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Experimental istudy ion iheave idamping


iRecent iyears ihave ishown ithe iincreasing inumber iof iSPAR ioffshore ifloating iplatforms ibuilt iand
idelivered iworldwide. iThis ieventually iis istrongly irelated ito ithe igeneric ipotential iof isuch iplatforms,
iin iterm iof ieconomy iand iperformance iaspects, iespecially ifor ithe ioperation iin ideep iwater. iFor
ioperation iin iharsh isea ienvironment iprevious iSPAR iinvestigations isuggested ithe iaddition iof iheave
iplate ion iits ikeel ito ienhance ithe iheave imotion iquality. iThis ipaper ireports ian iexperimental istudy
iconducted ion iSPAR imodel, iscaled i1: i125 ifrom ithe ifull isize, iinstalled iwith ia iheave iplate isized i1.3
iof ihull idiameter. iResults iof ithe istudy idemonstrate ithe iadditional iof iheave iplate imay ireduce ithe
iheave ireaction iforce idue ito iwave iexcitation iapproximately i35% iin icomparison iwith ithat iwithout
iheave iplate. iThis iin iturn ileads ito ithe idecreasing iof iheave iresponse iby ias imuch ias i54%.
iEvaluations isuggest ithe ireductions iin iheave ireaction iforce iand iresponse iare iinduced iby ithe
iescalation iof iheave idamping iin ithe iorder iof i49% igenerated iby ithe iheave iplate. iThe iexperimental
iresults iare iwell iverified iby ithe ioutcomes iof icomputations ibased ion ianalytical imethod iand istrip

