 第8部 Part 8 8-10

第 610 章 第 36 條 Section 36 Cap. 610

(5) 上訴委員會成員可獲由財政司司長釐定的酬金,酬金從 (4) The members of an appeal board must elect a Chairperson
政府一般收入中撥付。 from among themselves to preside at the hearing of the
(5) The members of an appeal board may be paid out of the
general revenue any remuneration that the Financial Secretary

36. 上訴委員會的聆訊程序 36. Proceedings of appeal board

(1) 上訴委員會的會議的法定人數為 3 名成員。 (1) The quorum for a meeting of an appeal board is 3 members.
(2) 上訴委員會聆訊的任何問題,均須由過半數成員裁定。 (2) Any question before an appeal board must be determined by
(3) 如就任何待上訴裁定的問題所投的票數相等,則上訴委 a majority of the members.
員會主席除其原有的一票外,還可投決定票。 (3) If there is an equality of votes in respect of any question to be
(4) 即使有以下情況,上訴委員會可執行其任何職能,而其 determined in an appeal, the Chairperson of an appeal board
聆訊程序仍屬有效 —— has a casting vote in addition to his or her original vote.
(a) ( 除第 (5) 款另有規定外 ) 該委員會出現成員空缺; (4) An appeal board may perform any of its functions, and its
或 proceedings are valid, despite—
(b) 任何看來是該委員會成員的人的委任或資格有欠妥 (a) subject to subsection (5), a vacancy in the board; or
之處。 (b) a defect in the appointment or qualification of a person
(5) 如 —— purporting to be a member of the board.
(a) 上訴委員會的原本成員的職位出缺;而 (5) If—
(b) 因此少於 3 名委員會的原本成員繼續留任職位, (a) any vacancy occurs in the office of an original member
of the appeal board; and
該委員會須解散,而局長須當作已接獲根據第 33 條就上
訴標的事宜交付的上訴通知書。 (b) as a result fewer than 3 original members of the board
remain in office,
(6) 上訴委員會成員在根據本條例執行其職能時所享有的特
權及豁免權,與原訟法庭法官在該法庭的民事法律程序 the board must be dissolved and the Secretary is deemed to
中所享有者相同。 have received a notice of appeal delivered under section 33 in
relation to the subject matter of the appeal.
(7) 任何在上訴委員會席前出席作為證人、上訴的當事人或
其代表的人,有權享有的特權及豁免權,與假若他是在 (6) In the performance of their functions under this Ordinance,
原訟法庭民事法律程序中他所享有者相同。 the members of an appeal board have the same privileges and
(8) 除本條例另有規定外,上訴委員會可決定其本身的程序。

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8-11 第8部 Part 8 8-12

第 610 章 第 37 條 Section 37 Cap. 610

immunities as a judge of the Court of First Instance has in

civil proceedings in that court.
(7) A person appearing before an appeal board as a witness, a
party to an appeal or a representative of a party to an appeal
is entitled to the same privileges and immunities as he or she
would have in civil proceedings in the Court of First Instance.
(8) Subject to this Ordinance, an appeal board may determine its
own procedure.

37. 聆訊 37. Hearing

(1) 上訴委員會主席須在聆訊前最少 14 日之前,將聆訊上訴 (1) The Chairperson of an appeal board must notify the appellant
的日期、時間及地點,通知上訴人及署長。 and the Director of the date, time and place of the hearing of
(2) 於在上訴委員會席前進行的任何法律程序中 —— the appeal at least 14 days before the hearing.
(a) 上訴人可由以下人士代表出席 —— (2) At any proceedings before an appeal board—
(i) 大律師或律師;或 (a) the appellant may be represented by—
(ii) ( 如上訴人屬法人團體 ) 獲上訴人授權的個人; (i) a barrister or solicitor; or
及 (ii) (if the appellant is a body corporate) an individual
(b) 署長可由以下人士代表出席 —— authorized by the appellant; and
(i) 大律師或律師;或 (b) the Director may be represented by—
(ii) 公職人員。 (i) a barrister or solicitor; or
(3) 上訴委員會可聘用任何大律師或律師出席委員會的聆訊, (ii) a public officer.
以就關乎上訴的任何事宜向它提供意見。 (3) An appeal board may engage any barrister or solicitor to
(4) 除非上訴委員會裁定有良好理由以非公開形式進行上訴 attend a hearing of the board to advise it on any matter
聆訊,否則上訴聆訊須公開進行。 relating to the appeal.
(5) 上訴委員會可藉經主席簽署並向某人發出的通知書 —— (4) The hearing of an appeal must be open to the public unless
the appeal board determines that there is a good reason for it
(a) 指示該人出席委員會的聆訊和作出證供;或 to be held in camera.
(b) 指示該人交出文件。 (5) An appeal board may, by a notice signed by the Chairperson
(6) 任何人沒有遵從第 (5) 款所指的指示,即屬犯罪,一經定 and issued to a person—
罪,可處第 5 級罰款。

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8-13 第8部 Part 8 8-14

第 610 章 第 38 條 Section 38 Cap. 610

(7) 儘管有第 (5) 款的規定,根據該款被給予指示的任何人無 (a) direct the person to attend before the board and to give
須作出或出示可能導致其本人入罪的任何證供或文件。 evidence; or
(b) direct the person to produce documents.
(6) A person who fails to comply with a direction under
subsection (5) commits an offence and is liable on conviction
to a fine at level 5.
(7) Despite subsection (5), no person to whom a direction is
given under that subsection is required to give any evidence
or produce any document which tends to incriminate himself
or herself.

