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Research Model

My research consists of systematic process of inquiry aimed at discovering,

interpreting, and revising facts. This intellectual investigation which produces a greater

knowledge of events and procedures and makes practical applications possible. I will be

collecting all data and information about SDR’s , and is usually associated with the

supply process . My research will be Constructive research type where I use the most

common advanced statistical Minitab soft ware research method. Here the conclusions

have to be objectively argued and defined. Research will involve evaluating the

construct” being developed analytically against some predefined criteria or performing

some tests as continuous improvement process. In addition, patterns in the data may be

modeled mathematically in a way that accounts for randomness and uncertainty in the

observations, the mathematical model present the essential aspects of an existing system

(or a system to be constructed) which presents knowledge of that system in usable form'.

Survey Population

The Data will pulled out from Data systems and No Survey population is needed

Sources of Data

The data will be collected from combination of data mining/ collection sources, I have

pulled the data sets, using the same time period, from Security Assistance Management

Information System (SAMIS) at Air Force Security Assistance Centre(AFSAC) , Air

Force Security Assistance Centre Web Site (AFSAC ON LINE) and Supply Tracking

and Reparable Return (STARRPC) at Country Air Force directorate of supply and

Through Fright Forwarders Web Sites .

The Data Collection Device

The data collection devise in my research is "Computer Related" storage device.

Pentium IV computer I.e. - Hard Disk Drive/Flash Drive, Memory Chips (! Giga ) ,The

research "Data Collector" will meet the mandatory requirements for successful and

accurate collection of data at a fast but steady rate. It will include: Time, Storage Space

and an "advanced" understanding of at least ( the basic methodology of the three "s"'s,

Secure Stable Successful, Data Collection.

Pilot Study

This research will be complete and permanent study for my country program, Data a

are real for the 2 years periods, there will be no major change in defense needs for the

near future so it will valid and recommendations will be acted upon

Instrument Pretest

All data collection devices will be pre-tested to ensure their accuracy and

Comprehensiveness. I expect an interface problem between the three systems Security

Assistance Management Information System (SAMIS) at Air Force Security Assistance

Centre (AFSAC) , Air Force Security Assistance Centre Web Site (AFSAC ON LINE)

and Supply Tracking and Reparable Return (STARRPC) at Country Air Force directorate

of supply and Through Fright Forwarders Web Sites but previous studies shows limited

effect of this interface specially on long period study .

Distribution Method

All data collection devices will be administered at a single meeting, and placed on

the Internet as an electronic data instrument, so there will be problems expected during

collecting, distribution or saving the data.

Instrument Reliability

The reliability of the data collection devices (SAMIS,STARPC,AFSAC online ) is

very high they are the backbone supply systems for U.S Air force ,FMS management and

Other 25 countries using these systems. Always reliability tests are performed and they

are full reliable systems.

Instrument Validity

As mentioned in the reliability paragraph the data collection systems have a high

Validity in measuring what they are supposed to measure. I will be able to determine the

validity during data collection and make spot checks with other systems


My research is understood to follow a certain structural process (the sequence of

operations and involved events, taking up time, space, which will lead to the production

of some outcome. the following steps are usually part of most formal research, both basic

and applied: I will format of the topic state the problem statement as mentioned in this

proposal ,I established my Hypothesis (suggested explanation of a phenomenon or

reasoned proposal suggesting a possible correlation between multiple phenomena. I will

define Operational Definition which is a description of my variable data such in terms

of the specific supply process and do set of validation tests to determine its presence and

quantity so data will be commanders accessible and they can independently measure or

test for them at will. After that I will start the Data gathering from the main three systems

validate them then use Six sigma tools and methodology with Minitab to find out

different relations, distributions ..etc between variables , discuss these outputs prepare

conclusions and finally make recommendations .

Treatment of Data

I will follow the five parts methodology of six sigma, Define, Measure, Analysis

Improve And Control In Define phase my objective will be to reduce both number and

processing time for supply discrepancy report (SDR) i.e. Reach zero SDR rate and the

minimum processing time to 82.5 days (AFSAC goal). In Measure phase I will

determined the Critical X’s and Y’s, established Performance Standards, used available

data, and develop data collection method, then validate measurements, determined

process capability and baseline. In Analyze phase I will determined the goal, identified

vital few X’s (root cause), got current process results and statistically determine process

capability. in the root cause analysis, I will e search for the fundamental reason for an

event, which if corrected, would prevent recurrence and the last cause in the chain. Also I

will use cause chain diagrams, as a very powerful tool that is it is capable of handling

large and complex problems. I will use the Why-Why Analysis like Why did it happen?