1. Introduction

iAlong iwith ithe idevelopment iof ioffshore ioil iand igas iexploration iand iexploitation, ifixed ioffshore
iplatforms iare inot iconsidered ieconomical ianymore iwhen icompared ito ifloating iplatforms ithat ican
imove ifrom ione ito ianother ilocation. iOne iof ithe ifactors ithat iinfluence ithe ieffectiveness iof ia
ifloating isystem ioperating iat isea iis ithe ifactor iof isafety. iSo ithe idesign icapability iis ineeded ito
ipredict ithe ibehavior iand isurvivability iof ifloating ioffshore iplatforms iwhen iextreme iseas imust ibe
ifaced. iOne itype iof ifloating ioffshore iplatform ithat irecently ihas ian iincrease iin idemand iis iSingle
iPoint iAnchored iReservoir ior iwell iknown ias ithe iSPAR. iOffshore istructures iare istrongly iaffected iby
iseveral ienvironmental iload iconditions isuch ias iwind, iwaves, iand icurrents. iDue ito ithese iloads,
iSPAR istructure iwill imove ibeyond iits iperformance icompetency. iTo iminimize iit, ithe iSPAR iis
imoored imostly iusing ia icatenary imooring isystem iwith isix ito itwenty iropes itethered ito ithe iseabed.
iThe imain ifunction iof ithe imooring iis ito ikeep ithe ifloating istructure iin ithe iplanned iposition. iThe
iclassic iSPAR inatural iheave iperiod iis igenerally irelative ilong, iwhich iis iaround i25 ito i30 iseconds.
iThis iis idue ito ithe idamping iamplitude iin ithe iSPAR ivertical ibody iwhich iis inot itoo isignificant.
iTherefore iclassic iSPAR ishows ia ireliable idesign isolution ifor ioil iand igas iexploration iactivities iin
iless iextreme isea iareas iand iof icourse, ithere iare iabundant ioil ireserves. iIn iorder ia iSPAR icould
ioperate iin imore isevere iseas, iit imust ihave ithe iability ito ienhance ithe iheave imotion iquality. iIt iis
inot ienough ia iSPAR istructure ihas ia ideep idraught ionly ito iincrease ithe ilevel iof iheave idamping
iand ihence idecrease ithe iheave imotion. iIn ithis irespect ia iheave iplate iis ian ialternative isolution ias
iheave idamping iadditions ito ireduce iheave imotion iso ithat iif ithe iSPAR isystem iis iinstalled iwith
irisers, ithen ithe irisers iwill ibe isafer idue ito ithe iminimum iheave imovement. iThe iheave iplate ithat
iadded ito iSPAR ikeel, inot ionly ihas ian iimpact iof ithe iheave idamping iand imotions, ibut ialso
iincreases ithe iadded imass iof ithe isystem. iIn ianother istudy iby iJain iand iAgrawal i, ithe istiffness iand
idamping iof ithe iSPAR iplatform iwith ithe icatenary imooring isystem iwere ianalyzed iusing ithe iAiry
iwave itheory iand iMorison iforce. iThe istudy iconcluded ithat ithe imooring isystem isignificantly
iaffected ithe imotion iresponses. iThen iJameel iet ial. iinvestigated ithe ieffect iof imooring idrag iand
iinertia ion ithe iresponse iof iSPAR iplatform. iThis istudy iconclude ithat ithe iconfiguration iof imooring
ilines iaffected idrag iand iinertia iforces idue ito ihydrodynamic idamping. iThe imotion iresponse ifrom
ithe iSPAR iPlatforms iis ian iimportant iaspect ito ibe icomprehended. iThe idesign iconcept ibehind iSPAR
idraught iwhich iis isufficiently ideep iis ito ireduce ithe iheave iexcitation iforce. iHaslum iresearched ion
ithe imethods ithat ican ibe iused ito iestimate ithe idifferences iin ifrequency iof ifirst iand isecond-order
ilinear iwaves ifrom iSPAR iplatform imotions. iThe iapproach ithat iwas iused iis ianalytical icalculations
iincluding ilinear ifrequency idomain, iwave ifrequency imodel iresponses, iand iresponses iin ithe imode
iof iheave ior ipitch imotions. iFor ithe iexperiment, ithe imodel iwas ionly itested iin ithe ifree idecay
icondition iso ithat ivalues iof ithe iheave idrag i(Cd,z) iand ipitch idrag i(Cd,x) iare iobtained. iDjatmiko iet
ial. ihas ireported ia istudy iby iconducting ia imini iSPAR iphysical imodel ifabrication ifollowed iwith
iexperimental iand inumerical ianalysis ion ithe imotions iand idynamic imooring itension iunder
ivariations iin iwave iheadings. iThe istudy ishows ithe idirection iof ithe iwave iaffects imotion iand
itension iof imooring isystem ivariably. iThen iGumelar ihas imodeled iSPAR iwith ihelical istrakes ion ithe
imooring isystem iwith ito ibe iinvestigated ibased ion iexperimental iand inumerical imethods. iFairlead
iheight ivariations iare ithe idifference iin ithe istudy iwith ithe iresults ithat ihelical istrakes ican ireduce
ithe imaximum ivalue iof ithe iheave iand ipitch imotions.


iExperiment iand iAnalytical iComputation iProcedures

The iprimary iwork iin ithe icurrent istudy iis iexperimental ion iSPAR iphysical imodel, iand isupported iby
ianalytical iand itheoretical iworks. iThe iexperimental iworks iwere iconducted iat ithe iIndonesian
iHydrodynamics iLaboratory i(IHL), iSurabaya. iThe ianalytical iand itheoretical icomputations,
icomparative ievaluation iand ianalysis iwere icarried iout iat ithe iDepartment iof iOcean iEngineering,
iInstitut iTeknologi iSepuluh iNopember, iSurabaya. iThe iarrangement iand iprocedures iof ithe istudy
imay ibe ilisted ias iin ithe ifollowing:

i• iStudy iliterature ibased ion ilaboratory idata iand istructural imodels iused. i

• iDesigning ithe iSPAR imodel, iheave iplate, iand imooring ilines.

i• iPerform icalibration iof imodel, iincludes imass idistribution, imooring istiffness, ivertical icenter iof
igravity, iand ithe iradius iof igyration.

i• iPrepare iand icalibrate iinstrument iand iequipment isuch ias iQualisys iMotion iCapture iCamera. i

• iRunning iexperiment, iin iparticular ifree idecay itest

.• iProcessing ithe iexperimental idata iwith iMATLAB iprogram ito iget idamping iand inatural iperiod

• iPerforming ianalytical icomputations ito iobtain iheave idamping iand iheave iadded imass ivalues.