38. 上訴委員會可授權檢查屋宇裝備裝置 38. Appeal board may authorize inspection of building services
(1) 如上訴委員會合理地相信,某屋宇裝備裝置攸關上訴的 installation
裁定,委員會可藉經委員會主席簽署的授權書 —— (1) If an appeal board reasonably believes that a building services
(a) 授權任何人檢查該裝置;及 installation is relevant to the determination of an appeal, the
board may, by an authorization signed by the Chairperson of
(b) 授權該人為進行該項檢查的目的,進入並非作住宅 the board—
(a) authorize a person to inspect the installation; and
(2) 任何人無合理辯解而妨礙任何根據第 (1) 款獲授權的人進
行有關檢查,即屬犯罪,一經定罪,可處第 5 級罰款及 (b) authorize the person to enter any unit that is not for
監禁 6 個月。 residential use for the purposes of the inspection.
(2) A person who, without reasonable excuse, obstructs a person
authorized under subsection (1) in the inspection commits an
offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 5 and to
imprisonment for 6 months.

39. 上訴的裁定 39. Determination of appeal

(1) 上訴委員會可 —— (1) An appeal board may—
(a) 確認、更改或推翻上訴所針對的決定或指示;或 (a) confirm, vary or revoke the decision or direction
(b) 以該委員會本身的決定或指示,取代上訴所針對的 appealed against; or
決定或指示。 (b) substitute its own decision or direction for the decision
or direction appealed against.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

8-15 第8部 Part 8 8-16

第 610 章 第 39 條 Section 39 Cap. 610

(2) 上訴委員會可就以下訟費或費用的支付,作出它認為合 (2) An appeal board may make any order that it thinks fit with
適的任何命令 —— regard to the payment of—
(a) 上訴法律程序的訟費或費用;或 (a) costs or expenses of the appeal proceedings; or
(b) 署長或在該等法律程序中的任何其他人的訟費或費 (b) costs or expenses of the Director or any other person in
用。 the proceedings.
(3) 根據第 (2) 款命令支付的訟費及費用,可作為民事債項追 (3) The costs and expenses ordered to be paid under subsection (2)
討。 are recoverable as a civil debt.
(4) 上訴委員會須向上訴人及署長發出關於其裁定及作出該 (4) An appeal board must issue to the appellant and the Director
項裁定的理由的通知。 a notice of its determination and the reasons for it.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

9-1 第9部 Part 9 9-2

第 610 章 第 40 條 Section 40 Cap. 610

第9部 Part 9
《守則》 Code of Practice
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

40. 《守則》 40. Code of practice

(1) 為就本條例所訂的任何標準或規定提供實務指引,署長 (1) To provide practical guidance in respect of any standard or
可 —— requirement under this Ordinance, the Director may—
(a) 發出他認為合適的任何《守則》;或 (a) issue any code of practice that the Director thinks fit; or
(b) 核准他認為合適的任何團體或主管當局所發出的任 (b) approve any code of practice issued by any body or
何《守則》。 authority that the Director thinks fit.
(2) 《守則》可載明 —— (2) A code of practice may include—
(a) 建築物能源效益標準及規定; (a) building energy efficiency standards and requirements;
(b) 就屋宇裝備裝置的能源效益性能作出評核的規定; (b) the requirements for assessment of the energy efficiency
及 performance of a building services installation; and
(c) 進行能源審核的規定。 (c) the requirements for carrying out an energy audit.
(3) 署長須 —— (3) The Director must—
(a) 藉於憲報刊登的公告,指出根據第 (1) 款發出或核准 (a) by a notice published in the Gazette identify a code of
的《守則》; practice issued or approved under subsection (1);
(b) 在公告內指明《守則》的生效日期;及 (b) specify in the notice the commencement date of the
(c) 指明該《守則》是為本條例所訂的哪項規定而發出或 code of practice; and
核准的。 (c) specify the requirement under this Ordinance for which
(4) 署長可藉於憲報刊登的公告,不時 —— the code of practice is issued or approved.
(a) 修訂根據第 (1) 款發出的任何《守則》;及 (4) The Director may, from time to time, by a notice published in
the Gazette—
(b) 核准對根據第 (1) 款核准的任何《守則》所作的任何
修訂。 (a) revise any code of practice issued under subsection (1);
(5) 第 (4) 款所指的公告須指明 ——

