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1.Which of the following characteristics of inlay wax is its major disadvantage ?

a. flow
b. rigidity
c. hardness
d. high thermal expansion


2.When porcelain is baked against metal, it should possess a

a. high fusion expansion
b. high fusion temperature
c. linear coefficient of thermal expansion less than, but close to,that of the metal
d. linear coefficient of thermal expansion greater than but close to that of metal


3.As the gold content of a dental solder decreases,the

a. hardness decreases
b. ductility increases
c. corrosion resistance decreases
d. ultimate tensile strength decreases

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

4.Reversible hydrocolloids exhibit the property of transformation from sol to gel and gel
to sol as a function of the
a. concentration of the fillers and plasticizers
b. percentage of composition by weight of water
c. concentration of potassium sulfate
d. temperature

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

5.An anterior fixed partial denture is contraindicated when

a. abutment teeth are noncarious
b. an abutment tooth is inclined 15 degree but is otherwise sound
c. there is considerable resorption of the residual ridge
d. crowns of the abutment teeth are extremely long owing to gingival recession

Wrong! You answered: d, Correct Answer: c

6.In which of the following properties does a type IV partial denture gold alloy exceed a
base-metal partial denture alloy in numerical value
a. hardness
b. specific gravity
c. casting shrinkage
d. fusion temperature

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

7.Within practical limits, when the water/ powder ratio is increased beyond the
recommended amount in mixing plaster, the
a. setting time is increased
b. setting expansion is decreased
c. compressive strength is decreased
d. all of the above

Wrong! You answered: a, Correct Answer: d

8.In processing an acrylic denture in a water bath, a proper heating cycle is desired
because of the possibility of
a. warpage
b. shrinkage of the denture
c. porosity due to boiling of the monomer
d. crazing of the denture base around necks of the teeth


9.An over load of the mucosa will occur if the

a. teeth used for replacement are nonanatomic
b. bases covering the area are too small in out line
c. bases covering the area are too large in out line
d. bases covering the area are overextended distally

Wrong! You answered: c, Correct Answer: b

10.In an alginate impression material, trisodium phosphate is the

a. filler
b. reactor
c. retarder
d. acclerator

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

12.An abutment tooth exibiting an unfavorable survey line should

a. be restored
b. have unfavourable contours improved
c. be bypassed in the frame work design
d. receive only a rest and not be clasped

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

13.If there is insufficent space between the maxillary tuberosity and the retromolar
pad ,it is usually best to
a. avoid covering the retromolar pad with the lower base
b. not covering the tuberosity with the upper denture
c. surgically reduce the occlusal aspect of the tuberosity
d. surgically reduce the retromolar pad

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

14.The principal factor in minimizing the firing shrinkage of porcelain is the
a. fusion temperature
b. ratio of flux to feldspar
c. uniformity of particle size
d. thoroughness of condensation

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

15.The most important mechanical property involved when a base metal partial denture
clasp is adjusted is
a. hardness
b. elongation
c. elastic limit
d. tensile strength

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

16.In registering the vertical diamention of occlusion for the edentulous patient the
physiologic rest diamention
a. equals the vertical diamention of occlusion
b. may be exceeded if the appearence of the patient is enhanced
c. is of little importance as it is subject to variations
d. must always be greater than the vertical diamention of occlusion

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

17.Excessive vertical diamention may result in

a. poor denture retension
b. dropping of the corners of the mouth
c. creases and wrinkles around the lips
d. trauma to the underlying supporting tissues

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

18.In cobalt-chromium alloys ,the consistuent responsible for corrosion resistance is

a. silver
b. nickel
c. cobalt
d. chromium

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

19.Heating a gypsum cast at a temperature of 110 degree centigrade for one hr will
a. drive off its excess gauging water only
b. have minimal effect on the crushing strength
c. weaken it because its water of crystallization is driven off
d. strengthen it, because dry crushing strength of gypsum is more than wet crushing strength

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

20.Both porcelain and acrylic resin teeth are used in prostheses .Both are secured to the
base during processing .Identify the correct anchorage
a. both are chemically united with the resin base
b. both are held to the base in a mechanical bond
c. the anchorage of both kind of teeth is both chemical and mechanical
d. resin teeth are chemically bonded to the base and porcelain teeth are mechanically held to
the base

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

21.For a more rigid structure ,a base metal partial denture alloy should be selected
rather than a type IV gold because the alloy has a
a. lower elongation
b. higher modulus of elasticity
c. more favourable tensile strength
d. higher hardness number

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

23.In partial denture construction a dental surveyour should be used in all the following
a. to determine the path of insertion
b. to determine the design
c. in conjunction with mouth prepration
d. to determine the depth of rest seats

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

24.From properly mounted diagnostic casts which of the following will help in the
treatment planning concerning fixed prosthodontic appliance except
a. axial alignment of abutment teeth
b. physical condition of the abutment teeth
c. gingival tissue contour and pocket depth
d. tentative design of the abutment preprations

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

25.Three weeks after insertion of a fixed partial denture, marked discomfort to heat and
cold occurs. There are no other symptoms .The most likely cause is
a. gingival recession
b. unseating of the fixed partial denture
c. deflective occlusal contact
d. incomplete coverage of the cut surfaces of the prepared abutment teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

26.The most likely cause of cheilosis in a patient who wears a complete denture and
whose medical history is non contributary is
a. an open vertical diamention
b. a closed vertical diamention
c. improper placement of denture teeth over the ridge
d. failure of centric relation to coincide with centric occlusion

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

27.The major cause of speech problem in persons with cleft lip and palate is
a. intellectual deficiency
b. inability to control tongue movement
c. inability to build up intraoral air pressure
d. abnormal tooth position and arch relationships

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

28.The most frequent cause of failure of cast crown restoration is

a. failure to extend the crown prepration adequately into gingival sulcus
b. lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth
c. lack of attention to tooth shape, position and contacts
d. lack of prominent cusps, deep sulci and sharp marginal ridges

