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Week 7 - Task: Assignment - Where is the

English-II (17944)

José Armando Bances Coronado Leonardo Adriel Bernal Saavedra

Miguel Ángel Azabache Llaguento

2022 Elías Aguirre

Armando: Hello friends, I'm in Chiclayo looking for the Reniec, but I can't find it.
Adriel: Hi, it's by the main park.
Miguel: Hello, I'm at the bank, I went to withdraw money
Armando: I see many banks, in which bank are you?
Miguel: There are three banks, I am in the bank that is between the pharmacy and the
Adriel: Do you know if there is a school around there?
Miguel: Yes, it's next to the other bank.
Adriel: I understand, the church is also there?
Armando: Yes, the church is around here, it's in front of the park. I also see the
Miguel: Yes, it is on San José Street
Adriel: is there a gym around here?
Miguel: No, there isn't.
Adriel: Well friends, I have things to do, we'll talk later.
Armando: Okay, Miguel see you in the park.
Miguel: okay, ready.

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