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9-3 第9部 Part 9 9-4

第 610 章 第 41 條 Section 41 Cap. 610

(a) 被修訂的《守則》; (b) approve any revision of any code of practice approved
(b) 該項修訂的生效日期;及 under subsection (1).
(c) ( 如適用的話 ) 該項修訂是為本條例所訂的哪項規定 (5) A notice under subsection (4) must specify—
而作出或核准的。 (a) the code of practice being revised;
(6) 署長可隨時藉於憲報刊登的公告,撤回根據第 (1) 款核准 (b) the commencement date of the revision; and
的任何《守則》。 (c) if applicable, the requirement under this Ordinance for
(7) 署長在行使第 (1)、(4) 或 (6) 款賦予的權力之前,須諮詢 which the revision is made or approved.
署長認為合適的並具有屋宇裝備裝置方面的技術專長或 (6) The Director may, at any time, by a notice published in
專業經驗的團體或個人。 the Gazette withdraw any code of practice approved under
(8) 第 (6) 款所指的公告須指明該項撤回的生效日期。 subsection (1).
(9) 凡提述《守則》,即提述不時按照本條修訂的《守則》。 (7) The Director must, before exercising the power conferred by
(10) 第 (3)、(4) 或 (6) 款所指的公告並非附屬法例。 subsection (1), (4) or (6), consult as the Director thinks fit
any organizations or individuals who, in the opinion of the
Director, have technical expertise or professional experience
in building services installations.
(8) A notice under subsection (6) must specify the date on which
the withdrawal takes effect.
(9) A reference to a code of practice is a reference to the code of
practice as revised from time to time in accordance with this
(10) A notice under subsection (3), (4) or (6) is not subsidiary

41. 《守則》可否接納為證據 41. Admissibility of code of practice in evidence

(1) 如在任何法律程序中,法院或上訴委員會信納《守則》中 (1) If, in any legal proceedings, the court or appeal board is
的某項條文攸關該程序中所爭議的事宜的裁定,則 —— satisfied that a provision of a code of practice is relevant
(a) 《守則》可在該程序中獲接納為證據;及 to the determination of a matter that is in issue in the
(b) 關於有關的人違反或沒有違反《守則》中的有關條文
的證明,可被該程序中的任何一方賴以作為確立或 (a) the code of practice is admissible in evidence in the
否定該事宜的證明。 proceedings; and

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

9-5 第9部 Part 9 9-6

第 610 章 第 41 條 Section 41 Cap. 610

(2) 在任何法律程序中,出示指出《守則》的憲報的政府印務 (b) proof that the person contravened or did not contravene
局文本,即為《守則》內容的充分證明。 a relevant provision of the code of practice may be
(3) 在本條中 —— relied on by any party to the proceedings as tending to
establish or negate the matter.
法律程序 (legal proceedings) 包括在上訴委員會席前進行的聆
訊程序; (2) In any legal proceedings, the production of a Government
Printer’s copy of an issue of the Gazette in which a code of
法院 (court) 包括裁判官。 practice is identified is sufficient proof of the content of the
code of practice.
(3) In this section—
court (法院) includes a magistrate;
legal proceedings (法律程序) includes proceedings before an
appeal board.

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10-1 第 10 部 Part 10 10-2

第 610 章 第 42 條 Section 42 Cap. 610

第 10 部 Part 10
雜項事宜 Miscellaneous Matters
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

42. 局長可訂立規例 42. Secretary may make regulations

(1) 局長可訂立規例 —— (1) The Secretary may make regulations—
(a) 訂明根據本條例須繳付的費用; (a) prescribing fees payable under this Ordinance;
(b) 就註冊能源效益評核人的註冊及規管及關於該等評 (b) providing for the registration and regulation of, and
核人的紀律事宜,作出規定;及 disciplinary matters in respect of, registered energy
(c) 就為貫徹施行本條例的條文而需要的事宜,作出規 assessors; and
定。 (c) providing for such matters as are necessary for giving
(2) 根據第 (1) 款訂立的規例,可為該等規例所訂的罪行訂明 full effect to the provisions of this Ordinance.
第 6 級罰款及監禁 1 年的罰則。 (2) Regulations made under subsection (1) may prescribe a
penalty of a fine at level 6 and imprisonment for 1 year for an
offence under the regulations.

43. 局長可修訂附表 43. Secretary may amend Schedules

(1) 局長可在須經立法會批准的規限下,藉於憲報刊登的公 (1) The Secretary may, subject to the approval of the Legislative
告,修訂附表 1、2、3 或 4。 Council, amend Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 by notice published in
(2) 局長可藉於憲報刊登的公告,修訂附表 5。 the Gazette.
(3) 根據本條訂立的公告,可載有因該公告而需要或適宜訂 (2) The Secretary may amend Schedule 5 by notice published in
立的附帶條文、相應條文、補充條文、過渡性條文或保 the Gazette.
留條文。 (3) A notice made under this section may contain such incidental,
consequential, supplemental, transitional or saving provisions
as may be necessary or expedient in consequence of the

44. 限期可在屆滿後延長 44. Periods may be extended after expiry

署長根據本條例獲賦權延長的限期,可在限期屆滿之前或之 A period which the Director is empowered under this Ordinance to

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10-3 第 10 部 Part 10 10-4

第 610 章 第 45 條 Section 45 Cap. 610

後延長。 extend may be extended either before or after its expiry.

