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ENGLISH I – Reading (10th Monthly Test) Proper Pausing
S.Y.2019-2020 Words Pronounced Correctly
Rise and Fall of the Voice

Reading __________

A Careless Boy
Boy, Robin’s classmate, always comes to school late. His books are not covered. He forgets his pencil
very often. Everyday, when he reaches home he throws his bag, shoes and socks.
One day, he left his school bag on the cot. His dog found the bag. It got the bag and tore it. It also got
one book and tore its pages.
Boy’s mother saw what happened. She drove the dog away. She picked up Boy’s torn bag and book. She
showed Boy what his dog did. She told Boy to take care of his things.

Comprehension ___________________
Write the correct answer.
1. Who always comes to school late?
a. Ronald b. Robin c. Ronie
2. What does he often forgot?
a. bag b. pencil c. shoes
3. When he reaches home, what does he do with his bag, shoes and socks?
a. throws b. plays c. keeps
4. Who tore Boy’s bag book?
a. dog b. cat c. baby
5. Who drove the dog away?
a. brother b. sister c. mother

Width & Height of Letters
Shapes of the Letters
Spelling, Punctuation, Indention


Proper Pausing
Words Pronounced Correctly
ENGLISH III – Reading (10th Monthly Test) Missed Words
Rise and Fall of the Voice
S.Y. 2019-2020

Name: ____________________________________________________ Reading: _________

Dave’s Beans
Dave’s mom made bean soup. She gave him three black beans.
“Let’s watch them grow,” said Dave.
“Beans need sun and water to grow,” said Dave’s mom. She gave him a jar.
First, Dave put a napkin in the jar. Next, he put some water on the napkin. Then, he put
the beans on the napkin. Last, he put the lid on the jar. Dave set the jar near a window. The sun
warmed the jar. The sun warmed the beans. In two days, Dave saw tiny white shoots.
“The beans sprouted,” he said. “The shoots will be the beans’ roots,” said Dave’s mom.
The shoots grew long and green. “I gave the plants what they need,” said Dave.

Writing ___________

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was Dave’s mother doing when she gave him the beans?
a. planting a garden b. buying beans at the store
c. eating beans soup d. making bean soup
2. What did Dave’s mother say the beans needed to grow?
a. sun and water b. water and air
c. air and sun c. sun and soil
3. Why is the jar important?
a. it hold lots of water b. it keeps air out
c. it warms up the beans d. beans grow better in jars then pots
4. How long were the beans in the jars when Dave first saw the shoots?
a. one day b. two days
c. three days d. four days
5. What did Dave put in the jar?
a. soil, water, and beans
b. soil, plant food, and beans
c. a jar, water, and a napkin
d. water, beans, and a napkin

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was Dave’s mother doing when she gave him the beans?
a. planting a garden b. buying beans at the store
c. eating beans soup d. making bean soup
2. What did Dave’s mother say the beans needed to grow?
a. sun and water b. water and air
c. air and sun c. sun and soil
3. Why is the jar important?
a. it hold lots of water b. it keeps air out
c. it warms up the beans d. beans grow better in jars then pots
4. How long were the beans in the jars when Dave first saw the shoots?
a. one day b. two days
c. three days d. four days
5. What did Dave put in the jar?
a. soil, water, and beans
b. soil, plant food, and beans
c. a jar, water, and a napkin
d. water, beans, and a napkin


ENGLISH II – Reading (10th Monthly Test) Proper Pausing

Words Pronounced
S.Y. 2019-2020 Correctly

Name: _____________________________________________________ Reading: __________

First Place Katy
David has a little sister named Katy. Katy always wants to be first. She thinks first is always best.
She eats five bites of her dinner before David can take his first bite.
“I can finish my homework first,” Katy says. “I am the best.”
David likes to take his time on his homework. “I don’t care about being the best,” David says. “I just want
to do a good job.”
Katy always goes fast. She ties her shoes faster every day. One day Katy loops her strings around and
around. She goes too fast. She makes knots. “I can’t untie these knots,” Katy says.
“You have to slow down,” David says. He takes his time and unties all of the knots. “Now you can try
again. Don’t go so fast this time.”
Katy slows down and ties her shoes. “Thank you, David. You are the best.”

Width & Height of Letters
Shapes of the Letters
Spelling, Punctuation, Indention

Writing ___________


Reading Comprehension __________

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is David?
a. Katy's big brother b. Katy's little brother c. Katy's friend d. Katy's dad
2. What happens to Katy when she ties her shoes too fast?
a. She trips. c. She makes David mad.
b. The strings come apart. d. She can't untie them.

3. How does David help Katy?

a. He ties her shoes. c. He helps her with homework.
b. He unties her knots d. He gives her a hug.

4. What kind of big brother is David?

a. helpful b. fast c. quiet d. tired
5. What lesson does this story teach you?
a. Hurry up and get things done fast.
b. Do a good job on your homework.
c. Tie your shoes before you walk.
d. Slow down and take your time.


Reading Comprehension __________

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is David?
a. Katy's big brother b. Katy's little brother c. Katy's friend d. Katy's dad
2. What happens to Katy when she ties her shoes too fast?

a. She trips. c. She makes David mad.

b. The strings come apart. d. She can't untie them.

3. How does David help Katy?

a. He ties her shoes. c. He helps her with homework.
b. He unties her knots d. He gives her a hug.

4. What kind of big brother is David?

a. helpful b. fast c. quiet d. tired
5. What lesson does this story teach you?
a. Hurry up and get things done fast.
b. Do a good job on your homework.
c. Tie your shoes before you walk.
d. Slow down and take your time.

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