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

29.Artifical teeth are best selected from consideration of the

a. pre-extraction records
b. age of the patient
c. shape of the face
d. size of the arch

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

30.The best impression technique for recording loose maxillary anterior hyperplastic
tissue in an edentulous patient involves
a. registering the tissue in its passive position
b. using high fusing modelling compound
c. closed mouth techinque
d. maximum pressure


Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

31.Which part of a distal extension removable mandibular partial denture provides the
greatest resistance to movement and torquing of the abutment teeth
a. rest
b. base
c. retentive clasp
d. minor connector

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

32.A patient in excellent health and wearing complete dentures complains of a burning
sensation in anterior palate.This is most likely caused by
a. a nicotinamide deficiency
b. defective occlusal contact
c. failure to relieve the area over the incisive papailla
d. excessice thickness of the denture in the rugae area

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

34.The principal function of an indirect retainer is to

a. stabilize against lateral movement
b. prevent settling of the major connector
c. minimize movement of the base away from supporting tissue
d. restrict tissueward movement of the distal extension base of the partial denture

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

35.Over extension of a mandibular denture base in distobuccal area will cause

dislodgement of the denture during function as the result of the action of the
a. masseter muscle
b. buccinator muscle
c. pterygomandibular raphe
d. lateral tendon of temporalis muscle

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

36.A reline for a complete denture is contraindicated when

a. there is extreme overclosure of the vertical diamention
b. centric occlusion and centric relation do not coincide
c. the denture contains a broken tooth
d. there is resorption of the ridge

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

37.The most important criterion for a gingival margin on a crown prepration is that
a. it is dull knife edge
b. its position is subgingival
c. its position is supragingival
d. its position be easily discrenible

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

38.Placement of maxillary anterior teeth in complete dentures too far superiorly and
anteriorly might result in difficulty in pronouncing
a. f and v sounds
b. d and t sounds
c. s and thsounds
d. most vowels

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

39.A thin application of cavity varnish over the cut surface of a prepared tooth just
prior to the cementation of a crown or a bridge with zinc phosphate cement will
a. impede the seating of the restoration
b. insulate the tooth against thermal change
c. increase the possibility of thermal sensitivity
d. reduce the possibility of irritation of the pulp

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

40.Metal-ceramic restorations may fail due to fracture of ceramic material. This can be
best be avoided if
a. occlusal forces are minimal
b. the metal is not over 0.5 mm thick
c. the ceramic material is at least 1.5 mm thick
d. the casting is designed to reduce stress concentration in the ceramic material

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

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(41) For a removable partial denture, the lack of indirect retention would be
manifested by

a. tissueward movement of the distal extension base of the prosthesis

b. movement away from the tissue of the extension base of the prosthesis
c. settling of the major connector of the prosthesis
d. lateral and medial movement of the extension base of the prosthesis

(42) An advantage of rubber-base impression material over reversible hydrocolloid material

is that rubber base impression material

a. will displace soft tissue

b. requires less armamentarium
c. is significantly more accurate

(43) The posterior palatal bar should be placed in a relationship

a. to incorporate the hamular notch on each side

b. which is anterior to the junction of the movable and immovable soft palate
c. which is posterior to the junction of the movable and immovable soft palate
d. extending from one hamular notch to the other hamular notch across the fovea palatinae

(45) The topography of a rest should

a. enhance the bracing

b. augment retension
c. restore the natural contours of the tooth
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d. provide balancing contacts in lateral jaw movements

(46) The most common cause of cheek biting with dentures is

a. porcelain denture teeth

b. absence of buccal horizontal overlap
c. crossbite relationship of posterior teeth
d. complete denture- partial denture combination

(47) Porcelain is strongest when in a state of

a. tension
b. torsion
c. neutrality
d. compression

(48) A frequent problem encountered with major connectors is

a. insufficent ridigity
b. tarnish and corrosion in the mouth
c. increased salivation of the patient
d. allergic response of the patient to the material

(49) The primary hazard in relining complete denture involves

a. reducing retension
b. reducing stability
c. changing phonetics
d. changing occlusion

(50) The only method by which the hinge axis can be accurately located is by

a. palpatation with the condyles in their most retruded, unstrained position in the glenoid
b. measuring 11 mm from the tragus on the tragus-ala line
c. using a face-bow with fully adjustable condylar rods
d. measuring approximately 0.5 inch from the tragus on the tragus-canthus line

41.For a removable partial denture, the lack of indirect retention would be manifested
a. tissueward movement of the distal extension base of the prosthesis
b. movement away from the tissue of the extension base of the prosthesis
c. settling of the major connector of the prosthesis
d. lateral and medial movement of the extension base of the prosthesis
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

42.An advantage of rubber-base impression material over reversible hydrocolloid

material is that rubber base impression material
a. will displace soft tissue
b. requires less armamentarium
c. is significantly more accurate
d. is more accurate if saliva, mucous or blood is present

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

43.The posterior palatal bar should be placed in a relationship

a. to incorporate the hamular notch on each side
b. which is anterior to the junction of the movable and immovable soft palate
c. which is posterior to the junction of the movable and immovable soft palate
d. extending from one hamular notch to the other hamular notch across the fovea palatinae

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

45.The topography of a rest should

a. enhance the bracing
b. augment retension
c. restore the natural contours of the tooth
d. provide balancing contacts in lateral jaw movements

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

46.The most common cause of cheek biting with dentures is

a. porcelain denture teeth
b. absence of buccal horizontal overlap
c. crossbite relationship of posterior teeth
d. complete denture- partial denture combination

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

47.Porcelain is strongest when in a state of

a. tension
b. torsion
c. neutrality
d. compression

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

48.A frequent problem encountered with major connectors is

a. insufficent ridigity
b. tarnish and corrosion in the mouth
c. increased salivation of the patient
d. allergic response of the patient to the material