45. 署長可轉授權力 45. Director may delegate power

署長可用書面授權任何公職人員,行使憑藉本條例任何條文 The Director may in writing authorize any public officer to
而歸屬署長的任何權力,或執行憑藉本條例任何條文而委予 exercise any power vested in the Director or to perform any duty
署長的任何職責。 imposed on the Director by any provision of this Ordinance.

46. 署長可指明表格 46. Director may specify forms

(1) 署長可指明為本條例任何條文的目的而須使用的任何表 (1) The Director may specify any form to be used for the
格。 purposes of any provision of this Ordinance.
(2) 如署長根據第 (1) 款指明任何表格,署長須 —— (2) If the Director specifies a form under subsection (1), the
(a) 在正常辦公時間內,於機電工程署的辦事處提供該 Director must make copies of the form available—
表格的文本;及 (a) at the office of the Electrical and Mechanical Services
(b) 透過署長認為合適的任何其他方式,提供該表格的 Department during normal office hours; and
文本。 (b) in any other manner that the Director thinks fit.

47. 通知或通知書的發出等 47. Issue of notice etc.

(1) 除第 (2) 款另有規定外,如有以下情況,根據本條例須發 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a notice or any other document
出、呈交或送交的通知或通知書或任何其他文件,須視 required to be issued, submitted or sent under this Ordinance
為已妥為發出、呈交或送交 —— is to be regarded as having been duly issued, submitted or
(a) 就署長而言,將該通知或通知書或文件 —— sent if—
(i) 註明署長為收件人並送交至機電工程署總辦事 (a) in the case of the Director—
處;或 (i) it is addressed to the Director and delivered to
(ii) 以註明署長為收件人的掛號郵件,按機電工程 the head office of the Electrical and Mechanical
署總辦事處寄交署長; Services Department; or
(b) 就個人而言,將該通知或通知書或文件 —— (ii) it is sent to the Director by registered post
addressed to the Director at the head office of the
(i) 由專人交付該人;或 Electrical and Mechanical Services Department;
(ii) 以註明該人為收件人的掛號郵件,按該人最後 (b) in the case of an individual—
(i) it is delivered by hand to the individual; or
(c) 就公司而言,將該通知或通知書或文件 ——

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10-5 第 10 部 Part 10 10-6

第 610 章 第 47 條 Section 47 Cap. 610

(i) 由專人交付該公司的任何高級人員;或 (ii) it is sent to the individual by registered post

(ii) 留在或以掛號郵件寄往該公司在香港的註冊辦 addressed to the individual at the individual’s last
事處;  ( 由 2012 年第 28 號第 912 及 920 條修訂 ) known address;
(d) 就公司以外的法人團體而言,將該通知或通知書或 (c) in the case of a company—
文件 —— (i) it is delivered by hand to any officer of the
(i) 由 專 人 送 往 該 團 體 在 香 港 進 行 業 務 的 任 何 地 company; or
方,並將之交予顯然關涉管理該團體的人或顯 (ii) it is left at, or sent by registered post to, the
然受僱於該團體的人;或 company’s registered office in Hong Kong;
(ii) 以註明該團體為收件人的掛號郵件,按該團體 (Amended 28 of 2012 ss. 912 & 920)
最後為人所知的地址寄交該團體;或 (d) in the case of a body corporate other than a company—
(e) 就合夥而言,將該通知或通知書或文件 —— (i) it is delivered by hand to any place in Hong Kong
(i) 由 專 人 送 往 該 合 夥 在 香 港 經 營 業 務 的 任 何 地 at which the body carries on business and given to
方,並將之交予顯然關涉管理該合夥的人或顯 a person apparently concerned in the management
然受僱於該合夥的人;或 of, or apparently employed by, the body; or
(ii) 以註明該合夥為收件人的掛號郵件,按該合夥 (ii) it is sent to the body by registered post addressed
最後為人所知的地址寄交該合夥。 to the body at the body’s last known address; or
(2) 任何向就某建築物的任何公用地方而根據《建築物管理條 (e) in the case of a partnership—
例》( 第 344 章 ) 第 8 條 註 冊 的 法 團 發 出 的 通 知,須 當 作 (i) it is delivered by hand to any place in Hong Kong
向該建築物所坐落的土地的不分割份數的所有擁有人發 at which the partnership carries on business and
出的通知。 given to a person apparently concerned in the
management of, or apparently employed by, the
partnership; or
(ii) it is sent to the partnership by registered post
addressed to the partnership at the partnership’s
last known address.
(2) A notice issued to a corporation registered under section 8 of
the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) in respect
of any common area of a building is deemed to be a notice
issued to all owners of undivided shares in the land on which
the building is situated.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

