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Science Summative 9

WRITTEN WORK NO 1. (B. Constructed response items)

I. Report
Four volcanic tremor events have occurred in Taal Volcano in the last 24 hours, according to the Philippine
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). According to PHIVOLCS' observation report from 5 a.m., volcanic
earthquakes lasted two to five minutes, with low-level background tremor. Tuesday from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. Wednesday.
The eruptions of Taal Volcano are classified as phreatomagmatic. This means that the eruption will only happen if the
newly generated magma and water come into contact. There are many different forms of volcanic eruptions, such as
hydrothermal eruptions. The presence of ash rather than magma distinguishes hydrothermal eruptions. The heat
generated in hydrothermal systems propels them onward. We also have the phreatic eruption, which occurs when the
heat of the magma interacts with the water. These eruptions contain no magma, only ash. Finally, the Subplinian and
Phinian eruptions occurred. Plinian eruptions can reach a height of 35 kilometers, but Subplinian eruptions can only reach
a height of 20 kilometers.

II. Advice
What can you do to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of a volcanic eruption? The most essential thing is
to be prepared and to always follow local officials' advice on how to prepare for a volcanic eruption and how to evacuate
or seek refuge if required. One of the first things you should do while preparing for a probable volcanic eruption is to
prepare an evacuation plan for yourself, your family, and other members of your household. Examine the plan to ensure
that everyone understands where they should go and when they should go. Stay informed by listening to disaster sirens
and warning signals on your local radio or television. You can make arrangements with friends, family, or neighbors if you
don't have access to a car, or you can follow the authorities' advice on how to move around if you don't have one. Only
bring what you really need. Other routes may be shut, so stick to the recommended evacuation route. Expect high traffic
and delays. All of this are just a simple tips and things I personally recommend that would be I think effective and can be
helpful to many citizens are near active volcano Doing this can be helpful But I think whats more important and effective
among all of them is to pray, pray, pray.



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