Didn’t get to country on time why? Country percentages, data, averages are different than

other countries, why? Country data averages different than AFSAC goals, why AFSAC?

Country actions were slow. Why? …etc. In Improve phase I will develop solution

alternatives, and recommend - ways to remove cause of defects and variations. And

Finally in Control phase I will use statistical process control and suggest developing

transfer plan, I will use the relational database is recommended, data measurement scales

and data properties .

Six Sigma’s Five-Step Process

1 2 3
Define Measure Analyze
What is important to How is the process (The Y) What are the most important
customer? What does it look / feel like to the
causes of the defects &
customer? variation?
How good is the data (gage
Find & Measure
Define the “Y” Measure the “Y” the “Xs”

4 5
Improve Control
How do we remove the causes How can we maintain the
of the defects & variation? improvements?
Control the “Xs” So
Improve the “Xs” Customer Never Sees
Variation in the “Y”


Fig (1) Shows the 5 steps in Six Sigma

In figure (2) below shows How six sigma works from statistical point View

Nature of the Problem

Another View
Off-Target Variation




Center Reduce
Process Spread

USL LSL = Lower spec limit
USL = Upper spec limit

ofaa Problem

Fig (2 ) Statically point view of problem

The objectives in my research (Y’s)

1-Y1 (Big) = Successful Supply operations (Support)

Y1(Small) = SDR Process time

X 1 = Source of Supply
X 2 = No of days take RJAF to submit SDR
X 3 = No of days took AFSAC to process and take Decision to SDR
X 4= SDR Decision Criteria
X5= Cost Of SDR
X6=SDR to Domestic Cargo relation
X7= SDR to International cargo (AIR) relation
X8= SDR to International cargo (SEA) relation
X9-SDR to Reception Centre at Customer Facility relation
X10-SDR to Customer (RJAF) final Destination
X11-SDR Season Effect
X12 –AGE
X10- NMCS SDR to SDR rate

2- Y2 (Big) = Successful Supply operations (Support)

Y2 (Small) = Number of Supply Discrepancy Reports

X 1 = SDR Root Causes

X2= Source of Supply
X 2 = Reason for SDR (Quality, Concealed Shortage, etc)
X 3 = SDR Decision (A, D, V)
X4 = Cost Of SDR
X5= Defect
X6=SDR to Domestic Cargo relation

X7= SDR to International cargo (AIR) relation
X8= SDR to International cargo (SEA) relation
X9-SDR to Reception Centre at Customer Facility relation
X10-SDR to Customer (RJAF) final Destination
X11-SDR Season Effect
X12 –AGE
X10- NMCS SDR to SDR rate

I will used the Quality Functional Deployment (QFD) and house of quality techniques to

identify CTQ as structured methodology to identify, prioritize and translate expectations into

technical requirements and measurable features and characteristics, also I will use all Minitab

tools and statistical tests to complete this research .

Problem Statement

The AFSAC receives an estimated 6,500 Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDRs) per

year. The SDR’s are as a result of some type of discrepancy with the item purchased

through the Foreign Military Sales program. In FY05, 6,575 discrepancy reports were

submitted against 438,300 shipments (1.5% discrepancy rate). RJAF submit an average

63 Supply Discrepancy Reports (SDR’s) per year ,average value 5,5 million dollars

$ each year , Mean of SDR Value = 90014.2, Denied SDR’s cost RJAF 6.6 million

$.These SDR’s are a result different types of discrepancy with the items provided

through Security Assistance Program To Jordan ( the Foreign Military Sales

program).The average number of (All countries SDR’s ) is 1508 per year. AFSAC

announced SDR Goal = 1% for Requisition submission rate, RJAF SDR’s rate is

3.18%. Data was taken for the last two years average).Over the last two years AFSAC

has only been able to meet their 120 day goal a maximum of 74% of the time. This

negatively affects their ability to provide world class support to customers in addition to

meet the goal established by Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). All FMS

customers indicated a desire for improvement in the SDR process (Number and Process

time) i.e. Stream line supply process. While average processing times are, for the most

part, within prescribed limits, the amount of variation within the processes appears to be

high. Problem statement in mathematical form


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