10-7 第 10 部 Part 10 10-8

第 610 章 第 48 條 Section 48 Cap. 610

48. 禁止虛假資料等 48. False information etc. prohibited

(1) 任何人偽造按本條例的規定、根據本條例的規定或為施 (1) A person who forges any declaration, Certificate of
行本條例的規定所需的任何聲明、遵行規定登記證明書、 Compliance Registration, Form of Compliance or Energy
遵行規定表格或能源審核表格或任何其他文件,即屬犯 Audit Form or any other document required by, under or for
罪。 the purposes of this Ordinance commits an offence.
(2) 任何人明知或罔顧實情地向註冊能源效益評核人提供任 (2) A person who knowingly or recklessly provides any false
何虛假或具誤導性的資料,以促致遵行規定表格或能源 or misleading information to a registered energy assessor
審核表格的發出或核證的作出,即屬犯罪。 to procure the issue of a Form of Compliance or an Energy
(3) 任何人明知或罔顧實情地向署長提供任何虛假或具誤導 Audit Form or the making of a certification commits an
性的資料,以 —— offence.
(a) 促致遵行規定登記證明書的發出或續期; (3) A person who knowingly or recklessly provides any false or
misleading information to the Director to—
(b) 促致署長根據本條例批予任何豁免;或
(a) procure the issue or renewal of a Certificate of
(c) 促致署長根據本條例批予任何延長限期, Compliance Registration;
即屬犯罪。 (b) procure the grant of any exemption under this Ordinance
(4) 任何人犯本條所訂罪行,一經定罪,可處第 6 級罰款及 by the Director; or
監禁 6 個月。 (c) procure the grant of any extension of period under this
Ordinance by the Director,
commits an offence.
(4) A person who commits an offence under this section is liable
on conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6

49. 關乎註冊能源效益評核人的罪行 49. Offences relating to registered energy assessors

(1) 任何人明知或罔顧實情地提供任何虛假或具誤導性的資 (1) A person who knowingly or recklessly provides any false or
料,以 —— misleading information to—
(a) 促致任何人獲註冊為註冊能源效益評核人;或 (a) procure the registration of any person as a registered
(b) 促致任何人作為註冊能源效益評核人的註冊獲續期, energy assessor; or
即屬犯罪。 (b) procure a renewal of registration of any person as a
registered energy assessor,

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10-9 第 10 部 Part 10 10-10

第 610 章 第 50 條 Section 50 Cap. 610

(2) 任何註冊能源效益評核人明知或罔顧實情地發出在任何 commits an offence.

要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的任何遵行規定表格或能源審 (2) A registered energy assessor who knowingly or recklessly
核表格,或作出在任何要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的任何 issues any Form of Compliance or Energy Audit Form, or
核證,即屬犯罪。 makes any certification, that is false or misleading in any
(3) 任何人並非註冊能源效益評核人而 —— material particular commits an offence.
(a) 虛假地採用或使用任何名稱、名銜或稱謂,以顯示 (3) A person who not being a registered energy assessor—
或暗示該人是註冊能源效益評核人; (a) falsely takes or uses any name, title or description
(b) 在與該人的業務或專業有關的情況下,使用或明知 suggesting or implying that the person is a registered
而准許他人使用任何稱謂、英文縮寫、簡稱或文字, energy assessor;
而其意圖是致使任何人相信,或該項使用或准許可 (b) uses or knowingly permits the use of in connection with
合理地致使任何人相信,該人是註冊能源效益評核 his or her business or profession any description, initials,
人;或 abbreviations or words intended to cause, or which may
(c) 宣傳或表示自己是註冊能源效益評核人,或明知而 reasonably cause, any person to believe that the person
准許他人宣傳或表示自己是註冊能源效益評核人, is a registered energy assessor; or
即屬犯罪。 (c) advertises or represents himself or herself as a registered
(4) 任何人犯本條所訂罪行,一經定罪,可處第 6 級罰款及 energy assessor or knowingly permits himself or herself
監禁 6 個月。 to be so advertised or represented,
commits an offence.
(4) A person who commits an offence under this section is liable
on conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6

50. 以已作出應有的努力作為免責辯護 50. Defence of due diligence

(1) 在為本條例所訂的罪行而向某人提起的法律程序中,該 (1) In any legal proceedings against a person for an offence
人如證明他已採取一切合理的步驟並已作出一切應有的 under this Ordinance, it is a defence for the person to show
努力,以避免犯該罪行,即可以此作為免責辯護。 that he or she took all reasonable steps and exercised all due
(2) 如 第 (1) 款 所 訂 的 免 責 辯 護 涉 及 一 項 指 稱,指 有 關 罪 diligence to avoid committing the offence.
行 —— (2) If the defence under subsection (1) involves an allegation that
(a) 是因為另一人的作為或過失所致;或 the offence was due to—
(b) 是因為倚賴另一人所提供的資料所致, (a) the act or default of another person; or
(b) reliance on information given by another person,

