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These are settled ways of thinking or feeling about someone or something,

typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior (Oxford Languages). For me, attitude
is the manner or behavior towards something or someone they interact with. It is also a
psychological reaction or a feeling of a person whenever they feel something or about
someone. It also comes from experiences which may affect how a person will react to
something and someone and it can influence other people who may encounter it. Attitude
can affect how other people see you as a person, therefore they will adjust to how they
will interact with you.

For example, you have this kind of attitude on how you interact socially where
you don’t like talking too much especially if the topic is really not that important. Then
this somewhat extroverted person reaches out to you talking about how their day was
going and then you just answered them with “Oh that’s great news for you!”, but your
appearance was like uninterested and wants to be alone already. He/she might respond
with a disappointed attitude because of how you answered and how you looked like while
he/she was talking about it. Therefore, the next time you meet, he/she might not talk to
you because of your attitude or the way you interact with him/her.

This refers to individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling
and behaving. The study of personality focuses on two broad areas: One is
understanding individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as
sociability or irritability. (American Psychological Association). For me, personality is a
complex group of behaviors which builds up a person’s characteristic physically,
mentally, and socially. It may affect people around you because not everyone has the
same personality and every person is made uniquely from each other. There are many
types of personality. You may also identify your kind of personality with the Myers-
Briggs personality test online.
For example, let’s use one personality type from a Myers-Brigs personality test.
Your personality type is: Defender (ISFJ-T), which is mostly introverted, and observant.
The scenario is your friends are inviting you to a party of your classmate and you said
you can’t join them because you have this personality who loves being in solitary and
social gatherings drains your energy too much and takes time to regain it. Your friend
will react to it negatively, because you neglected them for not joining your classmate’s
party and will therefore assume that you hated them and you seem to not like them to be
your friends.
These are beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior: the
degree to which something is right and good : the moral goodness or badness of
something. (Merriam Webster). For me, morality is a set of defined values of whether
something is right or wrong. This is mostly found in Bibles and every book in it has
morality in it.
For example, in my junior high school, we have a subject called “values”. In that
subject, we learned different kinds of good deeds, good morality, develop a better
personality and build up an excellent character that proves the statement, “a good leader
is a good follower.”
This refers to the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. (Oxford

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