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Journal of Mathematical Sciences, VoL 76, No.

3, 1995


A. S. K o s m o d a m i a n s k i i ~ A. M. Kravtsov~ a n d S. A. P r i i m e n k o UDC 539.3:534.1

We propose a method of solving problems of forced vibrations of prestressed plates based on the perturbation
method and making it possible to solve problems for both low and high frequencies. We describe a method
of determining the ground natural frequency.
I Table. Bibliography: 5 titles.

The first and third of the present authors [1], in solving problems on the flexural vibrations of circular
plates by the perturbation method, took the perturbation to be the reduced frequency

~t2 = phR4w2/16D, (1)

where p is the density, w is the frequency of the vibrations, and h, D, and R are respectively the thickness,
the cylindrical stiffness, and the radius of the bar.
In the present article, in the framework of the theory of flexible plates of small deflection, we study the
stress-strain state of a rigidly clamped bar under the action of transverse vibrating forces. In doing this,
taking account of [2], we introduce the perturbation e connected with f/2 by the equality

~ = 4~/(1 + ~)~, (2)


( . > 1); (3)

2x 2 - 1 - / 2 ~ / ~ 2 ( ~ - 1)
( 2iff~(1- ~) (x < 1), (4)
where x = ~ l / f t and ftl is the first natural frequency.
The problem under consideration can be reduced to solving the following system of equations [3]:

A A W = 16koq(z, ~) + 16f~2W + 16klL(W, ~); AA~ = 0. (5)

Here k0 = R 4 / h D , kl = R2h/16D, W and q(z, 5) are the amplitude components of the deflection and the
transverse load, and ff is the Airy function:

[02W 02,~ 02W 02~ ,~.

L(W, ~) = 8Re \ ~ 5 32 05 2 ~ O"-~z] (6)

We represent W in the form


w= F_, ~a~'~wJ m, (7)


where the Wire are unknown functions.

We now substitute (7) into the first equation (5) and equate the coefficients of like powers of kI a4-1d
~-/2, obtaining the following sequence of equations:

A A W j m = Fjm, j, m = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (8)

Translated from Teoretieheskaya i Prikladnaya Mekhanika, No. 23, 1992, pp. 75-78.

1072-3374/95/7603-2397512.50 9 Plenum Publishing Corporation 2397


[ koq(z,5) ifj=m=O,
Rim = (9)
t w~m_l + L(wj_x,,,, r ifj, m > O.
W j - 1 ..~ W - i r a - - O.

Solving Eq. (8), we obtain [4]


Here Wj*m is a particular solution of Eq. (8), Vim and Cjm are complex potentials chosen for the circular
bar under consideration in the form
oo oo
~m= ~ap~,~zP/p!, Cj~= ~b.j~z'/V!, (11)
p=O p----1

apj,~ and bpi,~ are constants determined from the b o u n d a r y conditions (cf. [4])

~j~(t) + t~r,,(t) + CJ,,,(O = - 2 ~ (12)

We now write the right-hand side of the expression (12) in the form

--20t = aOjm + E(c~ljma-P + a2imaP), (13)

where a = e i~
Substituting the potentials (11) into the b o u n d a r y condition (12) and equating the terms with like
powers of the variable a, taking account of the expression (13), we obtain

2Realjrn = O~21jm; apjm = a2pjm; P k 2; bpjm = p ( & l p - l / m - - ( P + 1)a2p+ljm), p >_ 1. (14)

H the circular bar is compressed by a uniform load of intensity P0, then for the first Wjm we have

Z2 5 2 1 1 z 3 53 1 z 2 52 1 5
W00- 2 2 ~z~+~, W 1 0 = 3! 3! 2 2 2 +~zS-~'
z 4 54 1 z3 53 1 z 2 52 13 23
W01 --zS+
4! 4! 2 3! 3! + 4 2! 2! 3!4! 4!4!"
Here koq(z, 5) = 16.
After the functions Wjm are determined, one can find the sum of the series (8). Here it is necessary to
confine oneself to the values f~2 < f ~ ( k l ) ; for the values fl z > f ~ the series (8) diverges.
Expanding the function f~z(e) into a series of powers of ~, we can write (7) in the form
w = ~ E,%, (16)

where oo oo
f , = ~~", ~- ( l ~, P - l c 2 ,+m_~
m-I ~ 2~m ~k(Wjm. (17)
m=l j-~0

We note that the series (16) is an alternating series.
One can find the first natural frequency f~l by using the following formula of [5]:

= 2ira= kl W m-1 9 (181


When this is done, the following estimate holds for any m:


In the numerical studies we varied the quantity k~ = k l P o . For values of k~ equal to 0.25, -0.25, and
-0.9178 the values of ~21 turned out to be 2.8725, 2.1875, and 0. The natural frequency was computed
according to the formula
~ = 7.1k~ + 6.51. (20)
It follows from these results that as the load compressing the bar increases the first natural frequency begins
to decrease. When the first natural frequency becomes equal to zero, as in the case of compression of a rod
[3], the bar loses stability.
The table gives the results of computing the values of W . 105. For each value of ~22 we give three rows
of values of the deflection. The data of the first row were computed from formula (7), those of the second
from formula (16). When doing this, we retained four terms of the series. In the third row we give the
exact values of W from [3].
It follows from these data that the introduction of a perturbation r makes it possible to obtain an
efficient solution even for large values of w.

P0 16
-1 1.01 1.18 1.58 7.75
1.01 1.20 2.13 -0.65
1.01 1.20 2.13 -0.65
1.02 2.22 1.75 8.50
1.02 1.26 2.29 -0.66
1.02 1.26 2.29 -0.67
1.04 1.30 1.85 8.95
1.04 1.33 2.35 -0.68
1.04 1.33 2.35 -0.68

Literature Cited
1. A. S. Kosmodamianskii and S. A. Priimenko, "Forced fiexural vibrations of flexible plates," Preprint,
Donetsk, UkrNIINTI, No. 1182-Uk88 (1988).
2. V. N. Kublanovskaya, "Application of analytic continuation by means of a change of variables in
numerical analysis," Tr. Mat. Inst. Steklova, 53, 145-185 (1959).
3. A. P. Filippov, Vibrations of Deformable Systems [in Russian], Moscow (1970).
4. A. S. Kosmodamianskii and G. M. Ivanov, Bending of Thin Multiconnected Plates [in Russian], Donetsk
5. P. M. Ogibalov and M. A. Koltunov, Shells and Plates [in Russian], Moscow (1969).


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