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

10-11 第 10 部 Part 10 10-12

第 610 章 第 51 條 Section 51 Cap. 610

則除非被控人已按照第 (3) 款發出通知,否則該人如無法 the person charged is not, without the leave of the court,
院批准,無權援引該免責辯護。 entitled to rely on the defence unless the person has issued a
(3) 為第 (2) 款的目的而發出的通知須 —— notice in accordance with subsection (3).
(a) 指出作出有關作為或犯有關過失或提供有關資料的 (3) A notice issued for the purposes of subsection (2) must—
人的身分,或提供協助以確定該人的身分;及 (a) identify or assist in the identification of the person who
(b) 在法律程序開始聆訊前最少 7 個工作日之前,向提 committed the act or default or gave the information;
起該法律程序的人發出。 and
(4) 如第 (1) 款所訂的免責辯護涉及一項指稱,指犯有關罪行 (b) be issued to the person bringing the legal proceedings
是倚賴另一人所提供的資料所致,則除非被控人證明從 at least 7 working days before the hearing of the
整體情況而言,尤其是考慮到 —— proceedings.
(a) 該人為核實該等資料的目的而採取及按理應可採取 (4) If the defence under subsection (1) involves an allegation
的步驟;及 that the offence was due to reliance on information given
by another person, the defence is not established unless
(b) 該人是否有任何理由不相信該等資料, the person charged shows that it was reasonable in all the
該人倚賴該等資料是合理的,否則該免責辯護不成立。 circumstances for him or her to rely on the information,
having regard in particular to—
(a) the steps which the person took, and those which might
reasonably have been taken by the person, for the
purpose of verifying the information; and
(b) whether the person had any reason not to believe the

51. 對公職人員的保障 51. Protection of public officers

(1) 任何公職人員如在作出某作為或沒有作出某作為時,真 (1) A public officer does not incur any personal civil liability for
誠地相信該作為或不作為是本條例所規定或授權的,或 any act done or omitted to be done by the officer if the officer
是根據本條例須作出或不作出或是獲授權作出或不作出 did or omitted to do the act in the honest belief that the act
的,則他無須就該作為或不作為招致任何個人民事法律 or omission was required or authorized by or under this
責任。 Ordinance.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

10-13 第 10 部 Part 10 10-14

第 610 章 第 51 條 Section 51 Cap. 610

(2) 第 (1) 款賦予的保障,並不會在任何方面影響政府就該公 (2) The protection conferred by subsection (1) does not in any
職人員的作為或不作為而承擔的法律責任。 way affect the liability of the Government for the act or
omission of the public officer.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

11-1 第 11 部 Part 11 11-2

第 610 章 第 52 條 Section 52 Cap. 610

第 11 部 Part 11
過渡性條文 Transitional Provision
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

52. 在第 4 部生效之前進行的能源審核 52. Energy audit carried out before Part 4 commences
如 —— If—
(a) 某項能源審核的進行日期,是在署長根據第 40(3) 條 (a) an energy audit is carried out on or after the date on
指出關於就建築物進行的能源審核的《守則》當日或 which a code of practice concerning an energy audit in
之後,但在第 4 部生效之前; respect of a building is identified by the Director under
(b) 進行該項審核的人,具有註冊為註冊能源效益評核 section 40(3) but before the commencement of Part 4;
人所需資格;而 (b) the person who carried out the audit possesses the
(c) 在第 4 部生效日期當日,該人屬註冊能源效益評核 qualifications required for registration as a registered
人, energy assessor; and
則自第 4 部生效日期起,該項審核即視為在第 4 部生效日期當 (c) the person is a registered energy assessor on the
日進行的能源審核。 commencement date of Part 4,
the audit is regarded, on the commencement of Part 4, as an energy
audit carried out on the commencement of Part 4.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S1-1 附表 1 Schedule 1 S1-2

第 610 章 Cap. 610

附表 1 Schedule 1
[ 第 2 及 43 條 ] [ss. 2 & 43]

需有遵行規定登記證明書及遵行規定表格的建築物 Buildings that Require Certificate of Compliance

( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) Registration and Form of Compliance
(Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

1. 商業建築物。 1. Commercial building.

2. 綜合用途建築物的並非作住宅或工業用途的部分。 2. A portion of a composite building that is not for residential or

industrial use.
3. 酒店或賓館。 ( 由 2020 年第 6 號第 55 條修訂 )
3. Hotel or guesthouse. (Amended 6 of 2020 s. 55)
4. 住宅建築物的公用地方。
4. Common area of a residential building.
5. 綜合用途建築物的作住宅或工業用途的部分的公用地方。
5. Common area of a portion of a composite building that is for
6. 工業建築物的公用地方。 residential or industrial use.

