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Daduya, Reinha Mae DG.



Mr. E. Reyes, a 63-year-old, lives in Haven for the elderly (DSWD’s list of home
for the aged), is brought into nearby hospital together with the Institution’s
representative as the patient manifest of symptoms that institution is incapable

Present history:
Mr. E is experiencing tremling of arms and legs. He cannot get up alone in bed.
Sometimes, he cannot remember of where is. He always makes noise in the
facility and can hurt someone physically according to the institution’s
representative who accompany the patient.

Assessment Data:
-The patient cannot speak properly
-He was weak and cannot stand without assistance
-Legs and arms were trembling
-Normal breath sounds upon auscultation
-Heart rate and rythm are both normal
-Soft abdomen and nondistended with bowel sounds present in four quadrants
-Skin was dry
-Both pulses are palpable
-no edema present
-Weight was 115 kg both before and present

Vital signs:

97 F
70 Heart rate
21 Respiratory rate
130/100 blood pressure
Sa02: 95%

 Instruct patient to raise the head of the bed and make position changes slowly.
Teach patient to dangle legs a few minutes before standing.
Avoid dehydration and maintain adequate dietary salt.
 Provide warm baths and massages
 Monitor and Assess for vital signs

His BP from 130/100 decreases to 120/80

Diagnostic Tests
There was no diagnostic test in Parkinson’s disease
Present Medical and Surgical history
-Parkinson’s Disease (diagnosed by year 2010-present)

Current Medications
 Inhaled Carbidopa-levodopa
 Dopamine Agonist

Laboratory results:
There was no specific lab or imaging test recommended for Parkinson’s disease.
However, some doctor is basing from patient’s medical history, neuro/physical
exam and manifestation of signs and symptoms.

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