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

49.The primary hazard in relining complete denture involves

a. reducing retension
b. reducing stability
c. changing phonetics
d. changing occlusion

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

50.The only method by which the hinge axis can be accurately located is by
a. palpatation with the condyles in their most retruded, unstrained position in the glenoid
b. measuring 11 mm from the tragus on the tragus-ala line
c. using a face-bow with fully adjustable condylar rods
d. measuring approximately 0.5 inch from the tragus on the tragus-canthus line

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

51.The error which most frequently contributes to poor esthetics of dentures is the
practice of placing maxillary teeth
a. too far below the lip line
b. directly over the edentulous ridge
c. too far to the facial of the edentulous ridge
d. too far to the lingual of the edentulous ridge

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

52.In soldering a reason for leaving a narrow space between parts to be joined is to
allow for
a. flow of the solder
b. cleansing of the parts
c. uniform application of heat
d. contraction of the solder on solidification

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

53.Teeth are some times tipped from the normal vertical direction .As a rule,these teeth
should not be used as abutments if they are tipped more than
a. 10 degrees
b. 17 degrees
c. 24 degrees
d. 30 degrees

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

54.Which of the landmarks are not included in the postdam area
a. pterygomaxillary notch
b. fovea palatinus
c. vibrating line
d. hamular process

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

56.A 65 yr old pt ,wearing complete dentures,complaints of inability to chew food of

tired jaws and of teeth clicking while talking .Which of the following should correct this
patients problem
a. using nonanatomic tooth
b. using a closed mouth impression procedure
c. decreasing the vertical diamention of occlusion
d. increasing the vertical overlap of the maxiallary anterior teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

57.In the design of the occlusal rest seats which of the following statements properly
a. occlusal rests should be kept to a minimum size on all the teeth
b. occlusal rest seats need not be prepared if adequate occlusal clearence is already present
c. occlusal rest seat preprations should be spoon shaped,lacking sharp angles, and floor
should slope from the marginal ridge towards the centre of the tooth
d. occlusal rest seats should inclline gingivally at the marginal ridge

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

58.Which of the following is not a determinant of occlusion

a. rest position
b. condylar inclination
c. intercondylar distance
d. distance of the teeth from the condyle

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

59.The most reliable method of recording centric occlusion when constructing a

mandibular bilateral distal extension partial denture occluding with natural teeth is to
construct a stabilized occlusal rim
a. for the mandibular master cast and record the relationship with baseplate wax
b. for the mandibular master cast and record the relationship with utility wax
c. for mandibular master cast and record the relationship with zinc oxide -eugenol
registration paste
d. attached to the finished partial denture frame work and record the relationship with zinc
oxide-eugenol registration paste
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

60.In examining the edentulous mouth of an aged patient who has worn maxillary
complete dentures for many years against six mandibular anterior teeth,a dentist
should except to find
a. cystic degeneration of the foramina of the anterior palatine nerve
b. loss of the osseous structures in the anterior maxillary arch
c. flabby ridge tissue in the posterior maxillary arch
d. insufficent interocclusal distance

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

61.For a removable partial denture, the lack of indirect retension would be manifested
a. tissueward movement of the distal extension base of the prosthesis
b. movement away from the tissue of the extension base of the prosthesis
c. settling of the major connector of the prosthesis
d. lateral medial movement of the extension base of the prosthesis

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

62.The effectiveness of condensation in the prevention of porcelain shrinkage is

determined by
a. shape and size of the particle
b. thickness of the platinum matrix
c. speed of increase of furnace heat
d. use of a powder containing particles that are all the same size

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

63.A partial denture major connector should be designed to

a. connect rigidly the bilateral components
b. not interfere with lateral forces
c. act as a stress breaker
d. dissipate vertical forces

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

64.The bennett movement exerts its greatest influence in

a. lateral movement
b. protrusive movement
c. opening movement
d. closing movement

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

65.Proper lip support is provided primarily by the
a. labial surface of the teeth and simulated attached gingiva
b. thickness of the border in the vestible
c. festooned carvings on the labial surface
d. convex surface of the labial flange

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

67.A complete clasp assembly consists of a

a. retentive arm and a reciprocal arm
b. circumferential arm and a bar type arm
c. proxiaml plate and a retentive arm
d. retentive arm,an occlusal rest,and reciprocating elements

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

68.Rough,poorly-polished areas of pontic cause

a. halitosis
b. discomfort
c. chronic imflammation
d. all of the above

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

69.In developing balanced occlusion of complete dentures during tooth arrangement, a

steep condylar path associated with a low degree of incisal guidance requires that the
compensating curve be
a. flat
b. prominent
c. shallow
d. reverse

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

70.A porcelain jacket crown will fracture when

a. used in an end-to-end occlusion
b. allowed to contact the opposing teeth in centric occlusion
c. subjected to tensile forces by the oppsoing teeth
d. subjected to the compressive forces by the opposing teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

71.The major components of high noble metal alloys in metal ceramic restorations are
a. Au and Pt or Zn
b. Au and Cu or Ag
c. Au and Pt or Pd
d. Pt and Pd or Sn
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

72.The most likely reason for breakage of a maxillary denture along the median line is
a. alveolar resorption
b. porosity of the denture base material
c. over-relief of the incisive papilla
d. inadequate extension of the posterior palatal seal

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

73.The type of pontic most commonly used in the posterior maxillary area is the
a. saddle
b. sanitary
c. ridge lap
d. spheroidal

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

74.Ridge soreness in denture patients may be associated with

a. gagging
b. malocclusion
c. overextension
d. lack of retension

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

75.Several teeth are splinted together as abutments for a fixed prosthesis to

a. resist lateral forces
b. resist vertical forces
c. facilitate plaque control
d. improve retention of the prosthesis

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

76.Occlusal rest seats for removable partial dentures are prepared primarily to
a. protect occluslal forces
b. stabilize the partial dentures
c. resist lateral chewing forces
d. resist vertical forces of occlusion