7. 主要作教育用途而佔用的建築物。 6. Common area of an industrial building.

8. 主要作社區用途而佔用的建築物 ( 包括社區會堂及社會服務中 7. Building that is occupied principally for an education purpose.

心 ),及作 2 個或多於 2 個上述地方而佔用的綜合用途建築物。
8. Building that is occupied principally as a community building
including a community hall and social services centre and
composite building occupied as 2 or more such places.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S1-3 附表 1 Schedule 1 S1-4

第 610 章 Cap. 610

9. 主要作市政用途而佔用的建築物 ( 包括街市、熟食中心、圖書 9. Building that is occupied principally as a municipal services

館、文娛中心或文化中心及室內運動場 ),及作 2 個或多於 2 building including a market, cooked food centre, library, cultural
個上述地方而佔用的綜合用途建築物。 centre and indoor games hall and composite building occupied as 2
or more such places.
10. 主要作醫療及健康護理服務用途而佔用的建築物 ( 包括醫院、
診療所及康復中心 )。 10. Building that is occupied principally for medical and health care
services including a hospital, clinic and rehabilitation centre.
11. 由政府擁有的主要用作在執行政府的任何職能期間容納人的
建築物。 11. Building that is owned by the Government and used principally
for the accommodation of people during the performance of any
12. 機場的客運大樓。 function of the Government.

13. 鐵路車站。 12. Passenger terminal building of an airport.

13. Railway station.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S2-1 附表 2 Schedule 2 S2-2

第 610 章 Cap. 610

附表 2 Schedule 2
[ 第 4 及 43 條 ] [ss. 4 & 43]

本條例不適用的屋宇裝備裝置 Building Services Installations to which this Ordinance

( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) does not Apply
(Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

1. 純粹作以下用途的裝置 —— 1. An installation that is solely used for—

(a) 遏止火警; (a) fire suppression;
(b) 滅火;或 (b) fire extinguishing; or
(c) 遏止火警及滅火。 (c) fire suppression and extinguishing.

2. 純粹作以下用途的裝置 —— 2. An installation that is solely used for—

(a) 外科手術; (a) surgical operation;
(b) 臨床治療; (b) clinical treatment;
(c) 血液處理; (c) blood processing;
(d) 為保全生命而提供或維持合適環境設定;或 (d) providing or maintaining appropriate environment
(e) (a)、(b)、(c) 及 (d) 段所指明的用途的任何組合。 settings for life protection; or
(e) any combination of the purposes specified in paragraphs
(a), (b), (c) and (d).
3. 在建築地盤純粹作建築工程用途的裝置。

3. An installation that is used in a construction site for construction

4. 純粹作工業製造用途的裝置。 works only.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S2-3 附表 2 Schedule 2 S2-4

第 610 章 Cap. 610

5. 純粹在教育機構內用於研究用途的裝置。 4. An installation that is solely used for industrial manufacturing.

6. 純粹作以下用途的照明裝置 —— 5. An installation that is solely used for research in an educational

(a) 照亮在展示中的展品或產品,包括照亮商品或藝術 institution.
(b) 裝飾,包括達致建築特色或節慶裝飾效果的特別照
6. A lighting installation that is solely used for—
(a) illumination of an exhibit or product on display
(c) 視覺效果製作,包括表演、娛樂或電視廣播用的特
including special lighting for illuminating merchandise
or art work;
(d) (a)、(b) 及 (c) 段所指明的用途的任何組合。
(b) decoration including special lighting for architectural
feature or festival decoration effect;
7. 純粹作以下用途的裝置 —— (c) visual production including special lighting for
performance, entertainment or television broadcasting;
(a) 航空交通調控; or
(b) 航空交通安全; (d) any combination of the purposes specified in paragraphs
(c) 航空交通管制;或 (a), (b) and (c).
(d) (a)、(b) 及 (c) 段所指明的用途的任何組合。

7. An installation that is solely used for—

(a) air traffic regulation;
(b) air traffic safety;
(c) air traffic control; or
(d) any combination of the purposes specified in paragraphs
(a), (b) and (c).

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S2-5 附表 2 Schedule 2 S2-6

第 610 章 Cap. 610

8. 純粹作以下用途的裝置 —— 8. An installation that is solely used for—

(a) 鐵路交通調控; (a) railway traffic regulation;
(b) 鐵路交通安全; (b) railway traffic safety;
(c) 鐵路交通管制;或 (c) railway traffic control; or
(d) (a)、(b) 及 (c) 段所指明的用途的任何組合。 (d) any combination of the purposes specified in paragraphs
(a), (b) and (c).