• iPerforming ithe istrip itheory icomputations iutilizing ithe iMATLAB iprogram ito iderive ithe iheave
idecay igraph.

• iComparative ianalysis iof iexperimental iresults iwith ithe iresults ifrom ianalytical iand istrip itheory

Structure iModelling i

Parametric ievaluation ihas ibeen iperformed ito iderive ithe iSPAR imodel iconfiguration iand isizing.
iReference iis imade ion ia ifull-size iSPAR iwith idisplacement iof isome i32,000 itons, iand ithe imodel iis
itaken iat ia iscale iof i1: i125 ito ithe ifull isize. iThe iresults iof ithe istructure idimension ianalysis ifor ithe
iexperiment iand ithe irelated iscaling ifactors ican ibe iseen iin iTable i1. iThese idimensions iinclude iSPAR
isize, iheave iplate, itotal imass, imooring istiffness, iKG iand iradius iof igyration. iThe iSPAR imodel iwith
ithe iheave iplate ithat ihas ibeen irevitalized ias ishown iin iFigure i1. iThe iSPAR imodel iis imade iof iPVC
ipipe, ithe iheave iplate iis imade iof iacrylic, ithe itopside iis imade iof iplywood iand iinside ithe iSPAR
ibody ithere iis ia iballast iconsisting iof ia iheight-adjustable iscrew ithread ito iachieve iequilibrium.

Free iDecay iTest

iThe iexperimental iworks iwere iconducted iat ithe iIHL, iespecially iin iits iManeuvering i& iOffshore
iBasin i(MOB) isized i60.0 im i× i35.0 im i× i2.5 im i(L ix iB ix id), iequipped iwith isegmental irandom iwave
igenerator. iSPAR iand ithe imooring ilines iare iarranged iin ia itest itank ito iadjust ithe iconditions iof
ithe itank.

During iexperiment ion iheave idecay itest, ithe icoordinates iof ithe ipassive imarkers ion ithe imodel iare
irecorded iby iQualisys iand ithe iresults iare ithen ibe iplotted iinto ithe iheave idecay igraph. iThe itest
iwas icarried iout iby ioscillating iin ithe idirection iof ithe iheave imode ithat iis ion ithe inegative i(-) iz-
axis iwith ian iinitial iamplitude iof i1.0 icm. iFigure i3 ishows ithe iphoto iof iSPAR imodel imoored
iunderwater. iTesting iwas idone ifor ieach idecay itest. iIf ithe itest iresult iis inot iappropriate, ithe itest
ishould ibe irepeated iuntil isatisfactory iresult iis iattained.

Processing iExperiment iData

iThe iresults iof ithe iheave idecay itest iafter iit iis iprocessed iby iaccounting ifor ithe icalibration ifactor
iis ias ipresented iin iFigure i4. iThis ifigure iindicates ithe iSPAR imodel iwith iheave iplate ihas ia ihigher
iamplitude iin ithe ifirst icycle iin icomparison ito ithe imodel iwithout iheave iplate. iBut ifor ithe isecond
iand ifurther icycles, ithe iamplitudes iof imodel iwith iheave iplate iare ismaller. iThis imeans ithe
idamping iof ithe iheave iplate iis ieffective. iIn iaddition, ithe iperiod iof ithe imodel iwith iheave iplate
ieventually iare ibecoming ilonger. iUsing ithe ihelp iof iMATLAB isoftware, ithe ivalues iof ithe ielevation
ipeaks ior iamplitudes iand ithe iperiods iof ithe idecay icurves iare iread iand iaccumulated, iand iready
ito ibe ianalyzed ifurther.