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

78.The function of fluoride flux in soldering of dental cobalt-chromium alloys or of two

stainless steel components is to
a. lower the melting range of the solder
b. reduce the copper oxide of the alloy
c. reduce the chromium oxide of the alloy
d. stop the flow of the molten solder over the undesired area

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

79.Porcelain baked on to a high-fusing gold green discoluration cervically.This is most
likely due to
a. a film of excess oxide
b. overfiring the porcelain
c. disintegration of the opacifier
d. contamination of metal by copper traces

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

80.Dental impression compund is characterized by having a

a. specific melting point
b. crystalline atomic structure
c. cross-linkage reaction upon heating
d. relatively low thermal conductivity

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

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81.In cold-curing denture resin,the activator is

a. hydroquinone
b. sodium sulfide
c. benzoyl peroxide
d. a tertiary amine

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

82.Major connectors of a maxillary partial denture may be beaded to

a. produce a stronger frame work
b. aid in retension of the denture
c. hold acrylic to the metal frame work
d. produce positive contact against the tissue

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

83.The prime purpose of selective grinding is to

a. reduce vertical diamention
b. enhance masticatory efficiency
c. remove interferences in lateral excrusions
d. remove interferences with out destroying cusp height
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

84.In processing methyl methacrylate, the resin may show some porosities if the flask is
placed immediately in boiling water.This type of porosity is most likely to occur
a. throughout the denture
b. in the thinnest part of the denture
c. in the thickest part of the denture
d. close to the surface of the denture

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

85.To be biologically and mechanically acceptable, a soldered joint of a fixed partial

denture should be so formed that it
a. extends to the facial margin of the retainer
b. fills the entire interproximal space occlusogingivally
c. is thin occlusiogingivally and wide faciolingually
d. is circular in form and occupies the region of the contact area

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

86.The setting time of zinc oxide-euginol impression pastes can be accelerated by the
addition of a small amount of
a. water
b. glycerin
c. petrolalum
d. plaster of paris

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

87.At which of the following positions is sibilant sound usually produced

a. rest position
b. occluding position
c. open from rest position
d. between rest and occluding positions

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

89.A patient wearing complete denture has trouble swallowing .What is the most
probable cause
a. excessive interocclusal space
b. insufficent interocclusal space
c. posterior teeth set too far facially on the maxillary denture
d. posterior teeth set too close to the bearing area on the maxillary denture
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

90.Which of the following ligaments limits posterior movement of the condyle

a. capsular
b. stylomandibular
c. sphenomandibular
d. temporomandibuar

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

91.A broken stress or nonrigid-type fixed partial denture is indicated when

a. two or three missing teeth to be replaced
b. retainers cannot be prepared to draw together with out recessive tooth reduction
c. fixed splinting involves two or three abutment teeth
d. retainers can be designed to have equal retentive qualities

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

92.If the interocclusal distance is increased beyond physiologic limits, the patients chief
complaint may result from
a. a muscular imbalance
b. an occlusal disharmony in centric
c. a displacement of the mandibular denture
d. a displacement of the maxillary denture while yawning

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

93.Facial margins of an anterior 3/4 crown should be

a. lingual to the contact area
b. hidden in the contact area so the gold will not be visible from the facial aspect
c. extended facially to a cleanable area with out destroying the facial contour of the tooth
d. well extended to the facial surface to provide a sufficent area for a sound solder joint

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

94.Partial veneer crowns are most often contraindicated for

a. long teeth
b. tipped teeth
c. rotated teeth
d. badly carious teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

95.The most likely-tissue reaction to gross overextension of a complete denture that has
been worn for a long time is
a. epulis fissuratum
b. pyogenic granuloma
c. papillary hyperplasia
d. gaint cell reparative granuloma
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

96.Reversible and irreversible hydrocolloid impression material have in common the

characteristic that
a. both materials can be converted from gel to sols
b. gelation of both materials is retarded by temperature increases
c. both materials can be succesfully stored in humidors with out significant diamentional
d. inaccuracies in the completed impressions made from both materials can be caused by
fracture of the fibrils during gelation

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

97.The first step in relining a distal extension removable partial denture is to

a. correct the occlusion
b. boder mold the denture base
c. verify the fit of the framework
d. eliminate the undercuts in the denture base

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

98.The distal palatal termination of the maxillary denture base is dictated by the
a. tuberosity
b. posterior palatal seal
c. vibrating line
d. fovea palatinae

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

100.Prolonged sensitivity to heat, cold and presure after cementation of a crown or a

fixed partial denture is usually related to
a. occlusal trauma
b. improper cementation
c. impingement on the marginal gingiva
d. failure to desensitize the abutment teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

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101.Centric relation is a
a. tooth to tooth relationship
b. mandible to condyle relationship
c. mandible to skull relationship
d. maxilla to skull relationship
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

102.The function of the reciprocal clasp arm is to

a. counter act any forces transmitted by the retentive arm
b. act as direct retainer for the distal base
c. perform as an indirect retainer
d. stabilize the abutment teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

103.The gelation of irreversible hydrochloride is retarded by

a. borax
b. potassium alginate
c. trisodium phosphate
d. calcium sulfate dihydrate

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

104.Excessive depth of the posterior palatal seal will usually result in

a. unseating of the denture
b. a tingiling sensation
c. greater retension
d. increased gaging

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

105.When surveying casts, the correct procedure is to first

a. use an arbitrary tilt to create undercuts
b. locate undercuts with casts placed on a horizontal plane
c. adjust the tilt to permit the establishment of guiding planes
d. establish an anterior tilt for maxillary cast and a posterior tilt for mandibular cast

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

106.One of the constituents of a dental gypsum-bonded investment that functions as a

binder for the mass is
a. quartz
b. silica
c. graphite
d. calcium sulfate hemihydrate