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S3-1 附表 3 Schedule 3 S3-2

第 610 章 Cap. 610

附表 3 Schedule 3
[ 第 2 及 43 條 ] [ss. 2 & 43]

主要裝修工程 Major Retrofitting Works

( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

1. 涉及增設或更換《守則》所指明的屋宇裝備裝置的工程,而該 1. Works involving addition or replacement of a building services

項工程在於 12 個月內在訂明建築物的單位或公用地方進行的 installation specified in a code of practice that covers one or more
同一系列工程下,涵蓋樓面面積不少於 500 平方米的一個地 places with a floor area or total floor area of not less than 500 m2
方,或涵蓋總樓面面積不少於 500 平方米的多於一個地方。 under the same series of works within 12 months in a unit or a
common area of a prescribed building.

2. 中央屋宇裝備裝置的主要組件的增設或更換,包括 ——
(a) 額定值為 400 安培或超過 400 安培的一組完整電路 2. Addition or replacement of a main component of a central building
的增設或更換; services installation, including—
(b) 一部冷卻或供暖額定值為 350 千瓦或超過 350 千瓦 (a) addition or replacement of a complete electrical circuit
的單式組裝空調機或冷水機的增設或更換;或 at rating of 400A or above;
(c) 一部升降機、自動梯或行人輸送帶的電機驅動系統 (b) addition or replacement of a unitary air-conditioner or
及機械驅動系統的增設或更換。 air-conditioning chiller of a cooling or heating rating at
or exceeding 350 kW; or
(c) addition or replacement of the motor drive and
mechanical drive of a lift, an escalator or a passenger

附註 Notes

(1) 就本附表的項目 1 而言 —— (1) For the purposes of item 1 of this Schedule—
(a) 住客會所或停車場須視為在建築物內的一個獨立公 (a) an occupants’ clubhouse or a car park is to be regarded
用地方;及 as a separate common area within the building; and

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S3-3 附表 3 Schedule 3 S3-4

第 610 章 Cap. 610

(b) 所有其他公用地方須一併視為一個獨立公用地方。 (b) all other common areas are to be regarded together as a
separate common area.
(2) 如工程就某訂明建築物的單位或公用地方內多於一個地方進
行,而在顧及有關個案的所有有關因素後,該工程按理應視 (2) If works are carried out for more than one place in a unit or
為屬同一系列工程下的工程,則在本附表的項目 1 中,凡提述 a common area of a prescribed building and, having regard to
樓面面積,即提述所有該等地方的樓面面積的總和。 all relevant factors of the case, the works should reasonably be
regarded as being under the same series of works, the reference to
(3) 在附註 (2) 中,有關因素 (relevant factors) 指 —— floor area in item 1 of this Schedule is a reference to the aggregate
of the floor area of all those places.
(a) 工程是否由單一承判商進行;
(b) 工程是否根據單一協議進行; (3) In Note (2), relevant factors (有關因素) means—
(c) 工程是否依據單一施工令進行; (a) whether the works are carried out by a single contractor;
(d) 進行工程的時間及期間; (b) whether the works are carried out under a single
(e) 承判商獲付款的方式;及 agreement;
(f) 工程在圖則及工作計劃內是否視為單一項目。 (c) whether the works are carried out pursuant to a single
works order;
(d) the time at which and the period during which the works
are carried out;
(e) the manner in which the contractor is paid; and
(f) whether the works are treated as a single project in the
plans and works programme.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S4-1 附表 4 Schedule 4 S4-2

第 610 章 Cap. 610

附表 4 Schedule 4
[ 第 21 及 43 條 ] [ss. 21 & 43]

需進行能源審核的建築物 Buildings that Require Energy Audit

( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

1. 商業建築物。 1. Commercial building.

2. 綜合用途建築物的作商業用途的部分。 2. A portion of a composite building that is for commercial use.

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《建築物能源效益條例》 Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

S5-1 附表 5 Schedule 5 S5-2

第 610 章 Cap. 610

附表 5 Schedule 5
[ 第 22 及 43 條 ] [ss. 22 & 43]

對沒有獲發遵行規定登記證明書的建築物進行首次能 Schedule of the First Energy Audit for Buildings

源審核的時間表 without Certificate of Compliance Registration
( 格式變更 ——2017 年第 1 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 1 of 2017)

就有關建築物發出 須進行首次能源 Date of issue of occupation Period within which the

佔用准許的日期 審核的限期 approval in respect of first energy audit must
the building be carried out
1988 年 1 月 1 日或之後 自本條例第 4 部生效日期起計  
的 12 個月內 On or after 1 January 1988 12 months from the
commencement of Part 4 of this
1977 年 12 月 31 日 之 後 但 於 自本條例第 4 部生效日期起計 Ordinance
1988 年 1 月 1 日之前 的 24 個月內  
After 31 December 1977 but 24 months from the
1969 年 12 月 31 日 之 後 但 於 自本條例第 4 部生效日期起計 before 1 January 1988 commencement of Part 4 of this
1978 年 1 月 1 日之前 的 36 個月內   Ordinance
1969 年 12 月 31 日或之前 自本條例第 4 部生效日期起計 After 31 December 1969 but 36 months from the
的 48 個月內 before 1 January 1978 commencement of Part 4 of this
On or before 31 December 1969 48 months from the
commencement of Part 4 of this

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