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Love your work, leave your stress

By: Reinha Lee Daduya

Everyone, A great and beautiful day to all of you, To students professors, staff of this institutions, To those
listeners inside. Have you ever realized how many hours do you work in a day? An 8 hours of class, 8 hours
of work plus your homeworks and additionally, The overtimes. You woke up everyday, you prepare your
lunch,that is work. You prepare yourself, wear your proper attires and still, that’s your work and may be
you didn’t realized this or may you do that you are working 80% a day and out of that 100%, you only have
20% of the rest.

This day, I’m gonna talk about the best reliever of our stressed body.


If you’ll ask me, what’s my stress reliever, It’s love and this is the successed stress reliever for me but it’s
not that typical love that we all knew which contains romance between people but before elaborating that
stress reliever, Did you know that 75-90% of healthcare visitors in US are due to stress, 60% of young
individuals with the age of 18-24 years has so much stress in their mind and body due to high pressure in
achieving or processing the successful life, 80% of people in worldwide are stress and what worst is stress
can lead into sickness, it can lead into mental issues which cause for people to cut their life sooner. Did you
also know that 45% of college students seeks counseling and if you’ll ask 5 students, 1 out 5 can say that
they had thought about suicide and not only the college students but also the people who works in
different Industry. At our age no one seems to be here who never thought and felt that stress. That stress
is something that we need to ignore as much as we can in order for us to be stress free or be happy.

May I give you a situation to think, If you are given a chance to choose whether “a life that is stress free
with a simple life” “Or you are stressed but you have that successful incomes” what would you choose?
Some may say a happy and simple life, some may choose a successful but stressed life life, right ?

And if you’ll ask me regarding on the best stress reliever, It’s either making things balance, use the power
of happiness or loving what you do. You just need to make things balance in order to do the other
necessary things such as to rest.
Second is to make your self happy, life is not about hard works, it also consists of happiness, we only leave
once here so always find happiness in every inch of the day.

Lastly is to love what you are doing because most of the time, we often feel laziness, stress and tiredness if
we love what we do Just like you love watching Korean dramas, action series fantasies, you never get tires
nor stress in watching, instead you prefer to watch more episodes and if you love a lot of tours and
adventures you never feel the stress, if you love writing, you’ll often feel the stress in your hands and mind
because you love to do it.

Dear you, We just need to learn why we should love or learn to love the work that makes us stress and if
you are stress because people threw your imperfections, you also need love. You need to love yourself so
you can accept the work or anything else.

This is not a goodbye but see your relieved or stress free self around.

Anne, K. (2022) Stress Statistics 2022: How Many People Suffer from Stress? Retrieved from
Aleksandar, H. (2021) 41 Eye-Opening Stress Statistics & Facts for 2022. Retrieved from

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