The iaverage iperiod iobtained ifrom ithe iaforementioned ianalysis iof idecay ielevation igives ithe ithe
inatural iperiod iof ithe iheave imotion, i𝑇𝑛𝑧. iAfter iknowing ithe inatural iperiod, i𝑇𝑛𝑧, ithe iheave iadded
imass, i𝐴33 ican ibe ifound iby iapplying iequation i(1) i[11]:
With iM iis ithe istructure imass iand i𝐶33 iis ithe istiffness icoefficient iwhose ivalue iis iobtained ifrom
ianalytical icalculations. iNext ito ithe idamping iratio ivalue, i𝑏𝑓 ican ibe idetermined iby iknowing ithe
ilogarithmic idecrement, iδ ilike iequation i(2) i[5]:

Where iN iis ithe inumber iof icycles iand i𝜙𝑁 iis ithe ipeak iamplitude iof ithe iN-oscillation. iThen ithe
idamping iratio ior idamping ifactor ivalue, i𝑏𝑓 ican ibe idetermined iby iequation i(3):

So ithe iheave idamping, iB33 ican ibe idetermined iby iequation i(4):

iResults iand iDiscussions i

Responses iAssuming ithat ithe iSPAR istructure iis isubject ito iwave iexcitation, ione icould ithen iidentify
ithe ienergy iresponse ithat iis igenerated iby ithe istructure idue ito iexternal iharmonic iforces. iThe
idamping iresponse icurve iis iresulted ifrom ithe irelation ibetween ithe inon-dimensional imagnification
ifactor i𝜁𝑧0⁄𝜁𝑧𝑠, iwhere i𝜁𝑧0 iis ithe iheave iamplitude iand i𝜁𝑧𝑠 iis ithe istatic iheave ideflection, iand ithe
ifrequency iratio i𝜔⁄𝜔𝑛𝑧 i, iwhere i iis ithe ifrequency iof iexcitation iand inz iis ithe iheave inatural
ifrequency. iThose itwo iratios iare ithen igoverning ithe idamping ifactor ior idamping iratio i𝑏𝑓. iThe
imagnification ifactor ican ibe idetermined iby iequation i(8) i[13,14]:
These iactually iindicate ihow imuch iheave idamping ienergy igeneration iis ireduced iwhen ithe iheave
iplate iis iattached ito ithe imodel.

Next, iit iwas ialso iimportant ito ianalyze ithe iheave iphase iangle iz iof ithe idamping iresponse ithat
ioccurs. iThe iresponse iphase iangle iis ithe irotation iangle idifference ibetween ithe ipeak iof ithe iwave
iand ithe ipeak iof ithe isuccessive imotion. iThis ican ialso ibe imeasured ias ithe itime ielapsed ibetween
ithe ipeak iof ithe iwave iand ithe ipeak iof ithe isuccessive imotion idivided iby ithe iperiod iof imovement
iand imultiplied iby ione icycle imotion ielevation ior i2π irad i[13]. iThe iphase iangle ivalue iis iobtained
ifrom iequation i(9).

Results iof ithe iresponse iphase iangle icurves iis iplotted ias iin iFigure i6. iFrom ithe igraphs iin iFigure
i6, iit ican ibe iseen ithat ithe iheave iplate iaddition ito iSPAR idoes inot inecessarily imake ithe iphase
iangle icurve imore isloping. iAlthough iit ican ienlarge ithe idamping ifactor ibf ivalue iand ireduce ithe
iresponse ithat ioccurs, iit idoes inot imake ithe icurve isloping isignificantly. iThis iis ibecause ithe ibf
ivalue ithat iis igenerated ifrom ithe iexperiment iwas ivery ismall i( ibf i< i0.05). iTherefore, iit ican ibe
iseen ithat ithe ichange iin ithe iresponse iphase iangle ithat iappears iinitially iwith ivery ilow islope ithen
iwhen iapproaching ithe ifrequency iratio iof i1.0, ithe iphase iangle iincrease idrastically, ithen islow
idown iagain iwhen i𝜔⁄𝜔𝑛𝑧 iis iincreasing. iBecause ithe iphase iangle ichanging ido inot icoincide iwith
ithe ifrequency iratio iof i1.0, iit ican ibe iconcluded ithat ithe ipossibility iof ithe iSPAR istructure
iexperiencing iresonance iwill ibe irelatively ismall ieither iwith ior iwithout ithe iheave iplate iaddition.