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

107.The medical history of an edentulous patient may disclose a systemic

disturbance .Which one of the following conditions would be of the most concern to the
a. anemia
b. diabetics
c. osteoporosis
d. rheumatic fever
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

108.Which of the following is an effect of drying the prepared tooth with alcohol and
warm air rather than wiping it dry before cementation of a crown
a. the cement sets more rapidly
b. possibilities of pulp damage are increased
c. possibilities of pulp damage are decreased
d. the set cement has increased crushing strength

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

109.In planning treatment for a patient with malposed teeth and diastema,which of the
following would best indicate the esthetic result
a. analysis of the occlusion
b. amoount of alveolar bone support
c. properly used diagnostic cast
d. appearence and health of gingival tissues

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

111.In which of the following instances is relining of a complete denture indicated

a. when denture base has deteriorated
b. when there is resorption of the residual ridges
c. when there is a broken tooth in the denture
d. when there is a 4 mm over closure of the occlusial vertical diamention

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

112.A patient has an endodontically-treated tooth restored with a cast post and core and
crown.the patient complaints of symptoms to biting force but tooth mobility is within
normal range.Radiographic evidence appears normal.The most probable reson for the
symptom is
a. loose crown resulting in gingival irritation
b. premature centric contact
c. vertical root fracture
d. psycosomatic

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

113.Esthetics of a removable partial denture may dependent on the

a. morphology of natural anterior teeth
b. established path of placement
c. type of indirect retension
d. all of the above

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

114.The nonrigid connector may be used in fixed bridges in those cases involving
a. long span bridges replacing two or more teeth
b. short span bridges replacing one missing tooth where the prepared abutment teeth are not
in parallel alignment
c. long span bridges opposing a mucosa-borne partial denture where the anterior retainer of
the bridge strikes an opposing natural tooth,but the distal portion of the bridge is in
occlusion with the removable partial denture
d. long or short span bridges where one of the abutment teeth has limited periodontal support

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

115.In an edentulous patient, the coronoid may

a. limit the distal extension of the mandibular denture
b. affect the position and arrangement of posterior teeth
c. determine the location of the posterior palatal seal of the maxillary denture
d. limit the thickness of the denture flange in the maxillary buccal space

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

116.Three weeks after insertion of a fixed bridge,marked discomfort to heat and cold
but not to sweet.the most likely diagnosis is
a. gingival recession
b. unseating of the bridge
c. deflective occlusal contact
d. incomplete coverage of cut surfaces of prepared abutment teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

117.When selecting the color of the cement to use for cementing a porcelain jacket
crown,the powder being tested is best mixed with
a. glycerin-water solution
b. cement liqiud
c. alcohol
d. water

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

118.The drug of choice in monilial infection is

a. nystatin
b. pencillin
c. a sulfa drug
d. tertacycline

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

119.The maxillary incisiors in a complete denture will look larger and lighter when they
are arranged
a. farther forward
b. farther posteriorly
c. with a space between them
d. with overlapping mesials of centrals

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

120.The face bow is used to record

a. centric relation
b. relation of mandible to the maxilla
c. relation to the maxilla to the temporomandibular joint
d. relation to the mandibule to the temporomandibular joint

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

120 3 0 1257248298 prostho

122.The function of compensating curve is

a. to help provide a balanced occlusion in complete dentures when the mandible is protruded
b. to aid in establishing an incisal guide plane
c. the same as the function of the curve of spee
d. none of the above

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

123.A midline fracture of the maxillary denture is most often due to

a. the acrylic being too thin
b. the patient biting too hard
c. use of poor grade of acrylic
d. excessive resorption of the alveolar ridges

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

124.The residual ridge may resorb down to the level of basal bone.When this occurs on
the mandible ,the denture wearer may coomplain of tingling and intermittent pain to
the lower lip on one or both sides of the midline during mastication.This is due to
a. trigeminal neuralgia
b. impingement on the facial nerve
c. denture base pressure on the area of the mental foramen
d. overextension of the denture base on the mentalis muscle

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

125.If a tooth must be extracted,the main reason the dentist should convince the patient
that the extracted tooth should be replaced is to
a. restore esthetics
b. restore function
c. restore good phonetics
d. prevent changes in position and contact relationships of remaning teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

126.Porcelain jacket crowns are often contraindicated when

a. teeth are hypoplastic
b. there is excessive horizontal overlap
c. decay is extensive and pulp is still vital
d. there is excessive vertical overlap with little or no horizontal overlap

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

127.The most effective means of limiting applied loads to abutment teeth in distal
extension partial denture is by
a. using stress breaker
b. splinting abutments to the adjucent teeth
c. using abutment teeth without splinting
d. maintaining a stable base-tissue relationship

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

128.Two of the most common cause for complete dentures to click are
a. reduced vertical diamention and improperly balanced occlusion
b. excessive vertical diamention and poor denture retension
c. use of too large a posterior tooth and too little horizontal overlap
d. improper relation of teeth to the ridge and excessive anterior vertical overlap

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

129.In order to obtain greatest accuracy of dies, a polysulfide impression of prepared

abutment teeth is taken directly with
a. as much bulk of impression material between the tray and the teeth as possible
b. a tray which has been formed from a previously made cast of the patient
c. the smallest possible bulk of the impression material
d. a stock tray

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

130.A tooth which has not been in function and is now being used as an abutment may
become symptomatic.This most likely results from
a. pulpal reaction
b. localized osteoclastic activity
c. change in trabulacular pattern
d. reaction within the periodontal ligament

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

3 0 1257248298

131.An advantage of polysulfide impression material over reversible hydrocolloid

material is that polysulfide impression material
a. will displace soft tissue
b. requires less armamentarium
c. is significantly more accurate
d. is more accurate if saliva, mucous or blood is present

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

133.The incisal guidence on the articulator is the

a. mechanical equivalent of horizontal and vertical overlap
b. mechanical equivalent of the compensating curve
c. same as the condylar guidence
d. horizontal guidence

