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Russia Ukraine war

• On 24th February 2022, Russia launched a “special military operation” in its

neighbouring country Ukraine. After the announcement from Russia’s President
Vladimir Putin, powerful explosions were reported in several cities of Ukraine.

• Ukraine wants to join NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), which is
strongly opposed by Russia. Russia is against NATO’s eastward expansion stating
that the expansion is a threat to its security. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin
demanded a legally binding guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and also
NATO should not conduct any military activity in Eastern Europe.
• Many countries including France and Germany are condemning Russia for
declaring war. European Union is preparing to launch new sanctions on Russia for
attacking Ukraine.
• Ukrainian president Zelensky said that they will defend themselves against the
attack. Even though Ukraine’s armed forces are heavily outnumbered by Russia’s
armed forces, they are fighting really hard. Even civilians of Ukraine joined the
fight to defend their country.

Reasons for the present economic crisis in Sri Lanka:

• Sri Lanka is heavily dependent on tourism. 10% of the country’s GDP (Gross
Domestic Product) comes with tourism. With tourism, the country fills foreign
exchange reserves and uses them to import goods. But due to the Covid-19
pandemic, the tourism industry was hit very badly and that impacted the country’s
economy. Moreover, the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka in the year 2019 too affected
the tourism sector. That resulted in a shortage of foreign exchange reserves.
• The majority part of the available foreign exchange reserves is being used to pay
the interest of the country’s debts.
• As the Sri Lankan rupees are sold to buy foreign currency to use for imports, the
country’s currency value depreciated.
• The country decided to go 100% organic in farming. Even though organic farming
has plenty of benefits for the environment and for the health of people, it gives
very less yield in the initial years of cultivation. Less produce contributed to even
more food shortages. That resulted in heavy demand and low supply and hence
the prices rose sharply, which caused inflation. Moreover, due to less yield, Sri
Lanka is forced to import more food, which put even more pressure on foreign
exchange reserves.
• Tea and spices are one of the main exports from Sri Lanka. Exports fetch foreign
currency. But the switch to organic farming resulted in a low yield of tea and

Mission Shakti – India’s Anti-satellite missile test

• Anti-satellite weapons are used to destroy enemy satellites.
• Mission Shakti, an anti-satellite missile test by India, was conducted on March 27, 2019.
• India is the 4th country after the US, Russia & China that have successfully tested A-SAT
missile. This has made India 4th Space super Power in the world.
• The technology was indigenously developed and tested by India’s DRDO (Defence
Research and Development Organisation). The launch took place from Balasore, Odisha.
• The missile engaged and destroyed a decommissioned Indian satellite in the Lower Earth
Orbit at an altitude of nearly 300 km.
• Low Earth Orbit is equal to an altitude up to 2,000 km. An LEO satellite can potentially
monitor ground and water surfaces and can be used for spying which compromises
country’s security.
• It is important to note that though the target Indian satellite of India’s ASAT test was hit
at a range of 283 km, the missile is actually capable of shooting down hostile objects
moving at 10 km per second at a far higher altitude of nearly 1200 km.
• It has been made clear by India that the intent of the test is to defend India’s space assets
and not to start an arms race in space.

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