Reaction iForce i

As ia iresult iof ithe ioscillations iduring iexperiment, ithe iSPAR istructure iexperiences ithe ireaction iforce
ias ia iresult iof ithe iadded imass ichange i(inertial iforce), idamping iforce, iand istiffness iforce, ias
ishown iin iequation i(10): i𝐹33 i= i𝐴33𝜂̈+ i𝐵33𝜂3̇ i+ i𝐶33𝜂3 i(10) iFrom ithe idecay itest idata, ithe
ichanging iof ireaction iforce iwith ithe ielapsed itime idue ito ithe ioscillation iof iwave iexcitation ican ibe
ianalyzed. iThe iresults iof iheave ireaction iforces ifor iSPAR iwith iand iwithout iheave iplate iin itime
iseries iplot iare iexhibited iin iFigures i7 iand i8. iBy iobserving ithe itwo igraphs iin iFigures i7 iand i8, iit
ican ibe iseen ithat ithe iheave iplate iaddition ito ithe iSPAR ican ialso ireduce ithe iheave ireaction iforce.
iThe igraphs iare ifurther iprocessed ito iyield isome istochastic iparameters iof ithe ireaction iforce, ito
ifind iout ithe ireduction iin iheave ireaction iforce ithat ioccur ias ishown iin iTable i5.
iConclusions i

Experimental istudy iof iheave idamping idue ito ithe iheave iplate iaddition ion ithe iSPAR ikeel, ifollowed
iby ithe ianalysis iby iimplementing ianalytical imethod iand istrip itheory icould ibe iconcluded, ias
ifollows: i1. iAnalysis iof idata ifrom ithe iexperiment iby iway iof ithe ifree idecay itest ishows ithe iheave
iplate ion ithe iSPAR ikeel isized i1.3 ix ithe ihull idiameter icould ibe iexpected ito iincrease ithe iheave
idamping ias imuch ias i49%.

i• iThe iheave idamping iincrease ifor iSPAR iwith iheave iplate iis iindicated iby ithe ireduction iof ithe
iamplitudes iof ieach isuccessive icycle iin icomparison iwith ithat iwithout iheave iplate. i

• iThe iincrease iin ithe iheave idamping ivalue iis idominantly iaffected iby ilinear iheave idamping. iWhich
iin iturn iaffect ithe ireduction iin ithe ireaction iforce iand ithe iresponses iexperienced iby ithe iSPAR.
iFrom ithe ianalysis, iit iis iknown ithat iheave iplate iaddition ion ithe iSPAR ikeel imay ireduce ithe
ireaction iforce iand ithe iresponse iin ithe iorder iof i35% iand i54%, irespectively.

2. Comparisons iof iresults ifrom iexperiment, ianalytical imethod iand istrip itheory ishow ifairly
igood iagreement iwith ispecific ifindings: i

• iFor ithe icase iof iheave idamping iratio ion iSPAR iwithout iheave iplate, ithe idifference ibetween
iresults ifrom iexperiment iand ianalytical ias iwell ias ithe istrip itheory iare, icorrespondingly, i0.01% iand
i0.17%. iFor ithe icase iof iSPAR iwith iheave iplate, ithe idifference ibetween iexperiment iand ianalytical
imethod iincreases ito i3.86%, ibut ithe idifference ibetween iexperiment iand istrip itheory ireduces ito
ionly i0.10%.
i• iFor ithe icase iof iheave idamping ivalue ion iSPAR iwithout iheave iplate, ithe idifference ibetween
iresults ifrom iexperiment iand ianalytical ias iwell ias ithe istrip itheory iare, icorrespondingly, i0.17% iand
i0.26%. iFor ithe icase iof iSPAR iwith iheave iplate, ithe idifference ibetween iexperiment iand ianalytical
imethod iincreases ito i3.86%, ibut ithe idifference ibetween iexperiment iand istrip itheory ireduces ito
ionly i0.16%.

i3. iOverall, iresults iof ithe iexperimental istudy icould ibe iconsidered isatisfactory ias idemonstrated iby
ithe ieffectiveness ithe iheave iplate ito ireduce ithe iSPAR iheave iresponse ibrought iabout ithe iincrease
iin ihydrodynamic idamping. iThis ifinding iespecially iis iverified iby iresults ifrom ianalytical imethod iand
istrip itheory.

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