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

134.Centic relation is a
a. tooth-to-tooth relationship
b. mandible-to-condyle relationship
c. mandible-to-skull relationship
d. maxilla-to skull relationship

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

135.A patient is missing a mandibular first molar.The maxillary molar has extruded
approximately 2.8 mm into the space.Periodontal health is acceptable .Restoring
satisfactory occlusion with fixed partial denture will require
a. extraction of the maxillary molar
b. reducing and restoring the maxillary molar to a normal occlusal plane
c. reducing and polishing the maxillary molar to a normal occlusal plane
d. no treatment is required

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

136.A crown casting with a chamfer margin fits the die.In the mouth the casting is open
approximately 0.3 mm. A satisfactory fit and an accurate physiologic contour of the
gingival area of the crown can be best achieved by
a. releving the inside of the occlusal surface of the casting to allow for further seating
b. mechanical burnishing
c. using finishing burs and points to remove the enamel margins on the tooth
d. taking a new impression and remaking the crown

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

137.The greatest potential for wear exists between

a. tooth and gold
b. tooth and tooth
c. porcelain and tooth
d. porcelain and porcelain

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

138.Porosity in a heat-activated acrylic resin denture base is most frequently caused by

a. heating the case too slowely
b. packing during the doughy stage
c. processing for 9 hrs at 150 degree F
d. lack of pressure on the resinous mass

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

139.Tooth-borne removable partial dentures should normally have the rests located
a. next to the edentulous areas
b. away from the edentulous areas
c. primarily on molars because they are the strongest teeth
d. on as few teeth as feasible in order to preserve as many teeth as possible

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

140.Which of the following design characteristics of a partial denture is most important

to oral health
a. bracing
b. support
c. stability
d. retention

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

141.When the mandible is in its physiologic rest position, the distance between
occluding surfaces of maxillary and mandibular teeth or occlusal rim is
a. centric occlusion
b. vertical diamention
c. interocclusal distance
d. vertical diamention of rest

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

142.In determining the posterior limit of a maxillary denture base,which of the

following is on the posterior border
a. hamular notch
b. hamular process
c. fovea palatini
d. vibrating line

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

144.Chroma is that aspect of color that indicates

a. degree of translucency
b. degree of saturation of hue
c. combined effect of hue and value
d. all of the above

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

145.The type of load on teeth that is most destructive to the periodontium is the
a. vertical
b. oblique
c. horizontal
d. all of the above

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

146.The relationship of denture base to bone that resists dislodgement of the denture in
horizontal direction is
a. support
b. pressure
c. esthetics
d. stability

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

147.The most likely tissue reaction to gross overextension of a complete denture that has
been worn for a long time is
a. epulis fissuratum
b. pyogenic granuloma
c. papillary hyperplasia
d. gaint cell reparative granuloma

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

148.Elongated grains in the microstructure of a wrought wire indicates that it has been
a. cold worked
b. recrystallized
c. stress relif annealed
d. hardened by heat treatment

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

149.Speech diffuculties related to complete dentures can be avoided by

a. moving the maxillary incisiors anteriorly
b. placing the artifical teeth as close as possible to the position of the natural teeth
c. providing spaces or diastema between the incisiors
d. thickening of the denture base on the palate immediately behind the incisors

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

150.In a posterior fixed partial denture, a pontic should be in

a. infraocclusion to reduce the load placed on the appliance
b. supraocclusion to insure good function
c. contact in centric occlusion, in working and in non-working
d. contact in centric occlusion, may or may not be in contact in working,but not in contact in

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

151.The primary purpose of rinsing a set impression with a watery mix of dental stone
is to
a. increase the gel strength
b. prevent further gelation
c. retard shrinkage due to syneresis
d. remove the residual saliva from the surface of the impressions

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

152.In removable partial denture design,guiding plane serve to

a. aid in balanced occulsion
b. assure predictable clasp retension
c. form right angles to the occlusal plane
d. eliminate the necessity for precision attachments

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

153.Proper lip support for a patient with complete dentures is provided primarily by
a. convex surface of the labial flange
b. rounded countours of the interdental papilla
c. thickness of the border in the vestibule
d. facial surfaces of the teeth and sumilated attached gingiva

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

155.Excessive vertical diamention of occlusion may result in

a. poor denture retension
b. increased interocclusal distance
c. drooping of the corners of the mouth
d. trauma to the underlying supporting tissues

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

156.A patient who wears complete denture is having trouble pronouncing the letter t.
This is probably caused by
a. too thick a palatal seal area
b. too thick a base in the mandibular denture
c. incorrect positioning of the maxillary incisiors
d. improper positioning of the mandibular incisiors

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

157.At the wax try in,the maxillary plane apears to be correct,yet when the patient
closes lightly in centric relation,the mandibular teeth appear to show too much.the
patients lip donot contact unless the patient forces them to do so. The error that has
most likely occured is
a. excessive amount of free way space
b. excessive vertical diamention of occlusion
c. over closed vertical diamention of occlusion
d. inaccurate face-bow transfer

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

158.When making a polysulfide impression for a cast crown ,custom trays are usually
preferred over stock trays for all the following resons except
a. custom trays require less impression material
b. custom trays facilitate uniform contraction of the impression material
c. impressions made in the custom trays are easier to remove from the mouth
d. stock trays may be short in the flange area

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

159.When the posterior maxillary buccal space is entirely filled with the denture
flange,interference may occur with the movement of the
a. masseter muscle
b. coronoid process
c. condylar process
d. zygomatic process

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

160.Which of the following will increase retension of a complete denturea. xerostomia

b. airchamber in the midpalate
c. increased salivary film thickness
d. accurate adaptation of the denture base to the mucosa

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

161.Which of the following materials will produce the most rigid restoration for frame
works of the same diamention
a. palladium alloys
b. wrought gold
c. cobalt-chromium alloys
d. partial denture casting gold in the hardened condition

