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Latihan I

Kimia Organik
Semester Ganjil 2022
Hibridisasi Carbon
• To determine the hybridization state of an uncharged
carbon atom, simply count the number of σ bonds and
π bonds:
1. Identify the hybridization state of each carbon atom
in the following compound:
• Using the simple scheme above, the hybridization state
of most carbon atoms can be determined instantly:
1. Determine the hybridization state of each carbon atom
in the following compounds:
2. Below are the structures of two common
over-the-counter pain relievers. Determine the
hybridization state of each carbon atom in these
3. Identify the hybridization state and geometry of
each carbon atom in the structure of this compound:
4. Identify the hybridization state and geometry of
each carbon atom in the structure of this compound:
5. Identify the most electronegative element in each of
the following compounds:

• CH3Li

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