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Narrator: Inside the classroom

Teacher: Good morning class!

Student’s: Good morning Ma’am!

Teacher: I already told you… that we will having a group activity right now. Am I right?

Student’s: Yes, ma’am!

Teacher: Ok, I’ll give 2 minutes to finish that activity, and after the 2 minutes… you will going to discuss
your presentation later. Do you understand me?

Students: Yes, ma’am!

Teacher: Ok, your 2 minutes, start now.

Narrator: After that scene, they immediately went to their own group. Group 1

Student 1: Did you do research... about our topic?

Other student’s: Yes

Student 1: Ok, let's start

Narrator: After 1 minute they already finished their activity. While in group 2, no one dared to speak..
that's why they didn't finish their activity on time.

Teacher: 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… time’s up. Group 1 present your activity.

Student’s: Yes, ma’am.

Narrator: After a few minutes, group 1's presentation was over

Teacher: Thankyou for your presentation group 1, now group 2…. Group 2… last call, group 2..

Student2: Ma’am?

Teacher: yes?

Student2: we didn't finish our activity… po.

Teacher: Why? Is 2 minutes not enough? why in group 1, they already finish their activity? anyways…
thankyou group 1 for your presentation. Group 2?

Students: Yes ma’am?

Teacher: Please… next time do your best ok?... share your idea with your group members.

Students: Yes, ma’am.. sorry po

Teacher: Ok, that’s all, you can take your break.

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