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

162.When a removable partial denture is completely seated,the retentive terminals of

the retentive clasp arms should be
a. passive and applying no pressure on the teeth
b. contacting the abutment teeth in the suprabulge area
c. resting lightly on the height of contour line on the abutment teeth
d. applying a definite, positive force on the abutment teeth inorder to prevent dislodgement of
the removable partial denture

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

163.Which of the following is likely to occur under the distal extension maxillary partial
denture of a patient with pagets disease
a. the bone is cotton wool and will be resorbed rapidly,thus making frequent rebasing
b. the bone will tend to expand and the partial denture will have to be remade periodically
c. the bone will become very dense and hard ,thus,soreness of the basal seat is likely to occur
d. nothing will occur because maxillary bone is not usually affected

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

164.Which of the following is a major disadvantage to immediate complete denture

a. trauma to the extraction sites
b. increased potential for infection
c. impossibility for an anterior try in
d. excessive resorption of residual ridges

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

166.Which of the following land marks is not included in the postdam area
a. pterygomaxillary notch
b. fovea palatinus
c. vibrating line
d. hamular process

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

167.Teeth are some times tipped from the normal vertical direction.As a rule these teeth
cannot be used as abutment if they are tipped more than
a. 10 degree
b. 17 degree
c. 24 degree
d. 36 degree

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

168.Aesthetic results attainable in a treatment plan involving malposed teeth and

diastema can be determined by
a. apearence and health of gingival tissues
b. proper use of diagnostic casts
c. periodontal involment
d. alveolar bone support

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

169.Splinting of several teeth together as abutment for a fixed prosthesis is done to

a. distribute occlusal load
b. facilitate plaque control
c. improve retension of the prosthesis
d. preserve remaning alveolar bone support

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

170.Reversible and irreversible hydrocolloid impression material have in common the

characteristic that
a. both materials can be converted from gel to sols
b. inaccuracies in the completed impression made from both materials can be caused by
fracture of the fibrils during gelation
c. gelation of both materials is retarded by temperature increase
d. both materials can be succesfully stored in humidors without any significant diamentional

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

171.A crown casting with a chamfer margin fits the die.In the mouth,the casting is open
approximately 0.3mm.A satisfactory fit and an accurate physiologic contour of the
gingival area of the crown can be best be achieved by
a. mechanical burnishing
b. using finishing burs and points to remove the enamel margins on the tooth
c. making a new impression and remaking the crown
d. reliving the inside of the occlusal surface of the casting to allow for further seating

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

172.The usual cause of clicking of the posterior teeth when a patient speaks is
a. decreased vertical diamention of occlusion
b. increased vertical diamention of occlusion
c. posterior teeth set too far lingually
d. posterior teeth set too far facially

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

173.Faliure of partial dentures due to poor clasp design can be best avoided by
a. using stress breakers
b. using intracoronal attachments
c. altering tooth contours
d. clasping only those teeth with fairly long crowns and normal bone support

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

174.In designing a retainer on a noncarious mandibular first premolar abutment with a

short clinical crown,which of the following restorations is most appropriate
a. an inlay
b. a full crown
c. an MOD onlay
d. a reverse 3 by 4 crown

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

175.Speech difficulties related to complete dentures can be avoided by

a. moving the maxillary incisiors anteriorly
b. moving the maxillary incisiors posteriorly
c. placing the artifical teeth as close as possible to the position of the natural teeth
d. thickening the denture base on the palate immediately behind the incisiors

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

177.At the first appoinment after insertion of complete dentures,the presence of
generalised soreness on the crest of the mandibular ridge is most likely due to
a. improper occlusion
b. the newness of the denture
c. defective tissue regestration
d. incomplete polymerisation of the denture base

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

178.For both the sh and s sounds,the tongue makes contact with the
a. mandibular incisiors
b. maxillary premolars
c. maxillary second molars
d. anterior third of the hard palate

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

179.Self-cured resin rather than heat-cured resin,is generally recommened for repair of
dentures because the
a. risk of distorting the denture is less
b. self curing resin forms a stronger bond
c. water sorption of the heat-cured material is some what higher
d. residual monomer is removed from the self cured material more readily

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

180.The dentist can best control the setting time of irreversible hydrocolloid impression
material by altering the
a. mixing time
b. water temperature
c. water-powder ratio
d. amount of retarder added

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

181.If an acrylic resin mixture is packed into a denture flask during the sandy or
stringy stages,the resulting finished denture would most likely
a. show no change
b. contain porosities
c. cause an open bite
d. exibit a high-impact strength

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

182.Diamentional stability of a zinc oxide-euginol impression is most likely to be afected

a. increased spatulation
b. decreased spatulation
c. failure to cool the mixing slab
d. not using a custom-made imression tray
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

183.A procelin jacket crown will fracture when

a. used in an end-to-end occlusion
b. it is allowed to contact the oppoosing teeth in centric occlusion
c. it is subjected to tensile forces by the opposing teeth
d. it is subjected to compressive forces by the opposing teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

184.Before an accurate face-bow transfer record can be made,it is necessary to

a. the axial center of opening-closing rotation
b. the inclination of each condyle
c. the physiologic rest position
d. centric relation

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

185.Over activity of the parathyroid galnd may result in

a. rapid resorption of the alveolar bone
b. excessive deposition of the bone and thightness of the dentures
c. soreness of tissues as in the case of vitamin deficency
d. excessive deposits of calculus on the dentures

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

186.In the design for a maxillary cast removable partial denture frame work,a double
bar major connector is indicated when
a. maximum palatal support is required
b. a high vault is present
c. a single palatal bar connector would flex
d. an acrylic plate is to be used

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

188.The most frequent cause of porosity in a porcelain restoration is

a. moisture contamination
b. excessive firing temperature
c. excessive condensation of the porcelain
d. inadequate condensation of the porcelain

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

189.The most significant radiographic observation that suggests whether alveolar bone
is capable of withstanding occlusal forces of a removable partial denture is the
a. condition of the cortical plate
b. radiooapcity of the trabecuale
c. architecture of the trabeculae
d. bone level surrounding the abutment teeth

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

190.In the prepration of a rest seat,the marginal ridge of a molar tooth has been
reduced approximately 2mm.and the correct width of the rest seat has been
established.Next ,the marginal ridge must be rounded in order to
a. reduce food trapping around the rest
b. reduce the possibility of fracture of the metal rest
c. achieve better distrubution of the vertical load
d. provide better retension by the clasp

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

191.The porcelain constituent that fuses at firing temperature and forms a matrix is
a. kaolin
b. quartz
c. feldspar
d. aluminum oxide

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

192.Functional stresses applied to any portion of a partial denture can be distributed

throughout the mouth only when the major and minor connectors are
a. rigid
b. flexible
c. cast in a base-metel alloy
d. positioned in the same plane

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

193.When constructing complete dentures,the most effective time to check for phonetics
a. when maxillary anterior teeth have been set
b. when occlusal rims are attached to bases
c. when finished dentures are inserted
d. at the time of the wax try-in of the trial denture

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

194.On the articulator,the incisal guidance is the

a. horizontal guidence
b. same as condylar guidence
c. mechanical equivalent of curve of spee
d. mechanical equivalent of horizontal and vertical overlap

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

195.The increased salivation that may occur in a patient for a time after insertion of a
complete denture is most likely due to
a. direct stimulation of the salivary glands by the dentures
b. release of chemical mediator from the adrenal medulla because of the apprehension of the
c. reflex parasympathetic stimulation of the salivary gland
d. direct stimulation of the sympathic ganglia controlling the functions of the salivary glands

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

196.During the processing of complete dentures,tin foil substitute is painted over the
mold surface to prevent the
a. resin from adhering to the mould
b. teeth from adhering to the gypsum
c. loss of color from the denture resin
d. denture base resin from being stained

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

197.The total occlusal load applied to a removable partial denture is influenced by the
a. occlusal surface width of the existing teeth
b. occlusal efficency of the existing teeth
c. number of existing teeth
d. all of the above

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

199.At which of the following position is sibiliant sound usually produced

a. rest position
b. occluding position
c. open from rest position
d. between rest and occluding position

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

200.A free way space is located between

a. the edentulous ridges
b. masticatory surfaces of the teeth when the mouth is fully open
c. masticatory surfaces of the teeth at rest vertical relation
d. nose and the chin

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

201.The means by which one part of a partial denture framework opposes the action of
the retainer in function is
a. tripoding
b. reciprocation
c. stress-breaking
d. indirect retension

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

202.When dental plaster (typeII) and improved stone (typeIV) are compared ,dental
a. has the higher setting expansion
b. has a higher dry compressive strength
c. has a higher wet compressive strength
d. causes a higher temperature rise during setting per unit volume

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

203.The effectiveness of condensing porcelain powder to reduce shrinkage is determined

a. shape and size of the particle
b. thickness of the platinum matrix
c. speed of increase of furnace heat
d. use of a powder contaning particles that are all the same size

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

204.Exposure of a stone cast to tap water should be minimised because

a. the cast will be weakened
b. eroding of the cast will result
c. diamensional change will occur in the cast
d. the surface of the cast will acquire a chalky appearence

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

205.In cobalt-chromium alloy, the constituent responsible for corrosion resistance is

a. silver
b. nickel
c. cobalt
d. chromium

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

206.In dental plaster the main ingredient is

a. calcium sulfate hemihydrate
b. calcium sulfate dihydrate
c. calcium phosphate
d. calcium anhydrate

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

207.In determining the posterior limit of a maxillary denture base, which of the
following is on the posterior border
a. hamular notch
b. hamular process
c. fovea palatini
d. vibrating line

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

208.The most likely tissue reaction to gross over extension of a complete denture that
has been worn for a long time is
a. epulis fissuratum
b. pyogenic granuloma
c. papillary hyperplasia
d. gaint cell reperative granuloma

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

210.A patient who wears complete dentures is having trouble prouncing the letter t.This
is probably caused by
a. too thick palatal seal area
b. too thick a base in the mandibular denture
c. incorrect positioning of maxillary incisior
d. improper positioning of the mandibular incisior

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

211.The catalyst employed in self cured resins is

a. hydroquinone
b. methylmethacrylate
c. styrene
d. benzoin methyl ether

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

212.Which of the following may result if an excessive amount of monomer is

incorporated into an acrylic resin mixture
a. excesive expansion
b. excessive shrinkage
c. low impact strength
d. excessive brittleness

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

213.Of the following, reduction in salivary flow is not generally seen in

a. elderly diabetic patient
b. patients with parkinsons disease
c. patients receiving phenothiazines
d. patients undergoing radiation therapy
Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

214.Ear prosthesis can be best made from

a. heat cured acrylic
b. self cured acrylic
c. silicone implant
d. metallic implant

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: c

215.A reliable guide for positioning maxillary anterior teeth in complete dentures is the
a. fovea palatine
b. incisive papilla
c. length of the maxillary teeth
d. center of the residual ridge

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

216.The relationship of the denture base to bone that resists dislodgement of the
denture in a horizontal direction is
a. support
b. pressure
c. esthetics
d. stability

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

217.Over dentures have the following advantage over conventional complete dentures
a. proprioception via the periodontal membrane facilitates denture control
b. the minimum thershold at which loading on the denture can be detected is higher
c. they are stronger and less viable to fracture
d. the rate of the alveolar bone resorption is increased

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: a

218.Self cured acrylic resins differ from heat cured acrylic resins in that they
a. have a high molecular weight
b. have a higher residual monomer content
c. are less porous
d. have a greater transverse strength

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: b

219.In a cold cure denture resin, the activator is

a. hydroquinone
b. sodium sulfide
c. benzoyl peroxide
d. a tertiary amine

Did Not Attempt, Correct Answer: d

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